Why New Cars SUCK (Ford Fusion STUCK in PARK?! - Part 2)

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now back to the 2017 Ford Fusion the uh the shop here got brand new shift knob GSM module so let's see we're gonna plug it in if it doesn't blink then we should be in good shape like that's I don't think that's normal all right here we go foreign just one plug there we go oh no oh no you oh it stopped blinking let's see [Applause] [Music] uh oh made the wrong call part two of the diagnosis luckily they can easily return this one but I don't like doing that so we have to do a little more research on that data pit that says yes from the break from the body control module disabling the shifting says stuck in park pretty crazy stuff well again we have a green tree except for the power steering control module says in validators to receive from AVS gear shift module it's doing the exact same thing you can try to override it with the little Keyhole and it still fights you if you can get it over here it'll fight you back identical Behavior to this one so you lock the door key on engine off self-test no dtcs and data stream says brake transmission shift Interlock system is preventing leaving the park position that right there we have to figure out why that is last time we didn't go that far because it was just the weirdest Behavior this blinking P there's nothing about it in the owner's manual there's nothing about that in service info nowhere so so I don't know let's look up wiring diagram see which cut which wire it is we can back probe and see what the voltage is mess around with it with a test light see if we can shift you know maybe bypass it what the heck is going on all right here we go so btsi that's that wire right there going to pin 12 of the gear shift module from the BCM from the body control module okay it looks like power side switched wire just telling this gear shift control module to stay in park so that's the right pin I actually slid the connector out pin 10 11 12. orange and blue wire let's put the connector back in plug in the GSM let me do that off camera we'll measure the voltage on here just with a volt meter my ground is connected to the cigarette lighter adapter meter works fine let's see what that wire does and compare to scan data all right so the meter is on that wire we have a solid P right now zero volts on the meter let's start the car this is blinking we still have zero volts on the meter so let's go to GSM let's look at that data PID oh where are you data stream select all okay so break transmission shift Interlock system preventing leaving the park position yes now what can we do with this wire if it's already a zero volts you can easily take a test light and go from Battery positive if the light finds a ground like right here on my meter light will light up the light works plug it in see right here ah so the brake transmission shift interlock hardwired input change to no change to yes and when I press the brake that goes to battery voltage that's fine why is the BTS is preventing the GSM from leaving park position I still don't know where this input comes from I looked everywhere on the wiring diagram is it stuck in some you know is there some kind of reset for this thing because uh they did you know when the car came in the bushing on the shifter was messed up and the uh the synchronization was out setting those original codes they fixed all that the um you know the actual shift motor works fine this thing is still not happy is there some kind of reset they need to do to re-enable this system [Applause] so in the ECM I'm going to try to reset the keep alive memory here this is now completed switch off okay it just blinks blinks blinks blinks blinks with no trouble code set in anywhere foreign [Music] are you blinking this is a real mystery I'm I'm kind of stumped here what would you do next what other inputs can you check that's the only hardwired input from the BCM to this GSM where's that other data PID come from so the only thing the only variable here that I can think of is that after repairing the cable and set those codes now the codes are not there anymore but the system is locked out because the cable adjustment was not completed that's a scanner function uh it describes it here in the OEM info using a diagnostic scan tool select cable adjustment mode GSM will alternate flashing DN and S simultaneously choose D on the GSM so the only tool that I have that actually has that function is the thing tool Pros it has cable adjustment mode and that it does that like this is you know activates the motor and then you're free to turn this to any gear and it you know blinks to whatever gear you turn it to however nothing happens is this says the GSM will alternate flashing D or n and S simul simultaneously that does not happen choose D on the GSM once you do that verify D is eliminated on The IPC so it should actually shift the gears position the manual control lever in D rotate the manual controller counterclockwise till it stops so that's the actual lever on the transmission unlock the adjuster move it you know pop it in when you're in drive and then choose p on the GSM clear any dtc's shift transmission through the ranges and then you're good so I think this range is not learned and that's why we're locked out I don't know why there's no code for that like transmission you know shift range not learned that would be very helpful I tried the autel I didn't even have that bi-directional control I tried the Shop's Snap-on Zeus and this is why I don't update my snap on past 2016. so this is you know the latest and greatest transmission range control module yep that's all we got codes and data useless useless stuff so it looks like we might have to go the OEM route you can get you know pay for three days of IDs the uh you know the Ford OEM software and try to do this relearn um I guess might as well learn in this one and have it for for the future but this is where the industry is going you need access to the Oe software scanners to do these procedures where you reset stuff re-initialize stuff the aftermarket's trying to keep up and they're doing a great job but not everything's available so we'll be back on this one kind of frustrating but still learning experience so we're back at the Ford Fusion I'm running out of ideas actually called uh my friend Keith DeFazio just a you know basically get a second opinion talk about it he was on the same page he's like you know we both looked up service information there isn't anything that helpful uh you know an all data or even the Ford factory service which describes the symptoms no codes and this selector is just blinking apart like like that and the data stream for the gear shift control module which you would think will give you you know there's a problem there should be a trouble code but not in this case in the data stream that right there brake transmission shift Interlock system is preventing leaving the park position so if I press the brake that changes to no that is always stuck and yes I've never seen it go to no I even measured the signals on the pulse width modulated wires there are three wires if you look at the wiring diagram right here pwm one and three this is the gear shift control module gear shift module GSM these two go to the trcm right into here transmission range control module that's the actual motor that pulls on the cable and then PMW 2 or pwm2 goes to the PCM again wire Integrity is fine I even use the test light to pull it down the ground pull it up to positive all the modules correspondingly set codes you know the the whatever communication circuit high communication circuit low for example these are the codes I got from just messing around with it and their gear shift control module communication circuit low so everything checks out there are no codes we're stuck in park should we call the transmission range control module I already missed once once with the the shift knob of GSM that didn't fix it so I'm wondering when that whatever bushing on the transmission broke the plastic bushing transmission range control module overshot itself and something broke inside there's a there's a clutch a motor whatever it has to pull in the cable pretty you know pretty hard to get the transmission to shift and that's just the wear and tear item and if it if the bushing broke it could have hit the limit and just snapped something internally because the uh the cable adjustment procedure you can hear the motor you can feel the cable getting pushed to park but I've never seen it actually pull itself away from Park so that's my you know I'll call this module if it doesn't work I'm gonna have to do this diagnosis for free for this repair shop because you know if I missed twice that they're not going to be too pleased about that but then the car is sitting here they have no other options so that's where we're going again once you learn about the system and you know it's ins and outs and quirks then the next one will be a lot easier so this is kind of a learning experience car where you're not gonna you know make make much just on this carb in particular but the learning experience that's you're basically paying for your education so we'll be back with a new transmission range control module Oh what a beautiful winter day this morning let's head to town working some cars a fluffy wet snow actually sticks to the trees it's beautiful Ford Fusion we're replacing the transmission range control module this stupid thing oh it says 45 on it I don't know what that means this thing's heavy so I don't know if they're trying to just be fancy but this is definitely not saving gas just to haul this stupid thing around uh definitely not reliable made in Mexico oh yeah they're all made in Mexico so let's pop it in cross your fingers that it works it's the only other thing that could cause our issue you have to remove the fender liner get to it from here not a big deal hopefully it works all right so I just kind of half put it back together plugged it in [Music] this is adjusted let's see what happens when we press the button still linking [Applause] it works it works it works unbelievable no trouble codes it wasn't the knob it was the transmission range control module I can tear the old one apart thank goodness this car's fixed really probably the most stupid useless feature on a modern car this shift by wire nonsense I mean the you know fly by wire okay that's fine that's they got that mostly reliable but these things start coming out this is garbage it adds weight to the car it doesn't save any space what is the point unbelievable anyways this Ford's fixed thank goodness and we'll see you next time bye all right we got no trouble code stored let's take this Ford Fusion for a spin little bonus footage first time it's moved and probably a couple months yeah it's not a turbo but it goes let's see if we have the door open seatbelt unbuckled all right shifts the park automatically [Music] okay and driving push the L button yep that works and hopefully it'll last a while so I think the failure here was transmission cable whatever little clip on the transmission broke and then this actuator module just went nuts and like overextended itself and broke internally maybe I'll tear the old one apart if in my shop but these new cars it's never a dull moment so a little more bonus footage I wanted to check with the scanner with the new trcm installed in the gear shift module uh data stream if you remember last time uh this data pit kept saying yes it would and the P would blink and you couldn't shift anywhere so now when I press the brake both of those data pids go to no and now you can shift so brake transmission shift interlock hardwired input indicates transmission should not leave the park position that's your brake pedal but this one brake shift transmission shift Interlock system is preventing leaving the park position that kept saying yes and nowhere in service info could you get a description of why that data PID what tells it yes or no obviously the modules weren't happy but no codes were set so it's like an input problem and you chase Your Tail when in reality the stupid module is broken you know um just a really poor design on a really silly system where the Diagnostics you know once you see it once or twice obviously you'll know exactly what what to look for but in this case you know if you're you're stuck in park and that data pit doesn't change to no when you press the brake pedal and everything is good you want to check your cable check your linkage make sure the cable moves freely then figures whatever the transmission range control module is likely broken inside so we'll tear those one apart see what it looks like um but this is you know a huge learning opportunity the next Ford will see the diagnosis should only you know take less than an hour this one we spent considerable a considerable amount of time just learning about the system playing around with it misfired the the parts Cannon once the knob wasn't the problem it was the actuator so thanks a lot for watching we'll see you next time bye well I hoped everyone enjoyed that Ford Fusion stuck in park case study yep a new transmission range control module fix the vehicle and uh that was quite a frustrating experience so let's uh tear apart the old one see what broke on the inside and I mean it's just so silly see you can at least salvage some screws from this thing because otherwise it's a paperweight oh foreign wow that's why it's so heavy look there's two big motors on it circuit board plastic gears oh yeah that's reliable long term and let's keep going oh there's more circuit boards in there this is just to pull your lever for the transmission it probably weighs a good 20 pounds I'm not kidding um I guess we can take off this bracket and the shaft and see if the whole assembly comes out of there something in here is definitely broken all right so remove these two bolts holding the big bracket to the assembly there's one oh because you can't get that bolt out without taking this arm off okay some engineer must be so proud of Designing this module oh my gosh safety feature huh yeah well I'll tell them what I think of their safety feature okay so it's a little star thing all right so we're just pop that off finish taking this bolt out they even put it on rubber dampers how nice okay now let me guess there's another bolt somewhere oh right behind this made Mexico sticker and I guess it's right about here yep okay so now we have this piece we have screws screws screws this is like uh I do cars but not for engines right oh there it works [Music] smaller than that smaller than that smaller than that okay oh look how much stuff there is just to pull a cable it blows my mind that's the goodness yeah did I mention this thing was on back order from Ford I was uh customer number 547 in the waiting list for this part so are all these Ford Fusions just stranded out there wow like you're paying for a car you just paid off maybe you know in five years and then this happens and you're out of luck the Ford garage is going to tell you sorry you gotta wait until our Engineers uh your factory makes more parts okay so there's some kind of there's a motor there's two huge Motors and there's gears um how do you keep going here no so these studs are actual you should be able to remove these by using an appropriate socket I want to see the Carnage wow look at this stuff remember the motor going like me me me get some huge capacitors in there use that for something what is the deal here could possibly go wrong let me see how this thing operates I mean obviously this is a spring-loaded part and that's the big you got two Motors driving one gear to help this thing turn and it was not turning one weight now you can manually turn it but it would not turn on its own why should be able to get rid of that okay so this basically goes like that that's the range this little arm here what does this motor do on the back side ah wow so it moves this entire plate right here see there is a screw right there okay so then what where's the sensor for this thing position sensor so this board is only connected to here and the two Drive Motors oh and I guess this connects to this drive motor okay ah so that spring loaded zooming supposed to prevent something from oh so this turns foreign sketchy I don't see any broken bits in here but I think definitely malfunction foreign okay here we go got that gear out of the way now we can move this plate back and forth now what does that do rotates that little cam I still don't understand is I guess it's supposed to be like a block anyways you get the picture so you already know the moral of the story what I think about this um the fact that there were no trouble code set when the system is obviously broken the P button the knob is blinking it knows there's a problem why would it not set a trouble code like transmission range module you know activation or cable seized or something because initially the the failure was the little plastic bushing on the transmission end on the cable end disintegrated and this thing I think over you know over travel that you saw that over current code so I was really trying to move it didn't see the transmission move um because the cable is snapped off and I think that hurt this module so all the engineering that went into this nonsense why can't they put that towards designing a better plastic bushing or replace it with some something more reliable that other cars have that are you know lifetime they don't self-destruct in 80 000 miles uh that would be a better safety feature because if you're a transmission cable becomes disconnected from your transmission that's a big problem not this you know automatic shifting in the park when you open your door um you know that's basically uh if someone does that you know that's that's Darwinism but that's all I have to say about this stuff but hey at least cars fixed yes the parts Cannon got it on the second try and next time we'll know if this motor is making that me me sound then it's probably broken so thanks a lot for watching and we'll see in the next one bye
Channel: Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics
Views: 85,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford, Park, transmission, shift, stuck, broket, cable, module, motor, knob, lever, problem, stranded
Id: tdbuReucQYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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