Why .NET Is Going To Win!

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um yeah so we we're doing a uh topic today and that topic today which we'll talk about in a second but one yeah and i think you'd be surprised about um yeah i think you'd be surprised we're gonna talk about.net but i think what we need to do is start telling it we these need to be public service analysis it's a psa we need to let you oh maybe we should brand these as psas maybe that's a thing maybe we'll maybe we'll make a pre-recorded psa style video you know one of those old school psa videos you know yeah that's a good idea we'll do that good you know i'm gonna make a note like that it's looking like a fair one you know people cause foreign exactly that's exactly the way i look at it yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that's that's pretty good i like that so yeah so we're going to give you our take on why we think donna is going to win oh just why it's going to go period yeah and why it's winning and why it's going to win so we'll talk about that but there's more important things right now there is oh man oh man monumental change going on oh it's big news big big big news facebook's going to rebrand so and a lot of you guys were like i don't care i use facebook anyway but you may as a developer you should probably care do they have a yeah pretty exactly big thing going on with the react at the moment right he wants to be known for building the metaverse not to be confused with the marvel multiverse i mean so you know i think this this verge image they put together is just great i think i think it's pretty awesome um but yeah it's kind of kind of crazy so um so chat throw it in chat what you think the new name is going to be they haven't announced it yet yeah so i mean yeah so if you think you have a new name that's going to move the needle with us put it in a chat and we'll put it up here um you know you can always super chat your name choice you can do that it's clean though keep it clean so yeah pg names only please just pg names only so like because there's something i saw online that were like yeah exactly there's so much online i was like yeah we can't say that one um so what's so what's your picks what do you think they're going with so i think mine is if you follow me on twitter i've already put my pick out there but i i think i i think if he was asking me today yeah i have the perfect name for facebook go on go for it just go ahead and lean into it and call it spectre and he can just get the white cat and he shows up stroking it you know you have to get the ring you know the an fb ring you know that you just have to wear around you know james bond i like it that's it you know i mean that yeah yeah that could totally work i think it i think it works it's just called spectre so one of one of the great suggestions that i saw was myspace my space like just just take a step back go retro like you know you just you destroyed your competition so why not just rename yourself as your competition yeah it's a facebook product by myspace that'd be pretty you know i think they could also go full on mr robot and just you know evil corp you know just put a big e on it you know and just lean into it just go ahead and lean into it yeah clearly they're like yeah yeah we get it we know you're talking about us it's fine yeah that's it we own it exactly we get it so here we go what's um what's miguel says beta book okay beta book okay uh oh here's a uh here's a controversial take nsa version 2.0 i don't i don't think you have to necessarily without facebook being that ridge i think you have to worry about the internet being that right exactly yeah um yeah so kind of kind of kind of crazy we could we could lean into the dc multiverse you know we could call it zuckerverse i mean let's say he must be known for the better verse yeah i don't think it's i think in all honesty i don't think he'll put his name in it i think there will that he will totally go the way of alphabet like alpha you know because it was like if you would you could you could have made a fortune had you bet on the fact that google was going to rebrand their overall thing as alphabet you would have never ever guessed that it's so obscure so my genuine guess is it's something like alphabet it's a singular word that is going to be a product it's going to be something like helix or something space related and it's going to be a single word and it's going to be facebook by whatever that thing is right whatever it's gonna be it's gonna be something like that i guess so but what if mark is calling to our friends at microsoft he says man i'm really struggling with this can you help me rename it forever firstly firstly why would he bother like he he he knows how bad microsoft is at this so that would never happen but if it did we just said it would just be it would be bad so i i could see them you know like microsoft hey this worked for us just call it facebook core that's what you need to do right now and then you can have facebook by facebook core yeah i like it i like it and the next version is definitely definitely facebook five then three months later you renamed it again facebook five facebook by facebook five you know it's like yep that's it that's that's what you do that's it the book of faces i don't think it's going to be anything facebook related actually i don't think it's even going to be part of the facebook name like i said i think it's going to be a singular word totally unrelated that nobody would have ever guessed and just to throw it out there i'm going to say the word helix i don't know why it came to mind seems like a good word that's what i'm that's what i'm that's what i'm picking they could go they could go mandible or something like that like the jawbone of a face you know like the mandolin or something i maybe maybe maybe [Laughter] oh this one's good because only mums are on it now yeah they've all left this is this is actually partially true i did see the exodus of like that and it is like a it's become an older generation thing for sure but we could tell where you see 17 heroes from when he's talking about mums right um but but again don't forget they you know you a lot of people are putting their eggs in the facebook developer basket too with react so it's not just about facebook as a thing as a social media platform they they own oculus they own whatsapp they own instagram you know yeah they're across all these things so it's like they've got a lot of stuff going on so um yeah and i think this is kind of a good guess patricia but i also don't think it's this because they have a product already called horizon it's a bader application on the oculus now i'm not and i'm not sure they would use the horizon name as their full name maybe they will i don't know but they've kind of leaned into that name already a little bit so i don't know which by the way i did have better access to oculus facebook horizon on the oculus boring yeah boring there was nobody in it and it was just a bad experience i mean i played i played really early on but it was like a social thing and it was like i didn't get it it was weird i guess they could call it farmville or something like that you know they go retro it's called angry birds i'm gonna rename the company angry birds you know their logo has all their little stuff in the farm you know they've got the instagram guys over here and do you wonder what the branding is going to be i'm interested in that i'm always interested in in big corporate branding because it's super interesting it's you know and then you've realized how they named it it's kind of cool yeah google has great branding um believe it or not it's kind of funny they do they just they do because they've they've they've managed to retain their branding through through everything while also keeping it updated it's and it's you look at the very first one you're like wow that's bad you look at what it is now you're like okay it's close enough to what they started with but it now looks very it's modern and it's right and it just feels right whereas yeah the initial thing was just slap multi colors on it well so the thing about the multi-colors is they um if you look at their logo closely i read an article on this other way yeah hydra yes spectra hydra that's kind of funny knock off one head two shall remain this is true this is mark's ultimate dream isn't it he wants to be the red skull yeah but uh they said that they were the google named their logo and it was red group red rgb red green blue yeah and then the fourth color breaks that pattern so google's always breaking the pattern interesting anyway supposedly that's what some person said you know okay yeah yeah interesting i bet there is otherwise otherwise like the design of the logo when you look at it on its face value like wow they just put every color in there but that was by design so yep so we will get to this here in a second don't worry unknown um yeah not a plant question either that's totally a plant question not a flying question but we will get there trust me yeah we're going to talk about that the dangers of that you know like comparing to that so just as a kind of a segway into what we're going to talk about today and um dotnet we put out a quick video yesterday um talking about this which is yes code like wow look vs code that's cool this is running in the browser just running in the browser with like with these hover over intellisense too look which yeah look at that like if you go to css go to my css file in there and then hover over a color it's kind of cool just find a color there we go look at that color picker built-in yeah it's good stuff this is your intellisense right in the css you know html editor and auto save too by the way these files are local on my machine these are not like in the cloud or anything silly this is local on my machine now it's just a folder locally on my machine it'll read them right right from into that obviously you can't run or debug quite yet um we're going to talk about that yeah yeah run debug obviously isn't available here but yeah yeah i'm i'm guessing that's not a uh that's not an oversight in the fact they have the button here and the fact that they're telling you right now that it can't do it that's not it's just a limitation of what they have right now but i imagine that that's going to be coming i would certainly imagine it's coming certainly so somebody in the basement working on it right now exactly so if you haven't checked out that video it's on our channel we put it out last night go check that out it's a quick video and tell you all about this and some of the cool features that are in it that's super quick five minutes or less or something like that so check it out give us a like give us a sub so hey sub to us if you want to um we're still trying to get that 100k get kevin a plaque campaign so got a little ways to go yeah but talk to your friends yep oh that is the other thing too actually with this um with this this thing it will run um on a on a mobile device so it'll run on a phone like here you can go look at this it's running on a phone yeah vs code right there on an iphone on the website and you can open up cloud storage on this too if you have it hooked up through git it'll open up your git repo you can make adjustments and push it back out to get from your phone yes yeah it's kind of cool crazy good so if you're on the plane or you know like i said before saving the world you're a secret agent or whatever and that's all you got you know you just shot the bad guy and all he had on him was it was a an old ipad you're like i still need to change the code to save the world you know you just pull his ipad and hook it up and change it it's kind of cool i like it definitely um i do like the fact of where they're going with that what they're trying to do is make also too it does bring opportunities if you don't have like a super powerful computer yeah you want to learn to code yep this is one of those things that now hey we can run vs code on anything can i code on my ipad yeah one of their targets what two of their targets were ipads and chromebooks which historically you couldn't you couldn't um install vs code on either of those devices right so now you don't need to all right so it's kind of cool yeah yep very cool um yeah and actually there you go eric says exactly the same thing right here i still just want to get cheap and new laptop how cool would be to run vsco or chromebook and then there you go you and a bunch of money later browse yeah well yeah and i will say right now it's it's it's it's cool you can edit code it's a fantastic code editor but it's not running or executing code yet so like it's more of a yeah it's more like for something where you'd need to like fix something real quick isn't it you probably wouldn't do a full-fledged project i just can't it would be kind of hard at this point yeah and then vs code is lightweight where to run almost anything so that's you know if you have a computer it's yeah that's still better but it's kind of cool it's in the browser and i guess and yes unknown i did see that there are ways that you can get vs code to work on certain smaller end devices but it's never ideal um it's not they're not meant to run on certain of these things so the fact that you can now and it's going to work and it's going to be kind of seamless is nice yeah so yes um okay let's get to our topic then we are talking about why dot net is going to win and we were talking about this kind of this morning we're like ah let's make this the video topic yeah so like um the one of the things that i want to talk to there's a lot of things in here and uh to unpack here why they're gonna win because microsoft is a very big multi-faceted company um and then when i saw vs code go in the browser yesterday it's like that's where this structure me like these dudes are just going to win like they're they're winning on multiple fronts and they're winning at scale and so when you start looking at like me as a developer where should i focus my learning what are the things that i need to learn and what should i be trying to build um we need to start looking at microsoft as they're going to push this out really really hard and they're the only company that can really do it at the level that they're doing it at like if you think about it they're simultaneously you know one of the most valuable companies on the planet for is like cash and money and all these kind of things plus also all of the skill sets inside of the company the brains the the manpower the people then they have the platforms like azure and they have the tooling like visual code visual studio code as we saw or visual studio and then they have the language support like c sharp and then typescript and then they have things like the net framework and a lot of people are sleeping on the dot-net framework because they don't they've never used it so they don't understand you know so like one of the things that that we see right away is when i show something like a very simple like mvc application and they watch me type in update dash database and it looks at my classes and generates a postgres database they actually don't think that's is that all there is to it i mean like did you really do that i mean like what else is in this demo what other magic is exactly like you know like did you spend the last three hours setting that up so you could just do that and you're like no no right that's out of the box that's how it works and so like so and the only people that can really do this at this level is someone like microsoft like in other words like they have enough people to work on everything at once simultaneously so that you are the most productive developer and the thing too is like i've got some friends on the that i know and i'm not gonna bring them up because like they're just posting their frustrations and i don't think anyone's like quitting their react or their no projects right now today because of this but you know things like the simple things like package management package dependencies those kind of things the problems that some of you guys run into you got to realize like in the net because the net framework is so broad and deep those kind of things aren't really an issue for us for example i think we ran a list down of things that are just built in like in other words i started i start a framework project up inside and i'll build my website things that are built in like identity asp.net identity that means i can have username and password authentication authorization like that it's built in if i want to extend it it's built to be extended so that i can extend it in fact at coder founder here we start projects up all every week and and you're in the cohort and then we show them okay you want to add some other things to the user profile that's not out of the box we show them how quickly and easy it is to extend that to for your use case but the primary thing about authentication authorization is already done right like you don't have to figure out like okay so how do passwords really work and like what should i be concerned with how do i set the off cookie what do i need to be doing all of that is done yep that's the thing it's actually a check box isn't it you create a new project it's like a check box you click the check box and it does it all for you it's it is that simple it's not magic and some people will say like you know well yeah you can do that in other platforms with all these third parties and things you can you can you can but you've got to set it up you got to bring it in add it to you've got to find the third party that you trust there's a bunch of them and then as a new developer you're trying to figure out like which one of these should i use what do i cobble together and then when you come to net and this is it's included use identity it's already it's tested by microsoft and like millions and millions upon millions of users you know it's supported by a large corporation so if there's any kind of like big request for features or some kind of bug that does appear in it it gets fixed and so like you know and then the dependencies and all of this stuff is worked out with the package manager so like if you're doing something and you've got an older version of something now that's that's produced by microsoft it's going to come back and say you know what you need to upgrade that and you click the button and it installs the things that you need and the dependencies are in there so like that's kind of cool i mean like it it's amazing we're just now we just talked about identity so you also have things like entity framework um right and there is third parties um of other orms out there like dapper that you can bring in but in general you can use any framework right out of the box which means hey i can connect to my database my database can talk to my models my models can then turn around generate sql to generate my database and so that's when you look at that and i just type in add migration it looks at the models create sql and then i update database it goes to the database uses the connection and bam it updates the database or changes the tables or whatever built in practically flawless in most cases like you don't have to worry about that you know and so what you see about tweets are like i hate this framework because i'm fighting the framework we're here on the.net side and why they're going to win is i'm not focused on the framework i'm focused on building the fraud solution or building the the thing that i'm trying to build like that's where all my problems are like i'm trying to figure out like what are my models you know how do i relate this you know what's what's my ui look like what's how do i store my data but like the fundamentals of the plumbing underneath all of that is is ironed out you know and i had some other ones in there what was the other ones that i uh you also said uh routing engine is there yeah so like routing so when you see people like hooking this up and trying to say okay i need to like i'm going to create this endpoint and i've got to type the route in and tell it what it is you know or i've got to build some plumbing on the back end to make sure that that route description is open in it's not like that with especially with web api or nbc or something like that the route engine is already there which means that if i call it create contact it's going to make sure that the listener on the other end knows that create contact goes to this view and this this cs file and you don't have to like do that the only time that you mess with that is when you want to override it which we do sometimes when we want to give something like create contact slash an id name like 34 and we want that to have a friendly name you can override that but again that's built in we don't we're not writing the routing engine we're implementing what's already there and it just kind of works and that kind of goes for all of these things too like every single one of these you can extend you're not like you're not you're not you know in a yeah you're not framed in in this one thing you can extend them or you can just use something else too yeah there's like you know i want to yeah if you want to you know you're not you're not penned in so that you have to use this this round you do your own thing you do these things are rock solid built out already there in the framework that's coming in so you're not even like pulling in the the package or anything like that in most cases um you're just you're just using it now they have in the past since.net cores coming out they're trying to make this more modular so that you only bring in the things that you need um but and that's just to make your downloads smaller so you're not like pulling everything yeah but there's some core things inside of.net that you're going to use on every web project you know or every windows native project or every mobile project and you just bring those in as you need them but they're already thought out and built out and net framework is like super wide and super deep and just about all the use cases are built in for you and not to mention the new get packing manager seems to work very well in resolving potential issues that you come into at the compile time so that's really really cool i think you know it's like makes it just focus on the problem not the um not the issue that is something that you had mentioned as being a benefit was bringing in third party things when you do want to bring them in is also super easy massive third-party libraries that you can through new get that you can discover and bring in and like um massive amounts of things like that but like things like and then yeah scaffolding so like you know say i've got a model and i'm going to like create a web page for that model i can literally right click and say hey scaffold the view for me it makes the view the controller and hooks it all up to the database so then really what i'm doing at that point is going to the view side and say okay i don't want everything in one column i need this styled out and then you're into bootstrap in html but you're not writing the scaffolding engine you're not writing the the parts to where it's like okay this element that's coming from this json file needs to be hooked up to this this property over here on the page that's done for me i declare a model at the top of my page and it knows what the model is it detects the type and then it says okay i'm looking for a field name this and bam it's wired up and it's it's really really really powerful on top of that they also have support for like hey you want to build you want to use react you want to use a different tip length you don't want to use razer as your template engine right you can do that i think that's so that's awesome too exactly that's a key thing they give you like kind of this this group of tools and then it's modular in terms of if you don't like that group of tools you can change them whereas other platforms don't don't give you the core to start off with you have to cobble something together yourself you have no choice on all of these things because it's usually we're picking something and it's limited in scope of what this thing does and we're like okay i'm going to use this thing and then when you start building your website you're like oh yeah i need security i need i need an orm i need this other thing i need this other thing i need this other thing and then as a new learner you're like dude i gotta figure all this out i mean like like and that's why it's confusing and that's why when you get on some other framework ecosystems it's like it's it feels kind of like cobble together and you have your varying results for it whereas net framework project you can just say okay i know this is going to work and i know that it's secure and i know these performance is going to be there and i'm not trying to figure out or researching the bug in the framework where i'm just really just like focusing on what i'm trying to do so i'm going to put this up here real quick because we have a very opinionated opinion on this understand what he's saying and i understand why he thinks that yeah but here's here's what i want you to do i want you to think about something so python is primarily used for data science i mean it's it's primarily that's that's the target for it so when you looked at like what is python you know it's the most valuable language whatever and it's the most popular language whatever if you see these lists out there you've got to ask yourself the question what are people using that to do and they're like primarily it's used for data science can you build other things with it yes but that's not primarily what other people are doing it for it doesn't mean that you can't do it it just means people aren't doing it as at the scale at which the other frameworks are so if you had to say i'm building a website today where's python ranking on that list it's not number one it could be down there six or seven and when you're down in the six or seven or ten then it's like okay how much are we really using that for at scale so you gotta think about at scale because what we're thinking about is i wanna get you a job which means that i don't want to find the one company that's doing python web development you know or i could expose you to the thousands of companies that are doing asp.net so that's the difference now here's the scary version of when we say python's going to win all right and i know this is going to be a hot take deep so like don't throw rocks at me don't throw rocks at me all right i want you to think about this if there are millions upon millions of people out there writing code in c sharp and you're sitting at company a and you're saying you know what the management came down they want to implement something with machine learning like in other words or ai so now we know that machine learning ai data science is something that we should probably be looking into what are they going to do if they're saying okay boys what we're going to do now is we're all going to learn python over the weekend yeah you got two days we're going to build this thing on monday they are heading over to azure and they're figuring out can we run workloads up in azure and the answer is yes and two what c sharp support do we have for machine learning type things they're gonna see ml.net and that's where they're gonna go because they already know the language they're not learning the language and data science now we're just learning the data science part of this what does it mean for us to do machine learning type activities or um or ai type activities and how to do that and the other thing that i can guarantee you that microsoft's going to do they're going to make data science way easier than it is today and guess what language you're going to push that with they're going to push that with c-sharp so that means that you can look at something like tensorflow and you can replicate that on ml.net you can say okay that's what you want to do okay we're going to do it in a library that our language is natively supported on that we can tweak for performance we can tweak for features and that kind of stuff and it's going to take time they're going to make sure those targets the language itself c-sharp and the.net framework can augment what needs to happen for data science and at the same time make it more accessible to the guy building a website the management comes down says you know what we need to train a data set and they're going to make that easier to do for a lot of the broad use cases for data science now maybe you know in certain research environments or certain like hardcore things that are different for a while you may still see python winning there because you know there's a lot of legacy applications coming through there but as we go through over the next five to six years i promise you azure and microsoft's going to make this easier and easier to do and they're going to increase things like ml.net to make sure that it's on par with what you could do with with some of the other python tools out there and um that's why they're going to win because you know they're the company that can put 150 people on this project you know and a tie pm to it and tie someone's like livelihood to like how well this gets adopted you know they can do those types of things to make sure that this is the best way to do it that's why they're going to win you know and that's why you can see a lot of developers moving away from python because everyone's doing it at ml.net or everyone's doing it in c sharp and you're out there with your data science studio coming out of college and you're like yeah we love the fact that you learned data science and you did the python stuff in college and you did all that kind of stuff we love that but over here we do it like this and so suddenly you find yourself learning a new language a new framework to do the same thing that you were taught and that's why ultimately they're going to win now microsoft doesn't have to win in every single use case but they're trying to have a go yeah they're gonna go out they're gonna have a go at it you know so like you know so um that's why you can look at things like tensorflow.js and like there's gonna yeah.net's gonna be there running that and they're gonna say ours is better and it's more performant and more people can understand easier and so that's that's why i think you're gonna um you're gonna look at it so um you need to start looking into it that's for sure um unknown wants to know um at which is a great segue actually this is literally our next thing we're gonna talk about um opinion on um js and i will put your comment up even though you spammed it i will put it up because i do think it's a good segue um if we're talking about web i think js is uncontested king at the minute well i would say it's the king but i wouldn't say it's uncontested so like you know it's definitely not uncontested no no and so like here's what i want you to think about and i know that this is not a popular take and the reason people aren't talking about this is because we are creatures of habit and what we know today and we do not want to have like an adult discussion about what's going on in the industry but here's what i want you to understand if you're old enough like me you can see when these shifts happen you can go back and look at your career and i want to tell you a story in the early 90s i was building on something called power builder power builder was building windows applications and it was the thing to know how to do everybody was building on powerbuilder and suddenly in 1995 that went away and literally like it was almost overnight where suddenly everyone's building it on vb6 and we're like what the heck is this vb6 stuff who is this microsoft i mean i thought they were just making windows what what is this thing you know and so suddenly everybody like moves over to that and then by 1997 i was no longer doing power builder i was doing web and cybase the company that owned powerball at the time had lost on building things that ran in a what's called a dcom or running something as an object on a server they had lost that and microsoft had won that because they invested in the time in the tooling the language and everything else and it wasn't perfect but everyone went over to that and by 2000 net comes out and then i'm using another language called vb.net which was a a bridge from vb6 into the new.net framework and two years after that and since then i've been using c sharp because they they didn't in turn retooled that language why because java was dominant and the server-side language at that time was dominated by java and they wanted to make a language that gave java people familiarity enough to where they feel like they can convert it and so like going from a java type language to vb.net was weird because even like you can take something as simple as a variable declaration or completely backwards you know type first the variable name with other it's not like that on vb if then else you know you actually type in the words and if you know unlike instead of like the bracket so like they created a c style language that ran as a general purpose language because they could convert java developers and what did they do that's what they did like everyone is using c sharp as the server side language today so the other thing that you need to think about is not only are they making the language and making the tooling the best tooling in the industry now they have fleets of people working on the compile time the performance time the load time of everything about.net and when you start looking at netflix.net six and you see that hey if you take a rest service in net45 and you put it in.net 5 and it runs 50 faster with less memory just by converting it it's crazy and then when you look at like the the tech and power benchmarks and you say okay if you take the same thing java is running 10 times slower than a dotnet thing so right so i'll come to your button here in a second luke yeah we're going to get to that in a second because we're going to talk about that so like when you look at javascript you're saying it's the absolute king of this what i'm telling you is things shift and they shift quickly when they shift there is a reason and unknown that they made webassembly i want you to think about that for a second because if you're older like me you will realize that there was a thing in a browser called a plug-in not so long ago and the world was dominated by flashlights in fact oh yeah when i was running the consulting company people would come to us and say i want my app my site built in flash i'd literally name check the technology know what flash was they didn't know why they wanted it they just wanted because oh that's where you get the whiz-bang animations and all that kind of stuff and that was the dominant thing for it and then the browser vendors got together and said you know we don't like we don't like plugins because of the security of it the the other kind of things we just don't like that architecture at all and bam those things were gone and guess what went with it things like silverlight things like flash overnight no one's doing that anymore you can't like and if you're sitting there as a developer and you made your bones and made your money on flash and you didn't convert over at that time to like html5 and javascript yeah you got left you were out of work you're out of pocket very fast and i i promise you there are flash developers right now that's probably watching this that when that shift happened they quit being an i.t yeah they either went to project management or they ran a coffee shop they did something else other than making websites because someone moved their cheese in other words like no longer like what do you mean i don't use actionscript i've did this for 15 years like suddenly it's gone i don't want to learn the next new thing i don't want to javascript sucks i mean you got to remember the absolute hate for javascript oh yeah see you guys who haven't been around for a minute do not understand the love you see from training right now was the exact reverse not 10 years ago plugins are so superior to this scripted thread there were little t-shirts with i hate javascript on them i hate javascript you know and so like now what we've seen fast forward fast forward to 2021 and it was three years ago they announced that they're gonna have another compile target inside of the browser because we need compile code run in the browser because enterprises want to do more complex things and javascript just can't do it like it's it's never gonna do it and so but building websites isn't that thing so when you look at like why they invented webassembly is the same reason why we had plug-in technologies they're still trying to run compile code in a browser it's just now web assembly for the browser vendors is considered the way to do it and that's called webassembly and microsoft comes out with that with something called blazer and so like what you have to do as a developer especially if you're young in your career you're two to three years into this you're five years into this or hey if you're a 10 year to 12 year old vet but you haven't lived through one of these screen shifts from windows to web to web to mobile to you know plug-ins to javascript and you haven't went through that pain yeah that pain is coming because i promise you that they are going to move to webassembly now when will that happen next week it's not happening next week five years from now i don't know the exact date but when it does happen and when that shift happens it happens quick and you either have to learn then or you could be on that front riding up and make the money when it's like people can't like find people like you know you know the 10 000 projects that came out in that year that says you know what we got a flashlight we need to rewrite that any of you guys know javascript who knows javascript i do you know and i'm sure they got paid above market rates because the timing was there the the need was there the emergency was there and you were the one sitting there with the skill that could convert that site over to an html5 javascript site and that's what's going to happen with what here's the other thing about webassembly 2 it is part of web standard so that tells you that it definitely is coming there's no question it's going to be a thing whether you whether it be blazer or rust or whatever whatever implementation it is it's coming so and when it does come it is literally designed to kill javascript that's what it's designed to do and people are telling me like no it's not going to happen do you know how much stuff that would take and like do you know how much plug-in sites there were i mean there was activex there was all these things oh yeah the other thing that you don't that you need to think about let's say that i'm microsoft and i'm building and i really like web assembly and let's say that i'm selfish in the fact that i want everyone to use blazer like there's a selfish motivation now there's there's a lot of things out there that make it a lot of good reasons from a techno standpoint why you should do it but let's say that they're just purely like i want to make cash with blazer they are sitting on these web standard committees and when they run into something that they can say you know what webassembly needs to do x or this or that yeah influence those decisions yeah and then believe it they're talking to google and they're talking to that's why they're on the chromium standard like they they actually make commits to the chromium you know like edge is now in chromium but they're going to sit on these browser standards and they're going to make it happen because there's things they want to do they would like to have vs code running in webassembly that could do everything that the current version of vs code that runs on a desktop that could do except now i can just deploy it to the browser and i don't have to install it i don't have to do all these other things and i can run it on any type of device and if you think that they are not trying to get vs code or visual studio to run in blazer or some kind of web assembly i promise you and i'm not i don't work for microsoft i'm not sitting there but there's you know there's like 10 guys in the basement of microsoft and that's what they're tasked with doing i actually have a sneaky suspicion that the version that we saw of vs code like the web version that we saw yesterday it's kind of like a culmination of a lot of work over a lot of years in javascript and they put it out not as a finished product because i don't think it is i think they wanted to go the whole hog but they couldn't do the whole thing and now what they're going to do is i think this is the first and last version we see in javascript and i think the next version comes out and people are working on this other thing and it's going to be in webassembly yeah and they'll use blazer to build it that's what i think and then when you look at like let's look down the things that are already why people want webassembly because i promise you the number one target for this is video editing um premier adobe premiere wants to have a web-based adobe premiere that they can charge monthly for that they can update in one place and they just roll out the features they don't have to get people to update it you know and then also and you don't need some crazy crazy video editing for you to run it exactly it's expensive to do video editing is very expensive you need very high-end machines you can get something that works great in the web and it's becoming video is is is still continuing to rise as a marketing thing as a consumer thing as everything it's very very very popular and more people at home want to do it like you're going to be able to do it in the browser they're having a 10 000 pc and 700 worth of software right and then when you look at their their acquisitions and you say okay they just bought frame i o and like you know we're very familiar with frame i o frame is the thing that we use to like push up um content that me and kevin can then collaborate on but what is it doing it's making proxies it's compiling it to the right version and now you're gonna have a frame i o in premiere to where when i push that up now kevin can just go grab that thing and now it's in a timeline that is editing well the next step is obviously like we'll just put the editor in frame i o like that way exactly you can sit there and walk through the timeline and then you can say you want to cut here you want to cut here okay let's cut that what's that look like it does the compile and does the render and it works inside the browser and that i promise you that is one of the number one targets for website that if adobe is not working on it there's probably 10 other companies working on that project right now this morning they're probably watching this video like how do you know what i'm working on you know i mean like that i know that's what they're doing but there's some projects out there right now that uh that already are in webassembly and one of those being if you publish your unity game to the web it runs on webassembly autocad one of the biggest 3d renderers their web app in webassembly google earth in webassembly tensorflow.js has a web assembly back in that's funny so like you know um so like there's a lot of work going on and people are saying well how come this happened already it's been out for three whole years it just it takes time it takes time to build tooling it takes time to do these things now the number one web builder for right now for webassembly is blazer it's got the tooling and everything's in place for people to start building websites and blazer you know and they can just do it in c sharp is there still javascript interrupt yes you have to go to the browser to do certain things like as we mentioned one of the things you still have to do those kind of things do you not think that the web assembly standard is going to continue to push most of these api things in there of course they are that's what they're going to do that's what needs to happen so if you need the files api that you have in javascript to build your video code editor like vs code and it needs to be run in a webassembly you can do it you'll be able to do it eventually how long will that take i don't know i just want to see you don't need to be ten years from now or five years now the old guy that's holding on to javascript when you when everyone else has moved on to to web assembly type projects that's the flash guy you know with you know you know he's the old guy rocking the goatee it's down to here and he's got yeah that javascript you know that thing is just like yeah man that'll never take off you know it's never going to happen you know and no and then you need to see these shifts coming and you can make money when you're doing it all i'm saying is don't look at javascript as a religion something that you have to have look at the opportunities that the shift can give you you know that's where you can like really cash in where you can say oh i know how to do blazer i can i can convert that js site that monolith js site over to that you know yeah pay me and i think that's the code of founding approach and this is why we say this not to give you a high take but to tell you like hey you know what pay attention to these shifts and cash in when these shifts happen they do happen and when they happen they happen quick and don't be left holding on to something that the rest of the industry has moved on from so anyway open to questions that's my hot tape for the day it doesn't mean javascript's going to die so here's the other thing what we always say okay bobby what do i need to learn today right now if you're sitting out there and you're saying what i need to learn right now this was luke's super script yeah yes luke you will it's not a demonic grass i just think it's changing it's just going to change well it's going to be his but like you're going to say now it's going to be here for a minute yeah this is not it's not going to it's probably it's probably not going to happen as quick as the other changes have i don't think it could it could it could it could i was watching tech i was watching um there my at the time it was called tech ed the microsoft event yeah and i remember the guy walking on stage you're sitting there watching it like that and i was running a consulting company you know we've got like six silverlight projects in production that we're working on yeah and the guy comes out and literally says silverlight's dead i remember the internet just exploding like what the heck did microsoft just do what what do you mean it's dead we're moving to html5 and then then they hit they backtrack for three or four days after that it's not dead i mean like you know we just you know we don't know what that guy was saying we fired him he's crazy yeah you know but it was dead because plugins as a technology were going out of the browser therefore silverlight wasn't going to run so they had to do it the only reason that i think people aren't saying javascript is dead now from the major vendors is they don't want to cause a mass panic you know like in other words like what do you mean like blazer's not ready we can't there's a 10 million things we can't do that you know and so like but i promise you that there's a lot of thought going on through how do we what do we need to do to make the next iteration of the web because people want to deliver code via a mechanism that runs on every platform whether that be a phone a desktop or whatever and the browser is the way to do that it just needs in order to do some of the targets we need to change and this those things do evolve and so i think that's what web assembly is and that's why it's going to change but you can do local storage with cache servers and databases and all the other there's other ways to do it you don't have to use local storage necessary either luke it's cool i use it it's kind of cool but there's probably other ways to do it okay um let's get some questions here firstly oh let me just first thousands of questions coming out let's talk about this real first no alex we didn't so if you did get charged for it yeah so if you didn't wait for the one million from n17 hero too his one million super chat didn't come through either his one million dollar his million dollars yes i went back and double checked alex and it didn't it never hit our thing or anything so no if they did charge you for it make sure that you uh let them know because yeah but you know i i went ahead and bought the porsche on nc17 hero told me you know so like yeah on on just the the promise that it was uh it was on its way right yeah i just think super chat must have been down that day i think it probably was yeah yeah yeah um let's see so what we've got a bunch of questions here um let's see how it says in terms of job prospects how was the job market for donation developers because see the most the jobs nowadays focus on node.js ecosystem depends on where you're looking man i'm i'm looking every single day and i'm going to tell you right now i had a call this morning i met this morning and i'm not going to tell you who the company is but it is a fortune 100 company that said he he talked to the boot camp to talk to our grads the reason the reason he's coming to us is because we teach back in with c sharp the reason and when i if i told you the name it they have commercials on television okay this is a big company and so i have a meet with them tomorrow and like that is because they're because they don't want they say js is great for front end it's not great for back end and when you look at it node.js is cool but it's not everything you've got to broaden your perspective on this and like look around like web api serverless functions that's where this is going you know when you talk to people from american airlines what's their back end written in c sharp it's not in node.js doesn't mean that node.js isn't used you know you can go look at like we looked a couple sites this morning paypal and like um and um i think netflix uses netflix was one but netflix was using um netflix was using it for their front end which is kind of weird it's like which i'm guessing is how they display like the thing well they'll say bootstrap by the way which was interesting but when you say most jobs focus on node.js i think is a false that's a strongman argument by saying that you think it it's not now different parts of the world could be different and i'm here in the u.s man so like i'm telling you that when you go to the larger companies you're looking at back-ends written in server-side processing languages that aren't javascript it's definitely c-sharp or java or rust or something like that that runs a lot more performant than say a node.js type application we've had people pitch us hey we're rewriting our node app right now we're writing it into.net that's what we're doing and that's why they come to the bootcamp they're like do you have net people that can rewrite this thing from node to c-sharp i think you're seeing the performances there the amount of developers is there and so it's it's really really powerful i was telling you earlier i saw it i saw a job from um oh lola thank you so much for the subscribe we appreciate yeah um i saw a uh uh posting a job posting on um linkedin from a recruiter that was literally from a company switching from um a node node to net they wanted somebody who knew both somebody who wrote node and new.net because they were switching their their infrastructure it's like okay that's that's interesting that's and that's the the first time i've actually seen an active one specifically very specifically saying that yeah which which is which is interesting so i think amid to protect your career and to make sure that you're always employable and you're always on the cutting edge you should html css javascript it's good to know how node works but i think you need to start looking into c sharp with web api or those types of rest services because i think that makes you a more well-rounded developer to where you can take on lots of jobs and and take advantage of some of these bigger implementations and things like that so it's just it's not going to hurt you learning c-sharp isn't going to be detrimental to your career but just saying all i know is html css and javascript i'm going to focus on node for the rest of my career i'm here to tell you that's not going to happen it's not going to be the dominant thing forever you know and i really believe that the csharpen.net world is dominant now it's just that when you look at job posts you don't see the hidden job market where recruiters out trying to find net people or companies just calling me on the phone and like they want four people you know it's like it's never it's never gonna get the job post you know say that's a job that never ever gets posted isn't it yes directly to them and like you know and then you know that's what we're gonna do yeah so uh i think um you need to pay attention to the shifts in the marketplace and then and then by the time you see the job boards change it's too late at that point then you're into retraining you need to like start learning now so you can act on these opportunities as they come up i'm just trying to help you stay current not necessarily cause a religious war between js and dot-net and java that's not my point my point is to get a job i'm not religious about any of these things i mean as you can tell power better vb6 vb.net c-sharp i mean like i went right with those punches i went from that from desktop to web i'm rolling with the punches you know like uh if it changes i look at that as opportunity not something to right shake my fist at the sky at and it's funny because that also goes for what we teach too by the way let me just put this out there too people were sometimes accused of saying like you guys push.net because you teach.net no no hold on we teach.net because we push.net it's the other way around we know.net works so therefore we teach it and we can we can teach whatever we like we teach whatever we want i make my own if bobby decided tomorrow we were doing node we'd be doing node node it's that simple yeah and that's it's that simple and so we're not bound by um anyone else other than what i think is the best thing in the marketplace that's the only thing that's restricting us there are a lot of boot camps out there that buy their curriculum and they teach the curriculum that they purchased and they don't really make their own curriculum i promise you the things that we make here is because that that's what we think works from the consulting side because that's what they're paying us to do and then we're just training people to do that so that um they can also benefit from the things that we learn so it's not the only way it's really big and it's really good and when you look at the sheer size of microsoft i'm gonna rephrase this they're working on tooling languages server platforms web platforms um they're looking at the cloud platforms they're winning on all of those fronts and if you think that they're not going to win in the web assembly space it's just like it's just gotta yeah it's something too the voice says the point is you guys like dot net no like i don't think it's got anything to do with liking it at all we're totally indifferent as to that aspect of it it's cool i like it i do like it it is cool but it does decent really neat if you just pick anything because i like it you just liked it and it didn't get people jobs and you had no work in it like we yeah damn well wouldn't be here telling you about it and we certainly were not teaching it no that's like saying well i like flash and when it went away i liked silverlight when it came out i thought it was cool but the moment they killed that thing i'm moving on baby you know like you know we're not married i mean like you know like it's not for life you know ride or die i mean that's not that's not what we're about here you know yeah i'm jumping out of that car the moment that they said that it's not going to work you know but like uh it's right now when you look at the and you try to future cash in the ford you just need to get on that train a little bit man at least at least know how blazer operates from a hello world or the counter app perspective and like put a simple database in it and like just make an address book app or a to-do list in it or something so you can see how it works so so yes this is kind of what you're saying right now so the converter you need to know the outgoing language right sure yeah yeah you know how javascript works i mean yeah yep so there is a current thing today which is html css javascript and some kind of server side language i think still today that's my best recommendation which is javascript on the front end c-sharp on the back end is a great combo that's going to keep you employed for a long time if they decide to say someone says hey we're using node and they're not doing c sharp and you know c sharp well you know javascript too and you can you can probably watch some tutorials and be up to speed on that pretty quickly and still be competitive in the marketplace you know so i don't think that uh our advice here is going to hurt you in the long run it's just going to do nothing but help you win more roles make more money be more competitive i just want to say hey to our friend brian and brian's mom we haven't seen you here in a minute yeah we haven't seen brian brian's mom in a while so so thank you for coming and hanging out we appreciate it as always avoid the mosquitoes he told us that mosquitoes were giant where he in the fall um okay it's a couple of other things all we're gonna they're gonna be portfolios next week uh probably we have enough to do some more so we'll probably do another one of those yeah you guys seem to like those so we'll probably like them we'll keep we're not gonna do them every week but like you know we can do that yeah yep um what else we got oh do we want to talk about um uh anything happening on november 8th today yeah so like what we want to tell you guys is that we have a huge announcement november 8th the day visual studio 2022 is announced we're going to announce some very big things here going on at cutter foundry but we're going to keep that on our wraps we just want to let you know that november 8th will be a monday stream and that we're going to be doing that and announcing some big things so you might want to be around for that so try and we'll try and hype it up before then we've got a couple we'll hype it up a little bit you know like maybe draw a hint along the way but like we got some huge announcements um that we want to talk about on november 8th and so we're still putting those together so that we can um be ready to do that but november 8th mark your calendar save the date yep it'll be all huge huge so um okay let's do one more here before we hit the road uh let me see here oh let me just do this real quick because this is great i want to congratulate cameron on getting his first junior dev job that is awesome nice cameron yeah yeah love it that's great that's awesome congratulations and then let's see um let's do troy's question i always throw you some good ones when would you choose razer project over mvc project it's to me troy and i may be in the minority on this but i think that i would always choose an mvc project always i'm not the hugest fan of the register page like the way they do it i think nvc is more to me more relatable i could be wrong on that i think razor page pages is just something microsoft wanted to change up the design pattern a little bit um i think they're really trying to build something that brings web forms people over so it's more familiar to them but i think nbc still to this day is like a well tried and true design pattern that works really well for web projects and i would pick nbc over it every single time but if someone said hey we're going to do razer no matter what which one of our clients is is true guess what we're learning we're learning razor pages um so we're doing it both ways in the consulting side because some clients want to do that i don't know a lot of people say yeah if it gets big go to nbc i don't know if i buy that um one's nvvm and one's nvc it just depends on how it looks in the project structure at the ultimate end of the day they kind of do the same kind of thing you know you have post back technologies and you're calling an endpoint and it returns something and you save it and show it so not a big deal but if it was me and you're asking me i'm starting nbc project that's what i'm going to do i'm going to do nbc okay um when the next two boot camps start the virtual ones i'm not sure on the dates off the top of my head actually january the first week in january january january is the next one yeah i don't know the one after that yeah that one doesn't matter just look at january and that's the one you need to target um that's the um one of our most well attended boot camps um is because you get out in the spring and it's a good time to be job hunting so it is this beginning of the year people want to change by now because we already have people coming in for the january cohorts that's almost attending one the end of the ones the lease attended just because we get the whole christmas break at the end of it and i think people just don't want to be looking for a job december 24th it's kind of hard especially in the u.s but like uh january is a good time to to break in and start doing it so you got two months to get your to get ready to do that you know be here full time so like you can go to codafoundry.com apply um or you can go take the quiz codify.com quiz yeah either way you're going to be doing that so if you want to be in our boot camp learn.net virtually which means that our instructors are with you 40 hours a week we're unlike any other bootcamp in the world um we're literally there all day long um i think that is the big difference where we're a true apprenticeship but there's a time commitment and from you to to work on that model so it's a little bit hard and that's why we made the self-paced course so if you want to do it on your own time we get that but man if you want that 12 weeks of total immersion um we think codefront is the way to go and it starts in january first week in january and there's 12 weeks after that so there you go it's one last thing good luck with this john he has a screener interview for net uh junior.net and a junior salesforce apprenticeship large companies and taking the first offer i get yes take it they give you something take it go get paid continue to be working on your craft and uh you know there'll be other jobs as you as you've built out of their career yep cool awesome um oh look hey look ridge racer uh ridge raider sorry okay got a call today so you probably spoke together this morning that's cool yeah i talked to kelly this morning so that's great so that's what she does wants to see kind of what you're doing and what your uh um aspirations are and like your career choices and those kind of things and how we can help you out with that so that's kind of cool okay we're going to wrap it up we'll be back on uh tuesday yeah special thanks to lala for the super chat today yeah that's kind of cool you've got us as well and luke gave us the super chat thank you um you know and uh appreciate all the the recent members and all the yeah the recent members yeah althea and zender and randy allentino and lala there as well um there is a new feature for members too i saw on youtube and it does apparently work on our channel you can if you are a member there's a way for you to once i believe it's once per month you kind of get a free super chat of some kind i don't know how it works from your perspective but if you remember you get something highlighted chat i think they call it something like that yeah it changes the way that it like it gives you basically a free super chat i think um yeah i don't know how it works from you guys perspective but if you are a member check that out you can uh you can get that too so that i did turn it on so it is just on i don't i just don't know how it works i haven't seen one yet so yeah um but i'm sure they'll uh there'll be one there soon let's put deepak's last question there he wants to know i don't know i'm not commenting on that one sorry deepak so um you know i'm sure there's some languages that are built for hacking so yeah those are mentioned built around the uh kali linux or something like that that's you know but in general you do write code and scripting for um for hacking so you know i'm sure someone has built a powershell hacking thing but you know whatever i'm sure um so i don't know if it's not the best for hacking i don't know if if that's a target you know unless you're doing the white hat the white hat hacking i'm sure that's what you're talking about you know security pin testing those kind of things cool so anyway okay cool we'll be back on tuesday all right good luck and keep coding and thanks for attending give us a like or sub us up if you can get kevin that plaque see you on tuesday we'll catch you guys later
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 2,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, dotnet, .net, c#, programming, software developer, coder foundry, coding bootcamp in north carolina, software developer career, web development, web dev, web developer, portfolio review, web developer portfolio, portfolio, coder portfolio, programmer portfolio
Id: NqzFhEYjlic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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