Why is This 500+ lb YouTuber so HUNGRY? | Amberlynn Reid (The Science of Junk Food)

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ALR: "I have ruined my life" "completely" When discussing the science of junk food and the powerful effects junk food can cause in our bodies there is perhaps no better real life example than Amberlynn Reid ALR: "I have had a, um.." "food addiction" "a binging addiction an obsession over food" Amberlynn Reid has spent the last few years on YouTube Documenting her weight loss journey a journey that has seen her climb from a starting weight in the low 300s to now almost 600 pounds despite her rapidly declining health and possibly the most savage comments section on YouTube. She just cannot get the situation under control Amberlynn's diet consists of a lot of fast food meals out at restaurants TV dinners and of course ALR loves her ice cream candy and chips. ALR: "We just had cold stone" "Becky is like 'don't tell them'" Now obviously there are a million reasons Someone might be unsuccessful at weight loss especially in extreme and complicated case like amberlynn but for the purposes of this video we are going to discuss how the foods she chooses on a Daily basis makes it hard not just for her but anyone to succeed at losing weight and to understand why we're gonna start with a little context. in the 1970s obesity researcher Anthony Sclafani was looking for a way to get his lab rats to become fat He tried a few different things, but none of them worked. The lab rats would mostly just stop eating once they were full Until that is he offered them an assortment of junk food Everything from Froot Loops to chocolate condensed milk and candy They would literally gorge themselves until even the thinnest rats became obese This led to the discovery that a diet full of junk or ultra processed food Doesn't just make us fat by way of extra calories but actually provokes us to over eat. junk food has the incredible ability to literally overthrow our brains eating off switch and ramp up our appetite and once we start eating this way, junk food makes it Extremely hard to stop. "I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I have ate" "a little bit more than" "6000 calories today, but I wanted to film this because" "Today is the last day that I'm gonna be eating like this day 1 day 5 was an absolute fail" "and I'm just excited to wake up tomorrow and put" "Yesterday and today behind." "day 7 it's gonna be Monday fresh start" "tomorrow is a new day" "starting tomorrow" "starting tomorrow " "tomorrow I really want to do this, I swear tomorrow is Monday" "It's Monday anything that bad that happened over the weekend or over the week. It's a fresh new day." "starting fresh" "and tomorrow is a new day." There are three main ways that junk food hijacks our biology to keep us coming back for more Let's start with one of Amberlynn's faves, Ben & Jerry's. on this particular day ALR was enjoying the flavor mint chocolate cookie ice cream mint chocolate cookie jams about 1100 calories into that little pint with 91 grams of sugar 64 grams of fat and 490 milligrams of sodium Evolution taught us that tasting sugar, fat, and salt meant we'd stumbled upon an important source of energy So when we eat these things the pleasure centers of our brains light up to tell us "MmMMm" "This is worth at you guys" High-calorie foods would have been a rare find for our ancestors We're talking like a fatty piece of meat or honey, like in the hive with bees on it But they were also the most valuable foods because more calories equal more energy today high calorie foods are the most common foods available They have 10 times more fat sugar and salt that our ancestors probably Experienced over the course of an entire year and all three are now compressed together into one perfectly engineered treat. Junk food is an enhanced version of all the things we're hardwired to love instinctually And when you enhance the food you get an enhanced response "mmmmmmMMMMMMMhmhmhmhm!!!" "mm" Brain scans show that our food today is so delicious that the response produced in our brains is sometimes as big as an orgasm or addictive drugs. a 2013 student study found that Oreos actually produce an even bigger pleasure response in the brain neurons of rats than either cocaine or morphine did Once you start eating your brain gets so excited that you can just keep eating and eating and eating This is perfectly demonstrated by Amberlynn, who despite having every reason in the world to change, induce Uncontrollably on junk foods almost every day eating upwards of what must be thousands of calories in order to maintain her body weight "Imma eat a little chip, I told myself I wasn't gonna have any chips but, it's a little baby" To really illustrate how serious these companies are about making their foods Irresistible consider that frito-lay or the creators of Doritos Cheetos and Pringles employs over 500 food scientists spend thirty million dollars a year on research and even possess a forty thousand dollar machine That simulates a chewing mouth Just to perfect and ensure the crunch level of each of their products keeps us coming back for more and the result is Snack foods like hot cheetos have over a dozen different properties that make them So exciting to your brain that they are truly addictive They stimulate our desire to keep eating by being hyper palatable in other words Extremely delicious. So when frito-lay says we'd bet you can't eat just one They mean it In the same way that our brains are not prepared for super enhanced modern junk food. Our bodies aren't either. even when Amberlynn is what she'd call on track she eats an absolute ton of Processed food and in particular her typical diet is very heavy and refined carbohydrates a lot of TV dinners vegetarian chicken nuggets or nutrient devoid sandwiches Nutritionally refined carbs and sugar are virtually identical when it comes to how they behave inside our bodies "You can eat a ball of cornflakes with no added sugar or you can eat a bowl of sugar with no added corn flakes" "They might taste different but below the neck" "They're metabolically the same thing." when the body digests carbs, they're broken down into the sugar molecule glucose Glucose then enters the bloodstream and raises our blood sugar which triggers the release of the hormone. Insulin insulin job is to lower glucose in the blood by helping ourselves use that glucose for fuel even if Amberlynn was eating clean whole foods Exclusively these days it takes something like four to five Thousand calories to maintain her body weight and because she's taking in most of these calories via refined carbohydrates That means her body is frequently being flooded with sugar and as a result insulin Chronically elevated insulin results in our cells becoming desensitized to it and they're producing much more to compensate something called insulin resistance This state is actually a precursor to type 2 diabetes meaning amberlynn make it the okay from her doctor But still suffer from many of the same bodily effects as a diabetic Now when amberlynn eats her typical carb-y lunch Even if it's not overly unhealthy her body bathes her in insulin and this excess insulin results in very low blood sugar low blood sugar leaves Amberlynn feeling lethargic Shaky nauseous and of course ravenously hungry very shortly after she eats Consider the effector of fine carb heavy breakfast had on volunteers and a 2008 study volunteers Consumed either a high carb or high fat meal and then had their appetite and hunger hormones measured a few hours later Volunteers who consumed the high carb meal initially enjoyed a steep decline and reported hunger, but they felt hunger again Very quickly hours sooner than the other group did Another study found that hunger not only comes back faster after you eat a refined carbs have a meal but stronger as well Rebounding to higher levels than before you had eaten anything at all what this means is amberlynn is Choosing to eat foods that make her hungrier the processed fiber list TV dinners and fast food She chooses to eat every day sent her blood sugar Skyrocketing only to come crashing back down bringing feelings of intense hunger with it the food She's eating is not only not making her feel full but it is prompting her to keep coming back for more this vicious cycle of Volatile blood sugar and premature hunger coupled with the reason we'll talk about next Probably results in a burning drive to eat in amberlynn that she most likely feels the pressure of most of the time As we discussed a little earlier Amberlynn's diet consists of a lot of foods that behave more like drugs than food in our brains All food to activate the reward centers of our brains the same ones activating cocaine nicotine alcohol Etc etc. But junk foods, really crank it. This is extremely evident when we look at some clips of amberlynn eating Virtually anything you can almost see her body releasing the body's feel-good chemicals endorphins as she eats But endorphins aren't the only chemicals released by the body when we eat something Dopamine is as well and dopamine is responsible for learning and motivation The combination of these two chemical releases at once the pleasure and learning result in habit formation Habits are thought to exist in loops There's the reward food in this instance the action we take to get the reward in the queue that triggers the entire sequence to begin The more often we repeat the same behavior loop the more ingrained it becomes into our lives and the more difficult it becomes to break This is very bad news for amberlynn who cares junk food with virtually every situation in her life socializing equals junk food date night having fun vacation boredom feeling bad feeling good These situations have been paired with food so many times throughout Amberlynn's life that they are all now queues to eat and that means all of these things including Locations certain people and even moods have the power to trigger Cravings in amberlynn and the more times a situation has been synced with rewarding dopamine spiking junk food the more uncomfortable Amberlynn feels if she doesn't complete the habit loop by eating the good news is however that we can change our habits and if amberlynn really wants to she can even start changing the Associations she has with these queues and with junk food However, counterproductive it may be food is Amberlynn's choice of escape from the pressures of her obesity she associates food with pleasure and dieting with pain and struggle and so does her brain of Course, it's plainly obvious to anyone watching her channel that junk food has caused and will cause amberlynn a lot more pain than pleasure In her lifetime, but until amberlynn truly ceases for herself She will remain stuck in this cycle of binge eating and excuses. ALR: "I first started youtube I was" "360 pounds" *sobbing* "and I'm 200 pounds heavier now" "Like i'll never ever give up" "But it's so weird. It feels like I did" So is there any hope for Amberlynn and her food addiction? and is she really just a victim of the processed food industry? well obviously We can't blame amberlynn for her food addiction and I hope that this video has shed some light on. Why None of us should feel bad about losing control over our eating sometimes Some foods are literally designed to get that exact effect in a lab So it's not really always our fault but no after watching hours and hours and hours I watched a lot of clips to make this video. Oh my gosh, um a footage of amberlynn I do not believe that she's just a victim Like let's be honest the candy taste tests and going out to eat all the time are they're not helping things here Maybe she can't control herself around junk food But she can certainly take the necessary Steps to get help which it doesn't appear to me that she's done and any serious way throughout her career on YouTube The point is and the point of the entire video is even if we can fit junk food into our daily calorie goals or we believe that we are the queen of moderation a Daily junk food habit and and basing most of our meals on process TV Dinners makes it very very hard for anyone to succeed at weight-loss Let alone someone highly motivated by food, like amberlynn is. Some people can eat one cookie and walk away and that works for them But others are not so lucky knowing your weaknesses is half the battle of weight loss Thank you so much for watching this video Let me know what you thought in the comments section below and if you try to lose weight Like I am I've lost 100 pounds. I have a bit more to go I'm not an expert but I spent all my time researching the most Scientifically proven and best ways to lose weight and I'm sharing my research on this channel So if you're trying to lose weight, like I am subscribe and we will lose this weight and get fit together
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Views: 1,496,462
Rating: 4.9491043 out of 5
Keywords: amberlynn reid, amberlynn reid weight gain success, amberlynn, weight loss journey, junk food science, nutrition science, amberlynn reid food, obesity, my 600lb life, amberlynn reid documentary, zachary michael, charlie gold, fat acceptance, weight loss, how to lose weight, food addiction, amberlynn reid reaction, petty kitten, amberlynn and becky, becky, destiny, ALR, healthy at every size, binge eating, binge eating disorder, salt sugar fat, the obesity code, junk food
Id: 548FCRTVBys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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