Why is "Why is "Why is Realistic Half-Life So Bad?" So Bad?" So Bad?

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hello guys and welcome back to the most ridiculous video with the most ridiculous title in existence now please do not respond to this video we don't want this to happen for those who don't know a few months ago I made this video it was a video of me criticizing a mod pack for being bad the reason I made that video is well because of the mod name it had real IC in the name but it made the game look like halflife Alpha and well looking back at it maybe it wasn't the best idea to make a a video about a random mod pack one month after uploading my video someone made a response to it and the person who made this video was not happy with me I'm making this video to say no click and for what a little extra Revenue to add on to his money pile him this video and F his YouTube channel I cannot even begin to get into how bad this looks for you in his video he accuses me of replacing textures with missing textures faking crashes and much more so after watching his video I contacted the guy on Discord and we had a conversation to say the [Music] least that conversation went nowhere I mean we did not agree on anything he also said he doesn't like the fact that the video is getting too much attention even though in the actual video he says this my that's my only hope is that this video kind of gets popular after that he just banned me from his Discord server then he privated the video usually that would be the end but there's there's a lot a lot more someone reuploaded his video as you can see and a lot of people watched it now I know I'm kind of late to this but I didn't really have time to make a response video and also I wanted to respond with my voice and not just text recently it came to my attention that a YouTuber named no click had made a video regarding a halflife mod pack that aimed to make the game more realistic now I'd be lying if I said this was my first time hearing about no click I've been aware of him for a very long time and this definitely isn't the first time that I've tried to call him out on his shitty behavior however mostly you see this isn't the first video that no click has made that is like this it started as far as with his video The Worst halflife Remix which I actually left a comment on which I'll read now I fail to see what makes these games The Worst halflife Remix yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah I I agree these videos were by far my worst videos I was running out of content and that's the best I could do but it's the aftermath of the video that really pissed me off to say the least you see one day after no click uploaded the video the mod author took down the mod citing that everyone hated it and it had been a disappointment which leads me to believe that he was subject to rampid harassment from no click's followers wrong nobody harassed him how do I know that well I asked him and he said this the reason he removed the mod is because after watching my video and seeing how many bugs it has it made him cringe that's actually what he said not me I mean you would have known that if you contacted him personally instead of assuming he deleted the mod because no click Send people to harass him and yes he did delete the mod because of my video want to know what he did after that he made another one this time for Sven COA and well it it looks more realistic than the realistic halflife one so but no click that's objective shut up yeah the mod Creator ended up deleting the mod pack which obviously wasn't what I intended and yes not many people like the mod the mod pack had a 4.7 out of 10 rating before I made the video I mean just look at these comments this is unacceptable so I took it upon myself to watch the video and note down every nitpick or bull claim he makes about the mod pack but you didn't take it upon yourself to contact the mod pack Creator before making this video so right off the bat you might admit that you're doing this in bad faith and not for any particular reason just that you felt like picking on some random mod Creator so you can make some quick cash whoa there big boy this video made me 37 and because I'm so greedy and I love money I have decided to send the money to the Modpack Creator I talked with him and we decided it's best if I gifted him some steam games he sent me a list of games he wanted and I just gifted them to him all of these games were about €70 which is almost double the amount of money my video made so I hope that's okay says who this is a completely bogus statement and you know damn well that it is you don't speak for everyone in the valve community and there are many people who do like gearbox's HD pack myself included because from an objective standpoint they are the models are of a much higher Fidelity and an AR-15 with an underslung grenade launcher is more realistic than an MP5 with one an under Barrel grenade launcher on a sub machine gun that's absurd until I came to the Royal armories and met this it's a it's a 40mm grenade launcher for an MP5 almost identical to the halflife gun so there we are the halflife MP5 5 kind of [Music] exists again this is your opinion from an objective standpoint the model is of a much higher Fidelity therefore it does look better than the original 1998 model to degree so you're calling my opinion subjective while also having a subjective opinion I mean okay again this is your opinion and this says nothing about the quality of the mod pack and considering that you just if you think having Call of Duty looking weapons in a mod pack makes it more realistic then I don't know what to say also in his newest mod pack the mod pack creator uses way better looking models [Music] so uh okay I if if you thought they already look like chicken then why are you complaining that they actually look like chicken I don't understand this at all it was just [Music] sarcasm not only is this the only example of a model having a shine effect to it that I've seen in this video I also but it's not the only one I show I mean there's another one right [Music] there I also fail to see what the point you're making here is yes things are shiny in real life especially things made from organic material I have a meme just for [Music] this I'm repeating myself a lot aren't I again subjective blah blah not indicative of the quality you get it did you watch my video with your eyes [Music] closed again subjective also halflife does not have real time Shadows like source does and in terms of the map lighting looks more to me like you turned on full bright but what do I know here is another accusation here's the raw footage of that part that's how the game looks I I did not use anything I did not use any console commands it just looks like [Music] [ __ ] [Music] unrelated but I noticed that in between the shot of outside the final Lambda cor room and the one inside the lighting was on but when no clip complains about the sly crits it's off which is kind of curious no again that's just the textures here's the raw footage again [Music] I [Music] all sure black Mesa is a c be sci-fi Tech base that has a bunch of Highly advanced technobabble technology and you're telling me that a light switch that sounds like a computer is the most out of pocket thing you've seen as opposed to the original game where it's silent outside of the firing zound so you like getting ear raped the guy then goes on to call my opinion subjective like 20 times so we'll we'll skip this he grunts when you take fall damage in the original halflife I'm not sure what you mean by this when you get hurt in real life do you moan you put that there missing textures do not use the purple black checkerboards and gold source this is a feature exclusive to the source engine I cannot even begin to get into how bad this looks for you everyone knows this one [Applause] [Music] already I want you to look me dead in the eye and tell me that the original game doesn't do this do it I dare you okay let's see my files just one of those days I guess they were having some problems down in the T your hazard [Music] Su none of the animations shown in this clip are new also I can't verify the validity of the crash Zone here but judging by the obvious lies that no click has sprinkled throughout this video it would not surprise me to learn that it didn't crash here and that he just edited it I already talked about this in my previous video here's the raw footage [Laughter] again I'm sorry there's nothing more we can [Music] do [Music] we'll see about [Music] that let go yes this is just something that half-life's AI does the mod pack doesn't make code changes so I fail to see how this is the mod's [Music] fault then for the rest of the video he just Compares it to some other mod for halflife source and then he Compares it to other higher profile mods made by veteran mods like halflife M mod likely just to PAAD the video out to 10 minutes so he can monetize it not much more to say here except that he Compares it to Black Mesa you know black Mesa the massive thousand contributor fully funded valve supported on Steam full remake of the original halflife on the source engine which took a comparing and giving Alternatives is not the same thing please learn how to read I'm making this video to say no click and for what a little extra Revenue to add on to his money pile him this video and his YouTube Channel please stop harassing me no with that said I do not want people to go out other way to harass no click like his followers did to the original Mod Creator I'm not telling you to go harass no click but you should go harass no click and I I I mean I've been like kind of vaguely following no clicks Channel and every single time he just makes this Fu like this hot awful content Farm I've made 600 videos in 5 and 1/2 years that's a video every 3 days you have no idea what content Farm is I also want to talk about this if he actually went and looked at the pin comment on that video he'll see why the mod of the name was not used in the title The the mod of the name what my that's my only hope is that this video kind of gets popular and it forces him to either do something about it or so here he says he hopes the video gets popular and on Discord when I talked with him he said he didn't like how much attention the video was getting so which one is it at the very least apologize I won't apologize for anything I don't think I should apologize for having an opinion I am however disappointed that the mod was just removed from modb and game Banana that was clearly not my intention and I'm sorry for basically sending a bunch of people to harass somebody and deleting their mod which I don't think there's a backup anywhere so all that stuff is lost media now good job dude you just you created lost media well done God you're so cool I definitely don't hate you lost media it was a mod pack you can still download all of the mods used in it he intentionally made it look worse like he added done that missing texture which you know anybody would a brain would understand that that's not real cuz that's not how gold Source works you idiot so I'm hoping that this will at the very least encourage no click to not do that because that sucks and is not cool and uh you I I I I have nothing more to say other than if he still stands by what he did and doesn't take anything I say in this video to Heart then I'm sorry dude you're piece of yes this did encourage me to make a voice reveal so thank you for that also please do not harass the person who made this video it's not fun so you see this is why you don't pull accusations out of your ass like And subscribe for more videos
Channel: noclick
Views: 142,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: half-life, half-life 1, realistic half-life, half-life realism, half-life realistic, why is realistic half-life so bad, realistic half-life is bad, half-life remake, black mesa, black mesa classic, half-life 2 mmod, half-life mmod, half-life 3, half-life 2 episode 3, half-life 3 confirmed, source 2, half-life 2 source 2, brutal half-life, half-life vs realistic half-life, noclick, hl2, hl3, gordon freeman, half-life rtx, hl2 rtx, half-life 2 rtx
Id: X3Ehdmioi7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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