Why Republic Commando Needs a Sequel

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I loved that game so, so much.

Alternatively, I always wanted an Imperial Commando game, where you start the game on a crack team kidnapping and assaulting "safe houses" but as the story progresses you have second thoughts about what you're doing and leave/escape service (a la Finn). Finish the campaign as a fresh defector to the Rebellion

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/shotofcourage 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

I naught that game during the winter sale in December but I have only played a little into it before I lost motivation. Should I keep playing?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Maybe we can find sev!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Black_Boxx 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hell yeah.

Only problem is, it needs to be made canon again first to have the full effect (yes, I know the Squad appeared in TCW, but that just confirms that they're out there...)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
have you ever played a game that was so awesome you beat it and thought to yourself man I can't wait to play the sequel only to be disappointed because it doesn't exist or isn't what you wanted if you have that one game sitting on your shelf somewhere that you look at from time to time with a glistening tear in your eye and a fading hope in your heart my friend you have fallen in love with a game that needs a true sequel [Music] [Music] [Music] starwars Republic Commando is a gritty tactical first-person shooter that puts you in the shoes of Delta 3:8 a clone commando one that is far superior to his more common brethren you are joined by three other commandos scorch fixer and said each with different personalities voices and traits the game focuses on squad based gameplay where you command your teammates to do a variety of different things plant bombs pack into computers I think this position doesn't stop looping around hit something take offensive formation breach that dope Republic Commando is one of the most beloved Star Wars games ever made gaining very positive reviews on Metacritic and critical acclaim on Steam aside from having a badass campaign and a godly awesome soundtrack the game boasts a surprisingly competent multiplayer as well you could also customize your clone and Transocean then this game was released in 2005 you look at halo 2 and at that point you could only customize your colors and emblem so in this area Republic Commando was way ahead of its time but you probably already know this I mean I'd love to sit here starting the circle-jerk about how freakin awesome this game is and perhaps someday I'll do that but that's not why I'm here I'm here to tell you why this game needs a true sequel now you can sit there and tell me that as a sequel or two or three but we're not talking about the books we're talking about the game there's no secret that any Star Wars or fps fan would love to see a sequel to this game but what is a secret is what the [ __ ] happened to sev said where are you lost a signal boss will find it again dammit well the first and most obvious reason why Republic Commando needs a true sequel is because it ended on a cliffhanger the badass gruff sound a member of Delta Squad went missing at the end of the game carefully control aid on the control come on I was reading an entire operation on a commando he's talking about my brother naturally most people myself included took this as an indication that a sequel was already in the works and we would be able to see Delta squad in action again maybe go back to Kashyyyk and rescue set and the biggest kick in the balls is how invested people got with the story I mean it's really hard to make a good compelling story when you've only got five characters that say anything aside from the clones I mean there was real good chemistry between the members of Delta Squad respectfully sir it could be a trap cook till tomorrow which is why I was sending almost qualified squad to investigate someone no did your insolence on Geonosis yeah that says someone thinks I'm an excellent well at least that makes two of you and anyone who played this game and beat it all the way would certainly love to see these guys in action again we need and want closure or at least one more run with Delta Squad now to understand another reason why Republic Commando needs a sequel we need to look at the reasons why it never got one because there was a sequel planned but it was cancelled in 2004 before the original even released development only got so far as concept art and ideas so there wasn't a huge investment into the game according to multiple interviews articles and the book rogue leaders the story of LucasArts I've discovered what the plans for the sequel were the game was going to be called Star Wars Imperial commando and there were two competing ideas for what the story and campaign would be about the lead level designer Kevin Schmidt and creative director Tim Longo who coincidentally is the creative director for a low five now both of these guys had idea of players being Imperial commandos executing the infamous order 66 and from the sounds of it the campaign would be somewhat similar to the five-o first from battlefront twos campaign what I remember about the rise of the empire is how quiet it was now the other idea involved Delta Squad going on a mission to rescue set and or would have said starting the rebellion and training soldiers to fight the Empire Wow I mean does those ideas just stop [ __ ] awesome I mean my wallets been ready for the last ten years I've been sold on these ideas and the awesomeness of the original so this begs the question why was the sequel never made well from what I understand in 2004 LucasArts was in the process of a major change a new president had been appointed within the company Jim Ward and he performs a complete audit of LucasArts in the process massively cutting down on employees and abandoning many projects including a couple Rogue Squadron games and the cancellation of the Republic Commando sequel we all needed and wanted Republic Commando was also not as big of a commercial success as LucasArts that hoped it would be partially due to halo twos insane success in popularity on the Xbox console so we know the rough abbreviated history behind Imperial commando and the lack of its existence but why then does it need they deserve a true sequel well it's basically the only Star Wars FPS game ever made and I know that sounds blatantly wrong but just hear me out I mean I'd count dark forces 1 & 2 but those games are almost twenty years old now an online console gaming wasn't a thing at the time so those two are a bit outdated for modern gamers to be able to play you could count battlefront one two but those games are meant to be played from a third-person perspective even Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy have the option of a first and third person perspective and the new battlefront well is an FPS game but the thing is the new battlefront is geared towards huge warfare in giant battles whereas republic commando is a more classic arena based FPS game so while there are some first-person shooter star wars games republic commando is really the only pure one that was ever published and for a franchise is huge and profitable as Star Wars it's totally within the realm of possibility to see a sequel this game should have been a building block the first step that Star Wars would take towards creating a series of FPS games that could compete with halo Call of Duty all those types of games and quite frankly the Star Wars franchise should capitalize they should try to compete with other big-name FPS games not just with battlefront but with an arena based FPS game as well aside from that Republic Commando was so stylistically different from all the other Star Wars games in every single way say what you will about the prequels but Republic Commando characterizes the clones in a way that those movies didn't even come close to doing there's death there's diversity and the graphics were fantastic for the time that it came out the music had the traditional John Williams feeling but with a dark gritty undertone the story was excellent the voice acting was iconic powerful but not without some funny moments there's the course of her are you sure maybe there's another one around the corner you can tell the voice actors really love doing the work and let's not forget the self-cleaning visors if there's anything that a Republic Commando sequel needs it's these bad boys seeing blood or oil splatter across your HUD is one of the most vivid things I've ever experienced in video games the special features that were included on the game after you beat it showed Vioxx and other cool videos these types of extra material would normally be reserved for special or limited edition games but not Republic Commando you can tell there was a huge amount of time love and effort put into creating this game and you can really see that in these short viaducts we are like the saes or the special forces of the elite marines that you like in space [Music] naturally again this well crafted well loved by the people who made it and bought it would warrant a sequel right Republic Commando was a treat for FPS fans Star Wars fans single-player fans so it's no wonder why it needs a sequel the demand is there and it has been there I mean take Starcraft 1 & 2 as an example the original didn't have a sequel for 12 years and Starcraft is a much less recognizable brand than Star Wars it's crazy to think that Republic Commando has gone almost 12 years without a sequel and people were hyped as [ __ ] for Starcraft 2 so don't think just because the sequel is super late that anybody's going to be disinterested in it because of that the hype around Star Wars hasn't died in the last 40 years and I don't see it stopping anytime soon creating a game that further explores the clones order 66 or how they transitioned into Imperial soldiers would be [ __ ] awesome especially with the way this current generation of shooters have deviated away from creating quality single-player campaigns now if we had a true sequel to Republic Commando it would be a dream come true for so many people but there's one thing we're all forgetting one critical piece of the puzzle while it would have been nice to have a sequel seven or eight years ago the only hope we have is in the future and who who may I ask has the rights to make star wars video games EA a company infamous among gamers for the terrible business practices and money-grubbing attitude and it pains me to think that the only hope we have for Imperial commando or any other Star Wars Republic Commando sequel lies in the arms of this company I mean just look at the new battlefront for all the authentic sound effects the incredible graphics and immersion of being a soldier in Star Wars the game itself was everything that I didn't want it to be the new battlefront was not a true sequel to battlefront - and this is why I say Republic Commando needs a true sequel a game that takes the best aspects of the original and builds on it squad based gameplay fluid controls awesome weapons badass teammates comedic moments quality voice acting strong single-player campaign with at least a decent multiplayer a story that will finally resolve the mystery of what happened to Seth and most importantly the Republic Commando theme without that it just wouldn't be the same because that song defines the game much like Halo steam defines halo I remember feeling so disappointed and disconnected with Halo 4 simply because it didn't have the main theme and that's the point I'm trying to get across is how valuable continuity is without that feeling of connection between games without it feeling like it is a sequel it just loses so much in the process Republic Commando needs a sequel that replicates its formula for the modern day that's it but can we really trust EA to deliver that game without a bunch of [ __ ] microtransaction rng Luke crate right pack box [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] can we trust them to make Imperial commando as a worthy successor to the original to be honest I'm not sure but what's very surprising to me is while doing research for this video I stumbled upon something very shocking Imperial commando may be coming out a lot sooner than we think but probably not there was a post on the subreddit Star Wars leaks that talked about how Imperial commando would be released in November 2017 with an e3 trailer that was meant to happen in 2016 well by the time this video is posted that trailer will not have been revealed in 2016 this post details what sounds like everything fans would want the sequel including four player co-op a 20-hour campaign vehicle combat in destructible environment however after not simply taking this leak at its surface value and actually weeding into it it has a very very high chance of being bogus or [ __ ] if you read through the comments you'll see most people are skeptical but that they want to believe as I'm sure we all do if you'd like to check it out link will be in the description it's worth a read not going to lie at first glance I thought this leak was legit I sincerely thought we'd be getting Imperial commando in 2017 though I don't think we will and I don't know when we will I haven't banished the thought completely so after 11 years of waiting there's still a part of me that believes we'll get to see Delta Squad forming up someday [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 676,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Act, Man, Star Wars Republic Commando, Republic Commando, Games that need a sequel, top 10 games that need a sequel, Games that need a true sequel, Republic Commando playthrough, Republic commando ost, Star Wars games, Star Wars video games, republic commando 2, Imperial commando, Clone Commando, Star Wars republic commando 2, Star Wars leak, leaked, Delta Squad, The Act Man, Star Wars battlefront 3, Star Wars battlefront, 501st, canceled Star Wars games, Star Wars Beta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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