Why Is My Cat Always Biting Me? (6 Reasons Why)

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is your cat always biting you check out six reasons why and how to stop it over stimulation when a cat becomes over stimulated during petting or grooming sessions this can cause them to bite as a way of saying they've had enough pay attention to your cat's body language and stop petting or grooming them before they become agitated fear and or anxiety when cats are afraid or anxious they may bite out of self-defense this can be triggered by loud noises unfamiliar people or animals or changes in their environment lack of socialization cats that weren't properly socialized as kittens may be more prone to aggressive behavior they may not know how to interact with humans or other animals in a friendly way which can lead to biting territorial aggression some cats may become possessive over certain areas such as their food or their favorite spot on the couch if they feel like their territory is being invaded they may resort to biting or scratching to defend it redirected aggression if a cat sees something outside that they can't get to like a bird or a squirrel they may take out their frustration on their owner by biting or scratching playfulness sometimes cats bite when they are trying to play with you kittens especially tend to use their teeth while playing but adult cats may also bite when they're feeling playful it's important to set boundaries early on and redirect their play to appropriate toys they can chew on thanks for watching don't forget to leave us a thumbs up comment your thoughts and subscribe for more Kitty content
Channel: PawsPlace
Views: 6,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iofIYbzWWWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 34sec (94 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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