Why Playing DPS Feels TERRIBLE (Overwatch 2)

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okay just spit spit up I defected def it defected oh my god oh my god let's go boys God D the DPS role in OverWatch historically has been the big star role right like you've seen players like Pine dominate in the OverWatch League where everybody looked up to these Allstar players and said I want to play like them it's always considered to be the star however in OverWatch 2 is that true today we're going to be comparing the state of DPS of OverWatch 2 to OverWatch 1 and trying to decide which one is better to be honest I haven't made up my final decision on it so I'll leave it to you guys in the comment section and tell me what you all think and what your opinion is about playing DPS in the state of DPS in OverWatch 2 so without waiting any longer let's get right into the action here and start talking about some of the pros and cons of DPS and let's start it out with some of the positives one thing guys before I break this down I forgot something in this video and I want to know what the comments think about it uh I think there are less big games for DPS players in OverWatch 2 one of the most fun things and rewarding things about playing DPS in OverWatch one is that when you had that big pop off game you put up an insane stat line you could have like 60 70 Limbs and like 20,000 damage you never see those like big big pop off games in OverWatch 2 I think the ceiling for when you get those big oh my God I hit a six-man anle blade or a or a fiveman he shot as Hanzo like those big big moments aren't as big and I don't feel as rewarded at the ceiling of DPS when I make the big play in OverWatch 2 than when I did in OverWatch one and I think that's just because of one last player but I wanted to add that in there um I forgot to add that so yeah let's get right into the video sorry about that guys I would say the most positive thing about playing DPS in OverWatch 2 is that it's generally easier to access space so if you played a hero that really ried on dominating Lanes or long lines of sights it's much harder to contest you from actually getting value on those angles for example Widowmaker was super super annoying to play against same with Hanzo who Hanzo has been nerfed repeatedly because with one less tank in the game the The amount of space that the enemy team can hold from you is much more limited meaning that you can flank and take more aggressive angles without any risk of being punished at the skill FL it's much easier to take these risks and actually look to take duel on the sides of the map You could argue that feels better as a player however for some Heroes that definitely made them lose out but generally speaking it just it it feels nice to be able to walk around the map right I guess I think you people could say that however that being said you go on the off angle to take these duels and let's talk a little bit about can you get value from these Duss right so let's let's break down some numbers real quick in OverWatch 2 getting an elimination is worth more than it was in OverWatch one because a player in OverWatch 2 makes up for 20% of your team while an OverWatch one one player was 16. 66666 repeated of your team so technically that kill is worth four 4% more I'm not sure if you can really accurately measure how much more that kill is worth but from a statistical standpoint that kill would be worth slightly more in this game so you would say oh well getting kills as DPS is worth more in this game therefore DPS is better in OverWatch 2 but I'd tell you to hold on there for a second and really think about this so while yes that individual kill might be worth more as a DPS player in OverWatch 2 you don't get that kill as often and the Del you take are much harder to actually execute on and get a kill on because of how much stronger abilities are and how much tankier tanks are so let's look back to OverWatch one and talk about playing DPS in OverWatch one tanks in general had worse abilities for example D.A DM is now 4 seconds long in duration it wasn't that long in OverWatch one and tanks were generally more killable D.A was generally more killable because she had less Health as well as less DM which meant when she made a a mistake you as a DPS player did a much better job of killing her right it was much easier to get that kill especially for a hero like zarya for example who now can double bubble herself if you were playing Hanzo and you head shot a 400 HP zarya well she was down to about 150 Health which means you could then uh I believe is that a one shot no it's not a one shot body you do 125 as Hanzo or 120 I believe so you would get her very very low it was much easier to win a 1V one against tanks especially when they misuse their cooldowns they were generally way more punished but in order to make up for the lack of a second tank and make tank not feel miserable constantly getting one shot right they had to give tanks much stronger abilities and much more much more forgiveness when they individually made one mistake now for that tank player doesn't feel any better but on the DPS side of things like you're not able to kill these tanks with a single set of coold downs if they've completely misused theirs it's never going to happen anymore right that could happen in OverWatch one so there were not just one tank on the team that you could actually find an opp opportunity to kill in an opening to kill on the other team if you made the misplay but there were actually two so you had a lot of options as a DPS player to go look for an entry kill on the other team nowadays especially when you're up against an orisa or a makra or a MGA right I probably pronounced his name wrong I'm sorry there's no chance as a DPS player you're ever going to kill those Heroes consistently so that opportunity to entry kill has been taken away or drastically Di diminished in OverWatch 2 for the DPS role okay let's say that in OverWatch 2 you have less there are less ways it's it's much hard there are less ways to consistently open up the fight and win as a DPS hero right okay so if you can't kill the tank what are your options okay well the best option is to kill a support let's break down the difference in dueling DPS or D dueling supports as DPS at OverWatch 2 compared to OverWatch one and this is where this conversation takes a very interesting turn so how does the Dual versus supports fair in OverWatch 2 for DPS well let's start out with the obvious supports have stronger abilities in this game in 5v5 and OverWatch 2 the supports were all given much stronger abilities let's go one by one Baptist right Baptist shift got buffed massively to where if you or any Target around the Baptist doesn't even have to be him is under half health and he uses a shift instead of it being a slow heal over time every time it now burst heals almost half their health especially if they're a squishy right so duing the b in the one on on his Hardy he still has his drone I think his damage got buffed at one point in OverWatch 2o so he's objectively a stronger individual hero if you are one V oneing him in this game right all right let's maybe let's forget B let's take a look at Bita while she did lose her stun her Shield bash now does 50 damage allowing her to quickly combo more targets The Bash distance is longer meaning she's more of a threat from range which was her weakness quote unquote in OverWatch one Inspire now procs off the The Shield bash right whip shot damage did get buff but I think they did revert that so brri give or take got some more tools to take the duel but we'll call her neutral because the bash was really really strong in OverWatch one but her packs are also much better in this game burst healing 25 Health when you first pack someone was a massive massive buff and Brig actually was the best performing support last season so Brig really was a lot better last season she did get a pretty big buff okay well what about a hero that you don't really have to do what about Mercy right what could be wrong with mercy and before I I'm not saying this should get changed before the mercy Ms freak out but I think they can all acknowledge this now Mercy got a new passive on top of the support passive which we'll talk about later that lets her heal from damage that she's healing in OverWatch one if you tagged M if you tag Mercy with any damage it could be a pellet from Tracer across the map you stopped her ability to regen and she had to get healed by her other support because good Mercy players had to intentionally not take damage in order to start their regen so they had to be much more careful about their actual positioning now Mercy players now Mercy's super jump is is accessible at her skill floor by pressing one button with control they made it so much easier to use right her boost mechanic where the distance she could cover I believe is a little bit greater and now she doesn't have to worry about completely hiding and not taking damage at all to start her regen because the support passive will do it for her and she can heal just from healing a Target as well so I would say that Mercy can be a little Mercy's a lot tankier in the actual fight right so it's hard much harder to kill a mercy in this game in my opinion right especially with GA being what it is in the more accessible super jumps right okay I'm not saying that should get Chang Mercy players don't freak out okay what about Zenyatta well Zenyatta is now 225 hp with CC on his kit so now he can CC you in the one-on-one and he has more health and I believe he has five more orb slots so Zen is even stronger in this game as as well okay so now that you've gotten down the support list that those are the supports from OverWatch one Lucio tends to be a little bit of a middle of the ground MOA can jump with fade now right she Stacks really well with the support passive I think she maybe had one other change to build I think her damage orb now builds her her healing as well so like you know overall like she's generally gotten more positive changes support as a role has been collectively buffed okay well let's look at new Heroes KIRO oh wait a minute is the best duelist in on ones in the game she can two tap you as a DPS has a get out of jail free card with her teleport that cleanses her and an immortality that heals 80 Health 80 health and cleanses all negative status effects so One V oneing Airi you'll never win that on the first try you have to force the suzu first and she can just TP and go wherever she wants and she can twap you okay so KIRO is not easier to duel well what about Anna Anna's gotten some pretty steady Nerfs especially with sleeping a tank so there's only really been a couple Heroes that have really gotten changed in the support world that are like objectively worse for the most part supports are stronger in this game clearly in duels and one-on ones and situations where you're chasing kills than they were in OverWatch 2 that's not to mention the more mortalities with things like life Weaver that made healing targets much easier without having to aim and life grip that can pull them across the map so the denial abilities are easier to use in this game healing itself is stronger in this game making it harder for DPS to actually secure the kill on the one-onone so in order to actually secure the kill on the squishy as a DPS hero in OverWatch 2 you have to do more than you did in OverWatch one in a one-on-one you are fighting a more uphill battle the degree of difficulty I should say that might be a better saying is higher in this game when dueling supports which is the most valuable kill okay so dueling supports is not optimal anymore either where does that leave your options right well it's to take the other DPS right you really you need to dual the other DPS and so that leaves it as the best option it's just way more onedimensional and that you have to just duel the other DPS or because there's not an off tank you have to force the support cooldowns first and then go dual the other DPS right so without an off tank to help you do that you've had to take on more of that responsibility as a DPS player for example as well if there's a lane that's more open well there's not an off tank to help that for you so if there's a widow sit in the back of the map now you have to go somber as a DPS player you have to be the one to control those Lanes so you've also assumed assumed more responsibility right okay let's let's push this past the dueling supports and forcing the immortality abilities that are all your responsibility while in OverWatch one you really only had to do that for Baptist and Berita you didn't have to do that for the original cast nobody really complained about the original Sports they were all pretty killable okay let's move forward here let's move forward here let's talk about passives passive abilities right compared in OverWatch one every hero is pretty even right you could build a ton of ult charge off of Tanks to get your ults faster as DPS right that was a big Advantage they picked a big bulky comp you as a DPS player could play well and build your ult first by pumping damage into those tanks before the supports can build their ults but now because the tank passive not only makes it so tanks are less bable but they give less ult charge you aren't rewarded with your ult first as a DPS player before the supports because the T tanks are feeding Less Old charge as a part of the 5v5 tank passive right okay so you don't get less old charge what about the support passive the support passive is the best passive for taking duel in the game it is by far the best in a chip duel and a chip fight supports can just chip at you as much as they want because they'll never have to use their cooldowns on you right you really saw this in the Poke meta where DPS at high level play were insec because the support s and sustain were so strong nothing you shot at died the role felt miserable to play you weren't able to get rewarded from anything you were doing because the abilities in OverWatch 2 have to be much stronger and DPS Heroes generally speaking received more Nerfs coming into OverWatch 2 than in OverWatch one Ekko was massively nerfed with Echo copy and her beam damage being reduced Ash Bob got some big Nerfs in this game hzo has had sonar get nerfed his max damage head shot get nerfed so now he can't even one-hot May and re anymore because one shots became too oppressive with the lack of a second tank some other DPS her like Genji got nerfed very heavily into this game and while you have seen some get some changes like Sombra had to get her changed Tracer had some big Nerfs that just had to get reverted they had to buff her because she was so obsolete in season 7 they had to buff Tracer to compete with the power of the rest of the roles right Reaper doesn't even have an identity anymore because tanks aren't killable because they have to be immortal cuz they're not Immortal they're the only tank that feels miserable to play and they'll just explode so Reaper doesn't even have an identity anymore and the support passive just lets them be better duelist from Pok and range than before because like Heroes like K can just TP away and start healing while you as Tracer have to kite to get a health pack the supports don't have to do that you're fighting an even more uphill battle while your passive got gutted in season 1 and it's only reload speed increase which nobody notices and heroes like Hanzo don't even have a passive it's nine SE we're about to be nine Seasons into the game and a hero like Hanzo doesn't even benefit from the roll passive and yet none of them have been changed really extensively since season 1 so let me ask you this guys with role passiv being a big disadvantage of the DPS one being the weakest I think the disparity between DPS and the other roles are actually worse in this game than it was in OverWatch one I think the gap between the roles has gotten wider than ever before in which the best value to get DPS is to counter swap their tank into a matchup that generally favors you and makes it easier for you to get value so what are your best options as a player right you have to duel the enemy DPS this has forced a much more one-dimensional style of the game and onedimensional style of OverWatch without as much depth I personally find that to not be as enjoyable because what made OverWatch so fun for me at the skill ceiling and this might not be true for low-l players which is why I'm asking you guys in the comment section how do you as low-l players I don't want to assume my entire chat's plat but for you low-level players out there how does that make you feel is do you notice these things in your experience as well because it's a really big conversation to have for me personally that one-dimensional style of DPS I don't find to be as enjoyable I find it to have a lot less depth than OverWatch one did at least and I don't want to make this video 6v6 or 5v5 but you know it's more so OverWatch one OverWatch 2 so it's a big part of the discussion but it's not the whole thing right back to the to you know the more average ranks like this feeling wasn't something that average level players had to deal with previously because now what's ended up happening is every single hero in OverWatch 2 has been made to be more like the problematic heroes in OverWatch one so instead of trying to fix those characters that made OverWatch one so frustrating the answer for OverWatch 2 was to make a lot of the characters be more like the sigma orisa baps and BRS of OverWatch one instead of taking Sigma orisa Bap and brg and making them like Anna Reinhardt and heroes that were beloved by the community Zari and OverWatch one instead we made every character less punishable by default in OverWatch 2 particularly in the tank and support roles that makes playing DPS Less Fun and less immersive in my opinion when everything at its base is just better and there's less counterplay and less options for you as a player to to go get value you see more override abilities that deny DPS value no matter what on their first engage that's not better for DPS players in my opinion that leaves me at my conclusion for today's video in that DPS is actually worse compared to the other roles in OverWatch 2 than it was in OverWatch one due to less opportunity to actually get final blows on the map in that you can't really kill the tanks as much anymore and the supports are all way tankier with stronger abilities especially in the one-on-one right it's much more of an uphill battle your passive is just so much worse than everyone else is and you really it it's not really up for debate at this point right it's not you aren't going to have fights where you're getting your ult first as consistently because the tanks are giving less ult charge in general across the board and most of the things you do will just be overridden anyway it just makes for a less fun more frustrating experience of feeling like you're completely worthless and guess what what the Q times in seven season 7 really proved that never once in overwatch's history right have we ever seen DPS Q times be instant if you told us in 2020 that we would see a day where DPS Q times were instant usually we'd celebrate but the reality is it's kind of for all the wrong reasons or it was for all the wrong reasons because it just made the role Obsolete and I would say because of that the proof is really kind of in the pudding and the players have spoken in that people refused to play DPS last season and they did get a little bit better when muo was out but that's cuz nobody wanted to play tank cuz muo was just pay to win you had Metro getting ranked six which by the way the next style of video like this come out is going to be analyzing the tank roll we'll leave the best for last in support So guys what do you think down in the comments do you think that people not queuing DPS with everything that I just kind of listed out here proves that DPS is less fun to play and people don't enjoy it as much in OverWatch 2 than OverWatch one or do you think the is true that DPS is more fun to play in OverWatch 2 I would go as far as to say that the results kind of spoke for themselves in that look people didn't play the role especially last season they didn't play the role it speaks for itself right the results are there but you guys let me know what you think thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time take care peace out see you later
Channel: Samito
Views: 58,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, Overwatch 2, Overwatch 2 dps tips, why dps sucks, state of Overwatch, samito, samito 6v6, OVerwatch 2 update, New overwatch 2 hero, group up podcast, Overwatch 2 coaching, overwatch 2 tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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