Why I started learning Flutter in 2024 (Junior Flutter Developer)

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[Music] today I wanted to talk about something that has been a game changer for me in 2024 that is learning flut first off I have always been fascinated by mobile app development even when I initially started learning web development I always tried to make my website responsive for mobile apps the idea of creating something that people can use on their phones is just mind-blowing to be honest it feels so good when someone uses your app and of course I like making useful apps that people can benefit not waste their time on it but here is the thing I'm not a hardcore programmer and diving into native development seem it a bit overwhelming that's when I stumbled up on flut what C my eyes was its promise of a single code base for both Android and iOS I saw wait does that mean I can build for both platforms without learning two entirely different languages yes it does the Simplicity of Dart the language flut uses made it really approachable for someone like me who was not a coding expert I felt like I could actually understand what was going on and that was a game changer another reason I jumped into flut was incredible Community Support I mean seriously have you seen the flut documentation it's like a treasure trough of information and whenever I got a stock there is always someone in the community ready to help me out also I have recently installed Twitter and I found lots of fler seniors and Google X where they share blocks and a lot of useful stuff related to doart and and flut like compared to to linking I think Twitter is much more useful now let's talk about the fun part the building beautiful user interfaces fl's widget bed architecture makes it super intuitive to creating stunning designs especially in my first months I really struggled with fidget because you create a widget inside a widget and inside a widget you create another widget inside another widget you create a widget and it continues and that confused me a little bit at the beginning but now everything is good it's getting better also with a hold reload feature I could see my changes instantly without waiting for the entire app to reload the rebuild as someone who enjoys seeing instant results this was a total game changer for my workflow also I'm entirely using V code as an IDE I think it's a personal choice for someone like uh other people it is more convenient to use Android Studio but for me actually learning uh using the the vs code is more convenient so it has been more than two months since I started learning flutter and so far I have managed to complete about three apps and one app for Play Store and other two apps are smaller apps like uh weer and shopping applications for just for practice so in a nutshell I started learning flut in 2024 because it offered me beginner friendly entry point into mobile app development and a supportive community and a fast efficient way to bring my app ideas to life that's it for today's video If you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up and do not forget to subscribe for more Tech related content especially flow and dark thanks for joining me on this flow journey and I will see you in the next videos
Channel: Tech With Otabek
Views: 381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dVT5tUNkDg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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