Why I chose to Study in Sri Lanka

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the effects of brain drain this massive brain brain drain I would say labor Mobility all groups of different types of people are leaving brain drain is a rising Trend seen across the developing World specifically here in Sri Lanka it's something that we have been battling with for a number of decades now while this topic is far too complex for me to dive into in this video today I want to talk to you about the education industry and the impact that it can have in the negation of brain drain this video is a part of a larger campaign that I'm working on with my alma mater the Edith C University of Sri Lanka could perhaps reverse the trend of the Youth of our country leaving and instead attract some of the best talent from around the world to our Shores there is a general sense of people wanting to leave in search of greener pastures but the question remains is the grass really greener on the other side or is it green where you water it so over the past few months we've been traveling all around Sri Lanka to ask the Youth of the country what they think so all the friends I know all my friends students they're all moving abroad right and any young person you ask here they're all moving abroad yeah but with the economy and stuff like it's a bit like hard like everyone is plan planning to go abroad and lack of proficiency here is one of the main problems so I think they also helpless in a sense they also go because they want they don't want want to go they have to find yeah to build a better life it depends on the government you know yeah so how they handled the things going on 10 years ago I too was a fresh high school graduate and I had grown up my whole life being told that I should be making plans to leave as soon as I could cuz there was absolutely no future here in Sri Lanka and fast forward to today I don't think the story and the narrative that's being told to young people has changed very much go abroad you don't have have to struggle the way your parents did you can have access to better income better education better public transport better food and like many of us as an 18-year-old I too believe the narrative and I was hellbent on pursuing my brighter future anywhere else but in Sri Lanka but fate would have it that all of my attempts to study and work abroad would be rejected now you can imagine how hopeless it felt at the time when you believe that your brighter future is somewhere else other than where you are at right now and that you cannot be granted access to it it was at this point that I decided to pursue my education in Sri Lanka but still with the hope of completing it in Australia and in all my research the program that was offered by Edith C University in Sri Lanka was the one that stood out to me the most from the numerous courses that were available here to the flexibility that ECU allowed me to work on my numerous side hustles which were helping fund my journey through University I was pleasantly surprised at how much I began to enjoy the process of studying in Sri Lanka Not only was I able to capitalize on a number of opportunities that would only be available to me here in Sri Lanka I was now getting access to the same education that I would have had I gone to Australia but at a fraction of the cost while also further strengthening and building on my network here in Sri Lanka because I had pursued a career in modeling from the time I was 16 I was able to continue building on this career while also pursuing my higher education this led to me getting the opportunity to be featured on the cover of vog India and represent Sri Lanka which was a milestone moment for my career but also an opportunity that I would not have had access to and would have missed out on had I left the country little did I know that being in Sri Lanka would be the best advantage that I would have in building the life that I wanted for myself it's just that that I hadn't been exposed to the correct perspective to know this about myself yet I was now getting exposed to the boundless opportunities and potential that was available here in Sri Lanka simply by shifting my focus to being solution driven as opposed to being driven Away by the problems and that is something that's really important to understand that if you choose to stay in Sri Lanka there has to be a mindset shift you have to be solution driven this beautiful Island although plagued with poor politics and governance has so much to offer to those of us that are willing to make it work from the Abundant land that can grow anything your heart desires to the amazing weather all year round the relatively low cost of living and not to mention the ability to solve problems that have already been solved in other parts of the world and there's also the warmth the hospitality and the diversity of living in a Multicultural Society all of this form of combination that are very rare to come by and unfortunately this is only realized once we have left the island in search of greener pastures use the experiences and exposure there you know so I plan to get a job there and use the experiences and exposure there and hopefully come here and start my own thing they are very talented and they they can learn on their own those who failed a levels also they have the ability and the talent from there they they wanted to follow their degrees as they were working also so now they are so now they're doing the they're going backwards they first got the job and then now they're going to get the degree exactly other it's the best place to say I guess Sri Lanka yeah other than moving abroad because we don't know the country we don't know the people there yeah especially this new building uh contains with lot of facilities so does it make you feel like studying yeah of course uh like it's so relaxing and it feels like it's another Universe actually with all my friends and you know uh the facilities the ABS uh everything is superb it's also like perfect as the Australian University universities like ECU choosing to set up campuses in Sri Lanka is a very good sign for the Youth and their future with access to high quality education I am hopeful that more young Sri Lankans will choose to complete their education here and take this time to really explore this country with fresh eyes and fresh minds and change Sri Lanka for the better yet it doesn't end there as important as it is to retain the young talent that we have here in Sri Lanka the higher education industry provides a great opportunity for us to grow our economy through the enrollment of foreign students countries such as Australia and Malaysia have become Regional hubs for higher education and have seen significant contributions to their economies through the higher education industry and with its strategic location between the East and the West Sri Lanka has the potential to do just that in in fact the newly opened Edith coven University campus here in Columbo is already seeing foreign enrollments from across the region in addition to getting a world-class education at a fraction of the cost I was also able to immerse myself with the rich culture and history of Sri Lanka for a university experience unlike any other from basking in the Sun and surfing waves all year round to hiking epic trails and exploring ancient kingdoms whether it was the $1 buffet with the amazing local Cuisine or cycling amongst the world famous silon te Estates or the warm Hospitality of the people that Sri Lanka is known for this is an island that will keep you coming back for more it was the experiences I was able to have outside of the classroom that I remember the most during my time in University while I can only speculate what life would have been like had I left being in Sri Lanka is what no doubt pushed me into building and Paving the lifestyle that I am extremely EX excited and content with if you ever felt powerless about making a change in Sri Lanka or believe that you alone couldn't make a change so why bother enduring the hard times and the chaos I really hope this video gave you some insight and some perspective to do so in my opinion where we are right now is a culmination of decisions that were made by people in the past but where Sri Lanka is going to be in the next 50 years is being decided right now and it is being decided by this generation that's making those exact same decisions right now and if I could leave you with a few words to end this video it would be these you are not powerless and your choices do matter your presence absolutely matters and the decisions that you make can and will make a difference thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed it and this is it for this one I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Sheneller
Views: 48,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best places to study in Asia, ECU Sri Lanka, Education industry of Sri Lanka, Sheneller, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka university, Study in Sri Lanka, This is Sri Lanka, Visit Sri Lanka, Why I chose to study in Sri Lanka, edith cowan university, edith cowan university sri lanka, higher education in Sri Lanka, higher education sri lanka, shaneller, shenelle rodrigo, sheneller sri lanka, shenneller, sri lanka unviersity review, study vlog sri lanka, university study vlog in sri lanka
Id: vWtuswhoHBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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