Why Katey Sagal was looking for another gig after Married With Children began

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you know my path was more you know we're both in recovery so I don't know if you know that but drugs and alcohol really kind of took me down a dark path in my 20s wow how long have you been sober 37 years 37 what year was that when you 1986 1986 now when did Marywood children come out 1986 I got I was four months sober when I got that Gig if you weren't sober would you have gotten that gig probably not no I don't or would you have survived that gig well I wouldn't have survived I remember going to my first day on the show and I was in recovery and you know I don't know if you know anything about it but uh you know a lot of it is about humility and honesty and you know like not holding Secrets anymore I was a very secretive alcoholic and so my sponsor I remember my first day of work she said I said I'm terrified she said well go tell somebody you're sober I said what are you [ __ ] kidding I'm going to walk into these people I don't know and I did it and I introduced myself and within two people the casting director was also sober and so I instantly felt like okay I'm safe it's okay because I needed support so um wow yeah it was pretty wild so it was a lot of new things at one time is it hard to stay sober or as the years go on is it just gets easier and easier because you're looking at me like I don't know what um is it hard yeah um this is what I'll say um does alcohol do alcohol and drugs speak to me can I be around them yes do they speak to me like I'm going to drink them no every once in a while if I'm cooking with something I'll have to I'll throw it down the drain real quick because I just don't you know it's um you know alcoholism we could have a whole podcast about this sure yeah I know is it lives in the brain it's a way of thinking it's a way of perceiving and so um yeah that that needs constant sort of um spiritual solution I call it you know did you guys meet when you were sober as well yeah I'm uh it's interesting we both got she's six years older and we're five and a half years older and we both got sober at the same age I like how you correct yourself six five and a i remind yeah you five and a half five and a half cuz I'd hear about God damn it yeah um it's not like he said nine yeah but he has a time sometimes he'll [ __ ] go yeah she's 10 years older than me we got we got sober at the same age just you know six years apart so we um um uh but uh you have like 31 31 yeah but we yeah we met at uh at a 12 step room and uh um but that's where you met we met yeah yeah yeah was it Love at First Sight no we uh I did not ask her out it was before I had my first my first gig writing gig was on the shield and uh I was a struggling artist and I knew you know who she was and I thought not going to [ __ ] ask her out without a job so uh um and then so I waited and then I got a gig and I felt like all right I have I've I can say here was my goal as an artist and I don't know if you had this experience coming up as an actor I just wanted to when somebody asked me what I did I just wanted to be able to answer them in one sentence that was my goal yeah do you know what I mean I do so like you're not qu this is what I do but this is what I want like I could just say I'm a writer and and and and you were and I was and then I felt like all right now I can now I can say hi and it was one of my he was my um I've been married a couple times before so this is my third Go Round And I had just gone through a divorce and I had two little kids and top of my list was you have to be employed so when he God he didn't ask you out the first time right when he called me up and I said and it was one of the my first questions was like well what do you do you know what do you do and he said he was a writer I was like man cuz he looked really like he was super buff and he looked like a trainer or something I thought oh man this guy's may he like works out all the time and you know yeah you would I don't think you would have gone out with me if you if I said you were a trainer I don't know
Channel: Inside Of You Clips
Views: 15,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside of you podcast, michael rosenbaum, michael rosenbaum podcast, Katey Sagal, Katey Sagal podcast, Katey Sagal interview, Katey Sagal Inside of You, Katey Sagal rosenbaum, Katey Sagal story, Kurt Sutter, Kurt Sutter podcast, Kurt Sutter interview, Kurt Sutter Inside of You, Kurt Sutter rosenbaum, Kurt Sutter story, Katey sagal married with children, peg bundy, katey sagal peg bundy, katey sagal sons of anarchy, sons of anarchy podcast, inside of you, mental health, iou
Id: 5i13Z5GvWbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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