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Yo what's up guys it's 42 daily back here  with another video I'm excited to finally   be back in this nice chair that I have and you  know making some actual YouTube content I hope   you guys have been enjoying the music industry  podcast that I've been doing I'm super excited   to you know be continuing that today's topic is  going to be about Playboi Carti this is going   to be a bit of a skeptical video because it's  been a while since he's dropped honestly and   I know you guys are antsy for new music and  I mean I am as well so hope you guys enjoyed   the video just sit back relax and yeah  let's talk about Playboi Carti [Music] All right so first off let's talk about  his activity lately and I'm not talking   about Instagram story activity Twitter activity or  YouTube activity because let's be honest there's   been none of that but let's talk about you know  what he's been doing specifically with Kanye West   so Kanye and Playboi Carti were in Milan Italy  about a few days ago for the Milan fashion show   that was happening and also the Kanye vultures  listening party that was happening Playboi Carti   showed up to that event in Milan Italy he  was performing doing some awesome stuff you   know throwing up his yvl sign all that he even  took a photo in front of a ice spice uh like   American flag that was pretty funny and then  got like kissed by a few fans and it was kind   of odd honestly but he's been in you know Italy  specifically Europe as well because there was a   Paris show in which Playboi Carti potentially may  have showed up to it was just another vultures   listening party by Kanye and there was this  video of like this mask or this person in a   mask and everyone thought it was Playboi Carti  at first but turns out it's just a doppelganger   and they found that out because there was no hand  tattoo and Playboi Carti detectives are just uh   Next Level honestly with how deep they they are  into you know Playboi Carti but anyways so he's   potentially was potentially in France and Paris  doing that like little thing I don't think he was   actually there I don't really know where he is  but he could be potentially in America soon for   the next Aiden Ross stream now if you didn't know  Aiden Ross brought on Playboi Carti for a very   interesting stream a few weeks ago now I think it  was right after the gramys the day of the Grammys   actually in which Playboi Carti showed up for  about six minutes to Aiden Ross's stream said   a few words said he loved Aiden Ross performed  well didn't really perform but listen to his own   music and then left $2 million richer not actually  because aen Ross wouldn't give him the money but   he he still made money off of that now with that  whole debacle happening and Aiden Ross not being   happy as well as Aiden Ross and Playboi Carti  fans Playboi Carti has committed to a part two   of The Stream which should be happening soon as I  said earlier so that's kind of what we're looking   forward to next now Aiden Ross hasn't really said  a date or anything like that we've heard early   March mid-march but what we've heard from Aiden  Ross is that there's going to be a set involved   in this so it's supposed to take place in Aiden  Ross's Warehouse in Miami and he's building out   a concert set for this so basically the idea is  that Playboi Carti will be performing live in the   warehouse with no one really there in person but  you know the uh viewers online watching the stream   watching it happen so kind of like a uh covid  virtual concert I guess if you will and then   after that they're supposed to do an interview as  well so hopefully the interview will take place   I'm not really sure if the whole entire stream is  going to take place but Aiden Ross has mentioned   that Playboi Carti wants to make this a part of  his roll out so I mean I think that's definitely   a possibility I don't know if it's actually  going to happen happen but I I do think it's   a possibility I guess time will tell and I know  Aiden Ross wants this to happen because he knows   that if it doesn't everyone's going to blame him  for it and I mean Playboi Carti has already been   blamed for the first stream so really it can't  get any worse for Playboi Carti at this point   it can only get worse for Aiden Ross so he's been  trying to check up on him and call him and stuff   like that actually Playboi Carti was talking to  him on stream and he said you know the reason why   he left early and didn't want to really do it  was because because he's shy which is kind of   funny and um I mean it's definitely true it just  you know when you're a Playboi Carti fan and he   goes years without saying anything online like  through his actual voice and then he just kind   of randomly says something like that it just you  know you laugh at it but anyway so that stream's   supposed to happen soon now if it actually happens  the world may never know we'll find out eventually   the other question is you know with March in  mind does that seem like a realistic date for   Playboi Carti to drop now me personally I'm going  to sound skeptical and not optimistic here but I   I I don't think so I I think there's no way that  he's dropping in March and the reason why I don't   think he's dropping in March is because vulture's  Volume 2 and vulture volume 3 still has to come   out and Playboi Carti kind of made a statement not  really but there was a statement made in regards   to Playboi Carti about him waiting for Kanye  to drop all the vultures before he would drop   now vulture volume 3 isn't set to come out until  like mid early April so I mean the earliest I'm   thinking for the Playboi Carti album is probably  mid to late April I think realistically it could   even be until his birthday in September where we  find out more information of him dropping I think   honestly he's wanted to drop on his birthday for  a while now and this is the perfect opportunity   because he has all this time to kind of start  hyping it up and everything and there there have   been you know clips of him recording music videos  and stuff like that happening like he was in New   York I think this was early February recording  a music video that just got surfaced so you know   there's a lot of time to start promoting now again  I mean we don't know what's going to happen we   don't know if he'll actually drop on his birthday  if he'll drop before after honestly my bets are   on after because it's Playboi Carti and you just  really never know with him I think the one silver   lining of this is that he promised a part two  with a Ross on stream and Aiden Ross promised   his fans that the stream would be kind of having  to do with his album roll out so I think that's   somewhat of a positive thing to look at if it  gets to be like mid to late March and we don't   hear anything from aan Ross about it I think we  should start being concerned because it means it's   definitely not happening which is completely you  know unfortunate but you know I guess we'll find   out and then you know as terms of in terms of  Kanye and everything thing going on with Kanye   I think when Kanye promotes his new music maybe  Playboi Carti will be in a single or two and   hopefully Playboi Carti will talk about his music  throughout that I really don't know but it's not   looking too good I'll be honest I I guess it's  really just a wait a waiting game at this point   you know we just got to be patient and wait for  Playboi Carti to drop when he wants to drop it   it just sucks though because a lot of people say  well he does this and yes he has kind of lied and   pushed things back before but he's never dropped  five singles one with Travis Scott featured and   one with a Kanye production on it or producing  and then you know just go radio silent and and not   do anything so it's honestly new for us Playboi  Carti fans we've never heard or had this happen   to us before and so it'll be interesting to see  I mean I guess you know also he did give us five   really good songs so we can't be that mad at him  but at the end of the day we all just want the   new album and yeah I mean that that's really what  it is so do you guys think he's dropping anytime   soon I mean do you guys think he's even dropping  2024 I'm going to say yes just because I want   to be a little optimistic but do you guys think  that's realistic just let me know in the comments   but hope you guys enjoyed this video I'll be back  more with the content I'm not going anywhere still   going to be making great videos hope you guys  enjoyed this one and have a great rest of your day
Channel: 42Daily
Views: 2,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 42 Daily, 42 Dailyy, Hip Hop News, rappers, Playboi Carti, MUSIC, News, Playboi Carti Delays The Album, rap, hiphop, rap beef, trap, Carti News, opiumbaby, opium, playboi carti adin ross, playboi carti carnival, playboi carti vultures listening party, playboi carti not dropping, playboi carti not dropping on streaming, why is playboi carti not dropping music
Id: Bejn9bzsTgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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