Why Mr Satan vs King isn't Close

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Mr Satan versus King an immovable object versus an Unstoppable Force these two are what the world knows as the strongest or the best fighters to ever exist rumored to have been saving cities countless countries and eventually the world multiple times now there could be only one that could be called the strongest of all time therefore these two cannot just coexist even though both are good guys and amazing Heroes the public would still always just wonder who is really the strongest between the two in this video we will break down their best Feats abilities and hacks to find out how this fight would go and who would be the more dominant fighter between the two but before do not forget to hit the Subscribe button and the notification Bell for more of these matchup videos thank you in the world of one punch man there exists a multitude of crazy strong characters from the S-Class Heroes are considered to be an anomaly to Dragon level monsters who are a legit threat to multiple cities but none of that really matters to the strongest man on earth king or more so that's what the public thinks King is the number five S-Class hero considered to be of a similar caliber to a character like blast who can tangle with a be so strong he could literally destroy the whole planet the reason he has held at such high regards is because King just happens to appear in the right spot at the right time portrayed to have some kind of super luck or possibly reality manipulation where whenever a monster is defeated by sa King just always happens to be there and magically takes the full credit even if he didn't want to it's also necessary to understand that his luck doesn't have to be related to what Sait does whenever he is in his serious trouble something or someone magically manifests to protect him and his reputation there are a multitude of reasonable and logical reasons why everything he does is pretty convincing to the public his intimidating look his charismatic mannerism and obviously the most notable one the king's engine sound combining all these together it would be so hard to distinguish that King is an actual fraud as a matter effect even I shamefully fell to his act as I made a video of King going up against blast of which I declared King the winner of that Bo I apologize for that but as you all will be listening to the rumors King has you will come to understand my reasoning at that time now you will continue watching this video pretending you are a citizen that resides at the one punch man verse you see King has managed to destroy multiple High tier characters with ease and impress a lot of characters even in their distinctive Specialties Atomic Samurai not only did he witness king/ an apple through gas between the cells but notice that the blade itself hasn't noticed it has been unshed beay in mind that this is the first time King has ever used this sword meaning he has innate knowledge of every single fighting style in his Universe he can pick up a sword for the first time and eventually becomes a master of it instantly however he doesn't bother to learn other fighting St since his physical strength is just off the charts take vaccine man a strong Dragon level monster and the largest recorded threat in citya at that time he possesses great physical stats and can shoot energy beams limitlessly just like homeless Ember was one-shotted by King while holding the QT Chronicles 2 video game indicating that it was just a walk in the park his second crazy feat was destroying muguri AKA Beefcake a monster so large that can easily destroy a whole city with a single Swift of his fist but as unlucky and unfortunate he was King was on the scene where he also decimated him with a single punch next in line would be Elder stied a team of Bank bomb and Jano struggled so hard against his regeneration and size would be a major obstacle that most Heroes would find difficulties with but King is obviously not on that list eventually all it took was a one punch now the Calamity he goes up against next is one of the strongest dragons we have ever seen the king of all monsters Lord oroi who I recently made a video about him going up against all of the cadres go ahead and check it out SP King in this fight has demonstrated how even the strongest monster on Earth is still no match for the strongest men in the world all it took again as you guessed was a one punch the other cadres later has learned the hard way how versatile knowledgeable wise and strong king is not only did he literally consider them ants and not even worth his time but also goes to reveal his crazy ability which is passive sensory all over the battlefield he can send know and detect everything that is going on in the that certain field and goes to act accordingly Chad Emperor and zombie men even when witnessing black s transforming to platinum s were not even slightly worried since King is there and has always been holding back he can always transform to his super sparking King mode any time therefore it was only a matter of time he obviously obliterates Platinum s f ugly and evil natural water easily with his ultimate hfire burst wave motion cannon that is not even considered to be remotely close to his strongest attack however all of what I stated fails in comparison to what we have been told he has managed to do off screen Shango the number one student of the legendary martial artist silver Fang reveals that the majority of mythologies has foreshadowed King's birth that's clearly not a shocking information since King has done a lot of absolutely impossible Feats he threw a bomb capable of destroying the whole solar system in a giant black hole came back in time and saved the Earth from a swarm of meteors going down to destroy it therefore this time only exist because King allowed it to exist and not to forget the most impressive feat of all which is fighting a legit God level threat and managed to defeat him this happened when King was young and not remotely as strong as he is now since it was stated that King's injury was from that God level threat not even Cosmic fear garu is an official God Level Threats putting King way above blast garu and possibly even Sait where the only character now who can possibly present somehow of a challenge is none other than the entity they call God the Dragon Ball series is known for having one of the strongest characters in fiction you have beans who by a narrative or a scaling wise can certainly wipe out planets solar systems galaxies and even universes and then you have a character like Mr Satan who can replicate exactly what the other beings can do but only in Legends and rumors Mr Satan is officially the World Martial Arts Champion always Boon claims about him being the best fighter in the world and the savior of all Humanity he is well respected and well known by the public due to his infinite lies of being the strongest and beating the strongest this particular charade is backed up by multiple things such as winning the World Martial Arts Tournament when Goku and the others were busy fighting in Namek he continues lying throughout the whole series and he actually seemingly believes the lies he tells the purpose of all of this is just to maintain a position of power Fame and C get richer than before but despite all the trickery Mr Satan is still a strong human being he isn't obviously remotely as strong as the main cast but for a normal Earthling he is pretty solid takes a punch from Trunks and gets tossed into a mountain by Perfect cell although the two weren't exactly trying it's still a remarkable durability feat for an Earthling he's also a very good martial artist with one single chop he was able to break 14 roof TOS with ease however let's tackle into the few rumors that has made the world think that Mr Satan is the strongest man in the world obviously we've talked about the first one being his victory in the martial arts tournaments when Goku and the other Fighters were not around not only that but he actually later claims that Goku and the Z Fighters are his disciples which if you think about it would make any crazy feed that they do in public still weaker than what Mr Satan can do in the eyes of the crowd that's because in their perspective if they can do this and they are his disciples imagine what the mighty Hercules can do Mr Satan also won these Cell games which means he eventually defeated perfect cell who was a threat to the whole solar system and possibly even more what's crazy is that Mr Satan appeared to have suffered only minor injuries which indicates a low difficulty fight however his most impressive feat was defeating Kid Buu the highest and the strongest threat to the planet where Mr Satan asks the earthlings to raise up their hands to lend him enough energy to defeat Kid Buu and that he absolutely managed to do all of these are obviously just lies and completely not true but despite Mr Satan always tricking Humanity with infinite lies he is still a good-hearted guy who genuinely care about protecting humanity and fighting for justice against absolute evil but how would his interaction with King [Music] go now the reason this matchup exists is obviously just because of these similarities between the two both are pinned into difficult situations and somehow survives it due to luck but putting putting luck aside it's pretty self-explanatory that Mr Satan is just a significantly stronger individual than King King at the end of the day is simply just a normal human but on the other hand Hercule is a master martial artist who fairly won many of his Earthling BS he completely took down and Blitz two armed men with ease the only argument you can have for King in this particular case is his feat of surviving the cosmic radiations for a longer amount of time compared to the other Heroes which till this day is not explain and technically he should have been the first to die this exact feat has rendered many fans into believing that King either has subconsciously manipulated reality at that time or simply that he may be just physically stronger than other Heroes but nobody knows that however this remains to be head Cannon and cannot be used so when comparing these two characters and seeing where they stack up in an actual fight using physical stats and Feats Mr Satan should certainly obliterate King and it's not even close now to the most fun aspect of this fight which is Luck versus luck which one would Prevail you see it's absolutely necessary to determine which one has the superior luck now Mr Satan's luck has allowed him to become rich and gain absolute Fame same case goes for King with the minor exception of getting rich the only difference between the two is that one had to lie and the other didn't Mr Satan has made the best of multiple situations to push out his agenda of being the strongest fighter in the world as for King it just happened naturally it's just always in the right place at the right time Mr Satan is in fact aware of everything that he's doing while king is not success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions is the definition of luck and King perfectly embodies its meaning but it's important to note that I'm not saying that Hercules is not lucky or that King does not lie but the circumstances that revolves around D two are very different Hercules luck has certainly prevented him from getting killed by cell or Buu but that's only due to both of them not caring about him and heavily holding back in contrast to King where someone or something magically happens to guarantee his survival King didn't also have to lie to be handed Fame and richness he just lies after the fact and even when he tells the truth such as him being weak nobody seems to believe him meaning he doesn't even need to lie but for Mr Satan's case there are some people strong or weak who recognizes that hercul is just a liar so in summary King's metal luck seems more like an ability rather than just luck that has happens with chance and some suspect it's just reality manipulation and it's not even luck where Mr Satan is using the best of every situation to trick and pave his way into the top although he is certainly lucky it's just a significantly inferior version of what King has I believe king would eventually Prevail in a Luck versus luck battle both would be afraid of each other's rumors but king would activate his engine and it would result into Mr Satan getting more afraid foolishly doing something that King's luck has engineered to guarantee his win however imagine Mr Satan has the same level of luck or can somehow manipulate reality same as king then in that case this battle would be infinitely endless and if you really think about it it would eventually result into King summoning Sait and Goku just show up to protect Mr Satan therefore setting up one of the most talked about battles in fiction which is Goku versus saitama if you think about it King versus Mr Satan to the public would be their version of Goku versus SAA where the strongest is fighting the strongest I hope you guys enjoyed this video it's been hard getting up a video this month but as always I still enjoy the Thrills of it till next time please take good care however his most impressive feat was defeating kid however his most impressive feat was defeating defeating kid bu okay but n of that really matters to the strongest man on earth king but none of that really matters to the strongest man on King Earth take vaccine man a strong Dragon level monster and the largest recorded recorded recorded oh my God he obviously obliterates Platinum s fur ugly and evil natural water easily with his ultimate Hellfire burst wave motion Cannon I couldn't say that Shango the number one student of the legendary martial but
Channel: Yacine
Views: 26,286
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Id: Csf5DcKVvCc
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Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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