Why I quit Caffeine

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so I gave up caffeine let's talk about it there's a go now I am that was sort of epiphany a moment in my life um I didn't feel in a good place and I just thought why you know why do I feel anxious someday is a bit down and depressed and I just took a step back and it struck me there were three things that I wanted to change because didn't feel I could start the day without caffeine and then I drank so much caffeine to crank myself up by the time the evening came I felt I needed a stiff drink to calm everything down again and in between those two things in the middle of the day and sometimes eat a lot of um food with refined sugar in to crank yourself up a bit and it just struck me that my sort of anxiety and sometimes my sort of feeling down or depressed was linked to what I was eating and drinking so initially I had the stupid idea of giving up caffeine alcohol and refined sugar all in one hit and that didn't really work out unsurprisingly if you're a regular Drinker a caffeine you're going to get a blinding headache when you're trying to give up which is what happened to me after that first 24 hours of the headache the most noticeable thing was I just felt a lot calmer all the time it's almost sort of instant overnight really within 40 AM is the caffeine sort of left my system of my body has just felt loads calmer all the anxiety faded away and just that one step was a life Improvement straight away so 90 of adults use caffeine every day or by use I mean drink caffeine every day so it makes it the most used psychiatric drug on Earth and it's the second most traded commodity after oil that's our Universal caffeiness and one of the problems with caffeine is it triggers the kind of fight or flight response that we get when we're when we're in danger so it's releasing adrenaline into our system possibly cortisol something like that so the problem with it or the problem I have with it is I don't think it's healthy to keep your body on that sort of state of high alert all through the day and when I thought about it I thought there's no wonder I've sort of felt constant anxiety for many years because I'm pumping this stuff in that's triggering the fight-or-flight response I mean I guess like everyone else I was sort of um drinking caffeine starting the day with caffeine drinking coffee because I've got to get a lot of stuff done and you imagine it gives you energy in a bit of a zip it certainly gives you a bit of a zip yeah I think when we were little uh mum and dad drank tea and coffee and it was like we wanted a hot drink in Winter they'd give us a sort of uh milky week coffee sometimes just before bed and then they'd complain that we wouldn't go to sleep well just but and we had sugar in it you just give a kid sugar and caffeine um just before bed I mean it's literally going to wake us up which is what was happening I guess so that was eight years ago I gave up caffeine I have to say most days I don't get stressed even like recently this last six months been quite a stressful time just with stuff going on in my life um but I just haven't remotely felt the stress I used to feel when I sort of faced things while I was drinking caffeine and I'll do a separate video about alcohol but it coincided with wanting to quit alcohol altogether and I found that while I was drinking caffeine it kind of hyped up the anxiety so much that as I say by the time the evening came I feel like I needed a stiff drink just to get through the day so for me quitting caffeine was a great step to quitting alcohol as well yeah I mean a lot of people like espresso but which is really strong but for me it wasn't espresso it was depressor which wasn't helpful so yeah gave it up completely so what do you drink instead well I do drink decaf coffee I know a lot of people that give up caffeine don't do that so all coffees got a bit of caffeine in and the shop bought the Costa tight coffee's got about 70 percent um instant coffee at home might be sort of nearer 60 percent but even decaf has got two percent but it's so small of a man it doesn't it doesn't remotely have the effect that full caffeinated coffee has so the benefits of being caffeine free as sort of a much calmer life less stress and also you don't get to the lure as much because caffeine is a diuretic so it's always trying to dehydrate you so that's another reason not to drink coffee so by the way this isn't a video saying you should quit caffeine I'm just sharing about why I quit caffeine and what happened and if you're fully addicted and you're happy and you're addiction with your drug Choice do please carry on and yeah don't shout me I'm just saying what I did so yeah for eight years I've just um we've already caffeine feel loads better for it as I say reduce stress reduce anxiety fewer trips to the loo and uh just just a much much calmer life we're all living at fever pitched in the modern world we've got information overload everything's stressed in our body for me the last thing I need is to drink a drug that stresses me even more and puts more strain and stress on my body Mind and Spirit so what do you think are you addicted to the caffeine are you happy in your addiction or have you gone decaf or have you gone completely coffee free it's also in things like Coca-Cola leave a comment below let me know what you think about this and what you do in your life how you find calm if you like the video please give it a thumbs up on YouTube that helps YouTube get the video out to more people and helps me and if you're interested in more videos like this don't forget to hit that red subscribe button and click the little bell icon and you'll get notifications of new videos I will see you in the next video [Music] thank you
Channel: Don Egan
Views: 54,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: better life, body, mind, spirit, health tips, wholeness, don egan, caffeine, should I quit caffeine, how to have less anxiety
Id: CfqjYJp9mLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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