Why Rabat The Capital of Morocco SHOCKED Me 🇲🇦(POLICE made me leave)

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[Music] good morning guys welcome back to another video here in the beautiful country of Morocco and today specifically we are in the capital of Morocco which is Rabat and we are just getting ready hi morning and as you can see we are in another Airbnb today and in most of the places we've stayed here in Morocco have been airbnbs and I'll show you around this beautiful Airbnb a little bit later in this video when we get back from the day just so you guys can see and what to expect when you come to our back for yourself but for now we are going to head out into the city show you around some of the beautiful places of the capital city and hopefully you enjoy it let's get going [Music] this is Morocco with a population of over 37 million people situated in the north of Africa a country full of culture incredible food beautiful architecture and Fascinating People also home to the famous Sahara Desert [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] means in Arabic actually means castle and as you can see beside me here we are about to walk into this incredible place and it's mainly famous because it's full of museums and many nice things inside right you place to wonder around and it's also a UNESCO Heritage side so let's get going and check it out well let's do this guys let's see what it's like inside of this place heard a lot about or about the capital and our first impressions kind of of this city so far I would say is very very modern everything is kept very very clean and I mean coming from Casablanca where we were previously it was a little bit more on the Rough Side um obviously probably an older city which makes sense but if there's a huge contrast bearing in mind it's only an hour drive from Casablanca to Rabat and also Rabat is a bit of an underrated City nobody talks about robot or stuff shopping over here or holidaying here but it's actually absolutely stunning place so we're really really excited to show it to you [Music] there's such a big European type of influence in this place it's kind of got the Greek Vibes with the white blue I'm not sure exactly why maybe you guys can let me know in the comments but they've also got these incredibly gorgeous looking doors I'm not sure if that's true or not but I heard that door is actually shows you how wealthy the family is the the nicer the door the wealthier the family apparently I don't know correct me if I'm wrong yeah let us know in the comments guys if that's the case foreign [Music] [Music] guys we are being invited into a Local's house here oh wow he has a gorgeous entrance wow amazing this is the Moroccan Hospitality guys people are so kind oh my god wow he has the best view in town check that out wow thank you man thank you how are you good thank you so much wow this is absolutely mind-blowing we've just got Surfers down there you've got also graveyard which is there wow this is amazing man check this out guys absolutely incredible [Music] so guys one thing nobody actually mentioned about Robert is the surf culture it's very very windy here which makes it a great place for Surfers so if that's something that you're interested in doing there's plenty of surfers down this beach here all just enjoying a nice morning serve [Music] oh that was quite a great experience guys just randomly walking and having somebody invite us into his backyard and just basically saying come check this out I've got a Hidden View essentially that's why he was uh alluding to to bring us in wow it's absolutely gorgeous imagine waking up to that every morning here not too bad thank you brother thank you you're welcome thank you yeah yes thank you man so many kind people here in town in Rabat as well as most places here in Morocco right now off we go and finally try to get to the actual Casbah because so far we've not got there yet so guys this is absolutely gorgeous this is essentially the cards but you walk through these really really quiet relaxed streets and each of these houses have got such beautiful Unique Designs to them and it's just it's a very very peaceful thing to do when you come to robot probably great to start your day off here just to get the good feel for the culture and see how people live and wow so honestly I'm blown away like really really beautiful I'm jealous I wish I lived in one of these houses [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was a specific area in the Casbah area where I wasn't allowed to film and I think it was basically because the uh the family of Daryl Becker live around there so they'll like you can only use your iPhone to take like photos and videos honestly it was literally just a square so there's really nothing that you're missing out on I'm not showing you right now but anyway guys carry on our journey here to find a nice coffee shop so we can grab a cappuccino let's have a little walk down this street because it looks quite nice we have some artwork to my left just literally the whole area is just beautiful doors beautiful like walls it's just so so picturesque guys it's stunning [Music] all right guys so our brother here he's taking us to go have a coffee initially we thought we were trying to sell us something but he's taking us for a coffee apparently it's got a nice view as well what happened wow yeah check this out guys a very narrow stairs to get to the top seems like it's going to be a rooftop oh wow I wasn't expecting this when he came over guys but wow really gorgeous so sometimes it's worth just uh listening to what the guys have to say to you when you're walking because they know the hidden spots and this is no exception [Music] what's your first impression so far of robot very peaceful very very nice I actually feel like I enjoy about more than I enjoyed Marrakesh maybe I'm a weirdo yeah I mean I mean guys Marrakesh is a very very hectic City and we're actually wondering on the drive here why most people actually go there but I guess we feel like it's probably the the probably the culture Hub of Morocco because there's just so much culture there when you actually do arrive crazy for tourism a lot of people there but also we know that it's also a very party hot hot spot so we know a lot of people go there to have a good party in the night out and nightlife is supposed to be very very nice there maybe on the way back to Marrakech on towards the end of this series we might be able to show you a bit of that nightlife but for now we're just going to enjoy robat these beautiful views and have a coffee and just take it all in [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you and guys one thing that I do want to mention here about the people of Morocco is the intelligence of how many language languages they can speak they can speak Moroccan Arabic they can speak berba French and Spanish a majority of the time English as well so that's almost four or five languages and uh just sipping away at the coffee here we're just like actually discussing this topic very very educated people here in Morocco guys very very educated foreign guys we've just finished up our coffee break and as we're walking downstairs we actually saw this room here which is really beautiful it's got kind of the Moroccan style outline for the windows and just a gorgeous spot for you just to sit down and enjoy that view so guys when you come to we're about make sure you come and check out dad and you'll be met by the friendly locals here you know Emmy I mean and Savannah nice to meet you guys thank you so much trying to give us some special water I know absolutely [Music] okay I was hoping he's gonna put some on my hand but that was better smells good good yeah good good can I have some oh it's like a Rose Bowl today it's very nice look around my friends one of the kindest man in robots I love this guy love him he's still going he's still going so I think we're gonna go check out the next area now guys I hope you enjoyed this era because it's absolutely stunning and make sure you do come and have a latte up there because it's a great spot and you get to meet our guy it can sprinkle a bit of rose water on you yeah oh look at our little friend foreign 's having a baby she's having a baby a bit fatty [Music] and we couldn't leave the uh this beautiful Casbah without saying bye to our brother here Sugar Man he's the legend that showed us the area of the Viewpoint where the Surfers were shook her on my friend bye-bye Cristiano yes brother oh what's he giving us thank you one is one is okay you're so kind this is fish fishing oh very nice got some fresh fish here guys it was someone with batteries oh no bro no it's Manchester United uh I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a toilet If Ever I go because I'm a man united tops but I actually wore this top today in rabbit specifically because I know the football culture is huge here so I also wanted to show my support to my team let me know who you support in the comments guys I'm sure you have already done that if you haven't already then do it now and don't forget to subscribe as well foreign [Music] guys we are now heading into the rabbat Medina so we've been to every single Medina in every city that I've gone into so far and we've actually really been intrigued at how different each one is starting America's which was incredibly hectic and busy however we've heard hearing about it's a little bit more chilled out not so hectic so as we walk through now it's got the Cycles walking back in time isn't it it is yes that's incredible and I love how it's all about it yeah spoke too soon motorbike just drives by I'm not like 10 all at the same time yeah like Marrakech well hopefully guys we're gonna find something weird and wonderful to buy here let's see what we can get [Music] so like most of the Medina's here in Morocco as you are walking through you'll have all the kind of lovely things that they're selling such as they're really nice leather goods and we're actually heading over to Fez very soon which is going to be the place where majority of the liver comes from here in Morocco very very famous place where they actually tan it so we're looking forward to seeing that as well and showing you guys but so far this place is almost too good to be true at how calm it is not one person yet has actually said to come to their shop or maybe because we're not there yet or ask for money yeah we'll ask for money actually refreshing to be honest yeah because everywhere we've gone we get asked for money I mean I don't mind sometimes but when you're asked for it 10 times in the hour it can get a bit uh annoying yeah overwhelming and annoying we don't mind helping the locals here as we have been doing throughout our trip all right so it looks like now we are officially walking inside the market area and how you can tell is when the roofs are covered by wood like wow okay this is very similar to what do you think elsewhere or it's totally different again in the types of products that they sell in the way it's been positioned and even the decor of the ceilings it's quite lovely yeah very very peaceful here guys I mean it is before 12 o'clock so I guess one thing to notice in Morocco is things don't start very early here it's mainly in the afternoon when things start to get very very hectic oh [Music] foreign so these look quite cool and they've got some nice shirts summertime what do you think guys let me know in the comments it's nice yeah let me try it [Music] oh yeah yeah and fabric um what do you think you can show me what do you think guys let me know feeling quite Moroccan in this this is like Moroccan steak Morocco Moroccan yes coming from north of Morocco yeah I mean from 10 years why in Tangier they look like me like me 100 [Music] you'd all never been uh we're going Tangier tomorrow all people like you everyone looks like me in Tangier guys so we're gonna fit right in yes what do you think you like this I do but I think the lighter version was nice yeah the lighter one let me try the other color which one yeah yeah like a lighter version yeah you go like this and the Manchester United it's not hot I don't I don't want to get this sweaty I want this for nice day you know I'm a nice meal nice food evening yes so tell me my friend how much we're doing for this normally it costs 220. I make you a good price I make you a decent price I'm very uh poor well everybody know it's poor exactly so to be honest it was a Kurdish prize I was looking for something like this yes but I had a budget and it goes with your Sam yes but honestly you look budget was for me really around 1890. a Moment of Truth guys let's see uh how much you'll do it for it looks really nice this is cotton and it's not going to shrink in the wash let's see what we can get let's check okay [Music] let's see if we can get the uh the right deal for this um and then let me know in the comments guys is that worth it for the top or did I get ripped off seems like a good guy give me 50 bucks thank you so much [Music] all right guys I'm gonna be honest I'm quite happy with that purchase I think I might have paid a little bit over but I guess that's expected when you are a tourist essentially but I really like the top and I've been looking at them throughout the whole time here in Morocco so maybe you'll see me wearing it in Tangier foreign [Music] we just had our first rude Encounter of a local here I was just filming and he was like move why are you standing there I want to walk through it was all right dude anyway we are carrying on through the markets now and it just goes on and on and on it's actually larger than expected and now it's getting a little bit more busier you can hear the hustle and bustle coming about [Music] okay we've literally got like uh I don't know what it is like a whole a whole school behind us getting very busy it's like it's a school trip I'm not sure which school but if you're from this school let me know in the comments quite interested they're so so busy here this is probably the hectic part of the market and it's the outside yeah everybody finished school and coming to make trouble in the market that's it they're coming to do a bit of shopping before they go home you can see everyone who's getting a little bit excited by the camera so anyway so what else are we gonna get everyone's saying hello in the background I can hear them and see them [Music] cheers so guys we got offer from Sheffield here that's the bag yeah what are you doing all the way here in the robot just traveling around man yeah traveling busking like yeah amazing man nice to meet you I'm from London thank you [Music] so guys that guy that was playing the guitar his name is Arthur and he's actually from Sheffield in the UK such a small world you wouldn't think you're gonna walk and just see somebody from the UK playing the guitar in Morocco but he's a very very talented guys and uh nice to meet a fellow Brit in town so guys this bit now that we're walking through is a little bit more on the uh old school type of Market that you expect very very cheap things here things for like 30 Dirhams 20 Dirhams 50 Dirhams so it's basically changed from that more luxury side of the market so far guys I'm probably gonna say that this is uh one of my favorite markets on Medina's I've been to so far what about you yeah definitely I feel like you are in a European market to be honest the way people conduct themselves and the way things are yeah it's uh I feel not as crazy and hectic as the other places we've been to I already mentioned that a few times but every time I say that a tractor goes by it's just mad a tractor or a motorbike [Music] I love the attention to detail that people Morocco have like look at that it's so so nice they even like have attention to detail on their spices like it's just incredible I would love to know a little bit more about the the kind of culture and the artistic ways of the Moroccan people and guys if you're a local here and you want to share some of those details with me and some other people that are watching this video my question to you is where did it all start and how did the Moroccans get inspiration to have such Unique Designs and artistic ways because honestly everywhere we've gone it's just been so so unique and there's nowhere like it in the world I mean there may be some places that have inspiration from Morocco there's nothing like actually being here and seeing it for itself all right guys so we are now I believe out of that uh getting hectic Market shall I say yeah it's getting a bit busy for you too much yeah I'm to be honest energy really affects me and what it's so energetic it just really drains me so I had to I had to leave yeah I mean let me know in the comments guys I'm very curious uh as a viewer do you enjoy the crazy interactions with people or do you prefer the more common Scenic type of things very interested to hear your thoughts on that personally for me I love getting involved with the locals but I guess I guess for the ladies it can be a bit too much I love it too but all in moderation yeah it's very true because it does take a lot of energy but I love uh I think it's one of the best ways actually as a traveler when you go to countries is actually just to go dive deep into areas that make you feel uncomfortable and just try to learn the culture and be around them let people talk to you let them shout at you let them do whatever they want to truly showcase their reality right right yeah just to basically see how they communicate and what they say to you and so on and so forth that's that's the way how how come say hi come come come say hi come on come on we've got some local boys how are you brother what's the what team is this they're big here in Morocco which do you like Manchester United love that guys love meeting the local Lads and as I say they love football here and let me know who you support guys when you're watching this [Music] all right guys it's getting towards lunchtime now and we are very very hungry so we're gonna head over to a restaurant you'll find out very shortly it's supposed to be very very nice because it is on the seaside so we're getting quite hungry with all the walking around and vlogging and giving you guys a good overview of what this incredible Market town city over about is actually like on the way on from our walk to the restaurant we come across this incredible site here and I wasn't sure what it was it's just a huge graveyard but to be honest one of the most beautiful I've seen around the world super colorful wow right opposite the sea [Music] all right guys we have made it to our restaurant and it's called boys very nice let's have a look it's got like a castle entrance vibe but guys it looks like it's just us here in the restaurant hopefully that means I hope it's a good thing let's see we'll see let's see let's check the menu oh wow I guess we get to see out here which is really nice look at this [Music] foreign guys we have just got our food we've got two big sea breams here with some saffron rice some vegetables and we're just going to enjoy eating it now with this beautiful view in front of us [Music] guys I'm not really a huge seafood seafood eater but this is so delicious Super Fresh sea bream we've got these round potato balls hard on the outside but soft on the inside excuse me since when are you not sleeping detail I don't really have seafood that much you love fish I love fish but I don't really have it all the time I prefer kind of your Lambs or chickens [Music] all right guys and that is our Lunch officially finished and that came to 33 euros which is 330 Moroccan Dirhams and that wasn't too bad for that really really nice Stitch so we had some water and we had also two lovely Sebring dishes [Music] so now we're going to head to the next destination here in Rabat which is called the famous Hassan Tower right special about this place it's basically an ancient ancient ruin they've attempted to build the mosque but only minaret is available at the moment so it should be quite interesting to see it yeah um we'll take you there in about three seconds [Music] all right guys we have officially made it over to the Hassan Tower and one thing I must say the whole area is very very Royal like yes definitely is you've got all the Moroccan Flags really really amazing and we're about to go over to the two I believe look like the Royal Guards of Morocco let me show you well the prince name is Hassan yes Morocco Springs is Hassan uh very very loved out here isn't he yeah he is exactly can I film a video no all right guys these are the guards that you saw behind me unfortunately I wasn't able to get a full-on video with them uh for some reason they wasn't too keen on having a video however we have just arrived which seems to be the huge Square here these are all ancient ruins it's unfortunately unfinished mosque so what's left over here is just the actual Tower and some structures this was commissioned in 12th century and I think they've left it like that because it just makes for a great um attraction isn't it yeah it definitely gives you that Romany type of vibe with all the pillars everywhere [Music] wow look at the size of this absolute huge standing building it's the only thing that's left here I wonder what they use it for nowadays because I believe there's like two mosques which are on the corner over there one there and one over there but just basically what this area is I probably highly recommend coming to check out because it's just one of those tourist attractions that you have to come and see because the outside of this actual area itself has a beautiful view of the city of Rabat which I'm about to show you very shortly as well [Music] a picture now a video no are you that one no no okay okay all right guys a bit of anti-climax unfortunately as I was filming uh the beautiful area where we just were the Hassan Tower I was approached by three like undercover cops with like walkie-talkies and wherever you want to call it they were just basically questioning me like interrogating me like oh um what are you filming what do you do this and that and I was just like I'm just vlogging you know for my YouTube channel just showing Morocco the beautiful country and all the nice things you have it's in Rabat and then um then he asked for my passport picture which I showed him on my phone which he took a picture of and then he made me speak to one of his Majors on the phone and his major was saying something like who asked you to film in this place I said nobody I'm just filming to show your country this is what I do you know I make nice videos and then he was like but have you got permission he was very rude to be honest not very it's not very pleasant and then he was like I said no because nobody said I need to have permission to film in this place anyway he was all right well so you don't have permission basically and I was like I just said no because nobody said you need permission anyway he was like give me back to the office so that's with you very abruptly so he passed me back to him and I don't know what he said to him on the phone but he was basically said to him something like do this or that with him but to be fair to the undercover police officers he said he was trying to help me in the situation but help me for what you know like what were they planning to do to me or us like you know it's just crazy it really really made us feel very very uneasy and it's probably the most uncomfortable situation I've had here in Morocco I think um there was just no need for that there was everyone else with their phones making videos but just because I've got a Sony camera of us you know little microphone I'm all of a sudden a professional you know I'm just a vlogger here and showing the country of Morocco to the world I'm very very disappointed with that anyway not too sure if I want to film anymore here in Rabat but if there's more after this moment then I have if not then there's not all right guys after a lot of deliberation and thoughts we thought we're not going to let that one incident ruin our day even though it has ruined our mood to be honest like honestly just really makes you feel shitty you know when something like that happens it's just not nice at all I'm still even pissed off now talking about it but anyway let's try to uh show you guys some more Beauty what's this whistling all [Music] foreign
Channel: Yad Ventures
Views: 132,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why Rabat The Capital of Morocco SHOCKED Me 🇲🇦(POLICE made me leave), rabat morocco, rabat, morocco, things to do in morocco, morocco 2022, travelling morocco, morocco travel 2022, morocco travel guide, is morocco safe for female tourists, is morocco safe, morocco travel, morocco vlog, rabat the capital of morocco, capital of morocco, things to do in rabat morocco, what is moroccos capital, travelling to morocco 2022, travelling to morocco from uk, Is morocco cheap
Id: wLRc5Az4ma8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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