Why NASCAR Fans Hate Joey Logano

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His biggest rival until he went to Penske was Harvick.

"It's probably not his fault, his wife wears the firesuit in the family, so it's probably not his fault."

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/ernde38 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Few things. Biffle and Newman were always asshats who thought they were better than they were. Jimmie Johnson eviscerating Newman that time about Newman having every chance Johnson did and blowing it sums it up perfectly. But the biggest issue was Logano came on the scene acting like he was better than everyone else. A big part of this is I’m sure he knew he wasn’t fully ready and that if Tony Stewart hadn’t left he’d still be in the Nationwide series and was overcompensating. “I’ll show everyone I belong here.” Lastly, his father running around sticking his nose in all the kids battled just showed him immature he was.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/mcamuso78 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

greg biffle? lemme tell you something about him, greg biffle is the most unprofessional little scaredy cat ive ever seen in my life.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/LCPhotowerx 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jesus H Christ, the world is negative enough. Do we really need an hour long YouTube doc on nascar fans “HATING” Joey Logano?

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/harmonybobcat 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

They did him a favor lol.

Poor Blaney got nice guy Jimmie just shaking a finger sternly at him instead of crazy ass Tony Stewart going after him.

Byron just got grumpy Brad trying to teach him a lesson in practice instead of trying to get a piece of him like Biffle or tossing his car like Carl.

Chase just gets Joey just "taking his air" to inconvenience him as revenge, instead of going Matt Kenseth and taking that championship away.

How will any of these young guys get to a point where they don't give a shit any more, if they don't have to face the "grizzlies" of yore that Joey did (to paraphrase Mike Davis)?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/justBusinessbb 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don't know what this says about me, but it seems like everyone I root for in sports is who everyone hates, while I hate the teams/players everyone likes. For example:

NHL: I'm a Calgary Flames fan (born and raised Calgarian). We have a ton of rivals and most people have a thing against us. The team I hate the most is the Oilers, who everyone seems to have no problem with because of McDavid.

MLB: I'm a Dodgers fan, everyone else loves to go after them.

NASCAR: Joey is my guy. I can't stand Chase or Denny who get heaps of praise.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/ReactiveCypress 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Coming in known as " the greatest thing since sliced bread" didn't do him any favors with the other drivers. Things like having words with a driver who's name escapes me and giving him a shove and trying to walk away made him look like a wuss.

Edit: it was Denny Hamlin.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/kindquail502 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Definitely would not say that he’s had a better career than Hamlin lol

Hamlin has finished in the Top 6 in points in 9 of his 15 full-time seasons.

Logano has done that in only 6 of his 12 full-time seasons.

Hamlin is legitimately the 3rd best active driver in the Cup Series, behind Kyle Busch and Harvick. You might be able to make a case for a close battle in the Top 5 between Kurt, Brad, and Hamlin—but Denny tops them in my opinion

He’s Top 20 in wins All-Time, he’s 5 wins away from tying Tony, and has had 4 different seasons of 5+ wins in his career—sure he lacks a championship, but that doesn’t mean he’s had a worse career smh

Biffle I’d agree with, but even then, he came into the Cup Series at 33 years old, and was stuck at Roush for some of their worst years as a whole.

Newman is probably the only clear-cut case you can make when you put them side by side.

While the conversation is to be had tho, Joey also has had run ins with Tony, Harvick, Kenseth, and Brad to some degree and they’re all better than him.. so it seems like his own issue, not everyone else’s issue with him.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/UnicornMaster27 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I mean it doesn’t take much to have a better Cup career than Newman or Biffle, just win more than once a year, and win a crown Jewel.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/colbygraves97 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this is driver joey logano he's 10. i really like the speed and the competition joseph thomas legano born may 24 1990 commonly referred to as the best thing since sliced bread joey's a champ he has 159 trophies [Applause] he's accumulated nearly 30 cup wins 30 xfinity wins and a lone truck series victory arguably thrust into the spotlight way too soon was dealt the hand to replace an all-time fan favorite and great tony stewart who was leaving joe gibbs raising after 10 years and two championships to start his own team i needed some fast cars behind us and had to hold him off and i guess today he's 18 years 21 days and boy what a father's day present he is going to give to dad because the 18 year old and only his third start is going to win a nascar nationwide series race at kentucky unbelievable congratulations to joey logano there he is he gets his first career win 19 years old one month and four days his dad comes in to give him a big hug just spectacular and he gets it here at his home track to drive her out of connecticut greg zippadeli and the crew have got their rookie a win this is a story about how a connecticut kid made a shocking career resurgence and somewhere down the line became one of nascar's most hated drivers of all time middletown connecticut's joey logano wins the daytona 500.00 [Music] i'm praying to god to keep him safe and at the same time go joe go [Music] the battle for fifth joey logano has it kevin harvick wants it legano hugging the bottom gives him a little nudge now harvick goes high can't get it done [Music] gonna try the high side again and legano for the first time today somebody's been able to hold somebody off on the low line yeah so far but here comes harvick now he's still working that outside i think he's he really does want that outside group he's not going to try it on the bottom and harvick's still working legato on the outside are trying to get on the outside of the gun up that is for sixth two wide [Applause] [Music] he does get it re-fired and finishes 14th all right let's go back and show you what happened at the end of the race there's joey logano out of the car because all we saw was the tail end of it and here is kevin harvick and this was 450 oh boy kevin bump and run baby harvick gets fifth and logano gets dumped to 14. the guy said it in countdown until he starts pushing back people are going to keep pushing him for harvick his 123rd top five tying tommy houston let's hear from kevin harvick dave well marty he ended up with that fifth place spot just uh debriefing a little bit with crew chief ernie kope right now kevin what happened with the contact and joey with joey on this final lap i just raced with him and raced with him and uh you know he kept chopping me and chopping me and um i got in there and just got in the back of him a little bit and hate that that happened good day for our rain chevrolet and um you know you just gotta have a lane to race so you gotta do what you gotta do sounds like crystal guys i'm sure that if you talk to legano you will get uh a different story but uh we've been told he has chosen not to comment at this time jamie little asked him and uh joey obviously wants to take a few moments and gather his thoughts now sometimes this situation is just better off not saying exactly what's on your mind [Music] but they just about have to stop when they get into the corner like that and and you can see as we as we'll pay him back to the front oh he got it legato around can he save it caution came out right as denny hamlin was crossing the start finish line this was very close if denny hamlin got the white flag prior to the caution this race would be official but we are getting word there will be a green white checker the caution had come out before denny hamlin had taken the white flag oh how fun is this going to be larry hey guys think about the history between joey logano and kevin harvey go back to the nationwide series race in bristol back in march this is not the first episode between these two guys yeah agreed and that that could have been devoted that could have been avoided i agree that there's history there but even if there's history there that that was called yeah that was not joey didn't do absolutely nothing wrong in that position to there's this this will give us a very good angle let's take a look here i still could have been avoided yeah that's tough call from that angle because joy was joy was trying to get to the patch and and harvick was trying to get to the patch also it's different from the other angle yeah yeah it's a different top it is yeah that's that's that is truly two guys going for the same place in the same place as the patch you know what i mean yeah and they just got into each other you hate to see that happen for joy and hate to see it happen period tough break for joey logano running in the top five denny hamlin leads we get a green white checker finish when we return to pokemon yeah we're in the wreck still oh look at legano pulls right up to harvick a two and a half mile speedway with short track characteristics and short track tempers when the race is over yeah you know and here's joy's team trying to keep him calm down and and this is probably best that's that's joy's dead that's why joyce dad's got his hard card pulled a couple of times let me just go ahead and say that yeah but now you know what he needs to do this he needs to vent i mean joey's been taken out so many times at the end of a race whether it's a nationwide race or whatever and you know he should be mad yeah and and i'm going to say this in joy's defense you know they were just racing and i probably spoke too soon i don't think it was harvick's fault i don't think it was joy's fault but joy has to stand up for himself at some point in time you know i mean we saw you know burton last week saying i'm not going to take it anymore i think you're seeing joy say i'm not going to take this anymore especially from kevin harvick because he and kevin kevin just seemed to find their place same place on the racetrack all the time like i said it was it was tight racing you're at the end of at the end of the race but you're absolutely right kyle he has got he's got to to man up on some of these guys because you're going to get pushed around in this business until you do until you do man until you do earnhardt and those guys were the best at nudging you rubbing you leaning on you until you went and talked to him and once you went and talked to him then they leave you alone it's not about his hauler after talking to jd gibbs and coach gibbs joey what's your thoughts on what took place out there with kevin harvick uh it's disappointing to be honest with you it's uh yeah we had a top five run going with the home depot and that's uh for us here that was gonna be awesome and i was pretty pumped up about it and uh racing 29 and um he let me go in the middle straight away and uh decided to dump me in the next turn i don't know what his deal is with me but uh it's probably not his fault you know it was his wife where's the fire student family tells him what to do so it's probably not his fault what's it gonna take to cool this feud down between the two of you um i don't know i'm gonna go to nascar hauler and uh i guess they're gonna tell me what i'm supposed to do so uh we'll just have to say what did coach gibbs and jd say to you i just tell me to calm down you know when we finished 13th you know i mean we didn't we rallied back from 30th and two laps so uh that was i mean at least we got something out of it you know it's not a top five like we should have finished but um you know it is what it is it's just ridiculous that uh i don't know what i've ever done to piss him off but he's uh apparently stupid joey you unloaded a lot of emotion when you came out of the car there what are you thinking about that did you show too much are you okay with that no he needs to know how i feel and no one lets me go up and talk to the guy you know i mean you get out of the car you want to talk to the guy see what's going on and there's 6 000 crew members around here that you can't go up and talk to him so i mean i i don't know isis to settle something if you can't even talk to the guy i wish there's no talking to him anyway joey thanks for talking to us here's what kevin harvick had to say nothing like the raw motion kevin harvick you end up with a fourth place finish but tell us about the contact with the 20. yeah i just got in there and we just wound up getting together uh just two cars going in the same space at one time i just got to thank everybody michelle penzole chevy they did a great job today we had a solid car uh kind of got stuck back there in the middle of the pack with the pitch strategy but all in all our car was good all day after multiple run-ins with fan favorite kevin harvick joey then had someone spin off of his front bumper this time it was grizzled vet ryan newman yeah we've been talking about their battle uh even before we went to caution see logano get a little bit loose on the inside right here it's gonna get even more loose as that car goes around the outside it kind of sucks the back end around it gets into ryan newman sends him spinning and ryan newman didn't hit anything but he had a lot of damage just for most tires sliding so far they went flat he had at least a couple of flat tires see not much damage from the contact but by the time newman got to pit road he had torn up quite a bit of stuff and uh hopefully he'll be okay once they get the tires on it let's go back on board and just listen in on joey logano balance was pretty good i just couldn't get by him that was quite clean air i think it would have been fine i didn't really do much anything i don't know which way to go with it you're definitely faster than me all right here just uh shake it off don't worry about it dude i was doing this back into the garage good for you so you're not a good driver no why am i the only one 80 feet wide you can't even pass it don't i'm just trying to teach [Applause] after a three year struggle joey logano finally breaks through and wins his first non-rain shortened cup race during his final season with jgr but it wasn't without controversy joey logano roughed up fan favorite mark martin to get the victory how about driver 55 oh double nickel trying to get his first win at pocono got him to the inside for the race lead four laps remaining in the tournament you know it's the kind of thing you can't do i'm telling you one little mistake on each one of these guys oh he is all under mark martin oh he got him martin sideways off the corner here comes joey logano for the race leader but i truly believe that once joy is in front i do believe this joy checked out on him ago because joy can roll so much better through the center of the corner what joey was doing was rolling in on mark and losing his front end you know mark that every bit of that happened when martin made a mistake up there in three he got on the curb right he opened the door for joy to get in on him and just lay the bumper to him just a little bit and get him out of shape that's a great move by joey welcome back to the top of the board joey logano and his rookie season one for the first time june of 2009 in new hampshire back to victory lane today it happens at pocono you are the real deal brother that is awesome well when he's won in the nationwide series and in the cup series he's gotten out with that steering wheel and he does it again today career win number two for joey logano his dad tom has already been in here to give him a big hug inside the race car jason shapiro the car chief long time car chief for this 20 team i know you were emotional inside the car and we were talking earlier this week you told me you needed redemption after last august and what could have been a win for you here but what were you thinking when mark got around you on that restart do you think it's over i said oh man i screwed up uh you know it's um i knew my car was better in his and the clean air is worth so much and uh man jason radcliff and you guys gave me one heck of a car the brake package on this thing was amazing and i was able to outbreak a lot of guys into one all day and make some passes there so i didn't want to get in the back of mark there but he's kind of running in with speed and he was getting free and i just kind of stayed right there and um man it's just awesome to finally get victory lane the right way i think sprint obviously the home depot toyota all our sponsors that helped us out so much throughout the year and sticking with us dollar general uh manus you don't know how much this means when you saw the bobble with mark was that the light you needed to to make a move yeah i saw the bible coming off of three and here's my chance it's so hard to pass and that was my one shot to get him and was able to get it back so i was gonna be uh a suicide watch if i if i gave it away like that but uh man it was awesome to get it back so many rumors around you people saying he doesn't deserve this ride maybe he needs to be back in nationwide what does this win say about you i know you're trying to make it about team but what does it say about you i hope it shuts them all up is what i hope and uh i tell you what it just means a lot man for his whole team jason radcliffe to get his first cup win for him man it means so much you don't understand it's just uh man it's just cool he's holding back the tears you know kyle picked you today so he's gonna have to pick it for the next six tnt races isn't he you can pick me every race if that's what he wants all right congratulations joey logano in victory lane [Music] during his first season at penske racing joey logano had multiple run-ins most notably with former teammate denny hamlin got right alongside him but could go no further and coming off four legato jumps up in the groove right in front of danny hamlin and wait for it wait for it pow what did we say when we were watching this if he doesn't move jeff gordon somebody's going to move him that's exactly what happened with his ex-teammate from joe gibbs racing denny hamlin in the 11. but larry you see that little tap and how absolutely on the edge these cars are all right we've had some pit stops under this caution krista bristol tennessee moments ago post race that's joey legato remember who got bumped by denny hamlin going over to hamlin's car and wanting to talk with denny about it you see the crew from the joe gibbs team they were former joe gibbs racing teammates and michael waltrip you said that legano wouldn't take the apology over the radio lightly and the pushing is coming to shoving here yeah we can see what happened joey logano pulled up in front of denny denny said i'm not giving you a break joey and punching when he gets down to turn one and two spins joey around and uh tempers flared after the hamlin out of line hamlin uh you've got to give and take in this sport he gave he didn't take matt yolkum is with denny hamlin and i see he was coming for me so i usually don't see him so it's usually not a factor all right thanks denny chris i went to bristol but it's it's ridiculous it's not um i feel like i raised him clean all the time and uh he's gonna do that so i understand the way he races now that he's not my teammate and i will race him the same way he races me in typical nascar fashion we saw these two dramatically fighting the very next week for the win at auto club but what happened on the final lap and after the race securely cemented his spot as one of nascar's most hated drivers it seems like he has a bit of an advantage down in turn one and two teammates last year rivals this year friends maybe never joey logano and denny hammond are gonna settle this right now [Music] to the bottom trying to hold his ground that's going to be tough though but he he's been running good on the bottom if he can just clear hamlin right there no way he's going to lose his momentum they're going to touch are they going to make it back they touched [Applause] yeah i thought they'd be nice to each other they weren't hard impact on the 11th car head on i don't like the looks of that are hit to the inside wall for hamlin a bounce off the outside wall for legano and it ends in a shower of sparks i am not surprised i i was hoping that wouldn't happen but i'm not surprised then he's got his window net down i think he's fine and that's a good sign to the rescue workers that he is okay [Music] two drivers went into turn three both refusing to lose i saw nothing wrong that was two guys racing for the win the 22 gets on they're side by side one push it up a little bit they make contact and here is the five-hour energy big move of the race [Music] that was the white flag right there yeah that's when the joint got loose off turn four allowed hamlin to get up beside him and make the pass but here's where it gets this is where it gets crazy joey can't quite get up in front of denny right here it's it's a drag race down the back hamlin's got a slight advantage but then joey fights back and this is where they really go nuts down here in turn three got a run got a run got a run got a slight edge but then joey gets loose on the bottom watch his car gets loose walks up the hill they make contact [Music] then they really get together and that's when the 22 went in the wall and 11 hit that inside wall hard [Music] watch his car watch the back of the car [Applause] oh i mean the whole car just came up off the ground and i don't see any safer barrier in that area right there i don't need it larry but daryl i agree with you that's not over aggression that's not payback that's two drivers racing hard for the win and refusing to lose i fired both of them if they didn't do that i am a little concerned for denny because that was an incredibly hard hit so that's jenny hamlin being attended to at the scene [Music] [Applause] joey logano climbs out of what's left of his race car and here's your winner kyle busch breaks his winless streak he gets the first win at auto club speedway at toyota's home track for them and the first win here for joe gibbs racing fan favorite tony stewart came after joey for throwing a block on a restart for the win and then he unloaded a verbal beat down for the move i'm gonna bust his ass thanks tony thank you even though tony stewart months prior threw the worst block in nascar history tearing up 20 plus cars but i digress adding to that hamlin suffered a serious back injury during that crash which led to him being widely supported during this feud after a hard crash into the inside wall at the conclusion of this race well matt we've caught up with joey logano back in the garage area and joey controversy again i know you've just had a chance to look at the replay with denny hamlin your side of it we worked it last week probably shouldn't have done when he did last week so uh that's what he gets and um besides that i think our auto club ford was uh very strong all day i was very uh happy with um the car we had we were super fast let a lot of laps nothing to hang our head down about that's for sure we're very very proud of that doug yates thank you so much for the motor uh that thing ran the last seven eight laps with no water in it i'm just pushing water over over 300 degrees so it's um it's really amazing for those guys so thank you guys everyone at the edinburgh shop to get a solid run out of here today um just uh look forward to get back to the racetrack and try it again joey here's the restart just spoke to tony stewart he was really angry tell us what happened on the restart yeah um i mean i had to throw it a block there that was a race for the lead um and i felt like the 14 underneath me that was going to be the end of my opportunity to win the race um so i was just trying to protect the spot i had and that was i was actually pedaling because i couldn't keep the 18 to the line i was actually faster than 18 getting the tires hooked up and then you know i'm trying to stagger myself make sure i don't beat him to the line and then i had to block the 14th run because i was pedaling it so um i'll talk to him and uh we'll see what happens but uh you know i don't know where he i think he finished decent so we'll talk about it somewhere thank you joey appreciate your time let's go back to chris myers all right thank you stephen we're awaiting a health report we certainly hope that denny hamlet is okay you heard logano say referring to tony stewart i had the block and and that's what he gets referring to denny hamlin michael waltrip let's take a look at where it went bad well they come into the turn denny on the entry to turn three left joey plenty of room on the bottom i think then he knew that the 18 was coming of kyle bush he decided he better give him a little room but but joey just kept coming up and up and up and drove into the side of denny uh denny didn't do anything wrong i think denny was respectful of the last lap and chose to give joey extra room and joy used that extra room and a little bit more so you saw yesterday this is what i'm talking about i don't have any problem with anything that's happening here this is a great race for the lead you can see logano is side drafting bumping denny but when they get to the corner watch what denny does he leaves plenty of room between the cars right there then he knows that kyle's back there and he's just going to make the turn he didn't crowd joey down the hill but joey just decided that he was going to have to push it harder and harder and harder to get this win look at joey straight up into the side of denny and crashed them both diddy did a responsible job of trying to win the race he gave he gave joey room he made the corner he was gonna have a great race with either one of them i don't know which one would have won with kyle on the outside but this is a this is a sad crash i mean then he hit really hard denny did get out of the car but he collapsed and taken to the medical center here for frema we have not received an update yet but we will make sure as soon as we get any information to report to you regarding denny hamlin we will and getting out of the car that's just second nature you get out because you know that thing's smoking you don't want in there and when he got out and realized that he was hurt he laid right down so a lot of concern for denny after multiple run-ins through the years joey was finally on top of the sport even winning three consecutive playoff races but one of those came at the expense of another veteran fan favorite matt kinseth right there matt kenza he really lost his entire race car and able to 22 to catch him here comes the 22. he's closed the gap all over the back bumper now as if caught this slower traffic and around goes to 20. sideways in front of the 22 kansas slides caution comes out the 22 was all over the back bumper of the 20 we mentioned the lap traffic you see right here matt kenseth gets tight he knows the 20s coming so he tries to block he goes to the apron he knows the 22's coming up he comes up to block him a big block onto the 22 and the 22 drives it catches him in the left right quarter panel spins the 20 out matt kenzel with a great save to stay off the wall but the damage to the points and the ultimate win has been done the 20 will have to come get tires his chance to win the day is over and matt kenseth had to do everything he could to block the block him just like i said he's racing for his championship he doesn't block joey logano joe obama gets on the outside and gets around him so you can't blame that [Music] but with that when you make that decision and i agree a must decision he had no choice you also put yourself that opportunity we saw last week with carl edwards and dale jr we see it again with the 20 of the 22. when you drive defensively you give the guy behind you the opportunity to make that decision he gets into the 20. right wrong that's racing these two can disagree about it they'll have to talk about it after but as you mentioned it all started with the 20s defensive moves which were required in this much win situation yeah you're there be the left lane like you should have nothing to happen and he had me for three calling flipped my rear tires off the ground never lifted getting into launch just to stop me steps out of his race car just a little bit of damage on the front end but nothing to be worried about the contact with matt and his trip to victory lane is the second in a row in the second round of the chase joey how will you remember today man it's a fun race what a uh a great show pennzoil ford these guys were really good on top of it just like we've been this whole chase couldn't be more proud of what we're doing right now it's uh you gotta thank uh sean pennzoil obviously triple a wheels up coca-cola uh rauschiates motors this is a big motor racetrack i was trying to guess a lot they brought the brought the big steam and um just uh proud of what this team is doing right now describe your role as a second place car joey in those closing laps this is good hard racing you know uh we were racing each other really hard and um you know i felt like i got fenced twice uh down the straightaways and uh racing you guys me heart so i raised them hard back and that's just uh that's hard racing that's the way i race if i race uh if i get race like that i'll race the same way that's just how i've always been and it'll always be that way so i just really couldn't be more proud of this team though uh you know to be sitting in such a great position going into talladega uh makes us feel really really good you have blocked some people from victory lane here today including matt how do you feel about that strategy wise going into round three the third race in this round the fact that we're the only team that can relax right now is uh is going to pay big dividends when we get to martinsville everyone else is a little bit nervous our goal is still to win the race even though we were moved on to the next round our goal is still to win that race and you know try to get uh some guys nervous for for next week that's the kind of the strategy of this chase and um you know to be able to uh you know be able to do that today um like i said it's gonna be more proud these guys are they work so hard and uh todd gordon he's a freaking genius so uh it's fun to drive his car obviously matt disagrees with uh how this went down today did you consider it a good movie well i didn't think it's a good move when i hit the wall so uh you know i'm sure we'll talk about it and i just felt like hey i got raced hard i got fenced twice so that was i was gonna put up with it all right the good news for joey logano he is in victory lane win number two in a row at kansas and two in a row in this round has an eighth tenth of a second lead over second place jeff gordon and kensin cleared by legato maybe no kenza takes him out legato into the wall [Applause] [Music] i was the first to say i helmets coming off of the crew members of the 20. joey legato stuck in the grass if the 20 of matt kinswood can continue nascar has said he will be parked helmet is already off of the 20. [Applause] we have to remind you why this is happening a couple races ago in kansas matt kenseth was leading joy logano running second can tell how the fans feel about it [Applause] the red flag is out as they will have to clean the track up [Applause] couple races to go in kansas the team told joey to stay in the car but obviously joey out of the car not able to continue on in the latter laps of the race at kansas joey logano had a faster car than matt kenseth he got behind him he bumped him going into turn one he turned kenzit around after the race kenza said that's not the way i want to be raced now i know how he races me [Music] this is what just took place clearly 22 is laughing at 20 and 20 obviously intentionally wrecked him and like what happened the week before was more than a few minutes before was more than it should have been and just flat record [Music] matt kenseth already not having the day that he wanted to have and the opportunity presented himself itself at a short track [Music] still down there still down there field down there still down there [Applause] what's the favorite for the title joey logano out of his car matt kenza out of his car it will be an interesting trip to the infield care center joe logano has walked out of the infield care center joey are you surprised well yeah i thought you know i think what happened in kansas is a completely different deal you know we were racing for the win and uh you know he blocks you a few times and and then you know we we raced hard and he blocked me last time and we spun out that's that's what happened there here is just a complete coward move uh especially for a championship uh race car driver and race team um just complete coward i don't have anything else to say it's a chicken you know what move to uh completely take out the leader when your race is over and um you know we'll move on we're gonna work hard and we're going to get our car back out there hopefully and we just had to win joey between then and now had you made any attempt at all to try to resolve the situation with that they won't let me get to him obviously very disappointed his chase is in jeopardy now for the championship round rick out of the story matt well it's really disappointing today i thought we were going to have a shot at the win there and um you know they were jacking up the restart real bad to let each other and his teammates which that's just fine and brad went in there and i got outside of joey and i was gonna try to race him for the win and brad wiped me out for some reason i'm not really sure why and then we had so much damage on the right front i should have probably just put it in the garage and just got into one and couldn't get it to turn and ran joey over so just pointing in for sure joey said it was a complete coward move on your part your reaction to that i don't have any many comments for that there will be people who say there was intent involved even though you said you had a right front go down what's your comment to those folks well there's people who say a lot of things the splitter was trying to take the ground and uh you know got in the corner and um you know certainly ruined his day i know what it's like to be that too you know some days you're the bad some days you're the ball uh it's never fun when you're the ball so uh like i said disappointing end uh just pointing end our chase and um you know he's got a couple races left got the best car he might get a couple wins here and uh and still have a shot at it so certainly disappointed it came down to that man i was out there trying to race hard as i could for dollar general and try to get the win i really thought we're going to have a shot for a win before um you know they got me the first time so um this point to get wiped out twice in the last last four weeks with a shot to win for sure do you think this is over or do you see another chapter maybe coming in retribution from him i don't know i feel like every week's a new week go out and race um you know do what you think is right race as hard as you can and just take it one week at a time you know so i don't know i try to do the best i can you never like to be in these situations they they really stink to be honest with you but um sometimes you get put in these spots and um you know you gotta you gotta try to keep respecting the graduating you can't get yourself ran over you can't get a chase next year and get ran over for the same reason so like i said i hate the way it ended um wish we were out there uh celebrating or having a shot for the win like we did before we got wrecked so disappointed today matt kenseth very matter of fact about it rick but that is his side of the story joey kept pushing and kept winning being the only driver to go toe-to-toe with 2018's big three joey managed to fight his way to the championship four after an intense battle with martin truex jr in martinsville that left fans completely divided joey legato the 78 of mark drake's junior has never won at a short track this is his best opportunity right here he's gonna catch 95 in a tough spot corner exit really bad spot these two fighting for a guaranteed spot in miami for the championship legato crossing the stripe seven laps to go trex right now he's looking at the 22 trying to figure out where he's weak clearly the middle of the corner is where the 22 is slow how can you use that to your advantage truex with more speed will he be aggressive enough to get by this 22. sure that's going to turn left right here good momentum over four look at the inside can he make the pass will he make contact he's there a race to the left car once again who can get there first oh contact me they're diving into the turn of three truex on the inside trying to take the lead away from logano trying to run him as tight as he possibly can to make it almost impossible for the 78 to put the power down on corner exit 78 loose on corner entry right there can joey use it to his advantage great job out of lap cars by the way getting out of the way side by side legato and truex and then keselowski's gonna come back into the picture as is denny hamlin fighting back there now four laps to go legato's holding him off on the outside look at this run the 22 has on the exit to turn two 22's holding him so tight on corner exit look from this view how tight he's going to hold him on corner exit not allow him to use the throttle he moves up the track contact again legano still up front that almost scares me a little bit that allows the 78 to square up on that rear bumper just move him out of the way he looks to the inside again now mark trex jr setting him up coming up on two laps of racing to go in martinsville [Music] look at that run on the highway and clear clear clear by three feet so much pressure inside these cars this is an incredible drive by joey lagana regardless of the result he raced him clean again to the inside martin trex jr has the advantage as they come up the turn he'll see the white flag one more time [Music] martin shreks junior on the inside looking for his first short track win as well as a trip to miami to try to defend his championship the 2017 champion will he get the bumper yes he does here comes legato legato on the inside a drag race they're sideways and it's gonna be legato getting the win joey logano fighting back [Music] truex not happy great job buddy legano put the bumper to the back of the 78 when they were going through three and four it moved junior up the track enough that he had an opening his i'd be mad too yeah right i mean you drove the guy clean you gave him respect you could have moved him out of the way and you didn't and he did it to you walk us through the last lap and the thought process of the move on the 78 joey miami just thinking about miami uh thinking about how we can win a championship with this car and uh you know i knew um it was gonna be a fun race there said yeah martin was definitely better our car wasn't uh wasn't as good there that last run and i was just doing all i can to be as defensive as i could and uh you know we were racing hard as getting into my left rear uh we were both running hard as you expect and then uh you know you just gotta expect martinsville at the end of the race um that's uh you're gonna have some bumper and grind in there at the end so i'm proud of this show pennzoil team uh man this has been a tough season and it's great to get our second win of the year the biggest winner of the year and uh now we're off to looking at a championship as you were coming down the back stretch did you know what you were going to do going into three and four on the 78. i knew i was gonna lay the bumper um you know we raced really hard here and um you know he kind of obviously slides up i don't really blame him just a little bit but he was unable to clear me there and that's the next thing you know you know i knew that my one shot was just to try to lay the bumper a little bit and uh that's nascar racing that's what the grassroots are that's what the fans come here to see and uh some might not like it but it's one heck of a race at least and you hear the fans cheering guys joey logano smile on his face the one thing we know for sure rick his ticket to miami is punched well and you see the sun the thumbs up from joey logano but martin trex jr thumbs down let's hear from him he's with parker right rick he was joining him with the crowd booing there so martin you heard the booze you heard what joey had to say what's your thoughts on that move at the end may win the battle when he win the damn war that's it that's it so he's not gonna get there you're not gonna win the championship v8 how do you retaliate i'm just not gonna let him win and i'm gonna win it you gonna make it championship four that's the plan right now he won't go to the top again i'd be shocked if he went to the top again in three and four these guys should have a pretty clean race to the finish i doubt we'll catch many lap cars with only 13 the laps to go coming to 12 to go tricks back to the bottom 20. logano knew it logano said truex is going to do that again he saw he gained on it i'm gonna go to the middle [Music] all the way to the back bumper of the 78 now to the outside here comes legato trying to take the lead away he drives past the 78 he'll take the lead as they go down the back stretch he buried that car down into turn how did that car stick that's incredible i thought he was just i thought he overdrove the corner just in a desperation move he made it he could be closing in on his first title but guys we've seen this 78 get better as the tires age i know he lost that lead but can he inch back in on the 22 and if he does how patient will he be 11 laps he's gonna have to start doing it right now 78's taking about eight 10 11 12 laps to fire off and guys i asked todd gordon what impresses him about joe legano and he said in every sport there's a couple athletes that can just rise to a moment he said like michael jordan or tom brady and he said joe logano is one of those athletes that can rise to a moment and get it done and that is what he has done here tonight what an impressive run by joe logano you mentioned one of those athletes well joey legato you hear the coaching going on but an athlete at the age of 15 was spotted by mark martin and he said this kid is the greatest thing i've seen since sliced bread well that nickname has stuck he's been called sliced bread but maybe thrust into the spotlight a little too soon in his career took over for tony stewart when he left joe gibbs racing and a lot of question marks thinking joey logano was too young maybe too inexperienced for the pressure that comes from the cup series but the second chance has come with seven laps to go seven laps until his first championship how about joey logano's dad traveling around connecticut northeast with his his son when he was young racing quarter midgets can you imagine watching a six seven eight year old race quarterback can you imagine ever thinking you would watch your son be in position to win a championship at this level of racing they moved to georgia he then became one of the best at bandulleros there won 14 races in a row as a youngster and people have spotted that they saw the talent the raw talent that joey logano had well he has risen well above the pressure as he comes out of turn number four to claim his first ever cup series championship it's julie legato who wins champions in nascar's 70th season joey logano is just the 33rd driver to ever win a cup series championship [Music] [Applause] he has won he has battled he's fought he's made friends and he's made enemies but what he made tonight was history he is the 2018 nascar monster energy cup series champion
Channel: FIVE WIDE Sports
Views: 263,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar, crash, documentary, nascar crash, nascar finish, kyle busch, chase elliott, denny hamlin, nascar diecast, nascar diecast haul, diecast, nascar diecast review, nascar diecast news, nascar diecast 1 64, nascar diecast 1:64, nascar diecast store, nascar diecasts, nascar 1:64 diecast, 2020 nascar diecast haul, 2019 nascar diecast 1 64, nascar diecast haul 2020, cancelled nascar diecast, nascar diecast collection, Nascar me, joey logano, joey logano crash, joey logano wins
Id: oiCxFWZkbOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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