Why Produce Used to Suck

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[Music] hey kids you've probably seen this scene in TV or movies at some point a couple of people end up stranded on a desert island totally isolated from aussolas ation it seems like there's no hope for survival but then one of them looks three feet to the left and oh my god it's a tree full of fully grown plump delicious smiling golden skin bananas amazing we're saved for the time being hey don't eat those they're made of Lies see listen why do fruit exists for a delicious nutritious snack for humans and animals alike to enjoy you know you didn't have to go throwing him into the Sun like that you're next Susan how did you know my name I created you anyway as most of you probably know fruit are a thing because nature figured out hey if you put a little bit of deliciousness around your seed it'll convince some idiot bird or something to carry your baby off to faraway lands right but then humans showed up and we're like hey that's pretty nifty listen is it cool if we selectively breed you for thousands of years to give you horrific deformities to crank up that whole deliciousness part a couple hundred notches all right cool let's take a look at bananas specifically the Cavendish variety that we all know and love on the inside we got like 2% seeds 93% delectable banana meat and 5% that brown part at the bottom that your mom says is perfectly fine to eat but you still don't trust great for a snack terrible for reproducing efficiently meanwhile check out the thing on the right here that's musa acuminata one of the suspected ancestors of today's nanners much smaller and jam-packed with seeds with just enough flesh in there to make it worth some smelly primates time to crack open a yellow one with the boys here's another wild-type banana musa Balby xiana less sweet waste starchy are harder to get into hella seeds same [ __ ] different day really today if you stick that boy in the ground you've got an okay chance of making a new banana tree you bury a modern banana all you're gonna end up with is a dirty banana and not that one club in Miami I mean an actual dirty banana that's because like a lot of cultivated fruit culinary bananas are so inbred in Malfoy that they can't produce offspring even if they wanted to so word of advice for you men out there if ever a lady points out how poorly endowed you are just show her this JPEG she'll say wow I didn't realize it was so potent and fertile you really opened my eyes thank you bananas aren't the only piece of produce to follow this pattern they're not by a longshot for example take the watermelon according to Monsanto everybody's favorite corporation the first evidence of human cultivation of the watermelon dates back to Egypt around 5,000 years ago back then there were only 2 inches in diameter around the size of a tennis ball the flesh was supposedly tough and bitter much like that of a tennis ball of course just as the growth of a delicious green baby takes time so too did the evolution of the modern watermelon in fact even as late as the mid 1600s watermelons looked way different for what we have today as shown by this painting by Giovanni Stan Qi notice the thicker rind the larger seeds in the weird segmentation on the inside definitely a cooler still life subject but ultimately inferior as a summertime snack how about vegetables tell me do you enjoy cabbage brussel sprouts kale collard greens broccoli or cauliflower I mean I guess I like broccoli and cauliflower or the rest are kind of grossly wrong all six of these vegetables are actually the same thing that means you like them all that's not how that works I'll be good anyway these veggies are all just cultivars of the same species Brassica oleracea otherwise known as wild cabbage every part of the plant is edible to some extent but there's not much of it to go around so a bunch of different people throughout history said all right what if we just take one specific part of the plant and go [ __ ] insane with it and that's what they did those who bred four giant leaves got kale going for huge dense flower buds gets you broccoli juicy and Gorge lateral leaf buds equal Brussels sprouts etc speaking of segues let's check out eggplants the og eggplant was first domesticated in India where it can still be found in the wild today it looks nothing like an eggplant though they actually resemble little green berries the size of grapes the only thing it seems to have in common with the classic purple eggplant is how little both of them have in common with an egg however if we add the RGB percentage values of their color and merge their shapes we do get what looks approximately like an egg so I guess that solves that mystery this whole transformation really is a testament to man greatness though that's like starting out with a frog and selectively breeding them until you end up with grimace from McDonald's lore speaking of which did you know grimace used to be evil and have four arms this is a real thing I'd like to think that when they lapped off his extra limbs all his evil energy went with them and now there's just two plum purple cylinders scampering around the countryside waiting to pull unsuspecting kids under ball pits never to be seen again that's just my McDonald's head cannon though anyway back to whatever we were talking about next is corn or sorry maize I call it corn like a normal person if it was supposed to be called maize these would be called maize mazes obviously that's like the perfect opportunity but they're not so putting the etymological sock in it or stocking anyway I was totally expecting old corn to look like those baby corns you find in Chinese food and literally nowhere else turns out those actually are just baby corns one suspected ancestor of corn is known as Thao Sinti which looks like this gee whiz Sam that sure does look like garbage good eye Billy that's because it was garbage whereas modern corn as a kernel count in the hundreds Thao Sinti only has 5 to 12 with each one being encased in a hard shell that's basically impossible to get in too short of boiling it or chipping a tooth the fact that people decided to domesticate it in the first place makes sense once he realized that most grains are basically the same thing but honestly that just makes me wish people figured out how to turn a piece of wheat into a big chunk of whatever to gnaw on this whole thing disappointed me so much that I actually moved it to the top of my list of reasons not to visit the Mayans if I ever get a time machine nonetheless as you can see human endeavor can accomplish amazing things and just as a few thousand years of selective breeding can turn this into this a few hours of learning we can turn you into you know a more talented and interesting version of you and what better way to do that than with Skillshare calm Skillshare is an online learning community with over 22,000 classes in technology design business and more Premium Membership gives you unlimited access to high-quality classes on must know topics so you can improve your skills unlock new opportunities and do the work you love they've got great courses in just about any creative pursuit you can think of I used to be totally musically illiterate till I took this course that I made this what about food you like food course you do you'd be dead if you didn't with Skillshare you can make your own macaroons fresh pasta spring rolls whatever join the millions of students already learning on Skillshare today with a special offer just for my viewers where you can get two months of Skillshare for free to sign up go to sk l dot s h / samo - again for those in the back go to sk l dot s h / samo - to get two months of unlimited access to over 22,000 classes for free act now for this special offer and start learning today anyway so next time I'm Salmonella and thank you for watching [Music] premium ended premium mender mentorship with the
Channel: Sam O'Nella Academy
Views: 15,710,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rZizVUKe4sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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