Why India is Lagging Behind in R&D? | UPSC GS 3 Case Study | StudyIQ IAS
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Keywords: Why India is Lagging Behind in R&D? | UPSC GS 3 Case Study | StudyIQ IAS, studyiq ias, r&d department works, r&d department in pharmaceutical industry, what is r&d department, india innovation index 2023, india innovation crisis, innovative india kya hai, india new innovation, indian army new innovations, why india is behind in technology, why india lags behind in technology, why is india lagging behind, india innovation, studyiq latest, aadesh singh study iq, iq study, studyiq
Id: 29iuI-jhcxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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