Why Nobody Plays the Egyptian Gods

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I usually bring up blue eyes chaos max dragon when I want to look at a card that looks good on paper to a lot of casual players but isn't good in the competitive scene and part of the reason that I think blue eyes cast max dragon has this reputation of being such a big piece of casual bait if that even exists is because Floyd's chaos max dragon is a perfect example of a card that looks really good if you only consider its impact while it's on the board what I mean by that is that if you skip the entire deck that you have to put it in if you skip the summoning condition and you only look at what it is when it's on the field then yeah of course it's gonna look good and I think another set of monsters that is probably an even better example of this is the Egyptian gods now these cards are iconic they obviously appeared in the original yu-gi-oh anime a ton not only played by the hero but also the villain and they're not competitively viable they basically never have been outside of obelisk making some fringe tops at Regionals way back in the day I'll talk about those in this video but I wanted to make a video talking about why people don't play the god cards and any sort of competitive or rogue sense because I think that a lot of the same philosophies that Kaos max has and that the god cards have can actually be applied to pretty much any sort of general deck building skills and I think that's cool I think when we can kind of look at these iconic monsters that have crazy effects potentially in huge attack points and then sort of compare why those cards aren't good to sort of modern day cards or even other boss monsters from when they were around I think we can learn a lot so let's start off by taking a look at obelisk because it's by far the best one so the first thing you have to know about the Egyptian gods is that they all have the same sort of normal summoning effect so first off they require three tributes to normal summon them you can't set them and then this card's normal summon can't be negated so they all have that effect they also all have the one normal summon cards and effects cannot be activated so those are all good things except for the three tributes three tributes is not good some of the best cards in the game can have one or two tributes but you would have to have a really really insane payoff for three monsters to be attributed because a three monsters being tributed means at any time you summon a god card you are taking a straight - three in card advantage and I know that's a casual player's card advantage simply doesn't matter to them but look at it this way let's say you're going first you have five cards and you have three cards that let you special summon them to your Sabbath field let's say it's like gilasaurus or something so you have a way to put three monsters on the board on the very first turn and now you have obelisk and one other card in hand from there you normal summon the obelisk tributing the three monsters and end your turn you have now lost three cards without your opponent even doing anything so at this point if your opponent gets rid of the obelisk which they very easily can not only with newer cards like hyeju's but also older cards like dark hole and mirror force if they get rid of the obelisk you're now looking at a one card hand to your opponent's five-card hand and that's obviously not gonna put you in a very good spot now I mention obelisk can be taken out by dark hole mere force and that's because it does have a sort of neat protection effect especially for when it originally came out as a playable card so obelisk can't be targeted by spells traps or card effects that's kind of cool and that's part of the reason that it actually saw a place so it saw a play and a frog deck frogs are very good at putting out tribute material so that's not super surprising it also randomly saw a play in a dragon ruler deck or - I'm just because dragon wars didn't have a lot of non targeting removal so you could summon obelisk and sort of win some games there neither of those picks were super popular they just saw like a top or two but it is worth knowing that obelisk did see play because of that bonus effect also once returned during the end phase if this card was special summoned send it to the Graveyard so obelisk and Slifer both have that sort of drawback it's to prevent use from special summons cards with stuff like call the haunted or monster reborn just winning the game I don't that requirement or that restriction is necessary to make these cards not to overpower I don't think they'd be too broken if they actually could say around but it's worth noting that they do have that so you can't really try to cheese them out and if you do try to special summon them you'll have to keep special summoning them every single turn with a different card effect which is kind of annoying also you can tribute to monsters to destroy all monsters your opponent controls this card cannot declare an attack that when this effect is activated that effect is just terrible I mean it'sit's laughable at best it's basically a worse lightning vortex because like the whole point of obelisks that it's doing a bunch of damage at 4000 attack so that's really bad um but obelisk isn't the worst of the bunch so if we move on to Slifer Slifer has all these same normal summon effects but it has no attack points unless you have cards in your hand so Slifer gains a thousand attack in defense for each card in your hand and if you take a look at that first turn five card opening that I talked about obelisk you can see why Slifer starts to look pretty rough because at best this thing I mean I would say for Slifer to be good you would want to have more than 3,000 attack but Ovilus has 4,000 so we're really shooting for 4,000 and in many cases even the backs that are plain Slifer like casually are gonna be hard pressed to somehow summon three pieces of tribute fodder and have Slifer in hand and have four other cards in their hand it's just not going to happen slifer's other effect is sort of control oriented so when a monster is normal or a special summon it loses 2,000 attack and if the attack goes to zero by that effect it's destroyed I think that's pretty cool I think it's kind of misplaced I would have much rather seen obelisk had that effect because Slifer is more of just like an otk all-in sort of card but when obelisk was played it was played in sort of control decks it was supposed to control the board until your opponent eventually find a way to out it so I think that effect on obelisk would have almost made obelisk playable although we'll never truly know because they're on two different cards with Slifer is sort of in the middle here it's not the worst card it's not the best card the truly worst one is the winged dragon of Ross so the winged dragon of raw has all these regular effects however it can't be special summoned at all um that's worth noting except that you probably wouldn't want to especially someone this thing anyway the only time that rah has attack it's not based on cards in your hand but one it's normal summon you pay Life Points so you only have a hundred left and then you it gains the attack that you paid that's not that good other than just one shotting your opponent this card is almost always just going to lose you the game it's extremely risky not to mention that when you use that effect that you're just leaving yourself open to as long as your opponent can somehow do 100 damage to you even if they have a copy of sparks they can kill you and that's really rough but also the winged dragon of raw is just really off-balance its second effect requires you to have lots of Life Points I mean its second effect is you can pay a thousand life points and target one moths from the field destroyed that target now that's not a once per turn effect but you have to pay all your life points to summon this thing in the first place so it doesn't make doesn't make any sense I don't know once again I don't know why that effect isn't on like Slifer instead because that would at least sort of makes sense but you can see here I mean I guess ok I understand the casual argument the casual argument is ok Deezy if I'm gonna summon three monsters I'm gonna tribute them all for raw it's gonna be seventy nine hundred attack points and then I'm gonna use the rest of the cards in my hand to increase my life points back to eight thousand flawless combo the problem is is that the decks or the people that are doing me playing ring dragon of raw are gonna be playing the janky stacks possible so it's never gonna happen and also you're talking about like an 11 card combo to basically do what a bliss does just slightly better it's just absolutely crazy I winged dragon of raw is just utterly terrible I just can't believe this card is so bad in the fact that it has like one effect that spends Auto Life Points and one effect that wants you to have a ton of Life Points is just really dumb card design so at the end of the day all these cards sort of have a really bad return on investment you're losing three cards to summon these and they don't do anything when they when they hit the board high attack points in protection is simply not enough to build a deck around these cards we learned that with blue-eyes chaos max dragon which has the same protection as obelisk basically and more protection than Slifer and winged dragon of raw and it's easier to summon and that card is still not worth it I can't believe I would ever be saying that chaos max dragon is better than a set of cards but in in reality if you're trying to play a big iconic monster and sort of cheese some wins what you want to not lose every single game you probably should play chaos max dragon instead of the god cards and yes there are some support cards for the gods there's like the the Roz disciple that's kind of neat but in general nothing can really make these cards better because none of these cards gain you advantage but they require you to already be in an advantageous state they're just really awkwardly positioned there's almost never a time when you would want to trade three on field cards to summon a to waste your normal summon really on a god card instead of like a linked summon or instead of if they cease summoner synchro summon or even just attacking with the monsters that you have on field there are so few cards in the game that you would want to tribute them for the god cards instead of making some sort of Extra Deck summon or even just a better tribute summon there are plenty of good tribute summon cards out there it's really hard I mean it's not super fair to compare these two like masterpiece but really masterpiece takes two treaty summons its protection two five is better than any of these cards it impacts the board it gains advantage it's just infinitely better than any of these cards it's probably not fair to do that comparison just because masterpiece was really so long after but it is a shame because the god cards are iconic and compared to a lot of the other iconic cards in the game there's simply way more unplayable if you take a look at like the Dark Magician and blue-eyes they both have their own dedicated decks you can at least play those cards even Exodia which is probably on the same sort of power level in the anime as the god cards even Exodia had playable strategies around it and has had tournament success but it's so hard to build a deck around the god cards and see any sort of success outside of a casual setting which doesn't exactly count I mean I have nothing against sort of the casual decks and the casual tournaments and stuff but any deck is viable in those so it's not really worth sort of analyzing the strategies that work in those environments because any strategy will work on therefore that of course a card like ring dragon of raw can work in those scenarios because anything can anyway that's gonna wrap on my discussion I think that the god cards at the end today just aren't worth their investment which i think is the same thing for like a lot of big boss monsters but yeah if you really want to play a big monster with a lot of attack that is like has some protection just play chaos max I can't believe a recommending playing that card but a truly just play that card instead of the gods it would take a lot for these cards to be good obviously we have sphere mode which is sort of like it's not quite the original god cards but that card is obviously really good but that has nothing to do with like the actual god card strategy but yeah let me know what you guys think about this video it's been a while since I did a why nobody plays I think I'm gonna try to also do a bad structure deck and oh if you want to see my view eh why nobody plays like the sacred beasts I could do that as well just let me know in the comments and yeah I'll see you guys later bye you
Channel: Dzeeff
Views: 3,144,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, yu-gi-oh, obelisk, slifer, ra
Id: avgTkzLWQgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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