Why I print like this

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photographs don't have to be perfect and I wanted to speak to you about this today in the context of printing now when I print my photographs they're not always on bright white paper more often than not they're not the last exhibition I printed which has been shown in Brighton on Friday is uh I printed it on recycled paper 50 for 25 sheets on eBay at A2 as well which is quite large and I printed on this because it I felt like it it elevated the project if I was to have printed these photographs on on say like hannam mule photo rag um which is a wonderful paper don't get me wrong and it works but I just feel like it wouldn't have had the same effect I mean looking at these like this print on screen now it's it's warm it has it has this this texture to it that you can't quite explain it invites you in it becomes more than just a print of a photograph and this is why I print on this paper it's it just suits the photographs I'm taking um and with this project lay like the folds of a bright girdle F I almost wanted to elevate them from becoming more than just photographs I feel feel like they become their own piece um and I'm not to say that this is like a piece of art or anything cuz I I don't think it is they are just photographs but they they become something else they become these these physical objects rather than just photographs hanging on an exhibition wall and that's why I like printing on it so I'd say go out and find something other than bright white paper and experiment with it because you never know what you're going to get that wasn't an intentional Forest Gump quote but also my book beneath Mercier a book I love very much published by unit 33 if we take a look inside this book I mean these are all high quality scans from medium format negatives but because of the nature of how they've been printed on a risograph printer they're slowly degrading I mean they're if you look up close they're half tone they've been printed in like half tone Dot and again this adds to this like book and the look of this book and you're able to craft a feeling and an aesthetic with your photographs not just through taking them but how you print them so next time you want to print your photographs I'd recommend you do that find something a bit different print on it see how it works I mean if you look at buddies of work like um I forget the name I'll put it I'll put it on screen but uh I think it's like the Bible by Adam Bromberg and Oliver shanan they they they printed on a Bible um which is just like who's doing that them and it works for their project I think they were sequencing from the archive of modern conflict and it just it just works for that project so I go and have a look get out there see what you can find scraps Fabrics or like me recycle craft card see how it works for you see you next time
Channel: Joe Charrington
Views: 866
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Id: ocTb-Xw8SxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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