Why I am no longer a Christian...

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today I want to tell you how I lost my faith [Music] in this video we show you how easy it is to manage all your inspectors when to get the oil change this morning in the Kia and now we're back editing videos the family is out at some YMCA learning thing I'm not sure exactly what it is but it sounded cool and I hope you're having a great day when it comes to me leaving my faith leaving Christianity behind it is still a delicate topic in the sense that I have friends and family members who are still Christians they would still identify with this belief system they are still very much in that and and it's important to them so whenever I'm discussing this with you especially I want to I guess make sure we are all on the same page here right this conversation can be delicate and it can make people quickly offended and worried or all sorts of emotions because there's a lot of emotions packed into what we believe and people hold this stuff very dear to their hearts so this is not me coming after individuals or I'm not even trying to take down a system here you know I I am just expressing to you what my experience was and how my beliefs have shifted over the past I don't know five years I grew up in this I was in it from the very beginning I was an Evangelical Christian that's what my house was that's where I was at most of my time was at the church and surrounded by these messages and this lifestyle so for me leaving this was really a big deal and it shocked a lot of people and it hurt people and I was hurt through the process and it really changed a lot about our lives because we were very entrenched and I mean most of the things that we did involved church and God and Christianity so this was a big deal foreign [Music] into the Christian Evangelical world I mean my dad is a pastor still today and my family we were always in church growing up I mean that's just how it was and especially here in the South there were churches where I live on almost every street corner in in these little towns you know it was it was a huge part of my life I grew up believing this and believed this my entire life until I was about 25 years old when I started to question everything and and and everything started to kind of unravel before me the question here is how and why did this happen again my dad's still a pastor I have family members I have friends who still believe this way but how and why did I leave the faith there are so many things that we could get into so many details I mean this this is deep stuff this goes into the nitty-gritty aspects of life um and there's so many different topics within the the Christian Evangelical faith that I could go into and I could dig into and we could be here for a long time so instead I'll give you three of the biggest reasons why I decided to leave Christianity Stop Believing in this whole idea number one is original sin when I had my first child my daughter I held that girl in my arms and I looked at a a ball of perfection now what I was taught is that from the moment you're born you are sinful that's just how it is because of History because of creation and Adam and Eve all of us humans are sinful from the start okay no getting around it so my baby girl I look at her and I have to believe that this girl has sin in her heart absolutely not I couldn't buy it that didn't sit well with me and I started to question this idea and that wasn't when it started I mean I met people throughout my life who weren't Christians I had friends in school who did not grow up in church who are not Christians who were full of love and joy and they were good people they were beautiful people and I just I never could really understand how they treated people better than Christians most of the time I would meet people see people in the world as I continued to grow up and encounter Those Who Loved others really well and they weren't Christians they seemed less sinful more at peace more whole than even I myself felt most of the time so original sin was one that never sat well with me and I do not believe it to this day I do not believe you were born a sinner in fact I think the idea of being a sinner being sinful is unhealthy for your mental state but again we could talk about that another time the bunk bed I was supposed to put together yesterday never showed up so just took apart beds and kids slept on mattresses on the floor because there's no bunk bed here it's supposed to show up today we will see if it actually does show up and hopefully it shows up sooner rather than later so that I am not putting their bed together during bedtime that would suck keeping these kids up late never a good idea some people think it's a good idea always backfires see the thing about keeping kids up later is that they wake up at the same time no matter what so if you keep them up it's not like they're going to sleep in we learned this the hard way oh yeah they're going to wake up at about the same time that they always do with less sleep and crankier more cranky crank cranky butts so hopefully the bunk bed comes today number two the little place I like to call hell well I don't like to call it hell I don't even believe in it from a young child I mean literally from a child I was taught that God created this place called hell it is an eternal place of suffering and torment of Hell Fire it's where you're tortured for eternity how do you end up in Hell well you don't believe in Jesus if you don't believe that Jesus is your lord and savior that he died for your sins you confess it with your mouth believe in your heart you end up in Hell forever there's this beautiful analogy that this pastor used to do when I was in Youth Group we watched a video where he held this little piece of rope I have a tick tock of it held this piece of rope and there was a piece of tape on this rope and he's like this is your life see how small it is and then he starts pulling the Rope pulling the Rope pulling the Rope this is eternity what you do here dictates where you end up here so let's be really careful with what we do here so that we end up in heaven with Jesus my argument to that is how could this little bit of time us humans we get such a small amount of time the amount of variables that come into each person's life where you're born who your parents are what school you go to what you ate last week like and it's such a small amount of time that there are millions of people who will never believe in Jesus because they're handed other religions or they are handed a completely different life I mean so many so many reasons why you wouldn't buy into this message in this short amount of time so the all-powerful being above who created everything and knows everything only gives you a little bit of time to get it right if you that up eternity and health see what I'm saying I just couldn't buy it especially because I know so many people who don't believe in it who are lovely people who it's like why would they have to go to hell this this literally makes no sense and again the kicker the thing that started all these questions for me comes back to my kids hell was a huge reason why I started to question everything if you were interested at all in like some light commentary and funny stories on the type of stuff I experienced as a kid and I grew up around in the Evangelical Church Kevin James Thornton on Tick Tock and Instagram he does a lot of these videos where he tells a lot of funny stories and they always start with am I a super fundamentalist church when it was the 90s or something like that and he talks about the things that he did in his youth group a lot of that was also in the 2000s like the early 2000s which is when I was in Youth Group Kevin James Thornton does a great job of talking about some of these things in a very lighthearted funny way but also very real so you like my pocket bear Allura set me up with this one there's something to keep in mind as well as we change right like I am 29 years old I am not the same as I was when I was 15 years old I'm not the same as I was when I was 25 years old and I am sure that my beliefs will shift and change and fluctuate and and evolve as time goes on that's just normal that's that's life that's what happens so I don't think I'll ever go back to believing what I used to believe once you see you can't unsee once you taste you can't untaste and there's a lot of things that I've seen that I can't unseam but who knows who knows Life Is Wild [Music] um can you give us an update on the bunk bed [Music] it's good to be here so soon do you think it's actually going to show up because it's 6 30. uh and it says it's still on its way that's what it did last night [Music] [Music] Mommy for my birthday this is mine and number three to wrap this thing up separation and I don't mean separation from God right what sin does to you is separates you from God is what I was taught I mean separation from my neighbor I mean separation from my best friends from the people that I love and that I care about for the people I am yet to meet and have a relationship with one of the things that I've experienced my entire life is separation from others because of what I believe but what I mean by that is when I was a Christian I believed that I had god in me and I was right I believed I was right over everything if someone was not a Christian I looked at them differently I looked at them and thought they don't know the truth they don't have it they're not living a full life they're missing something it always separated me from others I could never truly and fully love them all the way because the problem is I always wanted them to change I always wanted them to accept God and to accept Jesus and that always wanting them to do this thing is a barrier that's not real love I don't believe that's real love I wanted to love my neighbor I wanted to love my wife and to love my friends and honestly letting go of all this has enabled me to do that I never thought I would be as happy as joyful as full of life as adventurous as loving as kind as patient as fulfilled as I am right now without this some people love it and some people it does all of these things for them right believing in God believing in Christianity it really does fill them up and make them a better person for me it didn't and I look at my life and growing up as a kid and as a teenager and I think to myself you know there was a lot of things that it really didn't help me with it in fact made worse anxiety and stress and pressure I mean the pressure to get this right I know people I mean even my wife I don't think she would mind me sharing this but she used to ask Jesus in her heart like every night she was so scared I had my best friend I don't think he would mind me sharing this he did the same thing he went to a Christian School when he was a kid and every night he would ask Jesus in his heart because he was scared of going to hell like that's the kind of that it does to kids it makes you scared because you don't want to end up in hell and and then it paints this really odd picture of Love anyway I'm I am passionate about this I really am passionate about it but please don't take it as hate this is just my opinion this is just my view of all of it and you're here kind of to hear my opinions and Views and my stories and all that stuff so that's the three main reasons why I left Christianity original sin I couldn't buy it I couldn't ever see it in my kids and now I don't see it in myself and I don't see it in you hell I I can't buy it it doesn't exist I mean the the intricacies of Life the the complications of Life the different ways and places you're born into and types of people you are and things you're handed it's too complicated for someone or some being to be able to draw a line and say you're in and you're out and separation I don't want to be separate from people and Christianity the belief in Christianity always separated me from people I want to be able to love fully enjoy others have real relationship without always wanting them to change without always wanting them to be something different I want to love people exactly how they are make sure you're subscribed to the channel make sure you like the videos and comment down below if there's something that you want me to talk about if there's a topic if there's a question you have for me it can be related to this how I've left Christianity and the reasons why and the intricacies of that or it could be something totally random um about my life music acting whatever comment below would love to hear from you okay beautiful people I gotta go
Channel: Trent Thompson
Views: 43,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BV2BwyelBqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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