Why Self Help Content Is Not Working For You (and how it can)

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yeah I got a morning routine I get out of bed and immediately go into a full Sprint into a brick wall in my bedroom the pain and the concussion really gets the blood flowing and I'm ready to take on the whole day after the five Tylenols of course I then get into my cold punch now hydration is key so I don't get out until I've drank all the water in the tub I then scream at myself in front of a mirror for about 47 minutes after that it's Journal time I love Journal time I go through about three coloring books a day and that's my morning routine it's nothing special did you know the self-help genre is a multi-billion dollar industry oh you feel sad well attend a $10,000 Tony Robbins event it'll make you feel better after all it's a lot easier to get out of depression when you're broke wait wait no oh you don't know how to eat healthy dumb dumb alert just eat 5 lbs of Raw Liver oh you want to be a millionaire cringe everybody knows you got to be a billionaire duh self-help is like teaching a baby New Tricks it's easy to sound smart cuz the baby's aing idiot yeah the baby's going to think your top sh when you teach it to roll over or do a kickflip you're the baby and that's your Beyonce self-help is a catch 22 on one hand it can help you set goals get you through tough times and increase your overall well-being on the other hand it can put you in a very toxic cycle of non-stop content consumption where it feels like you are changing mentally but in reality you're achieving nothing and that's what this video is about I made a PowerPoint about my grape with self-help content disclaimer self-help is a vague term that includes a bunch of different services and products in this video I'm not talking about self-help that actually works like meditating exercising or even going to therapy I'm more talking about these books these people and these courses you might have stumbled upon your very first self-help book when someone said hey man you're being kind of a piece of have you ever heard of this piece of it'll make you a much more fluent piece of did you know there was over 45,000 self-help books published in 2020 or otherwise infamously known as the year Sonic the Hedgehog live action made its way into theaters and into our hearts there are a good number of books that are just simply incredible they could change the way you think about money how you talk to others and the way you just perceive the World by infusing your frontal lobe with a splash of Dale Carnegie a hint of Napoleon Hill and an army of David goggin after reading a few books you feel like a new human being you feel inspired ready to take on the world but you don't instead you go to Reddit and you search what self-help books actually all caps changed your life because I just read three and I set a goal to read a thousand by the end of the month please help I'm locked up in David goin's basement you then read more book and then more book and then guess what more book because apparently the average CEO read 60 books per year I haven't read that many books in my entire life psych I'm not a s I read 60 books per day all day [ __ ] as you read more and more books your mindset may change but your life doesn't because you're not doing the actions that each book preaches you're just taking in the information and saying to yourself more baby I need more over time you start to notice that your life is not changing you may start to feel a little different from your friends because you are obsessed with self-improvement and they can't seem to shut up about the new season of the bear I don't fing care about cooking Dennis leave me alone you might feel a sense of failure and start to doubt all the books you've read and at a certain point you just quit reading I think part of the issue people have is fear of failure at least with like investing in personal finance books when you read a book that outlines A New Concept for you your mind immediately identifies all the possible risks that the book might not have covered being the clever what ever little boy that you are you start to read more books to fill in the gaps to hopefully reduce the risks but instead you end up going down a rabbit hole of literature without fully digesting a single book because for some reason you set a goal to read five books by the end of the week and it's already Friday at this point in your journey you may be thinking why am I wasting all my time with books I could probably just look up a YouTube video also David gogin has been feeding me pretty good down here I'm beginning to like it so you boot up your nice and crispy PC and use those nitrogen tu and all the purple lights to do a simple search on YouTube and you stumble upon self-help content creators it's easy to binge watch these videos because the quality and production value is like crazy high it's like I'm at an IMAX theater at this point and before every video I'm expecting the THX intro they're very entertaining but they become pretty much pointless after a few videos when you finish one of these nowadays 25 minute long videos that can easily be 4 minutes long everything is fresh on your mind like a nice hot double double from in and out but instead of eating that burger and just moving on with your day you throw it in the trash and ask for another or you click on a new YouTube video and forget everything you just watched maybe you took the main concept out of the video and just chucked it in the back of your mind but you most likely won't apply it to your life let alone remember it in a week at this point you're like a goldfish 3 second memory much that's actually a myth um goldfish don't actually have a 3second memory H the more you know there's nothing wrong with this type of content in fact a lot of the times it has great value in it and it'sing free my friend but the problem is consuming a lot of it with no plans to implement any of it it's ironically counterproductive as in after watching these videos you might as well slam your head on a countertop and producing you have people that really want to improve their lives these are the people that are willing to work harder but they fall into this trap of content overload and they never end up changing anything about their life another bone I got to pluck with these content creators is leaving the viewer with a very highlevel idea with maybe a few examples that make perfect sense in the video but don't apply to the viewer whatsoever which leaves them a little bit confused then they go and watch more of these highlevel videos now they're even more confused because more got introduced now they're questioning everything about their life now they're crying [Music] you going to you going to fix this what no did you say get rich quick course okay okay I take back everything I just said content creator courses or self-help courses or masterminds or whatever name you have for a program that charges you an absurd amount of money to create a very basic layout for you they've been shoved down our throats for way too long now and it's time we do nothing about it it's it it's a billion dollar industry remember the main sell for courses is that they put everything into one place for you and create a community of similar thinking rats therefore Expediting your learning curve and answering any questions you may have the problem is the expectation the gamer has when they decide to full send it on one of these courses the programs are usually sold as a lifechanging investment in yourself borderline promising all the riches in Scotland as long as your car can handle a payment of $3.99 what's that oh yeah per month when people buy these courses they expect a shortcut to success but instead they're told yeah you're going to have to put in like 80 hours a week if you want your little dog bed e-commerce business to survive what they thought was a shortcut turned out to be an expensive way for someone to say yeah you're going to have to do a lot of work to be successful people think that by joining a mastermind someone will magically do the work for them once they realize no one will and they fail a few times they drop the niche now I'm not saying it's always the person's fault there are a lot of scammy courses that provide very little to no value or at least they provide the same value as a quick Google search but not my course I've been an expert in my field for over 19 days and if you follow my course all the way to the Teen Titans te I guarantee you will lose a lot of money but the education and the failure is priceless or in this case $89.99 per per month hopefully you notice the connection between books self-help creators and courses they all fluff you up get you ready to fly but they never build your 737 wings and you're afraid to jump because you don't have any Wings the biggest problem between you reading a th000 books and success is action self-help content may change your mindset but it won't do any work for you that's why it's not about the mindset it's about action or actually taking the steps you learned and applying them into your life when you read a self-help book don't just Lounge back on a couch sipping some boui pinogregio and treat it like a lure activity I don't think I've ever said the word lure out loud before feeling a little fancy try to sit down at a table with a pen and paper or a journal or a scroll I don't really care and take notes while you read and these notes include what you learned how you can apply it to your life and the steps you'll take it would be something like step one do something step two make money step three transcend out of theing Matrix step four repeat step three with lure the goal is not to read as many books as you can or watch Alex MOSI until you yourself of long hair and only wear tank tops to Wendy's they're not letting you in like that you're going to need a flannel there we go my name is Alex the goal is to actually change your life you're most likely reading or watching because you're unsatisfied with some aspect of your life like maybe you want to be less stressed or maybe you want to be less awkward when you're a co-workers say don't talk to me until I've had my morning dose of heroin or maybe you just want to be rich that's cool too but you need to do rather than just consume it's way better to Master One book than to read a 100 if you like what you saw like And subscribe thank you the rat goes like this like this like this you are now a normal rat
Channel: Alex Poly
Views: 800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self improvement, self help, toxic self help, self help books, why self improvement is ruining your life, self development, personal development, why self help books are useless, self help is toxic, toxic self improvement, self help addiction, self help motivation, self help books to read, better ideas, personal development audiobooks, self help books audio, personal development plan, personal development school, self help podcast, self improvement tier list
Id: b7e95Qkm8jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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