Why I'm Not A Fan Of Multiverses In Comics

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okay so I've talked about this before I like on-stream haven't done like a video on it and I want to explain because I think a lot of people get it confused as to where I'm at with it why I have the position that I have when it comes to multiverse elements as well as alternative universes I'm not a fan of them and some of that has to do with the times but a lot of it is to be fair has a lot to just do with the overall concept of it when we talk mainstream comics so Marvel DC's of the world what alternative and and multiverses multiverse elements but certainly like alternative universes have almost been used as an excuse it feels like it to just get other writers involved to get other people involved and when you consider like Marvel and the current like the the continuity issue is that they have x-men and and just overall characters in the main universe in general for them to even be taking that on it's kind of weird to me and I think it it doesn't well what it does I guess it shows me where their priorities are because they have all these continuity issues and which it seems like in a lot of cases they don't even care about it I'm even though that's a really important element of comics so you have all these alternate universes and different stories being told now I would prefer if there's something's like that is gonna happen I believe that what if line Marvel's what if line is a is decent right so if you're gonna make a multi or an alternative universe so you're gonna tell something that doesn't happen within the main continuity within the main universe the Marvel's what if line is a good way to do it because it's a one-shot one-off sort of thing right where hey this is what happens if this happened BAM we tell the story we're done with it but when you have all of these odd things happening and I'm not talking about like multiverse is in the sense of like the main universe if that makes any sense what I'm referring to is okay we have the main cut in man universe but then we have this other universe that we're also going to develop and then we have these other stories that are going to be told and they all have their own little universes that they're involved in that's just utterly confusing right where this this is this past version this future version of this character this uh which inevitably crosses back into the main continuity the main man universe we even see them with the ultimate universe where you got guys like Miles Morales it crossed over into the main universe and it's just confusing but it's not just that I think it's lazy and I would argue that this is my main pointing at all is that it is lazy think about it when you consider the element of alternative universes what incentive really what talent does a writer have when they can just take a character and Marvel the DC is incentivizing them to do so and just tell a story that's basically a free-for-all because it doesn't act to like the character it doesn't feel like the character right and again there's room for error if you will or exceptions I'm just talking about the general thing of a multi I'm not even though just a multi versus alternative universe where you take a character and you plug them in something that obviously isn't the main universe and it's a free-for-all well it doesn't even feel like the character doesn't act like the character anything like that and if it is is just very loosely there's no consequence to the to their actions why because it's just in a different universe and that's something that they can fall back on so I don't like that idea because there's no talent in that a talented writer and this is what I've said numerous times a talented writer is able to take a character that it's already established even in a universe that they've been established so considering the events and the consequences that arise from those events that arrive from those events they take that and then they tell a new fresh story that is not an easy thing to do I'll admit but again that's what separates great writers from just a person as writing is that a great writer it's not about making the character different it's not that's not what great writers anybody can do that any old writer could say all right well it's just a free-for-all I'll just tell whatever the [ __ ] story I want right but a great writer is able to say you know what this happened with this character this is important to this character this event happened so I'm gonna take those into consideration when I write this new fresh story but what we have right now fortunately is a bunch of free Frost and because of that idea people tolerating that or thinking that it's a good idea this is what what has gotten you believe it or not the live-action depictions that you've gotten of these characters tokenized characters but also just goofy the pictures of characters right why because it all falls back on it's a different universe that's the normies favorite line it's a different universe character doesn't look like it that character doesn't act like another cat like the character doesn't in the main continuity in the main universe which is again where all the film adaptations and the TV adaptations come from anyway for the most part unless you're dealing with characters that were maybe created in a TV element and went back which has happened which and then we're expanded upon in the comics I like John diggle's or the world and not Thea queen but umeko Queen I believe which is basically based off of the a'queen the hell they brought her in the DC Universe DC uh it's their television the arrow verse if you will so I get why people do that but in the same respects incentivizing that appraising that encouraging that is what got see this goofy ass kick so when you say something you like oh man this doesn't feel like Superman if this doesn't feel like this character this isn't well you guys have been praising different universes for this extended period of time this is what it got you because now you have writers that just want to make it about them he's egotistical Hollywood elites not only just in writing with actors who who sort of you know hey hey we should do this type of [ __ ] because they just want to see their own social agendas and political agendas inject it into the character that they're portraying that already has a legacy of their own they just want to piggyback off of this is a real thing but this happens because people encourage alternative universes and that's what everybody falls back on when something [ __ ] I was just dimming universe that character look like the character just there just never any universe that's all it is so I'm not a fan of it because there's so many continuity issues that need to be addressed right now if you get put back on the rails DC is some kind of moving in a great direction though they still have their issues DC is moving in a little bit of a better direction it's post rebirth but it does still have ways to many Batman shits going on at the same time and some of those are in you know aren't really based in the main universe so I understand it that it still happens but they're doing a little better job Marvel in some cases it's just a [ __ ] free-for-all when you take take kicks pot it's just a free-for-all sometimes it feels like on their have telling me these news of the limited series but they're telling these stories based on based on these characters and it's like there's no consequence to their actions like how is that a good writer how can a good writer and in in the context of a of a comic book setting if that makes sense because maybe they're a decent writer overall but in a comic book setting when you consider what's important to it how can how can people were just writing a bunch of one-off stories or stories in which there's no consequence to the actions of the characters that they're utilizing or more so no consequence in the event how is that anybody could do that anybody that's let's say a decent overall writer can do that anybody can take a character and just say you know what what does make this happen doesn't even matter it's a different universe it's no consequence so I'm not a fan never have been a fan I will say if you're gonna do it I'm doing like Marvel's what is but to have multiple universes existing and you're having things happen in those I'm just not a fan of it and it more so comes from the fact that yes it's part of the times and part of the times where it's just too much goofy [ __ ] going on right now there didn't nothin eat their address it's the same thing with DC and what I love about DC which I actually ended up copying our first first print issues of it the crisis on Infinite Earths that was a time in a period of time when DC recognized they were doing too [ __ ] much too many other same characters and [ __ ] and they merged all the multiverse I think I mean obviously that's a classic one you know it's the biggest crossover the first big crossover really ever to hit like a mainstream coming like that in that magnitude so obviously its historical in that element but it also was them at the time recognizing like dude we're doing too [ __ ] much Mirjam and that was a great event and now and I believe that I mean he'll Marvel seems to be going to different arrests like they'll bring it back the ultimate universe some people's all like it I like like I talked about how many comics on my pool list in spider-man for example and how you got this amount of them that exist that are based on Peter Parker this amount of them that are not based on Peter Parker they're based on other spider-man type characters but they're all within the same universe and those Peter Parker books in the same University you got Peter Parker books at an altar like that are in different universes you're not reading all those comics if you're sitting as saying I like that right and it doesn't give you options right that's not what it does like retired at myth that oh well it's just you know now when they do the universe this is just a little something for everybody no no no that's that's not what's happening it's not something for everybody it's just mucking [ __ ] up and again these characters have it's not within the main universe so the events that happen you're just like what the [ __ ] ever oh it's cool little that's fine but it's it doesn't matter its no ultimate consequence to it what something happens because it doesn't have it's like it will be the equivalent to you know like when I don't know okay Captain Marvel died if they just up and bring him back and they say well it was in a different universe it's such a weird [ __ ] like that which they can't do that because it it happened within the main when it's already the knowledge I'm just using that as a crazy example that completely takes away from his death the magnitude of his death because it's just a different universe or they bring another Captain Marvel in from a different universe in in comics now will you talk about the movies I'm assigned a video off like this they can actually use the multiverse element to their advantage that doesn't mean I still like it I'm not being a hypocrite anything like that then use it to their advantage to fix [ __ ] that they [ __ ] up that is in the in the movies right somebody goofy care does that exist and then they kept they they want to bring in the newly required acquired characters that they have that's the only way to do it to make sense so you don't start them off as like babies is say the x-men Fantastic Four they were just in a different universe that's the only way to do that otherwise it's it's not gonna make sense I don't want to see Reed Richards somehow being younger than spider-man I don't want to syria riches being under the wing of of hook i don't want to see that he's the OG you know i to me so in that i get but when we're talking about comics there's just too much [ __ ] that's not being addressed and there's not a lot of consequence to the actions when you consider that they can just pin it on an alternate reality or a different universe
Channel: YoungRippa59
Views: 17,014
Rating: 4.8961425 out of 5
Keywords: Eric July, Youngrippa59, Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, comicsexplained, comicstorian
Id: 0UpviWbTQq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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