Why I'm quitting my job as a psychologist

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thank you hello um to be honest uh I've procrastinated on filming this video for months now but the thing about procrastination is you see a task and it feels really big and then it feels overwhelming so you don't do it but then the longer you leave it it just gets bigger and so now I think it's been months since I've uploaded on this channel and so this is why I'm filming on my phone there's no script I don't really know what I'm gonna do but yes I'm quitting my job as a clinical psychologist and the two clinics that I am working at no it's not that clickbait I don't hate becoming a psychologist but I am going to take a prolonged sabbatical from where I have really loved this community pretty much from when I started working and I've it's followed me along up until me getting my endorsement and being able to say that I've become a clinical psychologist I've had a very continuous Journey as many of you probably know if you follow to play videos I went from High School to UNI to honors to Masters and then I tried to take a like a gap year of sorts but then that was the year that covert hit so I started working and so this has always been something on my bucket list that I want to take a prolonged period of time off to travel and so finally I am doing it I'm going to be starting in April and I will be doing essentially solo to be honest I've bought a one-way ticket to Brazil and that's it I have nothing else planned this has been a process that I've spoken to with my clinic directors from the end of last year they know I'm leaving my clients uh no I've been leaving for a while now for some of these clients they will require ongoing therapy and so yeah there's been a whole process around wrapping up and handing over clients wrapping up some other clients but I'm in kind of the last stretch of it the last month it's going to be a hectic month because I'm also travel planning trying to figure out like moving out and furniture and all that jazz I'm going to be gone for quite a few months and so I can't retain my lease I have never done such a big change so I am both excited and terrified and uh some people have talked to me about Brazil and how it's not very safe and that's also on my mind but anyway I'm I'm rambling uh point is I wanted to update because even though this feels like a maybe a life update and not necessarily a professional update I do feel like this is part of the Journey of work and study this is something that I've always wanted to do in other ways I also realized that I have gotten slightly burnt out I'm really looking forward to this break not just because of the travel aspect but also because it represents a period of rest during that time I'm really hoping that I get a better sense of what I want to do now that I have a couple more years of experience under my belt and I have a better sense of what type of uh areas that I want to be specializing in what areas I want to develop what areas I want to phase out of yeah it's it's kind of a chance for me to reset I'm not 100 sure how this channel is going to go I'm probably not going to turn it into like a full-on travel Food Channel all that kind of thing despite loving those types of videos it's not really my expertise however I do wonder about documenting what it's like to travel solo I'm gonna continue obviously being psychologically minded and being interested in people and behaviors and thoughts and feelings and yeah it's undetermined as of yet but I'm hoping that I do figure out a way of making YouTube and bringing you guys along with me on this Future Path okay this video is dragging on I might just wrap things up there um thank you for everyone who's kind of kept on board welcome for people who have joined since the last time I checked in I hope you're all well and I hope to speak to you soon bye [Music]
Channel: the psych diaries
Views: 149,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why I quite my job as a psychologist
Id: m65RS5NFlf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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