Why Logic Proves Materialism Wrong

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let's talk about something a little more abstract even than duckus and names let's talk about the laws of logic the laws of logic regulate are meant to regulate human reasoning the way in which we draw conclusions from premises now if you maintain that there is nothing that exists except the material world the physical world about us then what are laws of logic unbelievers want to appeal to them you'll hear them tell you you're being illogical or you need to take a course in logic or you need to reason more logically and you have every right to say what are you referring to now in my worldview it makes sense to call on people to be logical because in so doing they imitate the very nature of God they think the way God thinks they are consistent God doesn't lie he is true to himself God is logical and I need to think in a way that reflects the character of God so it makes sense for the Christian to call on people to be logical what sense does it make for the unbeliever to call on people to be logical what are the laws of logic I've had people tell me well they're just you know the way your brain thinks he said wait a minute the the laws of logic are the way that the human brain thinks well if the laws of logic are the way the human brain thinks then we don't don't need laws of logic to correct the way the human brain thinks do we obviously the laws of logic are not simply a description of the function of the brain or it wouldn't make any sense to take courses in logic so you can learn to think more logically you can only think the way the human brain thinks after all no no no no no what I mean is the laws of logic don't simply describe the way the human brain thinks but the laws of logic are the what the human brain thinks about the way the human brain should think that is to say the laws of logic are what are going on right now in the electrical synapse and and uh and the biological and physical uh relations inside the gray tissue up here in my cranium the laws of logic are what I'm thinking about and by thinking I mean all that electrical stuff going on and chemical stuff going on up in my head but if those are the laws of logic then obviously the laws of logic are different for you than they are for me and why is that because the gray matter in your cranium is not the gray matter in my Cranium and if the laws of logic are just what's going on in the gray matter even thinking about what should go on in the gray matter then obviously there's nothing common in public and objective about the laws of logic the unbeliever wants I I know that this is difficult I told you this is the hardest is going to get so stick with me two more minutes and the pain will be gone the laws of logic are crucial to any kind of rational thinking education would not make sense debating would not make sense unless people were committed in some sense to Common laws of reasoning as to what controls good and bad uh conclusions reliable and unreliable conclusions and patterns of inference that will lead to the truth everyone needs laws of logic in terms of education debate argumentation what have you and yet the unbelieving world viiew cannot make the laws of logic intelligible
Channel: Cogito Fide
Views: 76
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xiBxLOnNk48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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