Why I use Vim in 2022

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so i use vim and i use it for everything i use  it in the large code bases at netflix and for   all the stupid things i program on stream so why  do i use it obviously in 2022 there is just so   many editors i could be using right vs code is  insanely popular intellij is insanely powerful   atom is still funny when people actually use  it sublime apparently is making a comeback so   why would i use vim in 2022. obviously people  have very strong feelings about it this guy on   twitter had a very strong feelings about it and of  course people on twitch are baffled at this fact so i want to break this question up into two  parts why do i use vim motions and why do i use   vim i think they can be answered a bit differently  so first why do i use vim motions well it started   about 10 years ago when i decided that i you  know i was pressing ctrl shift and the carrots   that was so fast it's just moving all around and  highlighting and all that and one of my friends   said you know what you'd actually probably be  pretty good at vim now my first vim experience of   course actually unironically involved me powering  down the computer because i had no idea how to get   out of it that is not a joke i am a meme so when  he told me that i should use vim i was pretty   skeptical on honestly like i didn't think i was  gonna like it at all so i was like all right how   about we both do it for a week and he agreed let's  do it for a week so and i installed the ideavim   plugin for intellij because i figured okay that  was what vim was i didn't even realize you know anyways i used that for about a week and about  the end of the week i could tell oh i'm going   to be way faster than i was with the control  and the shift and the key and the arrows and   right like i'm going to be way faster this is  awesome at that point i didn't even know half   of the vim motions available i was already feeling  really really good and so for me i think using vim   motions i think anyone should do that right if  you're editing a lot of code it just makes sense   to be able to edit it in the most efficient manner  possible i know people like well most the time i   spent thinking well i mean i there are times i  spend thinking and this is very very true there   are there are times where i'm just like debugging  or thinking or navigating and just like looking   at stuff and efficiency doesn't matter but there's  also plenty of times that i'm just building i know   what i want to build i have an idea in my head i  have a pathway and it just involves me writing a   ton of code out and so yes vim motions really do  speed up that process but why use vim in 2022 well   first off you get hired more but second i think  it's best to kind of tell you a little bit of   a story when i was younger 2016 i was bright-eyed  and bushy-tailed i only had two kids at that time   i remember going to my co-workers desk anders and  asking him a question about like hey this thing in   netflix i'm not really sure what's going on and  he proceeded to open up emacs which of course   i immediately laughed at him for but then he just  moved so fast he was jumping he was bobbing in and   out of the files and i was massively impressed and  i thought holy cow i have to learn this skill and   at the exact same time a friend of mine who does  stream on twitch twitch.tv/SomeCodingGuy you may have seen   him he also was using vim and he was navigating  and we were kind of exploring some parts of   the javascript engine and i was just like oh my  goodness i don't have this superpower like i am   terrible at navigation like when i use a computer  i'm in there it's slow i'm clicking around with   my mouse and i just remember feeling i'm missing  this entire world right i've always just thought   oh only like old weirdos use vim you know all  the cool kids use intellij i like intellij okay   i don't like vs code i'm just never going to like  vs code you know that's what i thought and finally   a co-worker yunong came to me and just said hey  yo i'm going to set you up and i'm going to help   you kind of get started with vim because i think  you're really going to like it and really that's   what the real g's used so i was like oh yeah okay  i'm ready i'm ready now i've seen what people can   do i know i do not possess this power of fast  navigation really just being where you want   at the speed of thought and man that first month  i was slower i didn't like it things felt you   know foreign like i just didn't quite recognize  where i was at but it did not take long before   there's no way i could go back to intellij there's  no way i could use anything else of course at that   point i got a little bit curious i went and jumped  into doomacs and spacemacs and i also did space   vim and neovim and did all this and eventually it  landed back on vim and i used that for years and i   loved it it's the reason why i use vim still  to this day except for now i have switched back   to neovim i do think neovim is the best  and i'll explain why in just one second   but ultimately using vim in 2022 it has allowed me  to customize and build something exactly the way i   want it being able to do exactly what i want to do  at incredible speeds i don't have to think anymore   i don't have to use my mouse i don't have a lot of  searching fatigue where i'm looking for the thing   i just do exactly what i want when i want to and  for me that's super important during development   uh last little note why use neovim of course  more specifically it has tree sitter which allows   me to have an ast right my uh editor so i can do  things right there uh it has a built-in lsp client   very good very fast very swift and lastly and  most bestestly it uses lua as its language for   embedding and being able to write plug-ins and lua  is a great language right like vimscript is you   know it's a bespoke language for a bespoke editor  and lua is used in a bunch of places and it's well   supported and there's lots of great documentation  and it has nothing that's super confusing   so it's like fantastic to have and i absolutely  love it if you're someone who uses vs code and   you ever you know you you're curious about using  vim i do think it is a journey you should at least   embark on understand what's on the other side  get fast really understand these things and   ultimately i think you'll become a better engineer  for it because there's something that happens when   you use vim you'll end up relying more on the  command line and you'll find yourself you know   oh i i should learn how to use these really cool  tools these core utils if you can learn how to   use core utils you will save so much time i cannot  tell you how many times a day i use little things   to process logs be able to strip out values add  things together grep replace all that stuff it's   just shocking how good those tools really are  why are you still here and why how many of my   videos are you gonna watch before you hit that  subscribe button disgusting so do it right now
Channel: ThePrimeagen
Views: 401,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software, vim, programming, javascript, typescript, software engineering, web developing, web developer, software developer, developer, cpp, programmer humor, humor, reactjs, js, ecmascript, tc39, Netflix, Engineering, Engineer, Facebook, Amazon, Interviews, Software Interviews, vimrc, neovim, spacevim, vim c++, vim editor, text editor, vscode, vscode vim, vim plugins, autocomplete, vim autocomplete, nodejs, twitch, developer productivity, spacemacs, algorithms, datastructures, Data Structures, python, bash
Id: D4YTJ2W5q4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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