Why People Hate Paper Mario: Color Splash

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today I'm going to tell you about the tragedy that is Paper Mario Color Splash an awfully long time ago and a Strange far-off Land a bustling Community thrived it was a community where everyone was happy because they had two amazing games and this one that was just okay but one day a tragedy befell this happy Community a great cataclysm struck the land Darkness filled the skies the Earth roared and Shook and Paper Mario sticker star was released unto the world it was everything the previous games were not AKA it was dog and it fractured the once happy Community into many moons Rose and said stories of the once great games passed into the pages of fairy tales but years later hope in the community was renewed with a trailer for a new Paper Mario game Paper Mario Color Splash the community was hopeful this new game could repair the Damage Done by sticker star and bring the franchise back to its former glory okay I'm gonna stop you right there this of course did not happen Paper Mario Color Splash is probably the most hated game in the Paper Mario franchise after the reveal trailer was shown in 2016 there was a petition created on change.org to get the game canceled unfortunately it wasn't but this just shows you how much hatred there was surrounding the game at the time a hatred that has continued on to this very day you may ask to your viewer why exactly is this game so hated well I think I've been able to boil it down to three main reasons battles take too long a lack of unique characters and no XP system and now that we have our reasons I wanted to put them to the test and find out once and for all if all the color splash hate is Justified or if the community should just get over a Thousand Year Door the first complaint we're going to take a look at is the battles are too long to test this I timed 10 battles and Paper Mario 64 Thousand Year Door sticker star and color splash to see which game took the longest I excluded Super Paper Mario and origami King because super doesn't have a battle system as it isn't a turn-based RPG and origami King was dependent on how fast you could solve the puzzle so it was difficult to get an accurate time my first rule was the enemies I faced had to be Goombas and there had to be two of them just to keep things consistent my second was the battles had to occur at the beginning of the game I didn't want powerful moves that could clear the screen of enemies influencing the times so let's get into it coming in first place with the fastest battle time in any Paper Mario game and the only thing it's ever done right in its life Paper Mario sticker Star Sticker Star has an average battle time of 20 24.8 seconds and if you're shocked as I am I think I can explain why sticker star essentially allows you to kill two Goombas with one basic move while 64 and Thousand Year Door need two rotations if you're not using FP or special moves which my data seems to back up because coming in second and third respectively our Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door with average times of 27.5 seconds and 28.9 seconds so you know what that means coming in last place with an average time of 38.1 seconds Paper Mario Color Splash 38.1 seconds is almost 10 seconds longer than the Net's closest game Thousand Year Door and in a series that revolves around constantly battling enemies that 10 seconds adds up real fast and if you're wondering why it's so much slower than the previous games all you have to do is play the game and find out for yourself because when you play the game it becomes obvious just how many extra inputs you have to do in Color Splash just to perform a basic attack for example to perform a basic Jump In Color Splash you have to do six separate inputs you need to place a card then tap ready card then tap the card to paint it then select done painting then flick the cards then finally press a to perform the action command compare this to the previous games where you have to press a to choose Jump Then a again to pick which kind of jump then a a third time to perform the action command it's literally half the inputs to perform the same basic attack and it's the same three inputs which means you can do them quickly in succession whereas Color Splash has you doing multiple different inputs like tapping holding and flicking which really slows down your ability to attack quickly thus leading to longer battle times so yeah this complaint is definitely valid so the next complete will examine is the lack of unique characters and what is a unique character you may ask well I defined it as any character that has a name or has a distinct look that separates it from a normal Mario enemy so the character on the left I would consider a unique character she has a real name and she has a distinct look well the character on the right I wouldn't he looks identical to a regular Toad and his name is traveling toad that isn't a name it's an adjective remember they don't need to have both to be considered a character just a name or a distinct look so now that we have that out of the way let's go through each game in the series and see which one has the least unique characters so the original Paper Mario has 80 total characters with the only non-unique character being the Fearsome five because they don't individually have names and they just look like regular Yoshi's Paper Mario in the Thousand Year Door comes in with the 118 characters with the creepy Castle boo being the only one that's not unique Super Paper Mario takes the top spot with 130 total characters with private Koopa being the only non-unique character okay get ready because this is where it starts getting rough sticker star has a total of 14 characters yes 14. oh my god with the non-unique characters being sling a thing toad Mansion Steward toad yup just basic ass toad traveling Toad and wiggler and finally we've come to Paper Mario Color Splash Color Splash has 64 total characters and for this I'll be naming the characters that are unique instead of the ones that aren't because out of 64 total characters only 18 of them are unique so we have Mario Luigi Bowser Princess Peach Huey princess ringer sits Koopa Kids Berto and these last four which are barely and I mean barely considered characters under my rules they are perp blue yellow and red they're toads that are named after what color they are [Music] Shigeru Miyamoto insisted this game only use characters from previous Mario games with former Nintendo CEO satoro Iwata saying this development philosophy was to limit options to help bring out more creativity this must have been what he was referring to honestly this game is chocked full of characters like this characters that aren't really characters like baristatode Peddler toad toe Master General know-it-all toad middle management toad colonoscopy toad they are all just toads I can see why people have an issue with the characters in this game because they are such a far cry from characters like these so I would definitely call this complaint valid [Music] now it's time for our final complaint a lack of leveling up AKA no experience system traditionally in RPGs once you've beaten an enemy in battle you'll gain experience points which usually allows you to level up your character making them stronger or upgrade a combat ability in some way this incentivizes the player to actually engage in these battles as the player gets something in return for their time investment the original Paper Mario and Thousand-Year Door worked this way once you accumulated 100 star points you could choose to upgrade HP flower points or badge points and as simple as this system was it added strategic depth to the game and once again gave you a reason to actually battle enemies compare this now to color splash which has no experience points to speak of except for upgrading your paint Hammer when you've defeated an enemy in Color Splash they will drop some of these paint hammers collect enough of them and your pain capacity of your Hammer goes up the problem is that upgrading your paint capacity is completely useless pain refills are so abundant in this game that you almost never run out you could probably play the entire game with the default pain capacity and you wouldn't even notice a difference and since it's the only thing you get from battling enemies it makes battling basic enemies completely pointless it's actually worse than pointless it's a net negative because you have to waste cards that you could use in battles that actually matter like bosses or mandatory fights this leads the player to avoiding battles because not only does it waste time but it wastes your resources as well and honestly I think a waste of time perfectly sums up this game because that's exactly what it is a waste of time I don't usually say this in my videos but for this one I think the hate is Justified from the laundromo battles to the lack of unique characters to the non-existent XP system this game just isn't very good but hey it was runner-up to Just Dance in the 2017 Kids Choice Awards so what do I know
Channel: Press A!
Views: 12,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jde6IPL-i8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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