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it was all alive guys it was all alive hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel my name is missy money if you are new thank you for tuning in and make sure you're subscribing liking and of course commenting so your girl can know what you want to see from her next i'm sorry i had a brain card um anyway i have my door open so i can hear my son so always a problem if you have a little baby cry um this video has been highly requested if you have not seen my why did i join the air force video which has gotten over i think i think like 20 000 something views let me see for you guys anyway um that video pretty much was explaining my process before i actually left to go into the military um i went to the military last year in january the second to be exact and that video 26 000 views actually it was a long many other things like i think it's i have my air force q a um me leaving i i vlogged that whole situation of me leaving anyway but that video got so much and uh you guys asked me to do an updated version of that here today 2020. oh so much has changed along that way um for one i met my husband [Music] and uh that was that was amazing i'm actually glad that was i think that's the main reason why i'm glad that i joined the main reason because i want to see a girl got some stuff to share with you in this updated thing i got something to share with you guys okay first and foremost i joined the airport like i said last year around january 2nd i was going into 2019. um still certain things i can't disclose because you'll learn about it if you still decide to go into the military i can't just disclose certain things as far as like training even though actually no i think i can expose it because i think everybody knows where that is but either way i went off to texas for my training i think it was nine and a half weeks seven and a half weeks one of the two um i was a dorm chief oh my god what a responsibility like i said if you saw my previous videos you already know what all that is um so giving you guys what you really wanted is the updated thing of me joining as a reservist because i was one thing i said i was going to do is join as a reservist because i was a full-time college student uh saying was but i still am um pre-med track do i still it's in ua yes but i moved back home uh so it's a little wonky now especially with this pandemic going on on how i am taking my classes but i'm just trying to get all that out the way see girl can move forward um also she's doing makeup full time so make sure you guys add your girl instagram but let's get in there it is kind of here and there whatever but okay so for those who don't know what a reservist is a reservist is basically what they call a weekend warrior what we do is every weekend out of the month we uh attend our drills or utas um and i think two weeks out of the year you do like your annual tour in a sense um which means you just you just stay longer doing your job and i think you get active no i don't think you got to pay i don't know i can't remember um my job is aircraft fuel systems which means i work with fuel systems within the planes um i actually like my job my job is actually very very fun just i guess it's because i was the people i work with but i will say this um the reason why i don't per se like the military as much as because i have to travel 13 to 14 hours to get there now as opposed to three hours when i was living in alabama but um that was one thing i will say the major points that i'm going to hit in this video are the things that they lied to me about because they lied um that whole thing of getting your tuition paid for false that only happens if you are active duty i am a reservist like i said so you go a weekend out of the month each month that is um what i did get was money for school now i know you guys are gonna ask me how much money did i make um that varies so you guys can't go based off of my pockets i will say i went in with credits so i ranked up as an e3 um i actually am a senior airman now um i think i pulled that maybe a few months ago i think it was in like february or march um but i'm senior airmen now so it's a little bit different but i do get paid per month that i'm in school my mgib select reserves um which is just it's school money it's about 784 i believe um that's what you get that's it they don't cover the full tuition of let's just say it comes out to be 14k for that semester or whatever they're not paying for that fool no they're not um i think that was the biggest thing that everybody was asking me about um as far as now i prefer actually i would like to go active duty but at the same time i'm going back and forth with it because i did have a little bit of complications during my birth so i'm just like i don't want to have to deal with that again with the stresses of the military and plus right now i think here where my husband is stationed which is also my home state virginia i don't think they have my afsc which is my air force job as a reservist they have it for guard but i was trained for kc-130s which are basically cargo planes these ones here are fighter jets i'm not trained for that so i would i think i have to go back to training for that if i decide to switch over but that's that um as far as the other things remember guys this is solely my opinion so don't go based off of what somebody else thinks because it might change the whole experience for you like i said my experience in the air force has not been bad it has not like i said bmt other people say uh it was so easy i'll do it again yeah it was if you have the mental fort um i'm a military brat so i'm used to intensity um as far as doing it over again hell no i would not do it all over again because i was dorm chief first of all i was stressing itself for the whole time i lost my voice damn they started coughing up blood from losing my voice freaking getting up early is not my thing i'm not a morning person and having to give out orders that i was told to give and then having to deal with so many different personalities i think it was 42 people 42 people in my flight i don't have friends i am a family oriented person and then i really feel like because i'm an introvert that makes it hard for me to really like hey my name's imani let's be friends no that's not in me i'm kind of one of those people that's like if i vibe with you and you just you seem like somebody i can just all right cool kick it wait then that's that but other than that that whole doing it again no but it wasn't as bad but if you have the mental for it then you'll fly by it'll fly by for you um i hated this week hated it because i don't like bugs and all that dirt and then my allergies it was all bad everything was all bad um sorry okay and as far as let me see what else i hit um and y'all guys laughed so much about the whole being a stripper thing that was a phase i was like 19 or 20 or whatever i might have been 20 when i said that guys um and don't mind i have nothing against strippers girl do your thing clap your cheeks do it all i have nothing against strippers at all whatsoever do your thing get your bags that's how i feel about it money is money um just just don't steal from anybody we're not stealing that's not a way to get the bag don't steal um i see some other points sometime i didn't write anything down uh because the gist of it was oh you guys are mainly just asking me like you know okay so with reservists now when you finish your basic training go off to tech school i know you guys keep asking me what's the shortest uh air force job to do to get you home quicker okay my fsc was 36 days for tech school you have to go through bmt no matter what but for tech school mines is 36 days um i hope i didn't just say 36 weeks um it was 36 days but what you can do if you're really curious about it you can actually go to the air force website which i'll link down in my description box and there's so many jobs for you to do um i wish i would medical honestly just so i can go ahead and get what i need to get for school out of the way i just didn't want to be away from school that long but it would actually help me in the long run um but you can go on the air force website and just go through jobs and you can see how long that training is for tech school and they'll actually tell you where your tech school will be mine was at shepherd air force base i think a lot of the mechanical aspect of the air force is out that way anyway um as far as let's see okay i'm going back home this is how this works so what you're going to do is this thing called in processing out process in processing in processing is basically getting all your paperwork done for you to get in the military and get shipped out to bmt in tech out processing is basically what it sounds like you're out processing from bmt tech going back home so as a reservist you do go back home um you the only time that you have to report for duty like i said is that one week another month they will give you your uta schedule so that way you know when to go back um so yes you you will go home active duty on the other hand it's kind of wherever they station you at uh but for me as a reservist anywhere service um yes you do go home now as far as your duty station what they will do um if they don't if the specific job that you have though if it's not available close to home like in state you may have to travel out of state like my job like i said it's here but it's not with my jets and it's not with my specific class i guess you can say um like i said they have guard here mine will specifically be i believe north carolina or south carolina one of the two and i know for a fact it's one up in maryland maryland's only like three hours away north carolina or south carolina isn't bad either which i might look into doing might um but i just like my dude station biloxi because it's a vacation spot um so that is the thing with going into or going in for duty is that it may be out of state for you but it will be close by um sometimes they'll make well i know for me i took a flight a few times coming from virginia there to there um so that's one thing you will go back home as far as your pay so you will get paid your active duty pay as far as your pay grade now i was an e3 even though you don't put on a rank in basic you don't put it on until after you graduate i put on my rank right after i graduate but i was getting e3 pay um active duty now when you go back home this is why i feel like i should have went active two for one i will say as a reservist active duty paid will stop you will get reserved pay so you'll go from making about 900 the first and the 15th to about four to three something but they're going to tax the hell out of that so you're probably only going to get you're only going to get about two 100 to 200 something dollars worth of that make sure you have a job on deck no matter what if you're going to be reservist have a job one day it is a perfect scenario yes when you are in school because you get to go back to school but i will say if you plan on being a reservist because you have this intent of going back to school you need to have a secondary job on hand because it's not going to cover too many bills and too much groceries or car note no not at all so make sure you have that job on hand you will get the 784 yes but that monthly first and the 15 thing no because that gets a little bit wonky too so whenever your uta is is whether is the way they'll schedule your your pay so instead of getting paid every first in the 15th like active duty they know that for sure it's kind of gonna be like all right i had a uta let's just say on the 19th and the 20th so you may not see your money until like the 25th or 26th or you might not even see until that next month around like the the 14th or the 15th like it's really weird like it doesn't have like a set okay i know for a fact on this day or on that day i'm gonna get paid no so that goes out the window um but like i said have a job on deck for that um as far as anything else i don't know what other questions really to cover like i said if you have any questions make sure you guys hit me up on my instagram um which will be in the description box as well or you can drop them in my comments um i prefer you guys drop them in my comments that way i see them right away and i can just get back to you guys um as far as results like i said if you want to go back to school or go back home in general then yes the reserve is for you um it's an extra income if you're in school that way you get that that money like i said i don't know it may vary as far as your pay grade as far as that money goes i'm not really completely sure on that though um a hundred percent though talk to a recruiter i say that with so much lag though because they will lie to you they will lie to you like they're trying to sell you a freaking tesla baby like sweetheart no no um you can use some of my pointers like i said i personally don't have anything against the military i actually love the military like i grew up as a military child the only thing is like i said they lied about a few things um and i wish i would have talked to somebody that was actually in the air force um aside from my recruiter who wasn't the greatest anyway but like i said it's a big old family it's it's fun they're the i will say though deployment though oh okay i said though deployments are actually not that bad like i've seen people go to like the virgin islands for um specifically my fsc too or people that's at my duty station go to the virgin islands or uh overseas to like really nice tourists or vacation spots for deployments like i wouldn't mind getting deployed over those over like in those areas of the virgin islands either um that's another thing um doing your seasonal training seasonal training i think for my fsc is about 120 days now anything 90 days or more is when you start getting paid active duty as a reservist so if you have seasonal training um they will tell you like okay that means you have to stay down at your duty station for this amount of days doing your job that way you can get your skill set up i was supposed to been had my skill set honestly i'm way behind um and that's why i'm trying to figure out what i want to do as far as either staying in or getting out um but mainly that is another thing um i hope you guys are taking notes because some of the stuff like i said these recruiters out here will not tell you um as far as your health benefits now okay so while you're in basic in tech yes you have tricare yeah but when you get out no you don't you have to pay for that monthly and i think it's like 40 a month um i think but because my husband is active duty i just he's my sponsor um so we just me and my son we fought under his health benefits um also i will say let me think let me think i'm trying to think of all the points because i think i really hit the wall it's not much to be in reserves like i said you go home you go to work monthly um you get the check come back wait until they say something oh and then you may well me my pt test was due in february but i was pregnant at the time so mine isn't scheduled until february of next year um yeah so you still have those um i think that was the gist of it uh like i said not too many let me go through my comments on the other post because i really think i i want to say i hate everything because don't turn off because i don't really remember too much of the questions like they were all basically the same thing like everybody was in school oh my gosh my makeup then was interesting why is my head up that i don't like that anyway dang i had 184 um oh that's so cute thank you okay each one's on yeah yeah oh okay same thing everybody is just so into the whole stripper comment yeah okay so somebody said i'm 36 years old with a college degree okay so there is a cap with you getting into the military too i think they let me see um let me see i the age requirements for the air force i really want to say with 30 35 let me see it's physical personal okay so no not that don't so no that's not that um no no okay so you have to be oh wait notice that john is an officer that's to enlist uh you can't be younger than 17 unless you get a waiver i think if you get a waiver then you're fine or 18 year olds for ged holders um you can't be older than 39. so you must be getting basic military training before your 40th birthday but this thing's well this person said i'm 36 year old with a college degree i've been thinking of joining when i was 18 years old i was going to the navy but decided to head to college first military has always been on my mind oh that wasn't a question um let me see okay here's the question i'm going into my third year of college if i join the reserves will they pay off my previous school loans and pay for my further schooling i want to minimize many loans and just set up my future no sweetheart they will not not a reservist as active duty yes but you what you have to do first is i think you have to finish school first completely and then they'll pay off your loans um so for that as a reservist of course the answer is no not at all um i'm thinking of it as a part-time field for supplemental income so my retirement actually benefits my family travel yeah if you're going active um let's see someone said oh my gosh this is so helpful i'm in a rut because i'm trying to pay off a semester of school and scholarships are actually a b i'm also trying to get my independence chart of living at home if i gotta live in the barracks it'll be a little money money too okay so like i said they'll send you back home so active duty is your way completely reserved no no um the mammogram i'll talk to you eventually this is what's to pay like for the weekend like i said i went over that um go active go active do not go reserves if you want the money sweetheart if you want that like i said e3 you make about 1800 a month then 900 coming especially if you ain't got no bills if you live in the barracks and you're only paying a car note like i said let's just take your card about like 403 um you could pay that every first oh and maybe like your phone bill let's just say it's like 83 so let's go say 486 for everything that's 403 well 18 1800 minus the 403 you still got 1400 that's if you're living in the barracks um i think you get bah when you hit senior airmen then you can go live off base and they give you money for that and you just give that to the office that way it's not really coming out of your pocket um don't quote me though i will have another one of these with my husband because he is active duty um so he can answer a little bit better um let's see a few questions wow there's three okay how was bootcamp bootcamp was actually pretty fun it's annoying though kind of because i just feel like me i'm not a loud person but i do feel like you know why are you yelling so much calm down the message is clear chill but it really wasn't that bad my empty eyes per se were actually pretty funny and pretty cool so i say that because okay so when i say pretty funny and pretty cool yes they were that but the same time they were mti so it's kind of like don't lose your military bearing don't laugh all sometimes it will try to make you laugh on purpose and then you'll get in trouble now you're down doing push-ups and some more [ __ ] or getting your 341 that's what that number is you're in your 341 um yeah did you get a twenty thousand dollar sign on bonus no i did not i got a fifteen thousand dollar shopping bonus but what they do is they will break it in half annually so for the first year i got the bulk of it which was like 75 it was supposed to be 7 500 but it was really 5 500 um that's when i actually end up buying my car um but now for the rest of my contract i think about to get like at least 1100 to finish off that 15k i can't find an air force reserve in michigan so i'm not sure if there is maybe you know where to find that out um google that's it just just google it um okay how is the pay being a reservist is it based on your rank and how long you've been in or so for reservists it sucks is it based on your rank yes and how long you or how long you've been in for so yes yes and no like it's kind of weird all these things that you guys are actually asking me you can actually find on the air force website which i said i will put down below um let's see everybody's pretty much saying the same thing you guys really were odin on that whole stripper thing i was kidding oh rose hide yes do i have an email you need to ask me what's your question what kind of question you're trying to ask me through my email see how you're going to ask me around here um [Music] go ahead there says be a pilot i mean you can be an officer that was my goal and aspiration which i still want to achieve which is to be an officer in the military as well as a pediatrician but that means i have to go back out to training which i don't mind doing which i might actually do fairly soon now that i think about it oh wait i can't you have to get your degree first um i'm almost done with mine so i do it um i'm gonna do one more question um because like i said i feel like i pretty much answered everything on here like i said just go into my comments and i do answer pretty pretty quickly um okay how do you choose your job when you go okay i'll answer a few more questions like three more how do you choose your job when you go reserves um after you take your asvab um your score depicts the kind of jobs or the job list you choose from and me i chose mine because it was the least amount of time i think the other one was like 28 days and it was in fort lee i just wasn't gonna get a bonus so i told someone with a bonus um a lot of dicks like i said i met my husband i'm a beautiful baby boy um you guys always keep asking about my pay it's gonna vary guys depending on how much well that depends on what you go in as whether you're going as a airman basic or uh not a senior airman or a a1c when did i take my asvab in high school college i took my asvab honestly after i graduated from high school for the army but then my mom was like no go into the air force and i think i had like a 72 or 73. she says can you volunteer to get deployed in the air force reserves um i think you actually can but i think your skill level has to be a five or at least you have to be out there with a five first um you have to know your job i know that for sure but i think you actually can you would have to speak to your training command about that or at least your supervisor um how bad was basic training it's really not that bad don't be nervous about it like it's not as bad as you think their job is to yell at you and crack you out of the whole civilian life civilian world type field so don't be scared of basic they can't touch you so it's nearly not that bad if you have okay so scars now they want they're going to take note of all your scars and tattoos now they see that your scars are self-inflicted the air force is very very like what's the word um not specific sensitive i'm gonna say sensitive when it comes to certain markings if it looks like you've been cutting yourself they're not gonna let you join because they already feel like you know it may be a risk to you their job is to look out for their airmen so if they feel like you know it'll be better if you don't have this stress on you especially if you've been harming yourself they're not going to let you join now if it's just a cut that you had from a kid and it scarred up really bad you're fine um no tattoos on your face obviously but if you have okay so now if you have touches in certain areas it could be a problem but sometimes they'll wave it and it won't be that bad i think as long as it doesn't show outside of your uniform you're fine um do they have the gi bill for my son yes if you're active does the air force reserve help with tuition partially no not at all um yeah those are the main ones i'm going to answer like i said um oh don't ask me about the guard guys i really don't know too much about that i think they're funded by the state um i think you do go home but i still recommend you guys have another job hold on real quick because my son's crying false alarm my son is a cancer he's really not crying he's just making noises anyway um i don't know too much about guard but like i said i think they get paid by the state and they do go back home but other than that you have to speak to a guard recruiter about their stuff um yeah but like i said that pretty much is it for this video guys if you have any more questions make sure you guys follow me on instagram at miss imani e how to say it like that because for whatever reason people think my name is spelled with the e no e stands for elizabeth my middle name elizabeth um as far as like i said any other questions you can either dm me on my instagram or you can drop them in the comments below which i prefer you guys drop them in the comments below because i'm more inclined to answer them on youtube because my instagram is full of direct messages about some of everything um so make sure you guys hit up my comment section and i will get back to you guys as soon as possible normally it's within a few minutes to an hour so feel free to answer or ask all the questions that you need to ask like i said don't let my experience sway you in any way like i said now if i switch you to join kudos if it doesn't that's fine too because currently what's going on right now i would hold off personally um heck i've met some senior enlisted people who've even told me they wish they knew me before me joining because they would have told me don't join that's pretty scary um but that pretty much concludes this video guys make sure you like comment and subscribe my name is missy mighty and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Ms. Imani E.
Views: 3,613
Rating: 4.9477124 out of 5
Keywords: Why i joined the air force, why i joined the air force reserves, what is basic training like, what is bmt like, what is the air force reserves like, air force reserves, air force videos, military videos, why i joined the air force 2020, why i joined the air force reserves 2020, air force q and a, air for question and answer, air force, joining the military, joining the air force
Id: lYH7fDMLM8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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