Why Our Prayers Are Not Answered (With Greg Laurie)

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hey everybody thanks for watching our YouTube channel we're constantly updating it with new content and never-seen-before content so if you want to get the latest from harvest hit the subscribe button well that was a great crusade wasn't it praise the Lord for all that happened how many of you came out to the baptism yesterday wasn't that amazing oh we had a great baptism down at pirate's cove and of course it was Pirates Cove where most of the baptisms were held during the days of the Jesus Movement that guy was baptized at Pirates Cove when I was 17 years old 10 years ago it's amazing how time flies maybe a little longer my wife was baptized there as well and so we're very excited about this opportunity we baptized over 550 people yesterday can you believe that oh great so we give God the glory for that and now we're going to welcome the beautiful Cathy Lorie with a special word for you [Applause] hi everybody it's so good to see all of you have your sweater I have I said sure it or wear it iPhone - I'm gonna carry it and wear it are you cold right not right now though it's kind of cold up here this is where I was this mean duck right on my pulpit that's what you're supposed to be talking and announcing something in and he says your announcements go too long and I'm like it's you I never said that okay never here is my fast announcement it's for all the harvest small groups virtue valor and b2 we're gonna be starting in a couple weeks and it's going to be amazing we're studying the book of Romans this year but I just want to share a little thing with you from the word and Jesus tells a parable of the sower right and and he talked about the seed that was planted in good soil that remained and we keep his word when we stay in his word but so many of us become to church we read a devotional or we listen to a podcast but we ourselves are not studying the Bible and the greatest fruit and blessing in our lives will come if we will study the Bible and hear God speaking to us and that's what we're gonna be doing this year so be patient in the word and stay in the word and you can sign up at all the connect tables at every campus wherever you might be there'll be someone representing our Bible study small groups and we would love to answer any questions it's really easy to sign up you're gonna make friends you're gonna stay in God's Word and you're gonna grow most importantly spiritually this year like you never have before so if you haven't done it already I encourage you please do it today and we'll get you placed with a group leader and maybe that group leader will have time to connect with you so you won't feel like a stranger on that first day so god bless you all we love you and we look forward to seeing you at those Bible studies that's right Thank You Katherine so basically our dollar ministry which is for guys virtue for girls v2 we're calling that harvest small group sometimes what is the be the V this the V that it's just harvest small groups we're gonna go through the book of Romans together not only in the men and women studies but also on Sunday morning when we wrap up Daniel we're attacking the book of Romans in the book of Romans is such a foundational book of the Bible so we want you to really get into it with us also wanted to mention that this coming Wednesday and Thursday we're back in our salt and light series and I will be speaking on the topic of dealing with anxiety and worry how many of you ever struggle with worry raise your hand how many of you never ever struggle with worry okay you're a liar not kidding you're not alone actually no one raised their hand we all do at times some me some maybe more than others anxiety what to do with those things your burdens etc so the title of my message will be time to take out the trash and by the way I haven't shared this story with you but in the interest of time I won't do it today but I was back in Washington DC at a special dinner for evangelical leaders and we had some really fun experiences I want to tell you about what happened and so I'm gonna talk about that this coming Wednesday here at harvest riverside this coming Thursday at harvest Orange County as we dive back into the Sermon on the Mount but today we're back in the Book of Daniel remember that we'll get Daniel yes we never finished it we got off into the crusade and all that was going on with that but now we're back in Daniel and we're in the homestretch only a couple more messages to go and the title of my message today is why our prayers are not answered and I want you to turn to Daniel chapter 10 Daniel chapter 10 why our prayers are not answered why don't we pray now father as we talk about prayer as we learn more about what the objective of prayer should be and we learn about why prayers are not answered and then we learn also about how they can be answered in the affirmative we ask you to speak to us from Scripture because we all have a lot of things that we think about and we're concerned about and we're praying about and we want to know Lord that our prayers are heard in heaven and we want our prayers answered according to your will so speak to us from your word we ask now in Jesus name Amen let me begin by the question how many of you have ever prayed for something again and again and nothing happened raise your hand up yeah it's more than one of us and you even wondered if God heard your prayer well as I said before all prayers are answered in a broad sense we say oh my prayer wasn't answered what we're really saying is God did not say yes to my request but you know no is as much of an answer to a prayer as yeses don't you think and then there's wait we don't like that one at all remember when you were kids you hated to wait how long till we get there how long was it gonna be till you went to my prayer sometimes the Lord says wait but I want to talk about five reasons why your prayers are not answered in the affirmative and then we're gonna look at a sixth reason right here in Daniel chapter 10 so if you're taking notes here's the number one reason why your prayers are not answered in the affirmative it's kind of a no-brainer but I have to say it you don't have a relationship with God look the bottom line is prayer is a privilege for a child of God anybody can call upon the name of the Lord but only the Christian only the follower of Jesus Christ can have but we would call a prayer life a relationship and a fellowship of the Lord where you can communicate with him and such a way we're not all children of God by birth we have to be born again to become a child of God for instance I can't just go up to some random woman at Target and say hi would you make me lunch you know I might get arrested or something but I could go up tell my wife and say will you make me lunch why oh she's my wife for 44 years and then thank you just I wanted chief applause I think I got it we're going in our 45th anniversary coming up next sure that's amazing how I did the math on the fly in that isn't it just from 44 - 45 but Tom and in the same way she'll say yes I will make you lunch if you'll go to the market for me right now because we need these things to make lunch she can ask me that because I'm her husband we have relationship and always I don't know about you guys when I go to the market I'm going to get eggs and butter okay then she texts me can you also pick up this okay so I can you pay and pretty soon it's just long less right it's not only happen to me but anyway that's relationship there's expectation I can ask something of you and expect you to do it because we have relationship so you need a relationship with God to have a prayer life so it's a very simple thing but now we come to point number two why our prayers are not answered unconfessed sin can hinder your prayers unconfessed sin see you may have relationship with God but sin cuts off your fellowship with God in fact the psalmist says in some 66:18 if I regard or hold on to iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me listen if you are practicing sin as a Christian it will bring your prayer life to a screeching halt let me say that again if you're practicing sin as a Christian it will bring your prayer life to a screeching halt let me make a distinction between Christian sustaining Christians who practice sin everybody sins every single day we sin a ways we're not even aware of that's why it's always a good idea to pray Lord forgive me of my sin even if you're not aware of any particular sin you've committed Jesus heart has sat in the Lord's Prayer forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us but having said that yes we all sin and if we say we don't send we're deceiving ourselves because the Bible says if you say you have no sin you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you okay so we do sin but there's a difference between that unintentional sin sometimes intentional sin and a person who is on a path of continuous deliberate sin in fact over in first John it says he that commits sin is of the devil and in the Greek that means habitually continuously so let me illustrate let's say you say to me today I am a Christian I love Jesus Christ but I am living with my boyfriend and my girlfriend and we're not just living together by the way okay and yours and what I love the Lord will excuse me that's habitual sin or I am a Christian but I am lying every single day about this particular thing or I'm doing this other sin whatever it might be fill in the blank that's the problem a child of God will never be happy when they're in sin so if you really love the Lord you will be conscious of sin and you will be unhappy while you're living in sin and you will want to confess that sin but unconfessed sin absolutely will hinder your prayer life point number three selfishness can hinder your prayers selfishness James 4:3 says when you pray and you do not receive it's because you ask the wrong motives that you may spend it on your pleasures did you know you can pray for the right thing with the wrong motive you know maybe you're single and you see some girl and you see the girls not a Christian he say Oh Lord save that girl oh she's so heavy on my heart Lord just touch her heart and her beautiful face and help her come to Jesus why you just want to take her out right and what's your motive why you did Oh Lord we pray use me oh I want to be used by you and really maybe what we're really thinking is I want people to notice me I I want people to applaud for me I want more followers on social media I don't know why but sometimes we can pray for something but our motive is wrong let me tell you something nobody should ever want to be a leader who is not been called by God to be a leader because it's not easy to be when I can tell you that and there's a lot of pressures that come with it but if you're called to do it you must do it I was talking with Jim Feltner who's the campus pastor at harvest school Milani he told me years ago I didn't remember this he said I came up to you and I was interested in becoming a pastor and I said I want to be a pastor and I said to him he's quoting me now so I think I said it it sounds right he says I said to him if you can do anything else and be happy to not become a pastor he said well that was not very encouraging and I said yeah but you know there you understand whatever sin he goes I totally understand what you were saying if you could do something else do that thing but if God's called you to do this you must do what God has called you to do but a good leader will also be a good servant and I've a new book out called Jesus revolution and it's about what happened during the Jesus Movement and I have a lot of stories in it about my early days and one of those stories is I was a brand new Christian hanging out at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa I had not begun preaching or any of that yet but I wanted to be used by God so I thought it would be a good idea to walk into Chuck Smith's office and tell him I was available for whatever so I actually walked in sat down I said hello Pastor Chuck I I'm ready to serve in any way I can here at Calvary just tell me what you want me to do I thought he would give me a you know Bible study to do in one night and he said I need you to talk to romaine now I didn't know what that meant but romaine was the associate pastor at Calvary a romaine used to be in the marine corps and so I went to romaine he dealt with kids like me right and so he gave me a broom and made me do free janitorial work for the next year and a half cleaning toilets sweeping leaves doing whatever needed to be done and I think there was two reasons for it number one they wanted free janitorial work number two they wanted to test me because if I was not willing to do a simple thing why would I be given the opportunity to do a greater thing so sometimes we ask for these things but they're with the wrong motives and so there are many things that are going on here's a big one now another reason why your prayers are not answered is because you have an idol in your life you have an idol in your life Ezekiel 14 3 says these leaders have set up idols in their heart they've embraced things that make them fall into sin why should I listen to their requests you might say what are you talking about I don't an idol in my life you mean leave some little God I carry around some image I bow before that's so ridiculous I don't have any idols in my life but listen to this the Bible specifically warns us in first John little children keep yourselves from idols what is an idol listen an idol a God with a small G is anyone or anything that takes the place of the true and living God in your life an idol can be an object you can drive your idol you can live inside of your idol it's also called a house a relationship can be an idol listen an idol is what you are more passionate about than any other thing people are passionate about lots of things some people are passionate about cars well you bring up the subject in cars they just line up right others are passionate about golf others are passionate about clothes others are passionate about sports others are passionate about checkers actually I've never met anyone passionate about checkers but there's probably someone out there who is but there's nothing wrong with being excited about one of those things unless your excitement or passion for that thing is greater than your excitement and passion for the Lord because Jesus says where your treasure is there will your heart be also and he warns there in Ezekiel they've embraced things that make them fall into sin is there anything that you're embracing right now that could cause you to fall into sin if so that is your Idol deal with it better yet get rid of it I actually had an experience where I took an idol and threw it into the ocean this happened on one of our Israel trips and by the way we're going to Israel again I think as you know so you might want to pray about coming with us it's gonna be a great trip but we on this particular trip we one of the footsteps of Paul so we went to Ephesus and there in Ephesus there's a story in the Bible of when the people there were worshipping a false god Asst Diana or Artemis was the name of the idol and it created a big riot because Paul was preaching the gospel and telling them to turn from these gods and they made a lot of money selling the little idols well sure enough there in the city they sell reproductions of this little Idol of Artemis a little goddess and so I bought one to illustrate my sermon so I was telling everyone this is the God they worshiped and and somehow it went into my backpack and I was on the ship and we're going to our next port and I look I to my grandkids with me and they were playing with the Idol like it was a doll they didn't know what it was I'm looking at him playing with this fall I said give that to me kids I went out to the side of the ocean throw it over the side and say I don't want this stinking Idol in my bag you know I know that seems a little extreme but the point is that there are things in life like that that can actually distract us from our relationship with God and sometimes you need to just get rid of it yes idols can hinder your prayer life here's a big one now unforgiveness can hinder your prayers unforgiveness can hinder your prayers is there someone right now you can think of that you just hate here's how I know if that's the case their face just jumped into your mind did they are you thinking there's someone don't be thinking of me please you're thinking of someone someone that's wrong you too neighbor could be a parent it could be a child it could be someone that betrayed you're thinking about them right now and every time you think about that person much less see that person your blood begins to boil in fact you've been plotting and how you're gonna get them for what they did to you listen if that's the case it can hinder your prayers Jesus as a mark 11:25 when you stand praying if you are holding anything against anyone forgive him so your Father in Heaven may forgive you of your sins you need to remember God has forgiven you so in the same way here I come to pray and if there's someone now I'm harboring unforgiveness toward it can stop my prayers from being answered in the affirmative by God in heaven yesterday at the baptism there was a couple that came up to me they looked very troubled especially the man and they said can we talk to you for a few moments I said sure and so he said my wife has been unfaithful to me and she was standing right there and I looked at her and and I said there's that true she says yes it is think goes I can't forgive her and I said well here's what the Bible says you know and I told him that God had forgiven him I asked him if he was a Christian he said he was she was - and I said you know God has forgiven us of a great sin a great debt all the things we've done and it says it were to be tender-hearted forgiving one another as God in Christ is forgiven us so you don't have to wait for the emotion sometimes it's just the act of the will and doing what God tells you to do if you feel like it or not and I said to the lady his wife I said did you commit this sin against your husband she said yes I said are you sorry of it do you repent of it she says yes and I said to her are you willing to say I forgive you he says yes and then he said I forgive you and tears started coming down his cheek as beautiful moment and then they kissed it was so sweet now some might say well Gregg hold on now you know is not unfaithfulness grounds for divorce well technically it is and then faithfulness has also grounds for forgiveness okay so I always encourage forgiveness and that happened right there and that was a beautiful moment but we can be harboring that thing in our heart and I know someone did something against you and you did not deserve this thing it's not about that in a way as I've often said when you forgive someone you set a prisoner free yourself in some ways that's more for you than anyone else just so you can be free of it so these are things that hinder our prayers and there's one other thing that keeps our prayers from being answered if you're taking notes a supernatural battle is raging behind the scenes I know that sounds strange but that's exactly what's happening here in Daniel chapter 10 this is a record of the final vision God gave to Daniel and it includes some very important information about the end of days or the last days so we'll get into that and our next message and so chronologically this event happened when Darius was reigning over the Empire remember that the Babylonians were conquered by the medo-persians and Darius was now the king this is Darius of the Daniel and the Lions Den story okay so he had given permission for the Jews to return to Jerusalem in some return but not most of them in fact less than 50 thousand Jews returned and of those have returned a lot of them weren't doing anything to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem we talked about that in the amaya so things were not going as planned and so Daniel was deeply grieved so in Daniel 10 verse 2 he's praying he says when this vision came to me I'd been in mourning for three whole weeks and that time I'd eaten no rich food no meat or no wine and no no wine that crossed my lips and I used no fragrant lotion in those three weeks that had passed and so Daniels just grieved have you ever been grieved over something something you see and it grieves you it troubles you and you're mourning over it maybe you look at the state of our nation right now and you grieve over the course that America is on maybe you look at problems in your own family and you grieve over decisions maybe your children have made and you're hurting well that's what Daniel was doing he was praying and he was grieving and the Lord sends an angel to him in Daniel chapter 10 verse 10 suddenly I hand touched me which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my hands and he said Oh Daniel man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak to you and stand upright for I have now been sent to you while he was speaking this word to me I stood trembling and he said don't be afraid Daniel don't fear for from the first thing you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come because of your words you know sometimes God answers our prayers a little more quickly than we expect we're so used to waiting but sometimes your brain boom prayers answered just like that that's what's happening to Daniel he's praying Oh Lord I'm green oh hello an angel shows up Daniel I have been dispatched from heaven with an answer to your prayer but now a really interesting thing is revealed to Daniel about the spirit world he was not aware of verse 13 the angel says but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me for 21 days and behold Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me for I've been left alone with the king of Persia and now I have come to make you understand what will happen to people in the last days for the vision refers to many days to come so what's going on here well this angel has been slowed it down so now let's talk about a few things that can happen when were aligned with God and how our prayers can be answered in the affirmative number one God hears and SURS of the prayers of those he loves God hears and answers the prayers of those he loves look at verse 10 the angel says you're greatly loved by God now you can say well that's nice for Daniel but what about me I don't think I'm greatly loved by God I don't think I'm beloved of the Lord actually you are you're very loved by God in fact Jesus said in John 17 to the Father may the experience that's perfect unity that the world may know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me Jesus is basically saying that the Father in Heaven loves you as much as he loves his own son it's not amazing do you think that God in heaven loves Jesus Christ yes or no God loves you that much too so just as surely as Daniel was greatly beloved of the Lord so are you you aren't loved by God you are beloved of the Lord number two because you are loved by God your prayers are heard in heaven so when you offer your prayer to the Lord just know this it's heard in heaven by the Lord so in this particular situation the prayer was heard and an angel was dispatched with an answer like same-day delivery on Amazon you ever seen that you can get things on the same day I find that amazing and now we hear that they're gonna start having drones deliver things I haven't had that happen yet but here is an angelic same-day delivery so the prayers earn in heaven and angels angel is dispatched with the answer to the prayer but while the angel is on his way to Daniel what the answer he's a constant by an evil angel and a battle takes place and this evil angel is identified as the Prince of Persia by the way I don't think that this is describing a person I think it's a spirit being the Prince of Persia you know the devil is called the Prince of the power of the air as well so the idea being that this is a demon power that seemed to have some rain over the kingdom of Persia which would be modern Iran so the question is do certain cities have certain demons and charge I don't know but I can tell you this much or certain places I've gone to that seem more evil than other places I've gone to have you ever experienced that just walking around you're saying man this seems like a very evil place tits are seen in the book of Revelation it is mentioned that Pergamum is the place where Satan's seat was so would not only appear that there are demons over certain places but that the devil has a place he hangs out he's saying wait I'm confused I thought the devil reigned from a ruled from hell though the devil doesn't rule from Hell the devil is going to hell you see that's a difference we sometimes get confused because we think that God's ruling in heaven and the devil's ruling from Hell but that's not the case God is willing from heaven but hell is the final destination of Satan Satan is not omnipresent like God omnipresent omnipresent just simply means God is everywhere at the same moment but the devil being a high ranking powerful spirit being can only be in one place at one time thus he has his other demons which are fallen angels ruling in various places it even appears in scripture that there are rankings of fallen angels this as there are rankings of holy angels and so the devil has his minions no not those minions but his minions his demons doing his dirty work and so here comes an angel from heaven dispatched by God that has overcome by a powerful fallen angel identified as the Prince of Persia so the Lord sends Michael to sort things out okay so now in the ranking of holy angels Michael is a mega angel and in fact he is the most mega of all angels he is the numeral no angel in fact he's the only angel in the Bible called the Arch Angel and he appears a number of time in scriptures and very interesting circumstances one is right here in Daniel Michael also appears in the book of Revelation where it talks about war breaking out in heaven and Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon which is referring to the devil and his angels but he was not strong enough and lost his place in heaven Michael the Archangel is more powerful than Lucifer the fallen angel so Michael was dispatched and we're also we also read of Michael in for sessile onehans for when the rapture happens it says remember the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a shout with a voice of the what the Archangel there's only one Archangel that's Daniel and then dead in Christ rise first and those which are alive and remain are caught up to meet the Lord in the air now there's Gabriel - Gabriel is also a high-ranking angel I don't know if he's an archangel or not the Bible does not say but a very important significant angel who of course had the privilege of announcing the arrival of Messiah to the young girl Mary living in Nazareth but you know I'm wondering what's the story on this other angel was he like a rookie or you know was this his first assignment was he trying to earn his wings now it's not even that's Hollywood mythology their angels don't earn their wings they need to work out him - Jim Moore was he kind of a little I don't know what it was but I just know he wasn't powerful enough to stop this demon power the Prince of Persia and so the Lord sent Michael to get this organized so point number three we should keep praying even when an answer does not come quickly we should keep praying even when an answer does not come quickly I might come 21 days later after you pray I might come 21 years later after you pray and that is why Jesus said in Matthew 7 ask and it shall be given unto you seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be open and you know that in the original Greek that can be turn see they'd keep asking keep sinking keep knocking you don't back off you continue on in your prayers it's a continuous ongoing process you should never stop praying sometimes the Lord allows calamity to come into our life we pray we ask them we beg him to remove it and sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't and even in the times when he does we'll be praying so proven ly and then whatever it is that's troubling you stops and effectively we say thanks God see you next crisis let me ask you does your prayer life remain at the same level that it was at when you were in the calamity I doubt it we tend to pray harder when we're in trouble am i right about that but here's that the Bible says over in James 5:13 is there anyone among you suffering let him pray is anyone cheerful let him sing psalms is anyone sick that I'm called for the elders of the church and let them pray over him so what is this saying it's saying when you're suffering you should pray when you're blessed you should praise when you're sick you should pray again what's the takeaway message pray pray pray pray when it's hard pray when it's good praying in between those things just keep praying that's the thing we need to remember and that's what this verse is pointing out and you know what the devil does not want you to pray does he eat why does he not want you to pray because he knows there's power in prayer he knows things happen when we pray you know in Ephesians 6 it talks about putting on the armor of God because we're in a spiritual battle and folks we are in a spiritual battle each and every day the moment you give your life to Jesus Christ you were put on the battlefield so you have a question in the barrier you have a challenge before you a choice in this battle you can put on the armor of God and March forward or you can just be wiped out on that panel feel but before a word is mentioned about the helmet of salvation or the shield of faith or the breastplate of righteousness of the sword of the Spirit Ephesians 6 says stand in the Lord and the power of his might it starts with praying and you want to be in fellowship and communion with God and the devil will do everything he can to cut you off from that and he doesn't want you to pray and that's why this prince of persia' this demon power opposed this angel that was seeking to bring the answer to the prayer of daniel so the battle rages and we need to be aware of that and we need to make sure that we have God's armor on us now I don't want to freak you out with all this talk about demons and Prince of Persia and all this stuff it's in the Bible it's all true but remember this greater is He that is in us and he that is in the world it's true that one third of the Angels rebelled against God and followed Satan and they are now what we call demons but it is also true that two-thirds of the Angels are still on our side and that means there's millions and millions of angels that are surrounding every follower of Jesus Christ and God will not let you be defeated because at the cross of Calvary the Bible says that Jesus dealt a decisive blow against the devil and his demons and so we need to remember that so we don't stand in our own strength we stand in the Lord's strength and he'll give us the power to do what he's called us to do so let me come back and conclude with two things that stopped our prayers from being answered one of them is unconfessed sin is there unconfessed sin in your life right now you're harboring a grudge toward someone you're bitter toward an individual or you have an idol something that's more important to you than God in your life you need to confess that until that sin is confessed nothing is going to happen but the good thing is God promises in first John 1:9 if we will confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness so we need to just ask the Lord to forgive us today if we need that forgiveness and many of us may and then the other thing of course is you need a relationship with God you know you can't ask the Lord for things when you don't even know the Lord so it starts with this relationship and the good news is is God sent his own son to die on the cross for our sin 2000 years ago and then he rose again from the dead after he bore our sins and now he stands at the door of our life and he knocks and says a bull hear his voice and opened the door he'll come in and we just celebrated over 10,000 people making that commitment to follow Jesus a few weeks ago at the SoCal harvest and and I pray that we'll see a few more join that number today if you've never believed in Jesus this is your moment this is your opportunity to enter into a relationship with him he stands at the door of your life and he knocks and if you'll hear his voice and open the door he'll come in so we're gonna close in prayer and I'm gonna give you an opportunity to ask Christ into your life if you've not done that yet but listen Christians also an opportunity to confess your sin to God I'm not gonna ask you to do it out loud but I'm gonna ask you to say to the Lord if you need to Lord there's a sin in my life I want to admit it I want to acknowledge it I want to repent of it I want to confess it and I want to put it in my rear view mirror I want to walk away from it and have a fresh start today so let's all pray father thank you for loving us so much as much you sent Jesus and now I pray for anyone here anyone watching this wherever they are if they don't know you yet lord help them to see their need for you and help them to come you and believe now while our heads are bowed and our eyes are closed and we're praying if you would like Jesus Christ to come into your life if you would like him to forgive you of your sin if you would like to go to heaven when you die would you just pray this prayer right where you are after me this is a prayer where you're asking Jesus to come into your life just pray this prayer just pray Lord Jesus I know that I'm a sinner and I ask you to forgive me I turn from that sin and I choose to follow you from this moment forward as my savior and Lord as my god to my friend thank you for hearing this prayer Jesus now while the heads are still bowed maybe God's Holy Spirit it's speaking to some of you and he's shown you there's something in your life that is an obstacle keeping you from him maybe it's an unconfessed sin maybe it's bitterness toward someone that's hurt you maybe it's an idol in your life and if that's you if you need him to remove that we're gonna just have Phil sing a little song and while he's singing you just give that to God and you just let go of that sin and just say Lord I'm sorry for this there's no justifying it I repent of it and I ask you to forgive me of it but a car I can't say I fire with fire I fall apart y'all don't hey guys [Music] right [Music] [Music] my [Music] you look we see [Music] is cried [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 20,201
Rating: 4.8402905 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, greg, laurie, bible study with me, Harvest Chrostian, Greg Laurie, greg laurie, Greg laurie ser, why our prayers are not answered by god, will god answer my prayers, will god answer my prayers if i sin, will god ever answer my prayers, prayers for healing and deliverance, answered prayers testimonies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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