Why ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Takes Over 40 Days to Reach the Moon ??

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hey there folks today we are diving into the fascinating world of space exploration to answer a burning question why does it take over 40 Days for chandrayaan free to reach the moon when NASA's Apollo 11 made the journey in just four days let's find out India space agency Israel kicked off chandrayaan three lunar Mission from a Satish davan Space Center on July 14th amid millions of people cheering for its success if everything goes as planned chandrayaan 3 will meet the history by being the first mission to touch the at the lunar South Pole so Sharpie after lift up the chandrayaan 3 propulsion module along with the land that was inserted in an elliptical Earth orbit using heavyweight rocket the gslb Mark III over the next two weeks the show will perform a series of five to six orbit raising maneuvers these models involved using the onboard propulsion system to gradually increase the model's speed and move it to the increasingly elongated elliptical orbits think of it as a spiraling outward step by step now the module leads to reach escape velocity to break free from Earth's gravitational pull on set course for the moon the Moment of Truth known as the translinar injection is scheduled for August 1st after that it's estimated that the landing will take place around August 23rd over three weeks later patience is key you might be thinking wait a minute previous missions completed this journey much faster and you're absolutely right China's changed and chang-free missions as well as the Soviet Union's Luna one all made the trip in a fraction of the time even Apollo 11's iconic Command Module Columbia made it to moon in little over four days so what's the deal with the chandrayaan 3 well the ions are lies in the available rocket power Israel doesn't have a locket as mighty as Saturn V used by the Apollo missions which could proper the spacecraft directly towards the Moon instead ISRO opted for a more gradual approach in children 3's case a series of engine Burns and specific Earth orbits are utilized to increase the spacecraft's speed and position it for lunar insertion it's a multi-step process that takes more time but allows ISRO to work within the constraints of the launch vehicle the gslv Mark III to make the most of this approach ISRO cleverly employs the gravitational forces of both the Earth and the Moon when the module orbits the earth it sets its highest speed during the perigee the point closes to our planet at the opposite end we have a apogee where the module moves the slowest with each perigee pass the onboard engine fires further boosting the speed of and pushing the module into higher and more elongated orbit this spiraling pattern continues until the module reaches escape velocity and can finally break free from Earth's gravity setting its sight on a moon timing is crucial here the channel ion 3 models enter into the lunar transfer projectory is carefully synchronized with a moon's position in its own orbit this ensures that the module reaches the moon's orbit precisely when the moon is in the right spot once the module reaches this critical point the precious maneuver called lunar arbit insertion is executed using onboard proportion system this maneuver reduces the model's velocity allowing moon's gravitational pull to capture it and pull it into a stable lunar orbit some here the module starts revolving around the moon in an elliptical orbit through a series of Maneuvers the altitude is progressively lowered ultimately placing the module in 100 kilometer circular orbit around the moon at this stage the propulsion module separates from the Lander which continues its Journey towards the lunar surface if everything goes according to the plan sometime around August 23rd chandrayantri will achieve a Monumental Milestone as the first mission to successfully soft land in the vicinity of the lunar South Pole so there you have it folks chandrayaan 3 might take a bit longer to reach the moon compared to Apollo 11. but it's all due to the different trajectory and available Rocket Power science and engineering occurred shaping the exploration or the cosmos if you found this video informative make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more content like this let us know your thoughts in the comments below thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Krrish Iyer
Views: 26,479
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Keywords: chandrayaan 3, chandrayaan 3 launch, chandrayaan 3 news, chandrayaan 3 mission, isro chandrayaan 3 mission, isro chandrayaan 3, chandrayaan 3 moon mission, chandrayaan 3 launch video, chandrayaan 3 launch date, chandrayaan 3 update, chandrayaan 3 latest news, isro moon mission chandrayaan 3, chandrayaan 3 launch live, chandrayaan 3 isro, chandrayaan 3 kab launch hoga, chandrayaan 3 launch date and time, chandrayaan 3 animation, chandrayaan 3 information
Id: _oCC_B4AM9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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