Why Most Can't Sweep and How To Conquer it!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello what's happening everybody welcome back another lesson video coming back at you i hope you're having a great i mean i literally don't know what day it is whatever this video is off today we're going to talk about sweet picking and maybe why you can't sweet pig if you're having trouble with it i'm going to kind of dive into a couple things that i haven't taught in my other sweet picking lessons because i kind of had like a aha moment i was like oh that's kind of like something i should probably talk about in these videos so um if you want taps for today's lesson you can snag those down below but other than that we're just going to cut all the chat and get to the lesson [Music] okay so essentially i'm going to give you a couple different almost like chord progressions you know they are chord progressions but different ideas to practice one that focuses more on down the down pick and then one that focuses more on up and then shifting the lower string so three four examples depends on how you want to look at this but um the first thing we're going to do here is a pretty simple one and we're going to focus on three string ones so i do recommend if you are not familiar with sweeping start with two stringer pages i have one like sweeping for beginners an old video i did uh which i think will kind of get you on the right track now if you've already kind of progressed past that point like for example if you can play the intro to miracle man [Music] that's kind of like a down down up pick uh then you're probably ready for this next step that i'm going to show you today so here's the first idea that we're going to do and it's a basic one a lot of people teach this but i want i want to show you something inside of it because then we're going to reverse it so here it is [Music] okay so there's the idea i could probably play it cleaner uh and i'm not focused on how fast i can play this because we want to get the technique down sweeping is all about the coordination and just having this smooth even even flow across the attack of the notes this is really where it becomes very difficult now this example here focuses more on the down pick of this now the secret what i'm talking about this one and the next one is going to focus on the up pick and this is probably the most people that i would teach sweeping to had more trouble sweeping up than they did down but to kind of go through this chord progression that we did here is we're starting right here now this is basically just an a minor to an f major to an e major i'm sorry to a g major to an e major so you can look at it [Music] just like that so i'm going to play nine on the g i'm starting with my pointer finger there's a one key thing here that happens when you cycle this this is really where it throws people off so i go 9 on the g 10 on the b 8 on the high string and then 12 on the height we're going to talk about the picking separately so we'll do that here in a second let's just get the notes under our fingers now that 12 now when you play 12 you actually do a pull off to eight and then back to 10. now that is one time through the lick okay so every time you go back to that nine you are restarting the sequence [Music] here's where people kind of like get tripped up with sweeping so when i'm playing this my picking is on paper it's confusing because it goes down down down up up okay well you can't treat those as three separate downs it's actually one down that you flow across three strings you know a lot of people will reference you know letting your pick it's almost like it's falling through the strings i'm really not pushing that much i'm just kind of i'm just letting my pick fall through the strings just like i said you know so that's the biggest thing get to where this is one motion and not three motions you know because a lot of people want to go like this here are the notes go do do do well my hand's going do do do as well through it but you want just like if you were to strum a chord like that that's the kind of like fluidity is that a word again i think i say this all the time but i never know fluidity [Music] that you want from this now the part that trips people up as well is this so watch when i'm sweeping going to higher notes so i'm going to call it down this way because it's kind of down towards the ground my pick angle changes okay so see i'm going like this i turn my wrist a little bit now i'm kind of over exaggerating it for the purpose of the video but but when i change directions i switch so my pick is angled this way so like if this is the string my pick is angled like this when i'm going down that way there's less resistance you kind of need this to get this fluid sound of sweep picking now whenever i have to descend or go up i angle my pick the other way boom that way it's not fighting against the strings you can't keep your pick just one direction the whole way i mean maybe someone like steve morris can but he's alternate picking a lot of this stuff so um and like i said when you look at my hand you might not see it happening because it's very it's like micro adjustments i'm not really like twisting my wrist left and right like this i'm actually kind of like going real slow [Music] [Applause] it's actually more of my finger i just kind of like twitch my finger a little bit and it changes the angle of the pick [Music] okay so there's that part now the third thing that i want to show you of this arpeggio and i'll break down the full progression here in just a second because the technique stays the same the left hand changes for those is what happens to people and they misplace a down and an upstroke and it ruins the whole arpeggio and just wrecks the whole you know flow of the thing for you so like i said it goes like this it goes down down down up pull off up now the reason why i was so i wanted to reference that is the end of the arpeggio is because your picking has to start over again a lot of people want to go like this down down down up pull off up up don't do that up because what happens is you have to go back to the string so your hand will end up having to bounce and loop to get back to that next string you can't do that you have to go down down down up pull off up down down down up pull up pop so this one ends on up your next one starts on that down it's very crucial to getting this three string arpeggio down if you really wanted to have that flow [Music] you have to do it that way now the next chord that i did was an f major and the shape changes here a little bit [Music] okay so i'm going to go 10 on the g to 10 on the b now i'm rolling my finger here which is all a challenge all of its own but my right hand technique stays exactly the same so 8 and then all up to 13 now there's actually only one note different between f major and a minor all i'm changing is one note okay so we have a minor f major now we go to a g major okay so i'm starting on seven now so seven on the g two eight on the b uh seven on the high string ten now with these three shapes those are the three most common arpeggio shapes that you're going to run into [Music] like i said my technique never changes the pull off is still in the same spot my picking is always down down down up up like i said we're favoring the down pick here we have three downs two ups and here we have an e major which is the same shape as the f major just down a fret so we're gonna go nine on the g nine on the b seven on the high string and then twelve on the high string pull off back to seven uh nine and then it starts over again [Applause] okay so we have [Music] and there's that one now let's focus on the next one which is going to favor the upstroke [Music] all right so the next one looks like this so the first one here like i said the picking is a little bit more intense for me anyways because i had to work more on the up pick than i did the down now but the technique is still the same i angle my pick you know push the pick through the string because now we have the i guess it's more of a pull we're pulling the pick through the strings now working against gravity what i'm doing here now is i'm starting with my hammer on okay so it's basically the other arpeggio flipped around so i'm gonna go nine on the g and i'm hammering on to twelve at pointer to pinky right there i'll start with a down then i go to 10 on the b now here's where the picking changes we had two downs and it's getting followed by three ups we're going to go to eight on the high string which is an up 10 again on the b which isn't up and then 12 again on the g which is an up so it goes down hammer down up up up like i said this is just an a minor [Music] seven so there's the first one like i said watch my picking down and down i watch how i i kind of go past the string just so i can get these three ups up up you want to keep your hand moving in the right direction your picking hand moving in the right direction at all times at least more so than not it's a good way to look at it okay shifting down [Music] we're gonna go to seven on the g and i'm hammering on to nine eight on the b seven on the high e string remember down hammer down up back to eight back to nine a book ups okay have fun with these change change notes don't even use theory just change things chromatically like if i went like this i got that sounded funky but i wasn't using a theory i was literally just trying chromatic notes in there so okay so the next one we move back to the first one again same thing and i'm going to break that down it's identical to the first one second one first one again all right in the final section here there's like a very slight variation from that first arpeggio i go like this i think i said it was b minor seven it's not a minor seven um i forgot i changed that one note in there so it is a little bit different but what i'm doing is i'm gonna go 10 hammer on to 14 12 on the b and then 10 on the high stream okay then back to 12 back to 14. it's very similar to the first shape but my pointer finger is just back one more fret and i threw diminished in here because why not diminished makes everything better [Music] and that is just going to go 10 to 13 12 10 12 13. the exact same thing i just moved this leading note here down a fret and it changes it but the technique is all the same i'll do it all slow and watch my right hand the technique never changes everything is perfectly the same for our right hand so we'll start here [Music] all right gang that's gonna be it thank you all so much for tuning in hope you enjoyed this like i said a couple different ideas there for you hopefully and um other than that i'm gonna bouncing out of here hope you'll have a great day and yo play some guitar right always play your guitar [Music] you
Channel: Robert Baker
Views: 112,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar lessons, guitar tuner, guitar tutorial, guitar music, guitar chords, guitar lessons for beginners acoustic, guitar cover, guitar lessons 365, guitar lessons for electric, guitar lessons for intermediate, guitar songs lessons
Id: nqfdRHMjuXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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