Why is THIS SO WRONG?!! I Show The Secrets to How We Cut Sawmill Slabs at Hobby Hardwood.

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so you're gonna watch me salt this slab there's a lot of ways to soft a slab it's not much different than cutting a hunk of butter but if you're really want to take it to the next level there is a right way to do it and there is a wrong way to do [Music] it thanks for visiting our Sawmill well we're back folks back to the old hobby Hardwood the video today is going to be about Live Edge slabs I say that with a little reluctance because Live Edge slabs are not the most technically technically challenging wood to cut basically just start whacking through it pretty much violate all the things that I say you should never do when you're sawing so I'm going to show you a few tricks because you can slab it like it's a hunk of pork or you can slab it like it's a filet Manan which is a steak for all you vegetarians out there I know there are a lot of green people who support Sawmills and if you are watching and are environmentally conscious have at it appreciate y'all being here I mean if nothing else we are a green Sawmill I mean just just look at what we do I mean we're doing our best to rid the Earth of um oxygen as we cut trees into Lumber I don't know what the hell I'm saying let's move on before I get green piece all over me literally all right so you can take a log and you can cut it into Live Edge slabs and I'm not even going to mark it because if you can't follow this without me marking it then we need to change the subject to back basket weaving or something simple if you're going to liveage slab something you just whack it right no so you still should be remembering about the things that cause boards to not dry flat you should still think about things where boards will maybe crack and typically that is this little guy right here the juvenile wood the garbage that is going to cause your Live Edge slabs to crack if you just keep going right through here trust me as a matter of fact yesterday I sawed some up through the pith thinking it would I don't know what I was thinking I was thinking yeah I might ought to use that for a video of what not to do I came out this morning these things are so cracked it's embarrassing but I'll show tell you why you don't saw Live Edge slabs through the pth unless you have a very strong customer base who doesn't mind spending a lot of money on epoxy to fill all those cracks first of all you want to try to identify the stress and imagine in your brain what the slabs are going to do and trying to keep it flat I would be taking boards in this direction because I know that if the stress in is in this direction this board is trying to go this way this half the log's trying to go that way that half the log's trying to go that way any board taken like this is going to Bow up any board taken like that is going to bow down any boards taken over here are going to stay any boards taken from here over are going to stay flat but they're going to try to curve they're still going to try to Bow up in the same plane that the log is splitting has that stress so this little guy right here is your your road map if you ever speaking of maps if you ever look at the compass rows on a map northsouth East West that cute little X or star that indicates the direction you're going it's the same thing when you see this heart check in the juvenile core of the pith I can keep throwing funky thing funky nomenclature out you but basically that's the crack and that tells you how to drive the log depending on the product you're trying to make because I know that distress is in the 12:00 and 6:00 position I'm going to take my live edge here and I'm going to take my live edge here they will dry flat but they will try to curve and who cares cuz it's a Live Edge slab and it's not straight anyway you may ask what do you do with this mess because if I start to take that right through there these guys are going to crack I know they're going to crack I don't like sawing cracked wood what you do then is you try to leave a certain amount of usable Lumber right here 8 in remember face grade Lumber 6 in and wider remember your nhla Grade Rules I'm sure y'all got them memorized then what you do is you talk you start taking what I call filler boards that would be this guy this guy this guy maybe to there and so on a lot of people that want live Ed slabs want tables that are massively wide say 4T well how you going to make a 4T table out of a 28 in log well you're going to have to get two slabs and join them together so by the time you cut all the stuff off of it um you may still end up several inches shy of being the right width what do you do as a customer what do you do as a business you simply say hey y'all buy one of these slabs buy one of these slabs Edge it out Edge it out get a couple of pieces of these filler boards glue them in the mle now you can make this thing as wide as you want to not only will it look correct but they're cut from the same log does that make sense I hope so so if I've got 20 logs and I get six slabs per log well I mean that's 120 slabs plus the filler wood that man that's all you need right yes I am losing some slabs but I'm getting a better product and I still can get basically as many slabs as I can stand to cut I hate planing slabs I really don't like sawing slabs I like selling slabs that's what I'm doing it so anyway that's the idea take the side slabs off come back take turn the can up blow through that take some Lumber burn this piece of garbage right there and everybody's happy move on to the next log and before you know it there'll be several pallets of slabs ready to get stacked in dried so here's what happens when you cut a slab through the pith or at least the juvenile core SL garbage wood this is what they look like they have this huge crack here's what happens when you don't there are no cracks if you do there are cracks it's pretty bored it's going to take about $100 worth of epoxy to fill that Beast or don't same thing here you can see right here where the center of the log is that juvenile core is right here and right off the edge there's a big old stress crack this crack was not in it when I cut it but I went right through it the crack propagated from right here that's where the stress was and look at what she did I mean you can actually see fresh split this must have happened just a little while ago so so when you're sawing wood as a business you've got to look at a lot of things and money is one of them and customer satisfaction is one one of them so you have to keep everything in mind as you're sawing so you're going to watch me salt this slab there's a lot of ways to soft a slab it's not much different than cutting a hunk of butter but if you really want to take it to the next level there is a right way to do it and there is a wrong way to do to it let's get this thing rotated the way I want it to be o let's open up my dust collector all right first thing we're going to rotate this guy I get that crack vertical and I don't have my toe boards to help me so I don't have my toeboards to help me I'm actually off of them just what happens when you load a lot sometimes you don't get on the toe board I'm just going to lift it up using a chain Turner and the two plane clamp that looks pretty level go ahead and look at this it looks pretty good let's pull it [Music] off probably be to get one more now almost no sawdust I'm a big fan of almost no saw log's pretty big you got to be be careful not to flip it over the back stop I mean this is a pretty nice size Sawmill it ain't the biggest but you don't really want that big hunk of wood Slamm down on your deck you can help it it's almost maxed out my log plamp I mean I've got maybe an inch of travel so that'll kind of tell you how wide the sky is I normally do put a few tips or a tip or two in these videos these are real tips this is an important one you got the log clamp you can see it cuz the camera's on this side if you come over here you've got the back stop if you've ever wondered what fancy device or fail saake keeps a sawmill band from running into this big Punk of metal there isn't any that's up to you you're the one driving it right so there's a habit you should always get into always always with a capital A always when I'm driving right here this is my view you can't see anything yeah I can I can move over and get right here where the logs and the boards are coming back and get killed but even from here I cannot see that back stop I mean can you you got x-ray vision or something and yes I could stop what I'm doing crab around oh look there it is come back and go oh look there's my back stops but no you don't do that so you always always always when you're setting your back stops and your log plant put your back stops higher than your log clamp doesn't matter if it's a half an inch doesn't matter if it's an inch doesn't mean if it's 3 in you just have to get into haboc because you can see your back stops you can't see your log clamp without slowing down and stopping and doing all kinds of stuff but the main thing is if your band clears those back stops it's going to clear your log clamp even though you can't see it see what I'm talking about miss that definitely miss that if the clamp for one reason other is higher sooner or later you're going to forget it's higher cuz you can't see it and you're going to slam that blade into that back stop and that causes a lot of Sparks and it causes a lot of damage you just don't want to do it a lot of bad things happen when you crash a sawmill back to saw I'm going to try to set where my pillar boards are going to come out to about 8 in I got it set here at 8 in on my ACU set it's flipping between 8 and 13 seconds I guess that's close enough what I'm going to do then is I'm going to use What's called the auto up function I've got it set to 2 and 38 so all I have to do now hit my trigger it's going to go up 2 and 3/8 which is one board it's going to go up 2 and 38 which is another board I'm going to see where that is that's not a bad cut now I know when I take that slice I can go back to my program and this time I'm going to do auto down uh program two which for me is 2 and 38 and I know I will get a perfect cut and end up with a 8 in T at the end use it to push this whole stack out of my way I'm in Auto down click a little button I drop down to my next [Music] cut still in Auto down mode right here the head goes look it magically showed back up at 8 in which is where I wanted it for be a't that special take old hunky wood some people may just saw all the way down it's really not what you want to do the the dog board is the lowest board on the Sawmill that's typically the one that's going to show the most stress and defects and isn't going to sit the way you want it's going to wave so normally that's the one that you want on the mill because you're going to throw out if it's the pth you're going to throw it out anyway or use it for firewood so instead of sawing all the way down just simply saw down to where this dog board is lowest on the bed so I'm going to saw down to about there give or take unload all these got I'm going to take this flip it down almost saw here that will be the worst board it will be the dog board and I'll look at it most likely it's going over there into the burn pit and those look pretty good don't they yes they do and the cool thing is a customer can buy them and they're not going to crack you don't know who Ricky Bob is just Google it and he's got two phrases I really like if ain't first you're last that's a fact and I just want to go fast so now that I've filmed and I've cut my slabs I've got this beautiful hunk of wood right here and I'm going to dial The Sawmill up to Ricky Bobby speed do the old flip get this thing rolled [Music] over now I'm right here at my dog board I'll make one more cou that's it don't get me wrong s slabs is part of the business these days there's a right way and a wrong way or I should say a hobby hardwood way and however you want to do it um our way is backed up by a few million dollars worth of lumber sales doesn't say it's right I just saying it works for me or you may want to do things completely different and that's certainly your prerogative because I was going to make a Ricky Bobby quote but I think I'm going to make a Bob Ross quote you know the a guy who used to paint with the big fuzzy hair kind of like mine but painting is fun I don't paint however I do like running a sawmill and sawmilling is fun so y'all have fun running your Sawmill have some fun making some Live Edge slabs have some fun doing some Ricky Bobby stuff cuz that is fun and we will see y'all next time thanks for visiting our Sawmill click on the links above to see more of our vide videos
Channel: Hobby Hardwood Alabama Sawmill
Views: 49,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, Hobby Hardwood Alabama, Out of the Woods, Professional sawmill, Millennial Farmer, sawmills in action, portable sawmill, sawmilling, sawmill shed, sawmill business, sawmill accident, wood-mixer sawmill, hobby sawmill, sawmill at home, sawmill accessories, alaskan sawmill, amish sawmill, sawmill blade sharpening, sawmill basics, band sawmill, best sawmill, cheap sawmill, sawmill edger, harbor freight sawmill, sawmill lumber, professional sawmill, sawmill thrill
Id: 00gmqDm8h50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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