Why Nigahiga is still Funny

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Us3r_is_my_name 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
so nigahiga recently made a video tackling the issue of Asians around the world being attacked by people because of Kovan 19 mostly in the United States and this recent upload made me realize two things Ryan has been on this website since the beginning basically and he's still producing entertaining content while still retaining a decent view count that's a pretty big feat the second thing I've noticed is that Ryan is way better at handling serious situations while at the same time being funny then Lilly Singh so I thought it'd be funny to compare the two videos all the same time making fun of Lilly Singh for the thousand time yeah this old [ __ ] man just refuses to learn her lesson we tried telling her why she's not funny every day and she still continues to produce the same daily [ __ ] jokes but then again she probably doesn't listen to most of us because we got that Caucasian pigment tonight on Channel 6 News the increase of violence towards Asian Americans continued to rise during this coronavirus pandemic and why scientists believe you should reconsider your next hate crime besides Ryan taking the initiative to have a news type theme for the video what I really appreciate is him showing proof of this happening around the world we're already seeing why he's talking about this and why this is an important issue it overall shows why he made this video in the first place now let's have a look at Lily's introduction you know what something horrible happens in the world you'll see the rise of two types of people number one people who don't let fear divide them and instead choose to come together and number two racist idiots who don't deserve an internet connection look at this comment under my youtube video go back to your country you terrorist [ __ ] Afghan Indian Muslim [ __ ] hashtag make America great again no as you can see both videos are tackling the topic of racism but they couldn't be further apart from quality just to remind you Ryan displayed his reasoning for making his video through multiple videos of Asian Americans being harassed and assaulted Lily's reasoning behind making her video is a youtube comment with no upvotes if you want to portray this as a big issue then you shouldn't use a comment with no likes surprisingly that doesn't really come across as threatening i'm ryan anchormen and this is Channel 6 News while kovin 19 infections continue to ramp up here in the United States so had the reported hate crimes against asian-americans again Ryan's theme is a news channel and he takes advantage of this he doesn't just simply put news headlines on the bottom Ryan pays attention to how he speaks and how he portrays his own mannerisms because the way he's showing himself here is as if he's an actual news journalist the fact that he would include so much detail shows that he's passionate about what he's talking about Lily's theme is I'm guessing being a teacher and she's teaching us hello and welcome we'll begin by taking attendance are you here of course you are YouTube comments are how you feel validated Lilly doesn't even take advantage of the theme she has she just takes his opportunity to be incredibly passive-aggressive and Ryan does kind of have that in his video but for the most part he's calm and he never gets to the point of being as boisterous as Lilly her tone is just way too passive-aggressive both videos exaggerated on racist issues for comedic effect but there's a clear distinction between the two again Ryan takes advantage of his theme by comedic Lee over emphasizing the two different locations of Asian Americans and Chinese residents within Wuhan there's actually a geographical difference between the asian-americans living here in the US and the Asian people living in Wuhan China as you can see the jokes here actually well-thought-out and tie into the subject Lilly's jokes are not only unfunny but are also sometimes just random today we're going to be taking a trip around the world so you'll need to pack it's probably been years since you've had the chance to use your passport just like your penis but don't worry this time you'll actually take off this little joke kinda indicates that the people she's directing this video towards are men now we're all aware that Lilly Singh is a big [ __ ] Miss Andrus but what confuses me about this joke is that this video is directed towards a racist people so can women not be racist to go back to my foreign country we'll need to fight a long 45 minutes all the way back to Canada oh yeah she likes leaving these long pauses as well to indicate that she's so [ __ ] funny and to top off the cringe or facial expression becomes smug as if she already wasn't irritating enough I like her when Ryan makes his jokes he doesn't leave in these long pauses he just keeps on going when he leave in long pauses it's like you're expecting your audience to laugh and implying that you're funny it's kind of a turn-off when you give off the impression that you think you're really funny the opportunity for people to judge how funny you are is through your own jokes not long pauses so you can wait for people to laugh we ain't got no sports we ain't got no toilet paper we ain't got no jobs below average IQ no money we got to marry your own cousins now we smell like ass and it's all because of them damn Ching chongs running around eatin bets it's ridiculous yeah let's see how funny this segment would be with long pause we ain't got no sports we ain't got no toilet paper we ain't got no jobs below average IQ no money we got to marry your own cousins now we smell like ass and it's all because of them damn Ching chongs I mean some of them have never even been to China it's amazing how is that even possible that is incredible you will not believe that things we're finding we're starting to see patterns that not all Asian Americans are even Chinese no this is where Ryan becomes more passive-aggressive but it's in a way where it's playful and comedic while Lily Stone was leaning more towards the condescending side he exaggerated swith details to get his point across and unlike lily the jokes are actually [ __ ] funny in this video Ryan plays a stereotypical southern character well it is kind of overplayed he does do new things with it at least for example the stereotypical character claims that he can speak Chinese by saying that he took Japanese and then he proceeds to speak Korean just little stuff like that adds a lot to the overall comedy in the video but I'm assuming you thought my country was somewhere else so let's fly across the world to the country of patchy Afghan India India is all the way over here across the ocean so unfortunately you won't be able to drive your trailer there you know if I'm to be honest I think the trailer joke is funny but it's kind of ruined immediately after by a direct from joke oh and then out of nowhere she proceeds to just insult Republicans the aircraft are flying will probably be a double-decker which means it'll have about 300 to 400 people on board which is approximately the same amount of people at Trump's inauguration JK that's an alternative fact but you're probably used to those from watching so much Fox News I'm not a Republican or a Democrat don't really give a [ __ ] but I do get annoyed when people take any opportunity to make something political out of nowhere and it's usually from people like Lily who are the last human beings I would get my political information from in short nobody [ __ ] asked quick travel tip if you're going to India they don't kill cows there so there's no beef but don't worry because if you kill anything it'll be considered mental illness so you're good please clap one of Ryan's final jokes in this video is about him being portrayed by the same person it's a funny joke but becomes funnier when it ties into the fact that the man who is racist against Asians is being played by one wow my god it's like Ryan is trying to produce comedy not throwing blanket statements and as a bonus the jokes are revolved around the content in the video to be honest whether I went back to my country of Pakistan India or even Canada I don't see how that would benefit you since my tax bracket helps pay for your kids education oh you're welcome Timothy Lilly no offense actually a lot of offense four minutes of you acting like an asshat not being funny is not worth dropping the mic these type of actions only make you look bad you try to portray yourself as the baddest [ __ ] in the world while Bryan comes off as genuine unlike you he doesn't have to try hard to be funny or get his point across
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,852,562
Rating: 4.9495277 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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