What it took to put Among Us into BeamNG

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remember when I tried to make that weird rear suspension setup well that got me thinking about something suspension there's a sauce you know what that brought back an old memory when I did that one race with shiny odd we brought up one particular thing what if Meme and G had Among Us in it yeah I thought it was pretty cool idea the main Crux of what I'm doing today is just making the map itself and I I have a plan if we just hit f11 then go file uh uh new level create a new folder this is gonna be Mungus then open that up it'll create us a new map then from here if we go into the world editor this is not the template map which you used to see this is a copy of the template map so all I've got to do is just basically flatten everything out how big do we think this is like a hundred meters by 100 meters at most so let's create something that is 100 by 100 make it monochromatically gray then export this as a punch import the terrain except for the fact that it's hmm hopefully that's all right and you know what actually that's worked out well we also don't need vegetation so we can get rid of you then on the terrain painty thing you do we have Beach and we have grass hmm what sort of ground plane should I go with I'm thinking maybe concrete would work because it's very basic though the map is made out of metal hmm uh the the height map doesn't have collisions that's not normal height map must be square or the power of two in size its resolution is 100 by a hundred make this minus 50 and -50 so it'll be in the center and we're gone what where where is it oh there it is on pause and then yay it worked this time and where do I think I can find metal like I could probably use this and tile it much like they have with grid small pure but let's go to the most diverse map which would be like West Coast and see if there's any sort of metal ground that we can use I mean there is some weirder flaws and they also don't line up the hell odd well I have an odd version of BeamNG that I've downloaded and I just gotta grab something right so let's look on let's go to the automation test track I know they have concrete asphalt asphalt dirt dirt Forest gravel Mountain plants okay rocks sand concrete perfect let's go and put that into our current one and we're just gonna plop you right there we also then gotta grab the name of the level and plop that in these sections because that old directory doesn't exist anymore then grab the corresponding materials from here and now we're a little bit tricked out because concrete dirty D doesn't exist I the way will delete you guys and paste in the new stuff and then I kind of find out that the map may not be the right size but then you know when that's fine we can edit that later let's give our new material to this so we're gonna put concrete on delete warning material and damn it what's happening relaunch me in the Jeep and put the concrete back on and hey look at that time it worked Square size what if I change this to two meters ah good okay we can easily change the size of the map now though this ground level is it doesn't look quite right but we are going to change the ground model so let's quickly go back into this terrain material editor stuff concrete I'm gonna change the ground metal type to I'm pretty sure there is metal in here here we go metal perfect now you may be wondering well that's all good in all fell but how do we go about actually doing anything here ah I could 3D model this but you know what I don't need to instead we have Road mesh editor absolutely fantastic little tool you hold alt then click somewhere else and you hit alt again and great you mean you can create extra stuff but we don't really need that what we want to do is change the width of this to say one and then change the height of this to ten except like both of them haven't changed then if we lift this up we have ourselves a wall and dance stick now all I have to do is to get it to match up with this which is easier said than done and then save it in blender because it knows how to read those files then open it up in here and hope to God this works the way I wanted to so new material delete concrete for now and yes everything is freaking off God damn it all right let's make the map four times as big now we may have to shrink everything down but uh oh actually you know what if we bring this over F7 here hmm it might actually be even a little too small still we'll give it a try let's go ahead and change some materials here there's a lot to pick from and they don't really I could go with like junk map the reason why I say that is because if people see me trying really hard and then failing they're just gonna call me terrible but if I try to make a garbage then they won't insult me no that's a lie that'll still insult me so let's try hard trim metal uh close metal clean hmm you know actually that's looking pretty alright it's a little plane though for my liking oh galvanized metal is shiny I think we have a wiener all right let's try moving you into place this is also going to be a very defaulty sort of map by the way because I don't know how to do lure triggers to get you to do your own tasks so basically you're gonna have to move into a place to start a timer on your own this is very basis there's gonna be like original among us before they started adding all of the like quality of life things like proximity chat this is all just going to be in one chat room yeah don't try how this is gonna work and after just a metric butt ton of work we finally have the outline of our map isn't it gorgeous let's take a bit of a drive I was thinking that the walls might be a little bit shallow but you know I think this is right sort of height so then that way if we want we can free cam it out alternatively we can just angle it up a little bit and then zoom out if we want to do as well why we would want to do that but that is the sort of thing that we can do so in here is one of the electrical rooms I'm gonna be honest I don't have huge amounts of hours in this game if we have yeah at least 6.5 hours I started to realize that there's a certain point where you get where you just become too sweaty and people start to get really angry with each other so they didn't play it a lot as it stands though this is just some walls and a ground there's a little bit more to this though right I mean we're gonna have to create obstacles little stuff for instance these here and then the tables I could do that in blender but we do have vents like there's a ventir and a ventir but BeamNG this ground is solid oh no what can I do have I not thought this through actually I have thought this through let's make a brand new material we're gonna add a new one in this is going to have the same map layout but this time this is going to be a ground material void so we now save that create our new material zero and how big is our okay there's our brush let's just create a patch about there then save this go out of edit mode go and now drive and whoa look at that dick some of you have already figured out what it is that I plan to do so let's create like a two by two square then what we can do is break out this again so we add one here and as you can see this can go vertically so that uh that is something we can take into consideration I just want to angle you like that then will grab here and voila goes underneath now and that's how we're gonna make our underground vent tunnel system so you what I've lost my place ah okay over here plop you in now let's see if you do what we want drop down and onto the map perfect getting out of here I just realized that there's quite a big lip so I'm not sure if that's gonna work too well kind of you come around then back to here then connect you to here then let's see what it's like to get out of it going up should be pretty easy oh nope that's uh no good coming out is fine we're sunk into the ground a little bit Wait no that's oh hmm now if we just want to dive into this at any angle how does that look let's just drive up nice and quickly and handbrakey oh that's oh no oh that's uh hmm that's a thing and done okay let's bring back the wall so we can see what we're doing I think that is all the vents now dealt with fantastica do I know if this is going to work out as an actual play thingy I'm unsure but for now I'm gonna have to go and start doing some 3D modeling of things this shouldn't be too hard just some sort of sci-fi-esque looking things hmm I wonder if that sort of stuff already exists oh yes we can definitely grab some assets from here try to use them like we've got some cylinder type things maybe they're a little bit too high resolution you've got some ball type things we've got okay no these are even closer they match kinda this sort of section uh I think we could use the balls at least for something we don't really have tables so we'll have to probably make those by hand and start placing in our objects oh apparently all the materials aren't quite working we'll figure that out later for now this should fit right about there we can even scale it up to look right in fact actually you know I will drop you down a little bit I'd love if there's an open one of this but I don't think we're going to have quite that much luck and now we're just gonna fill out the rest I do this lots of tedious work a little longer than a few minutes later okay with all of that out of the way I'm pretty happy with another standard it's a bit dulldramina a bit boring but you know I I have not modeled thing but this wait so far so I am really happy though I will have to do something about there being no cafeteria tables let me give you a bit of a walk around what we've done and here is the shooty shooty gun gun area and I used like a giant laptop to make the screen for that I filled this out with the rations here and there and here is the remember exactly what this is I think there's some sort of garbage thing in here coming around to the main head area we got ourselves some tables or some screens then coming through here you have to be very careful not to accidentally land in there but I suppose that's up to the people to not be terrible at the game then in here we've got ourselves some basically some decorations these are giant fire hydrants if we just bring the car and you can see they're quite big not very high poly but one of the things I wanted to also do is keep this very easy for people's computers to run then coming into here I believe this is meant to be some sort of like observation room now everything is giant but I think that kind of gives you a feel of being a bit of a toy vehicle so I kind of had to do that otherwise I would have lots and lots of 3D objects around the place I think this is a good compromise of trying to give a theme of toyiness and it being a game along with trying to fill out a space moving on we got this trash area I mean it's not a trash area but it's an area for trash so we've filled it out with a whole bunch of things like a skip this is meant to be the disposal area got some stuff ready to go into the disposal area got um this is meant to be a fuel can sort of station so that'll be there got just some other things laying around then coming into here we have an electrical room can't see the electrical area where you're meant to work until you come around here I might stick a laptop screen or something in there to know exactly where it is you meant to work coming around the corridors we then have this lovely area not entirely sure what there's meant to be maybe some sort of engine thing we'll set that up in a bit coming into here we have the big engine room with the big sphere then over here we have the another observation room you know to be honest I don't know if the other one is an observation room I'm now this room has cameras it's been quite a while since I've played this then over here we have the medical area I might change this up a little bit it's a little bit basic at the moment we got ourselves the screen there for testing and then the place where the person sits so you can do that but you're gonna have to be fairly honest with people and uh somehow do a direct message maybe through Discord to let them know if you're clean or dirty and tell the truth so the only thing really left to do here I mean apart from yes once again the cafeteria tables is to Mark where everything should be now I could model up like a platform that is colored so then people can see it like that to know exactly where the vehicle needs to sit but instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to use something that is in the game that most people don't even know exists and if you do then you play the game a lot more than I do and that is these things so we got like a trash can here perfect got ourselves a Jerry can and not sure what that is but if we go around like we have a few things we have in here like here's a gear that we could use and more than just that we got like a BeamNG marker of somebody who wanted to use that I think that's used for checkpoints on grid map for doing things yeah there's there's a few nice little things here week in years all I have to do now is kind of figure out where they're meant to go and which groups go with which but I think now is the time for me to start my stream and uh we'll we'll see how it goes I've written up some rules uh these will be linked in the description of the stream and the video that uh this is thing I might have to improve upon this but this is generally the gist of said rolls hello everyone here we go this is what we are doing today it is the Among Us map and I have made it in boom and G okay so my first job if we just go here upper reactor let's go do that oh thanks for telling us that Phil yeah so they're doing their thing I'm gonna keep looking backwards to make sure that they don't follow me though now I can't see it anymore uh a gear is meant to be 15 seconds next one is comms I don't see anybody dead in here so that's all good okay then this job my next job is Shields which is the next room over I hear somebody that side and I hear somebody that side a little concerned I don't want to just drive out really quickly into traffic because we might get hit all right here we go it wasn't filmed met anybody oh I mean there's not that many people here I'll tap over again left cafeteria you know what I probably should have done that one first but you know what there was Bluey there and I was a little concerned about the the pujin just a smidge is it really called a Puget cell if there's uh uh no toilet in it let's see if there's anybody in here anybody dead is everybody alive I just like there's somebody right there I can hear them meeting okay all righty a meeting has been called all right so I found whoever's purple just um upside down electrical yeah you found them upside down here okay yeah hmm in electrical so I went kinda counterclockwise I did check an electrical they weren't there for most of the game I have no clue I don't even know where the where I was on the whole map I was just wandering around with zero clue honestly yeah so I saw blue driving in circles at the beginning I'm guessing what they were doing was trying to figure out where to go they didn't chase me down and they went to do a task immediately and didn't chase after me even though I did run off on my own in a direction which I don't think anybody else went so I think the pujin is fine there's two Blues though the pigeon so the puja's the Persian yeah the Persian blue so it's either silver or dark blue I think I didn't see either of those the whole time so I'm not willing to vote is anybody else Escape yeah skip it is back to our tasks okay I have my job uh which is on the left side which is this one over here which is again this is only 15 seconds good uh after left cafeteria we have security I can hear somebody going around he's just sitting there he wasn't even doing a job yeah blue and blue were they trying to do like a I think it's silver you know what I'm gonna call a meeting all right I've called a meeting yeah I think it's silver just putting it out there why so pujin still hasn't done anything too sassy dark blue definitely had the opportunity and you two guys were in a dark room together and nothing happened there is only I believe one in pasta so that really only leaves silver left I am willing to right now vote by the fact that they're the only ones that have had the op which haven't had the opportunity to kill me yet like clear opportunity is anybody else willing to vote for silver also I'm just sitting around in cafeteria but I don't know well what do we think like are you guys going to vote for him or are we gonna skip this one I like voting people out so let's fight people out all right I'm voting for silver who are you guys voting for oh whatever so I I think we have a majority for silver all right Silva can you like no grab yank yourself off the map was that the Imposter yes I guessed it nice all right new round I guessed it when he killed me okay so we have black we have flesh green and gold orange uh uh Spiller if you could go let everyone spin up your new jobs Spiller if you could um we will see and I'll make sure to mute properly before I go talking about my tasks hey guys guess what I'm the Imposter this time I think H's horn all right that's one down I'm gonna pretend like I'm not after him and then we're going to pretend to do a job oh okay so I've gotten away with one kill I now have to pretend to do a job in here and pretend to do my job here all right now Gotta Wait about 30 seconds I want green to be my witness so I can uh like the Baja so I can basically kill anybody else where did he goes going into there okay he's good yeah now I think I heard somebody in here I could be wrong alrighty what have we found there would be a dead body at the table at the table I don't know well you know how suspect that is you know how very suspect that is well I've somehow managed to set a waypoint on the map uh so those of you that don't know it very much if you kill somebody and then go straight to the report sort of thing this is a bit sauce which color are you I'm pink oh wait are we missing somebody else wait oh it must be three wait yeah four because there's only three alive people here hmm so it's either but wait oh well ekkai's gone um are you okay okay I got disconnected okay well you know what we could still do the vote without you um so I'll see the ekai or chromatic I mean all me but uh this kind of smells like a bit of self-report I'm gonna be honest I would not be one that is silly enough to do such a thing uh ekai where were you at the time uh were you anywhere near the cafeteria yes I was a reactor which is not very close I was on my way from Med Bay to left cafeteria I was following ekai in the Baja just to see what they were doing I mean I've seen you around you haven't attacked me I'm gonna put my vote on chromatic what do you reckon okay who who do you if I was imposter why would my car be so damaged because you hit someone with it yeah because well yeah but I have the opportunity to reset though it could be that you're trying to deflect I'm pretty sure that ekai is good so I'm voting for chromatic ekai do you vote for either of us or do you honestly we don't even know where Dorman is I reckon it's chromatic you're gonna okay so that's two votes for chromatic then yeah okay uh chromatic if you could eject yourself okay there we go and the result is crewmate yeah and do you know how I know that how because I was the Imposter we all know from the beginning oh yeah we oh hold you yeah all right everybody mute and start our rounds I am innocent uh my first job is upper reactor which oh that's my first reactor job is this the right way it is the right way ekai we've got beige mobile following me guys flipped still a little bit concerned about beige this is 30 seconds all right let's get that going uh red seems fine beige is gone oh it was a 15 second job I got where are we going again I've I've completely lost myself oh Med Bay I'm going the wrong way uh all right just pull out in front I see somebody over there it's crackalackin over there they seem fine oh yeah they're not coming near me oh yeah I think maybe Bayesian bathtub are fine my next job is a lower reactor I'm also thinking that I might make some walls transparent because sometimes you could see other people jumping into vents sometimes so I might do that at some point damn it I tried to get into reverse I tried to get into reverse it just it would took way too long and I don't like manually controlling gearboxes in dmng damn it oh no nobody there I'd be the dead boy so I know for certain that Akai is an imposter he had a prime opportunity to kill me when we accidentally collided with each other um oh so you didn't hit me on your end as for dormant I've seen him around a couple times he's not done anything um and then epic I have not seen around at all where was uh where was Phil found dead no idea no idea anyway you just appeared they're working chromatically I think this was a self-report yeah I've not seen Phil since cafeteria at the start and she killed him when I went just to reacted with him it was over at the reactor side and I actually went lower engine then went back up so I passed him and then I passed himatic so are we voting or no [Music] um I feel the last time that I saw Phil was over by the reactor where I accidentally cut him off and uh he had to come come to a complete stop because I could not see um and the closest person that I saw near him was dormant so I am going to vote dormant that might have been because I was going like I was just doing reactor then if that was near the start I'm writing chromatic magic looks like two votes for chromatic I'm voicing Epic I'm switching my vote to Chromatic oh how come also in Among Us you can't switch your vote so I don't know how we're ruling that I mean it's like a lock in uh to actually do that okay so you can say avoiding someone else do you have any additional information information I've not seen Phil since the very start of the game last I saw him is when he left sure he went Med Bay Direction because my first task was O2 and then I went to do shields exactly what an imposter would say too okay that means chromatic dies no me and dormant both voted to skip because skip count is the same amount of stuff yes it skip counts as voting for someone oh okay so if it's the 50 50 then it just gets skipped all right it sounds like this is a uh push and you go back to tasks I was having able to use event that would have been fun to see um oh oh ah I feel that they bailed I'm calling that a kill all you have to do is get one more kill oh chromatics going for the that win goes to meeting is there only one person left I believe I'm the last one left yeah I think yeah I've got to go thanks everyone thank you all right of course of course I know it was you after us after I saw a dead epic I'm like it must be dormant because someone should have killed you when he saw you and you two collided and that would have given him the win just then but for some reason he didn't go for it well that was the stream and you may have noticed you know a few little changes this is technically daylight but I changed the Skybox to be a nighttime sort of thing which was trickier than what I thought it would be see it turns out that on the sense Lecter list if we bring that up in here the Skybox which is what you apply this to doesn't normally show up in the scene selection list you have to find it like physically in the map somehow uh which if you don't have this to select here you just have to look for it then you have to delete it then press Ctrl Z to bring it back then you can go and you can change things and this is the sort of thing that you wouldn't know unless somebody told you because it's just a weird bug but thank you spieler for helping me out with that one because otherwise I would not have figured it out we also had a few more suggestions about the fact that this is a little bit say me if you're not very well versed in the game it's very easy to get lost so I'm thinking this main room here can have a different color than the rest and if you come in hold on let me quickly show you that again if we have like fog set to the normal level about 60 50 to 60ish uh you which way is which which way is up it's hard to tell you could have a compass UI app but what I think I'll do instead is if I could I would have this be a different color from this side so then people can tell North from South and now though I would like to say thank you for watching Remember to like And subscribe if you are not subscribed and I would also like to thank my channel members you guys are amazing uh especially the Rogue tick the crayon priest you are very much appreciated for being a top tier Channel member for the rest of you though catch you all next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: fillman86
Views: 10,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, mutliplayer, beammp
Id: k1rBk9RqUZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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