Why I Stopped Knitting : Babbles Travelling Yarns : 128

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oh hello this is the team meeting where we discuss what's going to be on the podcast what do you think do you think that a review of the soup from the opinion of a cat might be a good one peanut butter what do you think what about the importance of naps by toast hmm oh she's being deliberately far away like okay i've kind of trained her that when i take when the food when the plate is empty it can be hers like i still think that's bad peanut [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to babble's traveling yarns it's me it's grace it's been it's been a long time i uh in case you are new um you haven't waited that long you know what take it enjoy my name is grace i'm an irish kind of craft gatherer person um i'm based in the west of ireland in county limerick and it is the 29th of january is it the 30th it might actually sorry i think it's the 30th of january i'm getting this in right under the line in uh in january 2022 and um it is my first podcast of the year let's say that so yeah it's been a while but you know what i got some nice new lipstick for christmas feels like christmas was a million years ago um and what i'm going to do today is i'm going to tell you why i stopped knitting there's a couple of sad stories here now so brace yourselves i was looking at all my whips right i was looking at all of my works in progress that i have turns out i have 14 works in progress oh no 15 i started one last night as well i can't help myself and i wanted to go through and tell you exactly why i stopped noting each thing each and every single one of them so i'll start first off if you do want to follow me on sorry i'm sitting on a yoga ball because i have um hip pain and sciatica so i've been trying to um use in instead of sitting on my card chairs and office chairs i've been trying to sit on yoga balls and stay off my feet and do lots of exercises as well there's literally nothing worse than back pain no there is i'm sure there's loads of things worse but it's very annoying back pain that then moves down into hip pain that moves into sciatica so but you know what it's fine so if you see me bouncing it's because i'm having a great time here so enjoy that too so yes if you want to follow me anywhere else i'm grace the babbler on instagram and that's pretty much the only other place i would be to be honest um i yeah so i am [Music] happy i was really working away so i want to ah it's been so long and i don't know how to like transition what's transitioning like from one topic to another just lots of things the transitioning could be um so i've got a fancy new very sturdy stand that you're sitting in right now thank you very much james it was my christmas present and i've actually brought the light up here as well the studio light because there's something about winter that makes you just not want to take pictures because there's no natural light it's very frustrating um yeah so we'll start off i've got four whips and i'm going to show you all four of them all 14 sorry 14 whips imagine if i only had four whips oh my god i'm actually just after eating as well so i might repeat on me a little bit i've got a bit i put large amounts of garlic in it you have to so whip count why i stopped knitting number one is this gorgeous pattern it is a hogwarts gryffindor cardigan it shows i chose gryffindor because that's what i've always been assigned until recently when i got assigned hufflepuff so this is a pattern in um one of those official harry potter wizarding world books and it is a pieced design now this was i took this on as a challenge last year to kind of do my piecing properly and i'm knitting it out of this absolutely gorgeous cone of iona wool it's a dk weight um the smell of it oh yeah that's good stuff so this is uh it's made in france actually so iona explain yourself no i think maybe it's just the cones that are i'm not sure anyway so i managed to knit the back and there's a little bit of cat loving on this section a little bit of love because there's always a smelly yarn that the cats love mr beans especially and i've got some little gryffindor colors down there at the bottom and then i moved on to this piece which is side front or something some bit i didn't even finish the row that's how terrible i'm sorry but look look at this outrageous i just literally just dropped it and never went back to it so the reason i stopped making this is i was i think it's the piecing part of it because you're you're knitting back and forth so much i know it feels like it's fast but i it's so much pearling and we all know about my personal vendetta with pearl stitch just every strong dislike and then i got speaking to the designer absolutely lovely lovely lovely lovely woman and she said that uh yeah she made it in the round and then but the designer like the you know the book editor was like yeah but you know they don't do that so in order to um you know appeal to everybody you've got to write it flat and i was like are you kidding me are you kidding me right now i said worse words than that but i'm being very pc i'm a good person so so yeah so the designer knitted in the round and then wrote the pattern just directions for flat and i stopped knitting i literally i was like nope nope absolutely not none of my business stopping right there oh you know what's great going through these whips you find out what's in all the bags there's a nice headband and this ruler i've been looking for right so anyway back in the bag it goes it is a nice handy one but i use yeah there is because the pattern is in a physical book is quite heavy and i'm always like i don't want to be carrying that around with me so i should like just photocopy it or take a picture even anyway so that is which number one why i stopped knitting with number one the next one is the ashland shawl this has shown up significant amount of times and i have explained this one or before actually but it's still in the same position because designers you just need to stop telling me things okay just stop telling me things about patterns um so this is the aisling shawl it's a stunning stunning shawl i saw it in this is knit in dublin and they had sample knit and it is the designer is justina larkowska lettuce knits i think is the name and it's actually my uh some of my first ever yarn that i died this is autumn nights and this is something i can't remember but it's my cotton base you can see a little flick through there i haven't knit haven't died in years sorry if you've got some bubbles well you're very lucky because it's not likely to be around for in the future for a long time so this is a um it's a crescent shawl and is it yes it is and it's beautiful beautiful colors but didn't she tell me that the knitting on edge was a real pain in the arse and i was like why did you tell me that now i did not need to know that maybe i would have found it fine but now all i have in my head is in the future this is gonna suck to knit it so i stopped knitting it and i know i should just literally just knit it out to the edge and have it as a flat shawl or whatever but not like yeah so that's why i stopped knitting that so i blame designers hey hot tip to designers just pretend like it's easy okay if if people are having difficulty with it then you can focus on that but until they do don't go and like i don't know whether it's like uh oh um you know i cuz i went up to her so sweet i went up to her and i said oh my god i'm knitting your ashling pattern she was like oh really and i as in she was expecting me to complain about it so obviously she'd had other people complain about it and i was like yeah i'm loving it and she was like oh you're loving it now so apparently like loads of people have been onto her to complain about the knitted on edging but uh but that's the impression i got i don't know if that's even true anyway stop selling yourself short believe in your patterns i would have finished this years ago maybe can just no county so the next one then is a pattern i've completely forgotten it started this is some of the first dyed yarn i died in ireland and it's a gorgeous um like minty green oh it's absolutely beautiful and oh god i really want to knit this so i i just started off bad on this one i was knitting it two at a time uh two like two strands at a time because i think it was actually a dk but both fingering it actually ended up being worsted but what's really the problem with this is that after the ribbing didn't i i messed up where the side seam was going to be and i did six repeats on one side and four repeats on the other give me patience and give me strength i did the whole body this is the whole body done and i didn't even notice that one side was just shorter than the other like shorter to knit than the other because it was a stunning lace pattern as well it's called the enchante pattern i think um it's absolutely gorgeous and i want it do you know what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna rip this out and just knit it um with the same size needles i do love the thick chunkiness of it though i was thinking maybe i'll knit it just with one skein you know at a time and then look at all these really cute little stitch markers that i have wasted on these patterns like hiding away from me so sad so yeah so i've got i think i've only got two skeins left in there you know like there's a lot of yarn in this so maybe if i rip it back and rewind them into individual skeins and then try and knit the pattern again see where i go oh the idea of ripping out this much is painful though so yeah that's why it went into a bag and i never looked at it again oopsie and the next one oh my gosh this one is ridiculous such an idiot it is a beautiful um kind of a capsule slash habitation throw so uh the habitation throw is a beautiful pattern by curious handmade and it is a lovely i messed it up a few times it's a lovely repeat um i saw opera joe knit a gorgeous blanket out of it i think it's corner to corner anyway i decided to use the cornish corner as a center square for a hat blanket for like i don't know a baby blanket or something for somebody i really like i had these loads of these party of fives from sweet georgia and i got two halfway through this is the turning point i need to i need to turn it now and go the other way and i wanted to do it in purple and then i've got another party of five for the edge so i'm gonna do like a feather and fan edge with the rest of the the yarn do you know why i stopped because i need to wind them and i just didn't want to i mean this is such an easy lovely repeatable pattern it's garter stitch with a bit of an eyelet like it's so easy what is wrong with me why did i stop this beautiful chow goo needles size fours some cat has actually bitten it or i might have stood on it it's still fine in a gorgeous um um my cottage number nine bag painful painful what's wrong so this as i was writing these down this becomes a pattern so i'm gonna put this into a wind it up pile and just have a winding party idiot great so then this you're gonna laugh at this [Music] i think this is here for two years this is here for two whole years possibly two and a half they're my toe to toe socks i knit them using um nine inch needles these have been finished in this finished state for two and a half years and the only reason i haven't done anything with it is literally because i didn't have a um a darning needle and a scissors at the time when i finished this end so i just haven't done anything so i just put them away and said that's someone else's problem not not current grace that's later grace's problem but later grace has had a lot to do the last two years and so she just didn't do anything can you imagine this is a stunning um oh geez i can't remember the actual name of the iron now because it's been so long it's a obviously a self striping beautiful self driving i bought it and this is knit i did a um a mini gossip uh heel with a fish lips kiss and i did it in garter because i wanted an extra little cushy cushion on the heel but like obviously i didn't want them bad enough because i didn't finish them why am i so aggressive i'm sorry so the next one and they've been living together in this little super adorable bag that my sister got me like two years ago for christmas and the next one that i have is a soft blank that i dyed when was the last time i picked this up this is a physio receipt from june 2021 it's the last time i worked on these so it's a soft blank that i dyed i wanted a kind of a fade and i'm doing the same type of sock but two at a time because i didn't want that that to happen to me again and this is the pebbles and pathways socks by mars the hay bramberry podcast and literally the only reason that i have not finished these is i think i just stopped putting it in my work bag that was it that was it i just put it away i tied it you should just never look look take it from me you should just never tidy your whips because they'll never get done that's the rules don't put that up don't i'm not putting that back in now i'm just not i'll put that out there and they'll look at me now until i actually do something i might just put it away again oh they're going to depress me so badly they're hanging up now on my obsolete mac computer which doesn't work anymore um [Music] so the next one then is another interesting one i had an idea with some of my yarn that i dyed i dyed this lovely shetland wool in a sock blank and i did a gradient and what i wanted to do was actually one of the sorry knit share love patterns i can't remember her name now i used to know them all off um but i realized that i was kind of pulling from the inside and the outside of the ball on the pattern that i chose and i was like this is just going to get messy it's kind of not what i wanted these what i dyed these balls for there's a lot of patterns like the feather or the fan i don't think it's called feather and fan i can't remember what it's called but there's a lot of hair designs which are yolk sweaters which are very simple one color like two color two color that's two color fair eyeliner color work and that's what this is gonna be not what i chose so i swatched changed my mind put it in this beautiful bag by emerald designs who doesn't who no longer sells bags precious precious bag and this dream project idea project is just sitting there taking up space sad i could literally just start knitting that right now but i don't so the next one is oh this one now i spun this i was given samples of this beautiful as supreme alpaca by um john urban and i spotted three ply i think yeah i did a chain ply uh spun through all through all four colors and then i decided you know i'm going to make a tea cozy or something out of it and then after pulling it out 70 000 million times i just stopped because i was like it's too tight it's too small the needles are just too small i need i need to use bigger needles on it i need to rip it out again so that was my plan was to do like a tea cozy did not work and i just made up like a random pixelated pattern which also very tight and i need to write it out and plan it and do do it consistently because this is bulletproof which i suppose is very good for a tea cozy but i don't know a kettle that would actually fit in here so yeah that's why i stopped knitting that so then what is next now oh this now if you were here back in 2019 i was hand spinning yarn for my wedding dress it was a bfl in silk and the cats got to it and bit through and i was ended up with these small little balls of single ply this lace this is the biggest ball i had and i started into the pattern regardless and i made up a lace design took the numbers off of a couple of different patterns and this is where i started and it's actually lovely bush when i actually put it up against myself i was like um the color is actually very cream and that's not you can see it against the door there it just looks kind of dirty color and i wanted an ivory as opposed to a cream color for the wet for the dress so i contacted my friend um tuva from norton yarn and i knew she had this stunning like 100 silk base which was had this gorgeous ivory sheen and so i got that from her and it matched the other silk that i had bought perfectly um so i went with that instead but i still have this piece and i'm like what will i do with this i kind of i'm sorry no this is just swirling around i really do want to finish it but i kind of don't want to finish it in lace i feel like this is the top half and it does stretch out quite a bit i feel like if i just knit a straight maybe like a rib or something and so it would just come down my body straight so this would be the upper half and then i just do a simple stretchy rib just to fit me or even or even just a stockinette so just be flowy just really simple so that's something like that's all like my brain can deal with right now is simple stuff and that's just rolling straight off i don't know if you can hear the ball groaning away underneath me let's just all have a little bounce that's nice that's nice um yeah so yeah i do want to do something with this i was half thinking about like there's another bit in here which was a test for in a class i did the andres knits lace clasp and i really really liked it look at those little leaves down there they're kind of they're kind of new zealand ferns aren't they these little ones i don't know if you can see that cute right um yeah so i might make that i might frame that that would be quite cute framed wouldn't it on a black if i pull it anyway something because that was my first swatch for my wedding dress so like i don't want to throw it out and it's in this gorgeous bag that my friend got me from one of my retreats i think excuse me i think catherine was it yourself that got me this bag i love it it has my cats in it because the cats did destroy this project but it was destiny anyway because it wouldn't have suited so that's fine so that's a little kind of turnaround project that i want to do um also the pattern was kind of weird at the front so that's why i decided you know i'm not gonna do that so the next thing that i've been knitting is we're on 10 by the way we're a number 10 in case you're counting we're nearly there i've got four more five more to go including number ten so this is in a beautiful bag by my cottage number nine it's one of her kind of not bad japanese knock bags and it kind of turns into this beautiful little square so cute my cottage number nine and i'm knitting with yeah sorry i just realized there's not much yarn left so this is sweet georgia in the evening colorway in her tufts in the tough low love sock base i'm actually i i got this as part of my ambassador package because i am a sweet georgia ambassador and um if you are interested i do have an affiliate link in the comments below if you're interested in doing anything like that they've also got this really cool new weaving course on a rigid headloom which i think these would like color or is it like small projects when i read it hello or something like that and i'm like i really need to get into weaving again i haven't woven in ages and ages oh my god i thought i just ripped out all the stitches but no the reason i stopped knitting this because i stopped the body i stopped knitting the body so i finished off the body this is the top and this is the evening colorway i'll see yeah that color is quite good oh it's striped all the way down and then i've got this really nice this is the pavement sweater by the way and i've got a lovely kind of dip front and back of the pavement i haven't blocked it so it's still kind of well thank god i haven't blocked it because it's just been stuffed in my bag look at all the creases but the colors are so pretty aren't they nice kind of washing out a little bit that's kind of closer to the color kind of a deeper kind of petrolly blue all i need to do is cast down the sleeves have it that's another one which is so lovely to knit but i just saw the idea of crawling out onto sleeve island it's just not enjoyable you know just not enjoying that idea at all anyway um the next one then is oh this one is so close to being done it's in a gorgeous hide and hammer little pocket bag and i love this bag because i literally just hook it up to my top or jeans or whatever and it's got weapons in it too it's like a little money purse except if you had this going around as a money purse you'd be robbed in 10 seconds absolutely an absolute pigeon so this is beautiful yarn called i can't remember what it's called it's beautiful though it really reminds me of like enid blyton's books i grew up in them i know she's super problematic but you know those illustrations of like that little baby pink baby blue like english countryside aesthetic that she went for that's what this reminds me of that's so cute so this is a baby surprise jacket by elizabeth zimmerman i did it again look at this i stopped like in the middle of a row now i i think i stopped because i was just very confused um and i just need to read the pattern i think but i'm also incredibly confused and now i don't know where i am so i feel like if i had kept going this would have been fine but because i don't know where i am i'm just lost so this this involves a huge amount of brain power to get back into because i need to read the pattern which is actually just a picture of my phone and someone sent me and difficult to read anyway because it feels like it's handwritten by herself and i'm just there going okay what i think there's some short row situation happening why did i stop in the middle of short rows why did i do that to myself what an idiot oh sherlock you live in your learn i guess there's no short rows on this side oh maybe i picked up the stitches i've no stitches here and then i i think i'm after picking up stitches okay i i can't can't deal with that right now that's a knot right now situation you know you ever get to a stage in that project where you're just like i'm just gonna put this away for my own sanity and for those safety of those around me oh also cats have chewed on this unhelpful cats are obsessed with nice smelly um sheepy sheepy wool and chow goo cables helpful super helpful and then oh my gosh oh yes this is my advent sweater so i'm knitting the rad vent i was um the rad vent cardigan by amber o'brien and it is a kind of a sleeve to sleeve job i knit it using the um giddy act yarns advent and i'm only on day like 14. so the rest of the advent is still hanging up on my wall on my i have it all hanging up on the staircase so uh yes my mom came over she was like what's that still doing there i was like it's very important i can't get rid of it until i finish the sweater but i stopped knitting it ages ago because i i need to wind more yarn and i didn't get my winder and also i think i'm at the point where i'm finished the sleeves and i don't know how to do the body and i have to look at the pattern again and i just don't want to look at these colors aren't they amazing i need to get a full ball of that color i must ask the girls if that exists or if it's like a special advent color because it's pretty but i also i want to do the bottom ribbing in that it turns blues and greens for the bodies now so what i did was instead of knitting like one sleeve then the body and then the other sleeve i did two sleeves together because i don't i like symmetry and then i was going to join into the cardigan bit and i just can't visualize how that's going to happen so i've stopped looking at it another one which could be solved by winding irons and using your brain for 10 seconds literally 10 seconds is probably all it needs the annoying thing is the next project no the project after i had using way too much brain this is now way too big for this little bag but a little bag is so cute it's a meena makes bag and it's got a sad pack on it sad packer it's so cute um yeah so the next one that i actually on my list i'll stick to my list is the boxy and this one is actually my my my happy knitting nothing's wrong with it everything's caked up i knit on it when i'm watching tv or i'm not thinking about anything or knit night is actually this is the best for knit night so i picked up this yarn in um alternate universe just outside bristol with kim kim smith happy and um sorry and i think her instagram is au shop uk alternate universe shop uk and she has this absolutely stunning yarn by pixie yarns and these are a number of colors okay the brown one is called satchel this one i want to stay pistachio but i don't think it is pistachio i think all the things have gone all the things have gone they have i can't remember uh this one foxy boxy i want to say goldenrod or something but it's not i can't remember what this one might be p choline oh where'd that come from this one i don't know i can't remember but beautiful i picked them up in september so it's kind of like my august so i'd be really happy if this was finished by next next autumn sorry autumn is what i meant to say instead of august so it's it's a boxy sweater by ho he look telly and i have not been weaving the yarns in as i go because i'm full so oh i did weave a bit at the start today oh i did a little bit down here and then i stopped so that'll be a fun job so yeah but this is my happy this is my happy knitting this is one i love i love the stripes so nice and i really want like a big open like cozy fluttery sweater kind of into a fluttery i'm into a fluttery stuff if you watch the last podcast you'll you'll appreciate the flutter situation so yeah it has grown quite a lot since the last podcast so i'm proud of that now the last thing that i cast on on this list is a single mold sweater now i bought the yarn with hannah corner craft in knit nottingham in october uh it's a stunning yarn very cheap and not affordable very affordable quite cheap i think it was like four or four pounds a ball or something but it's king cole [Music] forest recycled yarn king kohl forest recycled yarn so it uh it's 35 wool 20 acrylic 20 polyamide 25 viscose and it's a dk so it is i've picked this beautiful color and actually so did hannah hannah has finished her single malt for christmas because she's just better than me in every way that's fine i love her i i just started off in the bad foot right i just start off with ideas above my station i shouldn't have done it but i just got this into my head oh look it's a it's a raglan style sweater happy days i'll just use it for the pattern blah blah blah no first mistake i made was to do a crew neck look at all these juices a crew neck roll top mistake because in the pattern it's actually incl it includes short rows into the ribbing that's my fault i messed that up didn't know how to fix it so i was like just plow ahead and i'll do the short rows under the arms or there will be no short rows that's fine i think it's only a few rows you know it can make a difference we'll see so after pulling it out starting pulling it out starting and i really didn't want to do the ribbing again nobody wants to do the ribbing again right i don't look at all these so i used up every single stitch marker i had to pull back and because i started the pattern and i was very confused about the pattern because it took me ages to realize that the shortwaves were in the rib i thought they were like in the pattern and it's kind of like a broken moss sort of pattern which i haven't started yet so don't don't quote me on anything like that because i'll be wrong again i can guarantee myself so this is another jumper for james still haven't finished the other jumper for james i have to knit another panel on that one which won't take long i just need to do it so here i am this is my beautiful this has taken me i'd say nine to ten nights to figure out and again i stopped in the middle of a row you know what it's fine it's totally fine so i stopped knitting that and i was talking and i don't know what was happening i was kind of the only thing i was kind of working away with on was the boxy when i was doing um when i was at midnight and stuff and then james turned around to me there the other day and he was like grace you haven't really knit anything in ages like i've not seen any knitting in your hands and i'm like oh god yeah now life's been really complicated and difficult uh the last couple of months we're currently trying to buy a house and there's been lots of hiccups still hopeful so if you could cross all fingers toes eyes and whatever other appendages you happen to be in possession of that you could also cross maybe light a few candles you know what i learned the other day that someone was buying a house in america and took them 28 days to go from offering a price to closing like getting the keys and they were like oh yeah it took so long and i was like pardon me six months is a short time in ireland like everything has to go through solicitors and then mortgages can take ages to come through if you don't like just have the cash for a whole house which we don't nobody does uh you know so and also this is just really bad stock at the moment but they're at the house that i wanted i can't wait to show you guys because you'll be crossing you're crossing everything right now right cool thanks so yeah and i just work has just be just has been work and i've been suffering with this sciatica and everything's just difficult so yeah i've not been knitting and i i just stopped so i said listen okay fine fine i am going to cast on something right now and i pulled this out and this is just some wool that i had it is actually do i do i have it do i have the actual thing on it i don't briar patch yarns in new zealand briar patch yarns this is their merino it's a dk weight merino super soft reminds me of like debbie cash merino bliss so soft absolutely gorgeous don't know if it's super washed though that's the only thing um but it's got that kind of like real plump round feel very round sexy little ball of wool so i have loads and loads of it and i knit two little baby bonnets i made one little baby bonnet for um one of james's friends who had a baby and there's a lot of babies happening so many babies a large amount of babies so i decided to cast on the beloved bonnet pattern by tin can knits and i cursed this off last night oh so cute it is absolutely adorable the thing is it's quite large so this is maybe a two to three year old size um so i um because because it's dk weight and also i knit it with six millimeter needles so i look adorable i'm sorry but i look like an adorable medieval peasant or a lady but i just love this little elfie oh so cute so i cast on another one and i realized on this one i kind of just made it up as i went along i kind of had a general gist of how it went but i forgot you're actually i only did uh five stitches uh like garter here it's actually supposed to be 10 and i think it is nicer with 10 but the thing is with the six millimeter needle it's quite a large gauge so like this is literally for a seven-year-old child what am i talking about it's far too big so i'm gonna have a seven-year-old child that needs this no okay but there'll be some child around here so yeah so then didn't i cast straight on again and i'm trying for a smaller smaller size the same needles because all the rest of my needles are taken out with my whips and you know i really should finish my whips i'm not gonna though probably let's be real so that's where i am that is what is happening here in this cave of madness this is my second cave i had to move out of my other cave my other yarn um store because it's crazy in there it's absolutely crazy so i i'm just closing the door on that one and just because if we get this house in the next few weeks fingers crossed we've been kind of working on it for six months um if we get the house then i'll have to just um you know i'll have to unpack everything anyway so i just can't face it right now if you know what i mean because i feel like if i start doing stuff to move then i'll jinx it you know so i'm just gonna hold tight this holding pattern seems healthy so yeah so i painted my nails this morning as well and i curled my hair to make myself feel good because it's been a bit stressful so and i do feel good i feel tired because i was up last night we went out to my mom and dad's our restrictions have lifted quite considerably in ireland and it is kind of um we don't have any more restrictions on um like numbers inside and we've started to open up um like out like um music events and arts events um which is great because yes the numbers of infection are high but the um the number of people in hospital is not that high and a lot of them are coming in we're seeing them come in uh if they're vaccinated they're actually coming in with other complaints and then they're routinely swapped and they just happen to have omicron um or you know and it's not they don't have any symptoms of covet because they've been vaccinated now the ones that aren't vaccinated are up in icu um but which is just devastating really but you know at least we can cope with those numbers um and we're not being completely overrun again we know how to deal with it and there is a system in place to sort you know to kind of manage it so much better so even though a lot of people are very worried about opening up i do think that we just need to [Music] manage what we've got right now and ireland has a 91 um population vaccinated which is incredible really really really brilliant and we're really seeing that with the effects of the culverts so yeah delighted delighted delighted nervous obviously you know you know everyone's minding themselves and we're getting loads of antigen tests everywhere and uh anytime we go anywhere we'll do a little antigen test before we go just to check um because we still have to stay off work for seven days if we do get it now i think for healthcare workers like me it's reduced to five days and i'm like if you're asymptomatic that is i don't know i don't really stop listening to the news to be honest it's too depressing so this is all i'm hearing it second-hand hair time but and also from my own experience because i am a healthcare worker in a hospital so i'm seeing it kind of firsthand so that is good yeah i know like the numbers are quite high in the hospitals but they're not like high in icus that's the thing they're coming in with gallbladder stuff we saw it over christmas everyone got it over christmas and like people were coming in on stevenson's day which is the day after christmas in ireland and uh like with gallbladder stuff and appendicitis and you know flare-ups of crohn's because they ate all this stuff that they shouldn't have eaten over christmas and they came in with um those pains and then they had they had covered like as a secondary thing that they didn't even know about probably caught from being around so many people at christmas but like you know it's manageable and they're not suffering from those symptoms which is super because they're vaccinated what a relief so yeah just really look at that oh there's my booster oh that's nice and then i got the flu vaccine at the same time i should keep that safe probably i'm just landing around here anyway so i'm gonna go and i cook a burger fancy a burger and some chips and i'm gonna try these new little vegan burgers they've got like this plant-based stuff which is made in awfully and i'm like fascinated so i'm gonna try those really fancy a coke like like a full fat coke but i'm gonna stick with water i'll try and be good it's actually just because we don't have it and we're trying to save money and say and save all of our pennies because of the mortgage so i can't go and buy it that's why i'm not going to have it so i'm good money saving not diet because diets are for suckers and i can't do them because they don't work god i went real like controversial there at the end sorry about that anyway listen enjoy yourselves enjoy the last couple of days of january it actually went really fast tell me how your january went i found that it went it actually flew um so normally it just goes so slowly so it was very nice that it flew very nice indeed and um yeah on to february tuesday the first is some bridget's day which is the kind of celebration of the irish feminine divine um it is uh bridget's day or the goddess bridget's day and it is this kind of typically the first day of spring e in ireland um but it's still very cold we've had really mild weather as well like like i think we almost had 17 degrees there one day i was like wow this is great celsius uh i don't know what that is in fahrenheit don't ask me and um yeah so hers our kind of storm cold season tends to be march nowadays which is very strange um yeah so if i don't see you happy sun bridges day and or it's also called in bulk sorry if anyone else celebrates that so happy and milk and um we will see you on the other side yay i love you lots bye
Channel: Grace O'Neill
Views: 10,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jg26GCNWGtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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