Why more older workers are finding themselves unemployed as retirement approaches
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Channel: PBS NewsHour
Views: 504,594
Rating: 4.8215756 out of 5
Keywords: unfinished business, retirement, aging, saving money, economy, economics, 401k, saving, jobs, labor market, multiple jobs, aging in the workplace, labor, aging population, workforce, new workforce, 21st century labor market, pbs, pbs newshour, human interest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Title is a quote that comes at the end from the guy profiled, plus the PBS title of the report.
The PBS title is misleading. The report doesn't answer the question WHY, at least not directly. The reason isn't too hard to figure out though - 40/50+ workers who make good salaries are targeted for layoffs and "re-organizations".
With Millennials starting to enter their 40s, this is quite the shit sandwich. Many never got a foothold in career and it's pretty fucking grim to think that ship has sailed. Those that are doing well - take a look at your future.
The quote comes when the guy is reflecting on how he used to the one to lay people off and told them they just needed to find something else. Then he got shitcanned and needed to find something else, and found it wasn't as easy as he'd thought.
Seems like a huge number of Boomers and Gen X are well ****ed or on the precipice, but we don't meme it as such. A meme-war between the generations suits the Capitalists better than a real fight via a Class War.
Vote Bernie.