why most people wont shift into the new earth

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there is a shift that is happening right now and most people are not even aware of it consciously according to many different sources such as the law of one or the raw materials the work of doloris Cannon eart tol and that of Bashar all of these sources point to the shift that is happening right now on the planet in the Dolores Canon material it's called the 3D to 5D Earth split where there is literally an overlay of different realities and based on our vibration that is the earth that we are on and as time goes on these Earth Dynamic of 3 to 5D levels of consciousness will begin to shift further and further away or you could take that as the perspective of Bashar and what he talks about about is the different parallel reality tracks that there are in a way there is different think of it as a train station different tracks of people on different trains and for a while as time goes on these train tracks run parallel to each other somewhat close but as time goes on they start to split further and further apart to where eventually you must make sure you're on the parallel reality track you want to be based on your energy because it will be harder and harder to jump to different train tracks so basically the name of the game is choose which reality you're in right now because as time goes on there's going to be more and more separation between these different realities so first off let's get deeper into this to understand what this new Earth is this idea of a new Earth do Dolores Canon's material talks about this and also also echart tol heavily talks about what is called the new Earth it's a new level of Consciousness that is emerging on the planet and unless we shift into the vibration of it we remain tied to the old paradigms so let's go back to the Dolores Cannon material for a little bit Dolores Canon talks about not even really her talking it's transcripts of thousands of people all over the world who did not know each other in a deep level of hypnosis where their higher self and subconscious came through to give information out it's called qhht Quantum healing hypnosis technique and when people were in this deep level of hypnosis they could share different aspects from the higher self or the subconscious mind's perspective about their life for example why did I incarnate who was the relationship with my parents or my brother or different people in my family why did I experience certain things growing up what are the past life connections or what are the uh connections that I have to different people in my life what is the purpose of my life things like sharing what we do in dream time I found that to be interesting in the Dolores canon books says that dream time we wake up at different levels of consciousness and higher states of awareness and we do different things we learn different things we go and meet different Souls that maybe have passed over in this life but when we wake up every morning we forget all of that because we can only perceive through our brain past experience and the memories that we have so we don't remember we don't have a way of interpreting the higher dimensional States Of Consciousness so when we wake up every day we don't remember it which I find very interesting which also if you cross check the law of one and Bashar it mentions a similar thing that we do in dream time where we are Eternal Spiritual Beings having temporary human experiences but in this life we have this Avatar body that we experience reality through and many times we forget that we logged into the game of life so one of the reasons for the new Earth according to both law of one Angel's Canon material is that we had to literally evolve into this next level of Consciousness otherwise we would have literally destroyed ourselves basically what was said was that back in 19 early 1900s there was a call that was put out and there what it's called three waves of volunteers there's a whole book written about this the three waves of volunteers is written about people that are in the age range of 60s and 70s that of the 30s and they're in their 30s now and then the newer Generations pretty much born up until 25 there's different stages of different types of souls being brought in in that are activated a different way to be born into this reality to help Humanity awaken and these three waves of volunteers happened because back in the early 1900s there was a call that was put out because the timeline we were on as a species was to destroy ourselves we were experimenting with nuclear bombs and what the rule of our reality is according to the Dolores Canon material and I believe the law of one mentions something like this too is we have free will here as a society we forget who we are when we come into this reality because it makes it more beautiful then we can remember who we are but what it has said is that as we went through our life we were going to destroy ourselves we are allowed to do that but we are not allowed to affect other reality systems and what it has said is when a nuclear bomb goes off it affects other reality systems that's a no no so what it was said is no no you can't do that so what it says is Mother Earth law of one talks about this by the way and Dolores Canon material talks about this mother earth is a living being in of herself we're all connected to it in Dolores Canon it says like fleas on a dog and if we kept destroying Mother Earth she would eventually shake off her fleas which would be us even though at a deeper level we're all connected and in the law of one materials it talks about it as far as logos they different archetypal energies like the sun like that of Earth and what happens is we were on that timeline Souls that felt a connection to Earth decided to come back knowing it was going to be hard because this is a reality system where we forget who we are and then we have to remember who we are apparently in other reality systems were born we retain our memory we remember oh Mom and Dad you're this person this sole connection that I have we have a connection to other people in our society in a way where it's just very there's a knowing there there's awareness there of who we are at different levels of consciousness here at Earth we forget who we are and then have to go through a process of remembering but Earth was on a timeline of being destroyed so the three waves of volunteers were different Souls that came in that forgot who they are that are remembering who they are that are playing to the game because part of the game is you forget to remember and there is a certain game that is being played between the new Earth and the old Earth and the old Earth is certain people are playing apart to keep us in fear and in anger and a negative and more negative separative reality and on one hand we can look at and say that's bad we look at the news the media which 99.9% is negative which keeps people in fear and when people are in fear they're much easier to control we can get angry about it however here's the thing they're playing a part they're playing a part in the game doesn't make it right but it does help us understand they're playing a part and the part we're playing is we want to wake up we want to remember who we are it's interesting even in society even in business I notice there's like an evolution of Consciousness that's happening as time goes on where it is more about Unity conscious connection Community there's a different energy on the planet now the old mentality that used to work no longer works here's the interesting thing about all the crazy stuff that's happened in the world we look at all the crazy stuff that's been happening and we go wow that's it's crazier than ever it's not crazier than ever it's always been this crazy it's just that now we're aware of it now we are consciously aware of it and in the same way we're aware of it it we can then make a choice about whether we live in that reality about about whether we keep allowing it or not and what's interesting is as we individually go through transformations in our own life that is a reflection within the collective Consciousness because we're all connected based on the group energy that we have and there may even be people and organizations on the planet that understand when you have certain events that happen we have certain PE you know mass amount of people that feel a certain way it creates a ripple in the collective Consciousness there could be certain music that dumbs down the frequency of the people I was reading somewhere and I talked about this in another video how there was a certain frequency that music used to be and they lowered that frequency or raised it not that it's higher vibrational but they it it was moved to where then it's out of harmony with most people's nervous systems and bodies they're listening to music that's putting them out of energetic frequency with being and feeling in a more harmonious State of Consciousness so there's people that may understand this Collective Consciousness that we're all connected and that when you have a media company which by the way all the media is owned by just a few different organizations controlling the narrative controlling the separation the old 3D mentality 3D think of it as separation we've been playing the game of separation for a very long long time you versus me the separation of the negativity feeling separate from Source the ego so easy to see the egoism or the ego the egotism that's in society and we start to become aware of that you look at Instagram and everything being perfect and everything's kind of starting to see through it what do We crave now transparency vulnerability authenticity it's a new era we're moving into What flows through you adds value value to the collective seems to be something it's like the universe sends you more resources for that now the new Earth is all about connection it's all about Unity Consciousness the new Earth is about seeking to understand before being understood in the law of one it talks about you must be 51% more service to others instead of service to self think of like the ultimate service to self as narcissism it's all about me me me me me me when you have the intention of adding value to others 51% or more service to others that's when we start coming together we start focusing more on connection that's when we can really Elevate the collective Consciousness on the planet in dolor can materials there something called the harmonic convergence which is about this like 19 they say in 1987 1988 what happened is there was a form of harmonic convergence where there was a certain like starting point of an upgrade in cont Consciousness what they say is that it's just continued to happen and that was also the second wave of volunteers according to the books of Dolores Canon but nonetheless how do you make sure you are in that of the new earth that is emerging well first off understand it's already here so many people are waiting they're waiting they're waiting for it to come I remember in 2012 I was waiting for everything to happen I knew about this in 2012 not saying I'm more enlightened or anything cuz in fact I became very ungrounded when I went through my Spiritual Awakening I was convinced that in 2000 December 21st 2012 I was going to ascend into a higher level of Consciousness I thought that a very like I was very literal when it was actually more metaphorical a new Consciousness was evolving on the planet and I didn't really want to I was like trying to escape having to be here and I became very ungrounded I did a lot of very unground rounded things actually if I told you them I tell them at my live events that I that I run but they're so embarrassing that I hardly Tell it on social media at all this completely gave up on a whole bunch of different areas of my life and was like I don't even want to be a part of it I want the financial money system screw it all and I became very lost for a while but I was waiting I was waiting because all this cool stuff was supposed to happen it was this savior mentality but then eventually I realized the more I was waiting the more I was put my life on hold the less Val I was given to the World by being the most authentic version of [Music] myself and the more I was taking the power and putting it outside of myself and so many people do this I see this with conspiracy theories where it's like always well that's negative stuff that's happening people get so caught up in it they end up feeding that reality the more anything you focus on the more that grows put the energy where you feel the highest vibration where it adds value to other people just by you being in it that's why I don't focus on that stuff I focus more on what am I passionate about how can I add value in the world it is a time now in 5D where it's more about adding value and being in the highest frequency that you can be in by doing what you love by adding value so 5D to 3D now realize we overlay these realities right now and Loris camer CH says 3D 5D eventually they're going to merge apart and there's going to be a splitting and people will fall out of your life that's already happening it was funny my mom called me the other day because she knows about this kind of information she's like hey I haven't talked to her in a while cuz I've been really busy and she's like hey I just want to make sure we're still in the same parallel reality I wasn't sure she kind of joking around was kind of it was funny but I was like no Mom I'm still here don't worry and what's interesting about this is this what Bashar talks about as well think of it like there's glass walls and you can see what's happening in the different realities but you get to choose whether you engage with it or not and just like the train tracks as time goes on it'll be more and more split apart to where even if you try to reach out to certain people it's like it just doesn't energetically match you had that happen already I've had that to where friends or people I reach out to and they just don't get back to me or I just have felt like I don't have time or the energy to get back to them and it's not anything personal it's just like vibration distance it's a vibrational mismatch it's already happening this is all metaphorical more than it is literal but it's important to choose the frequency of what reality you want to be on when it comes to 5D it's happening now no need to keep waiting choose where you put your energy be mindful if it's a conspiracy theory don't put your energy where you don't want to feed energy put the energy in you doing what you're passionate about having a service to others mentality of adding value to other people I say that to empath sometimes it gets a little tricky because like yeah I always want to add value always want to add value always want to add value but you also have to take care of yourself so it's a little bit of both they take care of yourself fill up your own cup but having the attention of add value understanding we're in this reality together to wake up no one's higher vibrational lower vibrational than anyone that's called the spiritual ego which is a common trap that happens once you start learning about this like you're on the old Earth I'm on the new Earth I'm higher vibrational no that'll keep you trapped the key is following your passion excitement understanding you're a spiritual being have an a temporary Human Experience putting the awareness into integrating the past feeling it to heal it these are all things that powerfully affect your energy field and powerfully affect your life now if you want a meditation by the way that will help elevate your vibration to a completely new level go to www.my vibration. or click the link below get a meditation that you can use use for 21 days that will elevate your level of Consciousness to the next level and then also if you haven't checked it out already we're going to be doing a 21-day confidence love challenge very soon which is 21-day transformation to a new you so that you can feel in your own frame you can feel confident you can open up to being emotionally available these are 21-day live uh live workshops throughout the 21 days meditations breath work they're very powerful if you haven't joined yet link will be below and go to confidence challenge.com other than that hope you enjoyed this video I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Aaron Doughty
Views: 340,057
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Id: UMlWp-5Rke4
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Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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