Why I rejected the offer from Germany's best University (TUM)

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hey there welcome back to the channel in 2020 I received an admission letter for a bachelor's in computer science from Germany's best and the most prestigious University the Technical University of Munich which also currently ranks as the 15th best university in the world for computer science it has been 4 years since then and I have no regrets because I ended up doing something even better the Dual studies or dualis studium in German stay tuned to find out what it is advantages disadvantages and why I chose over the 15th best university in the world I'll start straight away with what dual studies is it's basically the courses where you get to have the Practical experience in a company at the same time as you study in a university the professional term for it is the Cooperative studies there can be many different models for the Dual studies but the most common one in Germany is the one offered by deab or the Cooperative University of b and venberg in English a degree lasts for 3 years or six semesters each semester is divided into two parts a practical phase and a theoretical phase in the Practical phase you go and work in a company for 3 months and in the theoretical phase you go to the university and study for the next 3 months to get into dual studies you need to apply in the companies that offer these kind of programs and there are many of them like many big and small companies now offer these kind of courses because they are getting very popular in the recent years and if you get accepted by a company then you will also automatically get an admission from an University now let's talk about its advantages of course there are many of them behind its Rising popularity the first one is the major one and is kind of the whole point of the duales studium that you get to have a practical experience on the side of your theoretical University experience as well giving you a head start as compared to other University students who have very less or no practical experience so when they go to Industry then they have to start over while the students coming out of a dual study programs already have a basic Foundation of industrial and practical experience that they can later build a career on this initial work experience is very important for the companies and they realize it as well that's why they are willing to invest thousands of Euros in their dual studies programs and hire the young Talent already often times the Dual students are kind of useless to the company during their study times so the main purpose is not to take a value out of you during your study years but to build and educate you for for the future the second Advantage is a good one you are paid a good amount by the companies throughout the year even in the time when you are at the universities and it is much more than what you can probably earn by working at McDonald's or any other part-time job you can easily expect over 1,000 Euros per month and this becomes very crucial if you want to be financially independent or do not have the option to take financial support from your parents the third major advantage is job security there is a good chance that the company that you did your dual studies in will offer you a full-time job after you complete your degree it's never a guarantee but there's a good chance and even if for some reason they don't offer you a full-time job you have your work experience that could be very helpful in applying to other companies and getting a good role suitable to you the ones I mentioned are just the most major advantages there are many other advantages as well like you can use the perks that the company offers to its normal employees and if the company is a big company then they might even offer you a chance to do a practical phase in some other office at a different location in the world like a different country I personally was working at a multinational tech company which has offices all over the globe so they gave me the option to go and work anywhere at their office so I chose to go and work in Japan for 3 months my whole work trip and the accommodation was financed by the company so it was an amazing experience and a great time now let's talk about the disadvantages the first major disadvantage is that it can be more stressful than a normal un univiversity because in a normal university you have semester breaks that you can have after each semester which is generally 1 or 1 and a half months or even 2 months sometimes but in dual studies program there are no semester breaks because in your time away from the University you are working at a company so it's much more stressful and you do not get many vacations also it's more risky if you fail an exam in a normal university you can just repeat the exam or repeat the course in the next semester again but in in the Dual studies you have a fixed contract with the company so you need to finish your studies in 3 years and if you fail an exam you get one another try you get to have a retest fail again and you're out also happens to a lot of students so make sure that you are able to handle stress well before you start doing a dual studies the second disadvantage is the lack of flexibility in Normal University you have the flexibility to choose whatever courses you want to do in a particular semester to some extent and even if you want to take your studies a bit slower at your own pace you can decide to have less study load in some particular semester you cannot do that in dual studies your courses that you have to do in each particular semester would be fixed like each of your coursemates kind of like in a school so you have to stay on this one already laid out path and no flexibility to choose otherwise another disadvantage is the lack of a real Student Life the one you can have by hanging out in a campus visit the university events or take in club activities these things are also there in dual studies but much more limited as compared to a normal university there was also a lack of Club activities where I studied so out of Interest I decided to start my own debating Club at the University but sadly there weren't many students taking interest in it so it didn't last long apart from there there can also be other smaller disadvantages like you need to maybe shift every 3 months if your University and the company are not in the same city like mine so it's more difficult to to make friends and have a set group of friends also it's much more difficult to get into a dual study as compared to a normal study program because here you also need to go through an interview process and impress the company with your future potential I'm also thinking of making a separate video on the process and tips to apply for dual studies program so if that's something that interests you then write down in the comments below so I had to weigh in all the advantages and disadvantages that I just mentioned and after some days of thinking Consulting with professionals from the industry and trusting my own gut instinct I chose to do the Dual studies over the Technical University of Munich and I have no regrets here's why I chose it over to Munich most importantly what made me lean towards the Cooperative studies is when I consulted the experienced industry professionals they mostly had the same opinion that the brand of a university is becoming less and less popular these days globally and what's more important is the Real World skills that's what the employers are really looking for now especially in my field of computer science and those are the skills that you get the chance to develop much better in a Cooperative studies program and after having gone through my whole studies and now working full-time I can just say that I agree with all of that apart from the work experience having some more job security was also a part of a decision for me at that time because those were the covid lockdown days I experienced myself how uncertain the coming years in the world can be so I decided to choose for some security the other important factor for me was money of course I was paid during my studies pretty solid and the option to be able to work in a different country for a practical phase was also very attractive for me at that time so after considering all these points the advantages outweighed the disadvantages for me and I was very confident to go with the Cooperative studies in the end last year I completed my degree and since then I have been working in the same company fulltime where I was working during my studies after having gone through the whole process and having different experiences I can say for sure that if I were to choose again I would do the same let me know in the comments if you would like to know anything else related to the topic don't forget to drop a like And subscribe the channel and see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Divyansh Sharma
Views: 2,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YGQ7oKYktzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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