Why I Love Australia

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back by popular demand I took a poll if you guys wanted me to make a video on all the things that I love about Australia and I am currently in Kings Park so this is the biggest park city park in the world and that's like over top Central Park I think in one of my last videos I said they were like I couldn't remember which ones first but I'm like 90% sure Kings parks on top so I will go ahead and start the video just give you a quick look at the view because it is amazing love it this is definitely one of the things that I love about Australia like this park is beautiful I just biked for two hours throughout the park and just like exploring and following trails and following paths and stuff and it was wonderful so I highly recommend so first off one of the things that I love about Australia and Australian culture is that everyone is active right now there are so many people around like just like sitting right there bikes going for a run walking around a lot of more tourists but even still like it's very popular for people to just like be super active here whether you're a tourist or if you're like actually a citizen here and like live here like all the time second they have like a bunch of markets around so like I can go on Sundays I usually go around 4 p.m. and get like fresh fruits and vegetables and things like that and I go at that time on that day because that's when they're like getting rid of other stuff so like one week I got a whole bag of apples a whole bag of lemons a head of lettuce and like something else for like five bucks so it's like way cheaper than the grocery store and it's fresh it's local and it's super nice like to eat local and like support these like farmers around so market third the culture that's literally everything so just everyone is so nice I've made so many connections already like within my internship outside of my internship just people we meet on the train I can be like talking to somebody about something somebody over here and be like over you from you should check out so it's super nice to have like just that really welcoming culture here so that's definitely something on my list lastly and I kind of on changing my mind now but it's public transportation so it's nice because it's available but it's kind of crappy so like the buses the buses are never on time the Train is okay but I don't know sometimes they're like down for no reason or like for maintenance or whatever and that's kind of like crappy but even still like at least we have it coming from Harrisonburg like our public transportation is buses which is fine but like here they have the bus and the Train so like every day I take public transportation to get to my internship to get to like anywhere that I want to go so it's it's convenient having it because obviously I don't have a car or anything the humor the humor here is very dirty so like it's not uncommon to hear like girls and guys both like just make like dirty jokes and it's just funny like they don't mean anything by it like and it's just everyone and it's gonna also be like super mean humor too like when I first started working I liked the footy club they basically said like you have to learn how to take and give because like that's just how people are here like you like pick on somebody you have to be able to take it right back because it's just a part of the culture here in all basically like whenever anybody asks like how do you like Australia what do you like about it whenever I'm just like honestly Australia's everything that I wish the United States was like Australian government is smart so like it's safe here it's so nice like guns are illegal like that's smart I don't want to start a debate but it's just like the crime here so low like you don't have to worry about anyone just like in a grocery store having a gun on them even if it is a concealed carry even if they don't have any bad intentions with it like you don't have to worry about it which is super nice and so that's just one of the reasons the government also like pays for universities so like essentially it's smart the way that they do it so basically like you take a test you go to a college whatever you don't pay anything while you're there except for like if you want to live close to the college you can most people just commute they don't go to one that's that far away from their life house but whatever besides the point you go to university you don't have to start paying off university like you have to take off loans or anything like that until you make over like a certain amount per year so until you're making like I think it's like 40,000 or 50,000 K a year you don't have to pay anything and at that point your taxes just go up and that pays for your university so you never have to worry about taking out loans you never have to worry about like paying anyone back it's just like the government the government pays for it and then you when you make enough money and when you're in your career when you're like established that's when you start paying it back so that is so super nice because I know pretty much everyone in the United States is hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt due to like getting an education and I know so many people who have been like deterred from going to college because of how much it costs so that's just a super great perk about Australia is that they pay for your higher education and some people still don't go to university like college still isn't for everyone but a good majority of people here go to university okay another reason the government is smart is that they the price of alcohol and cigarettes and like just things like that are so expensive so like alcohol is super expensive here I went to go buy battle a bottle of Malibu like my first night here cuz I was like why not like I mean I'm in Australia I might as well get some alcohol same size bottles I get at home for like 15 bucks was like 35 bucks here so there's like over double the price cigarettes I've been told that they're like super expensive like 2030 dollars a pack so I think that's great because essentially their mindset is like you're paying extra on this yeah but like later on it'll pay pay pay back when I should have mentioned before health care universal health care here so that's why they hiked up the prices so universal health care government pays for you to go to the doctor they pay for you whatever so the reason why like let's say cigarettes are so expensive is because you're basically paying forward when you're gonna need health care later on because you have lung cancer so like cigarettes or 30 bucks a pack but if in the end you're gonna have to be paying for like your treatments for cancer when you get cancer from smoking like it's paid for it like the government is smart Sam with alcohol if you get like if you're an alcoholic like that's what gets you in trouble because you're paying this much money but then in the end like when you're dying in the hospital because of a liver failure like the government's paying for that but you had already paid for it when you were an alcoholic so it's smart I mean obviously I don't think anyone should have an addiction like that but if you do like you're paying a lot to have that addiction but it pays it back at the end so I guess it's pretty smart as far as the government goes tips are included in everything so like drinks here like people say it's super expensive like to live here but like it's really not because yeah you might go out and pay like I don't know like 15 bucks for like a burger and fries and like a drink or whatever but like at home it would be twelve dollars and then you leave a tip so but like here you don't leave the tip so the tips included so it just makes more sense that way two tips included and drinks when you go out it's included in food wherever you go I haven't tipped a single time since I've been here because you just don't you don't do it it's already included in the price of whatever you're getting one of the main things that I love about here and the reason why I'm like actually trying to stay here is because minimum wage is actually livable so like if I get a job like today being a foreigner being a college grad and being on a visa I would still be making twenty five to thirty dollars an hour and that's just normal like people can work at like the grocery store and make twenty bucks an hour like minimum wage I think like when I looked it up it's like seventeen or eighteen dollars an hour but like nobody pays minimum like even if it's just like a basic job like you're still getting paid more than minimum wage and even just going to college like I didn't go to college here I'm not doing not I haven't applied for any jobs in my field here and I'd still be making like twenty five thirty dollars an hour and like rent here depending on where you live but like I found a place to stay with this girl I know and rent is comparable to what I'd be paying at home so like it's not that like Oh cost of living here is higher which it could be depending on where you decide to live but like the place that I found is $130 a week I'm Australian dollars which afterwards comes up to like four hundred dollars American per month and at that point that's less than I'd be paying at home like living in my parents apartment and then I'd be making more money here so it just there's like it makes sense to live here groceries again are probably a little more expensive but like again you're making more money so whereas like at home let's say when I'm making $10 an hour that can pay for like half my groceries that week here I'm making 25 an hour in that pace for like all my groceries so it just it's just so smart like I just love the way the government is here because I can actually live here and not stress like I think everyone knows I've worked my ass off working so many different jobs and I'd I wouldn't have to do that here I was working so hard from January until I left and that's like I I didn't take any time off if you know anyone around me or if you know me personally you know like I didn't take time off I was trying to juggle school I was trying to juggle three jobs and I was still like struggling but like I'm just like glad I don't have to do that here I made like a list like it's an actual list here like this is all the things that I love one thing which I didn't really like it's just a little thing but it's close to Bali Indonesia and it's super cheap to travel there so like I was debating going to Bali like for like my friends who are still in school for their Spring Break this coming year and it was gonna be like couple thousand dollars and I'm obviously like decided not to if I'm actually going next week and that's because the flight itself like round-trip was like 290 and then we bought we're staying at two different Airbnb s and they were I think we each paid like a little over a hundred dollars for like the whole week that were there so like for like three or four hundred dollars I got like a whole volley and like if you ask any like person who lives in Perth its me like a purse thing from Sydney it's a little more expensive just because of the location and the flights and stuff like from here it's direct flight like me I think it's like four or four and a half hours to get there like via playing and then you're there everything's cheap meals are cheap like I said staying there's cheap taxis are cheap because it's a developing country so yeah it's super cheap to go there so that's a plus like people just go there like where we in Virginia go to like Florida or something for like holidays they go to Bali which is like so cool Oh another thing the efforts to say environmentally like friendly here are awesome so like everywhere it has like that you know like the two different flushes like one for number one one for number two like everywhere has that like more or less water use the outlets here which I found so cool you have to turn on and off the outlets just like a light switch so you oh my gosh it's so bright so you essentially like every switch on the wall like some turn on the lights but the other ones on the outlet turn on and off the outlet so it's super cool I think that's like amazing way to like save electricity you save money especially like when I end up like moving into my own apartment because one of them right now is paid for but when I go into my own apartment it's gonna be cool to like that's a easy way to save money you literally turn off your like electricity which is awesome plastic bags here are about to be outlawed in July I think this is a June or July like they're being outlawed so like literally at the grocery store like you they won't give you plastic bags and I don't even think they'll give you paper bags it's just like you have to bring your own reusable bag if you forget it like you have to buy a new one they're only like a dollar kind of same at home like where you buy them for like a dollar too and then like you just keep reusing it well like that's everywhere and there's just like so many other things like there of course like the guys here attractive like that's not amiss like I swear Australian guys are so much more attractive and then the accents of course except like they think we have an accident of course because obviously that there used to be Australian accent and we're used to the American but yeah so it's kind of cool because they're like your accent so cool and I'm like what are you talking about yours is way cooler but yeah accents are super cool their slang is like really funny so like like guys is like blokes Sony's for sunglasses thongs for flip-flops bathers for bathing suits jumper is like a jacket so like they add o to everything so like McDonald's is Mac O's brekkie is breakfast I think that's pretty common that people know that they say heaps instead of like a lot and I think I'm just gonna conclude my video there so I hope you enjoyed it and if those things like stick out to you as things that you think that you would love about Australia let me know and you guys can definitely come visit me especially from trying to say which I am I'm really really really trying to find a job find a car like I said already have a place to live so I'm really trying to stay so if you want to come visit let me know and we can work something out so yeah I hope you guys like this video and if you did make sure to subscribe and comment and let me know what you guys want to see next okay so have a good one
Channel: Brooke Price
Views: 56,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Perth, AUstralia, Why I Love Australia, Reasons to love Australia, Brooke's Australian Adventures, Adventures, travel, straya, Travel The World, Reasons Why, universal health care, livable minimum wage, smart government, illegal guns, i love this place
Id: uIByWfmm6hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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