Why Nobody Ever Eats Ripe Makrut Limes

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[Music] greetings everybody I am in Bangkok Thailand right now and I picked up uh something that's quite popular here not Bergamot uh I mean uh muit lime it also has the name cfir lime but cfir lime is I made a video about it it's more appropriate to call it the mcro lime I've had this before I've talked about it a couple of times however I found something at the market here that I never seen before a yellow one so what I believe this is is a ripe version of this so a lot of the citruses that we have that are green are actually picked on ripe limes for instance limes are not green when you let them ripen all the way they turn yellow how I got the yellow one is not because people use it people do not use this thing I I don't think hardly ever there was a little man with a bowl of mcro limes and I saw this like buried in the bowl and I fished it out and I tried to buy it from him and he refused to take money for it it was a really sweet gesture for him to give it to me for free but he also kind of gave me this look like you don't know what you're doing do you because I picked the one fruit in the bowl that that was one that would probably just get thrown away straight off the bat I could tell that these are at different ripes because mcot limes are quite hard you there this does not yield to pressure this one it feels like a lemon you know it's got a little bit of give to it and I think that is the ripeness so uh let's do it I will start with the green one what I like about mcro limes is that the crosssection on on these is pretty awesome check this out yeah look at all those wedges and these are really really really floral so floral that uh sometimes when you see these for sale they are for sale at flower markets and that's because people will use this as like a like a popar you throw one of these in your underwear drawer to make everything smell nice uh can be used that way and yeah Floral citrusy pleasantness it's it's nice uh the flavor on it is actually pretty good I I like the flavor of this but uh usually it's not eaten straight out of hand it is cooked with if you like Thai food kind of like the citrusy sort of flavor that you get from like a yellow curry that comes from not the uh muit lime so much but the muit lime leaves but sometimes this is used to yeah it's a nice flavor but it is intense very sour it's at least a 10 it's like as sour as a lime or a lemon U little bit of sweetness to it it's got a little bit in there maybe a little bit more than your typical lime or or lemon maybe like a three out of 10 on sweetness kind of hard to tell cuz it's so sour there's a little bit of a bitterness to it and um so here here's the kind of like negative with the flavor of this this smells like lemon dish soap you know like how lemon laundry detergent doesn't smell exactly like lemons it kind of smells like a floral kind of lemon thing smells like this so I have this Association of like a cleaning product with this but it doesn't taste soapy so uh I like it now like I would happily like make like a lemonade with this this but uh that initial reaction like the first time I had this it's a little bit uh hard to get over that hurdle because the closest thing that we have that smells like this at least where I am in the US it's like Dawn dish soap but uh in the best possible way so next let's do the yellow MCR lime the ripened one and by the way uh the reason why I originally said this is not bergamont is because uh if you didn't see that episode 99 times out of 100 when you see a picture of Bergamot which is you know the thing that gives Earl gry tea its flavor they will show you a picture of this and it's not bergamont this is not bergamont guys uh well you'll see a picture of the green one actually uh not the uh the yellow one of course um and uh that is a complicated reason and I made a video explaining it that is pretty interesting I I'll link that below the best bergamont is apparently not bergmont that's not Bergamot you got one you got it's not just stock footage but you don't know what it is that is not Bergamot this one by John dard is interesting because he says Bergamot and amalaki uh that's not Bergamot and that's not amalaki both plants that you're talking about are incorrect the green ones are nothing like bergamont they don't look like bergamont whatsoever the yellow ones however also do not look like bergamont um a little bit more cuz bergamont is yellow and this is yellow but uh as you see it is Lumpy it's look cool it's really cool looking I can see why this is the chosen image it's more uh clickable but it is still nothing like Burger mut all right let's cut it open so I'm going to go in try not to to cut off my [Music] thumb these are quite juicy uh the green one was juicy as it is and this one is uh even juicier H yeah love those crosssections the yellow Burger mot actually has a little bit of a green tinge to the inside uh similar to the uh the green one but not as green as this one so I got a little piece oh that's bad that old man tried to warn [Music] me oh uh hm uh I don't know how to describe that flavor though I'm going to have to go in for more I I didn't really catch it I just got like ew um so it hits you on the tip of the tongue with like a little bit of a chemical kind of taste I'm fairly certain that you can eat these in this state if you eat them green you can eat them yellow but tastes like you shouldn't it's got um a sourness that is um harsh you know like the green ones are like a 10 out of 10 this is maybe not as sour it's maybe more like um 9 out of 10 a little bit less sour as compared to other citruses however it has like this this different type of sourness maybe more like vinegar like a harsh sourness so it tastes like the green one but with kind of like this vinegary acrid herbal yeah kind of taste it also has a little bit of a flavor that's kind of stale and I think that because you know once they turn yellow they start to perish a lot faster like when you have them green they will last longer on the Shelf uh when you have them yellow they'll start to you know Wilt and uh you can kind of taste that you can taste that witin inside that that a little bit like a stale lemon taste so not [Music] good M cruit limes don't get me wrong they're good when they're green and sometimes they do show up at like International markets so if you see one of these pick it up play with it it's a little bit difficult to get over the initial kind of soapy Association to it but if you do there is some flavor in there that can be utilized and uh in a nice way if you ever see a yellow one don't buy it don't buy it um and if an old man warns you that uh the fruit is just like don't you don't want that one it's probably for a reason so thank you so much everybody and I will see you all next time I would like to give a very big shout out to smarter everyday Bill T and botbot they are Mega patrons over on patreon.com this is how I manage to keep this channel going so it is a huge help to anyone watching who is interested in learning more about how you can help the channel and get some cool stuff in return like early access to videos exclusive videos there's actually over a hundred of them already that you can get access to uh there's a level where I'll send you stuff in the mail you got to check it out there's more information about this down in the description below
Channel: Weird Explorer
Views: 73,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaffir lime, bergamot, thai bergamot
Id: tQJRw0FsKDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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