Why I Stopped Making Java Tutorials

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i made tutorials to help other people learn java for like three years and i found it incredibly rewarding and seeing people thank me for being able to help them understand certain things simply really means a lot to me that's something i'm very proud of and i get a lot of people saying telling me to keep making java tutorials which makes sense you know a lot of people said i was pretty good at it and the videos were doing really well i enjoy helping people and it just made a lot of sense to to keep doing it and that's just begging for the answer of you know why did i stop obviously i don't want to disappoint anybody i would have kept making java tutorials if that's something i truly felt like i wanted to keep doing but i knew that there was going to be a time where i had to stop because it wasn't one of my true interests anymore i still love helping people but with programming i didn't see the end goal anymore but i discovered something that i do see the end goal for that i can pursue with a lot of passion and that's called tricking martial arts flips that's why i built this spring floor that's why my content's been changing super drastically is because i want to pursue this and that's okay i mean even though i still have no idea what i'm doing i still don't know what kind of content to make i'm experimenting with like several different videos and i know it's really disorganized and a lot of people don't understand why but this is something i feel like i have to do and i wouldn't want anyone else to feel like they're trapped into doing a certain thing that they don't 100 feel like they want to do or feel like they can't grow so i stopped making coding tutorials because i felt like there was a new path for me and i hope you all can understand that you all have so much potential you really do a lot of people said that um they'd stick around and support the channel or me so that's just a quick thing i wanted to put out there thanks for being so supportive over the years i'm still going to be posting on this channel youtube is like i love youtube so much i just want to express myself and push myself and i can see what i'm capable of but i'm just working towards it and i kind of want to bring you guys along that journey let me know if you like little personal videos like this thanks for your time and i hope you have a great day you
Channel: Alex Lee
Views: 33,212
Rating: 4.9564214 out of 5
Keywords: alex lee, alex lee java
Id: P8R6nd-kujI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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