Why I Choose to Live a Simple "BORING" Life Over Hustle Culture

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[Music] life brings Simple Pleasures every day it's up to me to acknowledge them [Music] it is an ordinary life that my days are filled with meaning and little moments of joy foreign [Music] Ty tells us to be bold and stand out from the crowd I have felt pressure to fit in with everyone else though a hundred miles per hour put in 150 percent do more so that I could have more be more I was always chasing happiness foreign [Music] this way of thinking made me feel like I wasn't doing enough or worse that I simply wasn't enough [Music] hustle culture frowns upon slowing down and focusing on just being and doing less foreign it's easy to get swept up into the majority way of thinking but to be relevant I must live an exciting busy life comparing myself to others on social media and feeling like I needed to upgrade my lifestyle in order to be validated [Music] the constant noise from media ads is that to have an extraordinary life I need the newest car extravagant vacations the latest fashions this messaging made me feel inadequate [Music] Oscar Wilde said I adore Simple Pleasures they are the last Refuge of the complex [Music] living with a brain injury I have had to learn how to accept living a slower paced Simple Life now I not only accept my simple life I cherish it [Music] entirely new way of living has opened up to me and I am happier than I've ever been [Music] society's narrative is that happiness is something that should be pursued and achieved my feeling is that happiness is a choice and the choice is more apparent when external expectations are removed many times it was in the false hope in the expectation that something outside of myself would make me happy this thought just set me up for disappointment time and time again [Music] happiness comes from within not from external things [Music] it doesn't take much for me to be happy I can spend hours in nature absorbing the quiet Stillness of the mountains enjoying the change of seasons the vibrant Golden Leaves against the blue sky taking a walk in the mountains and pausing just to take in the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze sitting on a rock in the middle of a stream feeling the cool air rising from the water while I listened to the Babbling Brook [Music] in my boring life I'm much more connected and present in the moment instead of constantly looking for the next event to bring me happiness I'm perfectly content in the mundane of life [Music] by acknowledging and having gratitude for The Simple Pleasures of life I feel as if I have enough and more importantly that I am enough foreign [Music] so much joy from the ordinary day in and day out activities [Music] trying a new recipe at home is just as entertaining to me as going out to a restaurant staying up late watching movies and laughing with my daughter is one of the best things I can do [Music] or enjoying the quiet Stillness of an evening while I knit [Music] I feel as much joy doing simple things as I would if I were to do more extravagant things it is in the simple boring life that I feel fulfillment the simpler my life is the more content I become [Music] by removing the idea that living a busy lavish lifestyle is the key to happiness I find peace and joy in the little things I no longer wait for a big event to be happy I choose to be happy each day thank you [Music] the Simplicity of everyday life is a beautiful gift [Music] thank you so much for watching today I really appreciate it I hope you have a beautiful day my friends foreign [Music]
Channel: Connie Riet
Views: 464,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple living, slow living, minimalist, minimalism, better ideas, simple life, minimal life, boring life, why I live simply, how to live a good life, l am enough, feeling enough, doing enough, rat race, my simple life, ordinary life, slow lifestyle, Connie Riet, mindful living, minimalist life, slow living lifestyle, hustle culture, intentional living, slow living minimalist, simplify life, simplify your life, simple lifestyle, how to simplify life, live a boring life
Id: 2EWl7W7OdDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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