Why people are moving to Turkish Cyprus? | Pros and cons of Northern Cyprus

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uh it's very important for you to watch the video till the end because in this video i will be talking about the positive and negative things and you will be understanding is it for you or not [Music] hello my name is artem and i'm a ceo of prime pro investment me and my team were real estate professionals that help people to invest or move to north cyprus i will be telling you about the negative things of north cyprus and normally everyone is telling you how cyprus is beautiful how it's nice how it's amazing it's a incredible place and you need to move to it today i'm gonna be saying why cyprus might not be your place why cyprus is bad in some stuff so let's go [Music] first thing and very important thing is criminal record the criminal record in north cyprus is almost zero we are used to uh life where we don't close our cars where our doors and windows in the houses are open uh i'm leaving for example my daughter uh playing in the street without any back thought of someone stealing her hitting her doing something better so north cyprus is a different place it's something unique so if you think about the criminal record and north cyprus in general it's a very safe place even if a person makes a fight and he's the one who started the fight he might get deported so we're not even talking about something serious so if it's a serious crime first you go to jail uh here and then they deport you back to your country so any people who are uh with the intentions to do something bad here they catch them they put them to jail if they do anything bad and then they send them back home [Music] so if we're talking about this homeless people or people who are uh reckless who are thinking about stealing money or doing something bad this is not the case because in north cyprus even to get a permission to stay you need to show in your bank account around 10 to 20k so by priority these people do not afford to come to north cyprus [Music] government of north cyprus does not accept any refugees and we don't hold any programs that provide them with let's say any funds by them sitting at home doing nothing so we don't have that which is a big bonus i think [Music] education in north cyprus is of high standards we have more than 16 international universities which are accredited all over the world a lot of british or american schools where people put their children in most of the clients or friends who i have who moved to north cyprus they moved because they want to either study in the university or they want to put their children in a good school in a safe environment so this is a big bonus for people who want who are thinking about their children because the education here is of a high standards as i said before [Music] cypriots in general uh if we're talking about north cyprus or the greek uh cyprus we they're very friendly and the environment in north cyprus itself is uh uh is very friendly people are always open to help for example if you don't have a car sometimes you can you know take some auto stop and people actually do it without any back thought of you doing something bad because as i said the criminal record here is [Music] another big positive thing about north cyprus is stunning nature so just picture yourself you are swimming in the sea and you have this picture of you going into the mountains you're in the sea but the mountain is just right here and the same where you go uh up the mountain and you have this amazing view of the city under your legs going into an amazing view of the sea this kind of place is unique so as a conclusion the nature in north cyprus is amazing and you have to see it [Music] a big positive part of north cyprus is considered also with ecological products ecological weather and so on north cyprus doesn't have many factories so the air is clean and people who have problems with their lungs they feel much better nor cypress the products that we eat every day like eggs i don't know meat chicken and so on it's much better quality and uh we're let's say the locals they're not allowing uh the government uh implement this uh let's say chemicals inside our food so the local food is pretty of a high standard and even the tomatoes are smelling like tomatoes not like some artificial stuff so if you're a person who lives in new york or london and you're always going to a supermarket trying to find something organic us here in north cyprus all our food is organic we don't need to go and specify i need organic cucumber or organic meat or something you know everything prioritized is organic [Music] the big positive thing is that if you're a quite narrow specialist and you do something very good it doesn't matter you speak english you don't speak english you speak russian you speak french it doesn't matter if you do something very good it's very easy to find a job because mostly in north cyprus people are very lazy so you if you are the person who does uh a specific job does not matter what and you are doing it very well it's very easy for you to find a job [Music] very big positive thing about north cyprus also is living as a high standard at a much lower cost so um let's say if you're used to a life next to the sea by the beach and eating organic food and you're spending spending at delta here you're spending three times less than you're used to [Music] another big positive thing about north cyprus is that the taxation system here it's much lower than any european country so uh let's say you owning a property here or you having a bank account with lots of money here uh will not will give you an option of your your government not knowing that you have it so let's say uh you are divorcing your wife and you have money in the bank here or you have a property here she cannot take it because the government does not give out the information of you owning any assets here in northern cyprus [Music] as most of the locals are saying javascript this is a big bonus because i know from my own experience that back in our countries we're used to always running always going to metro always taking two hours to go to the to your job uh it takes you a while to realize actually that you the standards of your lives are downgraded uh because when you start living like us yeah slowly slowly uh relaxed you don't have this you're not in a hurry like you used to and this actually makes your life much much harder so a big bonus of cyprus is that we live for ourselves we enjoy life work does not take all the part of your life it's balanced in cyprus yeah so you have your work time let's say normally from 10 to 6 or from 8 till 4 yeah and then you have your barbecue on a backyard with your friends some beers i don't know like any parties i mean life here is balanced you do not feel that most of the time of your day is just going for work or going from work to home from home to work yeah you you can enjoy your life here and it's a big uh big part of our life and enjoying our life [Music] a big disadvantage of north cypress is hate if you have a problem with heat it's it's not your place because in summer let's say july and august and the temperature goes up to 45 to 50 degrees celsius but in general us locals i consider myself local now how we fight this heat is we have acs everywhere so you have the ac in the supermarket you have the ac in the office in the car anywhere you go and us locals we prefer not to go out from 12 till 2 3 o'clock when it's the peak of the heat outside [Music] most of the people are saying that north cyprus is a place where you can find a job easily and stuff it's uh actually true if you're if you're good in what you do and or you're doing something specific and unique yeah but if you don't know the language if you don't know english or you don't know turkish as turkish is the governmental language here it's a number one language it's very hard and so turkish language and english language is very important if you want to work here and live your quality life [Music] a big disadvantage of north cyprus is that we don't have direct flights there are two ways how you can get to north cyprus it's either your travel to larnica or you travel through turkey to erjan airport which is which might be a pain in the ass to be honest [Music] a normal standard internet let's say a better normal uh standard internet that you can get at home is uh 20 megabytes per second and uh you can watch your your videos your movies or anything like your netflix in 4k but it's not going to be as good as in uk or in america i mean uh internet even the 3g yeah we're still using 3g not 5g like all the world yeah even the 3g here in north cyprus it's sometimes working sometimes not working depending on where your location is so the internet is a big pain and ass for us and if your job is focused on internet then cyprus is definitely not for you [Music] also a big negative thing in north cyprus is that the transportation here is very bad yeah we have the buses that are going from one side of the city to another side of the city but we don't have a proper schedule we don't have the metro we don't have different routes we have two or three routes in the city in the set so it's not if you don't know how to drive or you don't you are not planning to have your own connor it's gonna be a pain in the ass for you guys [Music] garbage in north cyprus is a very big aspect that we are trying to fight in big cities it's pretty clean they're cleaning it every single day but let's say if you go to a stunning place by the sea or in the mountain the picture that you see is amazing but when you put your your eyes down and you can see all these bottles of coke or some chips bags or something it's it's a bit disgusting of course we are having this events where we are uh collecting garbage and especially the british community in northern cyprus they are very good they're always protecting the environment they have these groups where you can join and collect plant some trees like they're very active eco-friendly uh communities so we are getting there we're getting better every day but still it might be better like we could be better yeah we have we have space where we have to move if you have any question or you would like to know more about any specific subject that i was discussing today please contact us when we'll be more than grateful to help you about it [Music] to be honest when i was doing this video i was thinking about the positive and negative things it was very hard for me to find negative things of north cyprus but because i love it so much but definitely i understand that some people they have it as as their pain yeah and for some people it's a disadvantage if the positive things uh are exceeding the negative and you are the person who who's thinking to move to cyprus or to purchase a property here then contact us [Music]
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Id: usVKG3C7haU
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Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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