Why I No Longer Use An Extractor (Big Update)

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if you're looking to buy an extractor make sure  to watch this video first because a lot of things   have changed over the last several years what's  going on guys my name is Luke I'm a pro detailer   based out of Nashville Tennessee now I've created  many videos on extractor topics which ones to buy   which ones to stay away from what I look for  when I'm purchasing extractor but as with all   Industries the detailing industry has developed  a lot relatively recently in just the last couple   years and so I want to put a few extractors side  by side to give you a bit of a guide as you are   thinking about buying one and talking about  three main features number one size number   two portability and number three the power so many  of you guys have probably seen in different videos   different detailers use the Bissell spot Pro  Clean or the Bissell Little Green Machine or even   something like The Rug Doctor which is that little  red machine that's basically the same thing but a   little bit harder to use these little extractors  can be fantastic for small jobs with detailers who   are not dealing with nasty cars and they end up  being really really easy to tote around in terms   of size and portability but they obviously lack  in power now I'll give you the specific scenario   when I pull out a machine like this because all  the extractors I'm talking about right now are   actual extractors that I own for example if I  pull out the Bissell spot pro clean I'm going   to be using that particular machine probably just  to extract water from floor mats that I have kind   of extreme cleaned and doused in liquid the only  reason for that is because in situations where   I'm extreme cleaning floor mats like that I'm  going to be letting those mats sit in the Sun   and all I want to do is pull out the excess  water not all of it and not trying to get it   dry quickly just enough to put it on the sun and  let it dry and because that machine is so small   and so easy to hook up and throw around it's not  worth my time getting out a larger extractor and   the only thing I'm doing is pulling out water the  only other situation that I would use an extractor   like that in is if I'm dealing with relatively  old upholstery that isn't manufactured in the   same way that new tight weave mesh fabric is  and it's a really small stain I'm going to do   most of the work on the front end with treating  it with different chemicals particular chemical   combinations brushing it agitating it and so  the extractor doesn't need to be the 10 out   of 10 extractor because I'm doing almost all  the work for a small stain on the front end   so the Bissell spot Pro gets a 10 out of 10 in  terms of portability 10 out of 10 in terms of   size it's extremely easy to use but probably  more like a 4 out of 10 maybe 3 out of 10 in   terms of power it's not the most powerful suction  and things like the spray trigger end up breaking   over time the other plus with this machine is  that that tiny head because it's so small can   fit in really tight spaces now let's move on to  the aqua Pro vac this is a machine that sits at   a higher price point than something like the  Bissell spot Pro but a lower price point than   the more expensive extractors that detailers  normally have their eyes on so it ends up being   a really attractive option for mobile detailers  who are in the beginning stages and who need a   solution to their extracting problem without  breaking the bank and that's really how I've   spoken about this extractor for most of the time  that I've ever shown it on the channel it's got   two different buttons on the back one for the  suction one for the water and it's extremely   easy to use very self-explanatory and the size is  a little bit bigger than something like the spot   Pro but it's much smaller than something like the  mighty and so when you're comparing the sizes it   actually works as this perfect leveling up from  much more modest extractor like the Bissell or   The Rug Doctor without having to spend a bunch of  money now in terms of its power or its ability to   lift water out of the carpet because that's really  the main thing we're looking at when we're dealing   with extractors the aqua provac probably gets  somewhere around a six or a seven out of ten it   definitely will cover what you need for 95 percent  of situations assuming that you're front loading   the work by using the right chemical combinations  in terms of size and portability it gets a 10 out   of 10. it's very easy to use very easy to tote  around I like the fact that it's got really high   quality caster wheels on it so I can roll it  around it's got plenty of length in the hose   and it's a great overall extractor it does not  have any features like Heating and it's not the   most powerful extractor when you're sitting under  a thousand dollars for an extractor historically   speaking and that's changing now and I'm about  to get to that in the video but you generally   don't get a lot of power and so when you sacrifice  paying that higher price point you also sacrifice   some of the power like I said a lot of detailers  are really attracted to this particular model of   extractor because it sits at that mid-range price  point but it gives them some professional results   now in the nature of full transparency and being  totally honest with you guys there is an option   that I do think actually serves that particular  type of detailer much better than potentially   something like the aquapro VAC nowadays I'll get  to that in just a second but in terms of size and   portability like I said 10 out of 10 power I  would probably give the aquaprove X somewhere   around 5 out of 10 6 out of ten so it is a step  above something smaller but it's really not a   huge leap forward now the last extractor before I  want to give you guys the solution that I think is   probably best for most people is the mighty Lite  80 70. this is a more expensive extractor sitting   around twelve hundred dollars but the reason the  price shoots up is probably more than anything   due to the fact that it can heat up water and it  is a hot water extracting machine now in addition   to it being a hot water extraction machine it is  also extremely high quality everything from the   actual build of the machine itself to the hose to  the mighty head that's on the end to the way the   trigger actually sprays out the water in terms  of pressure atomizing the water the water lift   all of it is really really awesome and I've used  this machine at this point hundreds of different   situations just like the aqua Pro vac that being  said the only time I really pulled out the mighty   light 8070 is if I'm dealing with a car that I  judge needs hot water extraction most of the time   you can get away again with front loading the  work with doing things like different chemical   combinations to really get great results without  an extractor anyway so that when you do introduce   an extractor you get perfect results well a lot  of detailers overestimate what they're going to   be able to do with hot water and when you have a  heated extractor you realize very quickly oh wow   the results that I'm getting aren't all that much  different from the non-heated water extractor that   I was using before and because of that the higher  price point makes sense because you're paying for   a more expensive machine that has more capability  but in real world application it actually doesn't   make all that much of a difference so I only  reach for this extractor if I'm dealing with   an absolutely disgusting car with carpet that  probably should just be thrown away but we're   trying to restore it anyways I would probably give  the muddy light 8070 a 5 out of 10 in terms of   portability and probably more like a 7 out of  10 in terms of size because even for a mobile   detailer it's not the size that really trips you  up it's more the weight of the machine and trying   to take it from location to location if you're not  a stationary detailer stationary detailer should   have absolutely no problem with this machine  whatsoever but in terms of power and let's   just say performance overall I would probably give  this machine something like an 8 out of 10 or a 9   out of 10. now you guys are probably anticipating  this but the reality is like I said things change   over time in the detailing world and while yes I  did different times I've talked about the Bissell   at different times I've talked about the aqua  provac and at different times I still talk about   the mighty light 80 70. my primary suggestion for  most of you in terms of which extractor you should   buy I think has probably officially changed to  building your own extractor with the famous rigid   four gallon shop vac the rigid four gallon shop  vac is of course traditionally a vacuum but it   can be turned into an extractor if you simply  replace the dry filter with the wet filter put   of course an extractor hose with an air hose used  for water on the machine and then attach something   like a mighty extractor head to the end of that  hose now there is a company called Rip clean that   I'll hook up in the YouTube description box below  this video is not sponsored by them at all but   they actually took the work out of building your  own extractor and they created their own version   of an extractor hose with a water hose with an  extractor head that you can just buy and hook   onto your vacuum the reason why I love the rigid  building your own extractor approach is because it   sits at the same exact price point as purchasing  something potentially like the aquaprovac and   the portability and size are of course there  that's why most people purchase this vacuum as   detailers anyways it's got a ton of power packed  into a really small machine in addition to that   I would argue that it's probably easier to use a  machine like a vacuum as an extractor rather than   a dedicated extractor because you're hooking  up directly to the hose so you don't have to   fool with a clean water tank and the vacuum is  only made up of so many parts you have the top   where the motor sits you've got the filter and  then you've got the actual canister or the Basin   and so you don't have to fool with a bunch of  different stuff emptying waste tanks trying to   get clean tanks trying not to spill water it's  just a regular vacuum which also means that it   can suck up a ton of debris and so I like this  machine because I don't like putting in a ton   of vacuuming work and preemptive work before  I extract anyways and so this is the perfect   Crossroads between convenience size portability  price but more than anything probably power   this has got like a 5.0 horsepower motor on it  that's another reason why detailers love this   vacuum and so turning it into an extractor only  makes sense because it's so powerful now in order   to build an extractor like this all you would need  to do is actually purchase the vacuum itself and   then purchase the extractor kit from rip clean  and you would be ready to go hook up to a hose   the only difference between this and potentially  any other extractor that I talked about other than   its power that I already mentioned is going to  be the fact that it does not have a hot water   feature obviously if you're hooked up to just  regular tap water now there are adapters that   can be screwed into something like a kitchen sink  if you potentially are in a garage where there is   a sink in hot water and of course that would give  you access to hot water but other than that in my   opinion you really don't need hot water 95 of the  time anyways and so this is kind of an official   statement from me saying you know I've suggested  a lot of extractors in the past but the reality   is when you have a company creating kind of a done  for you solution like they have with the extractor   kit and then you have this reliable tool that's  super easy to use and makes the entire extraction   process so much easier like the Ridgid vacuum  because of its power size and the fact that it's a   vacuum and you're dealing with really simple  Parts honestly I don't know if I would purchase   any other type of extractor nowadays if I was  purchasing my first one so guys I will link   up the build your own extractor kit as well as  the vacuum that I'm talking about in the YouTube   description box below so if you're interested in  doing that you can go ahead and just get the tools   and products you need and I'll also link up any of  the tools or products I mentioned in this video as   well beneath that just so you can check them out  if you're interested and guys as always if you're   interested in the top 12 tools and products that  I suggest for any detailer anywhere that list will   be available to you as well if you like this video  make sure to extract the like button by clicking   it and turning it blue so that I know this  content was valuable to you and as always from   Luke here at Wilson auto detailing keep working  hard and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Wilson Auto Detailing
Views: 188,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extractor, carpet extractor, bissell spotclean pro, extractor car detailing, extractor vacuum, carpet cleaning, shop vac, professional extractor, how to clean carpet, best extractor for auto detailing, best vacuum for detailing, ridgid portable vac, ridgid, shop vac extractor, car detailing, detailing tools, how to use an extractor, shop vac car extractor, best shop vac, dit extractor, hawaii tesla detailing, hawaii detailing, vacuum cleaner, bissell, nadair, garage vac
Id: ANUa8R6dxz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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