Why Katherine Heigl Is “Terrified” of Losing Her Kids | Rumour Juice

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A bound-to-become-famous TV actress meets  a country singer. The two fall in love,   get married, adopt, and have a family. She is  on a wildly successful show and wins an Emmy,   while his songs hit the charts.  Sounds like an idyllic affair,   right? Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley's  marriage still stands strong 15 years later,   but the couple has had to overcome trauma  and endure their fair share of media drama. The actress first met the songwriter in  2005, when she played his love interest   in the music video for his song "Only  You". Although Josh was interested,   he chose to play it cool, making Katherine  feel very frustrated. Finally, the TV star   decided to use a strategy to gain Kelley's love:  making him jealous of fellow musician John Mayer. In an interview with Meredith Viera, the  actress explained she had met the pop   star at the same time she met her future  husband and sometimes hung out with him.  "I completely used John to get Josh to commit.  These musicians, they are so competitive and   jealous of each other," Heigl explained. While the  songwriter was on tour, she called him and said,   "I just want to know where we stand because if  not, I might try to pursue something with John." Apparently, her trick worked, and the pair started  dating. The actress jokingly said that she didn't   confess her antics to Josh until they were a year  into marriage. "I was like, 'You got played!'." The couple dated for two years until Josh  proposed, and they got married in 2007.   Before the ceremony, Katherine enjoyed a  "really feminine and small" bridal shower   with some friends. The lovebirds also held  a rehearsal before the ceremony. But even if   everything looked like it was taken straight out  of a fairytale, the actress remained realistic. A year after her wedding, she  told Vanity Fair that marriage   was "a crapshoot" and that she knew the odds  were really bad. However, she later added,   "I have a lot of faith in Josh, and  I wanted to have that one day when I   stand in front of my friends and my family and  honor him and how important he is in my life." But let's get back to the ceremony! The wedding  happened in December and was held in a small tent   at a scenic ski resort in Utah, where light  snow was falling over the beautiful views.   Although it was a very private moment, some of  Heigl's Grey's Anatomy co-stars were present,   including Sandra Oh, Kate Walsh, and T.R Knight,  who described the event as "incredible and   beautiful". This makes sense since everything  was decorated with white flowers and candles   illuminating the snow. The bridesmaids wore  red in contrast to the white decoration. The wedding was not only visually beautiful,  but it was also very sentimental. The bride   and groom wrote their own vows, and Kelley  also wrote an acoustic guitar song for Heigl   to walk down the aisle. A guitar and  a cello player performed the melody. The country musician later opened up  about marriage to People magazine,   saying that it essentially consisted  of showing someone you love that you're   capable of the ultimate commitment. "We're  madly in love and she makes me excited to   become married and to have a family and  spend my life with someone," Josh said,   adding that he and Katherine were opposite  in some aspects but shared the same values. One of these values was related to cheating.  The couple agreed that infidelity would mean   the end of their marriage. However, the  actress couldn't help but question this.   "I've seen friends and acquaintances go  through it and they've found a way back   to the relationship, and a way to forgive  each other," she told Cosmopolitan UK. However, the TV star quickly explained that  she takes infidelity very seriously. "I would   kill him if he cheated because it would  destroy me," she shared before adding,   "if a mistake were to be made and it  was a one-time thing, I would forgive   him. Because look at the life we've built  together. We have history, we have a child." It's nice that the stars can rethink things for  each other. And yes, they do in fact have a family   together. In 2009, they adopted a little girl from  South Korea; in 2013 they adopted domestically.   Heigl revealed that she always wanted to adopt  since one of her siblings was adopted as well. However, she knew that adoption  comes with challenges. In 2021,   the actress told Parents magazine that,  now that the girls had gotten older,   they were asking more questions about her  birth families. She and her husband are open   to giving them as much or as little information  as they want. "I need to protect my daughters and   prepare them for the world, because I can't change  society in one fell swoop," the star explained. In 2016, there was a new addition to the family  when Heigl's son was born. In July of that year,   the actress released a statement to  People Magazine, saying, "Josh and I   are overflowing with joy and gratitude." Then,  in December, her son was born. Heigl has since   opened up about being pregnant, saying she is  grateful for the experience. Mainly because,   if it hadn't happened by surprise, she's  not sure that she would have done it. The Grey's Anatomy alum has discussed the  dynamics in her family, revealing that Kelley is   more laid back, while she is constantly fighting  anxiety because of a tragedy in her childhood.   Heigl lost her brother in a car  accident when she was only 8 years old. The actress told Today Parents that the more she  loves her children, the greater her worry about   losing them is. Her biggest fear is suffering the  loss of a beloved child like her parents did. "The   idea of loving my children the way I did terrified  me. Because it could be all taken away. I have   witnessed the worst thing that can happen to a  parent happen to my parents," the TV star said. Something that helped Heigl was talking  to her mother about how she got through   the loss of her son. "I've come to  understand that you can survive it,   and it doesn't negate the worthwhile  love," the actress revealed. The Emmy winner loves her family dearly, which  has helped her through some rough times. During   her last seasons in Grey's Anatomy, Katherine  started to be seen as difficult to work with.   This was in part due to her 2008 withdrawal  from the Emmy awards. She withdrew her   name because she did not feel she had been  given the material to warrant a nomination   and did not want to take the opportunity  away from an actress who had been given that   material. Of course, the audience did not  receive this well since it suggested that   the writers of Grey's Anatomy had not  done a proper job with her character. In Lynette Rice's book: How to save  a life, the story of Grey's Anatomy,   the actress opened up about the  scandal. Some time had passed,   and she had come to understand that she was  in the wrong. "I thought I was doing the   right thing. It was between me and the writers. I  ambushed them, and it wasn't very nice or fair." Shonda Rhimes , the creator of Grey's Anatomy  and one of television's most influential   personalities, also spoke about the scandal on  Oprah Winfrey's show. The showrunner said that,   even if the statement stung, it  did not surprise her. She added,   "When people show you who they are, believe them." In the book, Heigl also opened up about her  desire to focus on family instead of work,   explaining that going on family leave changed  her whole perspective. She then spoke to Shonda   about leaving the show and waited at home  until she was given the formal OK to leave. "The rumors that I refused to return were  totally untrue," the actress said. She   explained that Shonda tried to  find a schedule that worked,   but it wasn't possible without it negatively  affecting the cast and crew of the show. "It   wasn't feeling fair to them or the show to ask  them to bend around my needs," Katherine added. However, not everyone agrees on this  version of the events. Unnamed sources   told Rice that "Heigl wanted out because  it was so hard working with Shonda." An   anonymous former ABC Studio executive revealed  that Rhimes and ABC wanted to "get her out". The actress concluded by saying that what  she most regrets from all the drama was   being perceived as ungrateful. "That is  my fault. I allowed myself to be perceived   that way," she confessed. Katherine explained  that humility and gratitude are essential for   her and that she was disappointed  in herself for not showing them. After her time on the ABC show was  over, Heigl went on to perform in a   series of romantic comedies and, of  course, enjoy time with her family.   She even directed a music video for  her husband's song "It's your move"! The Suits actor has also talked about her marriage  several times. In 2014, she told US Weekly,   "I think that we just really enjoy each  other. He's kind of my best friend." However,   she was aware this could be tricky at times  since they ran the risk of the relationship   becoming too much of a friendship and not  enough of a romance. Heigl also revealed   a side of Kelley she enjoyed: "I laugh at  all his jokes. I think he's really funny." Katherine then got serious and shared the  biggest component of her relationship:   communication. She shared that there  had been a rough patch in the marriage.   "That doesn't mean there was a lack of  communication. It was just a lack of hearing,   and it was assuming what the other person  meant and needed or wanted," she explained. The family is still strong today, and they  are obviously delighted with each other. The   TV star has shared some tributes on Instagram  over the years. In a 2019 caption celebrating   their 12th anniversary, she wrote, "This man …  this day … this marriage … I am damn grateful.   That he found me. That I found him. That we  have somehow miraculously bettered each other." It seems like the couple will continue to  stand together amidst all the chaos and drama   of Hollywood. Here at Rumour Juice, we wish them  and their children the happiest time together.
Channel: Rumour Juice
Views: 20,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood, hollywood celebrity news, hollywood romance, romance, love story, stories about celebrities, Katherine Heigl, Josh Kelley, Shonda Rhimes, Grey's Anatomy, Emmy Awards, Hollywood Scandal, Emmy Scandal, Grey's Anatomy Drama, Grey's Anatomy Scandal, Sandra Oh, Kate Walsh, T.R. Knight, 27 Dresses, Suits, The Ugly Truth, Jenny's Wedding., katherine heigl husband, katherine heigl young, katherine heigl children, katherine heigl family, josh kelley band
Id: X1ODQe5nRFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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