Why He Decided To Leave America For Thailand Forever

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so it's safe to say that you leaving in america and coming back to thailand is the best decision i've ever made it's 9 30 in the morning what a perfect way to start off the thailand morning with a nice chong beer i'd rather be drinking singer leo but it's all i have in the fridge so this works this works cheers so i've been here in chiang mai for a couple days as much as i love bangkok as a city plenty of things to do plenty of good food plenty of great culture it's pretty fast paced high energy and once in a while you need to take a break from an amazing city like bangkok and recharge your battery to a nice quiet city like chiang mai every now and then but every time i come back to chiang mai i always uh meet up with my buddy chris for those of you guys that don't know or don't remember me and chris did the mae hong song motorbike tour a couple months ago also one thing about chris is that he runs a very successful travel blog from 2013 to 2018 back in the heyday of all the travel influencers travel content creators before a good majority of them have unfortunately burnt out it is what it is man that sucks there's not a better uh explanation for it it sucks man there were a ton of travel bloggers back in the early 2012s and now a lot of them have been gone burnt out and i get it man i get it so chris ran his successful travel blog from 2013 to 2018. came back to the states for a couple years warped and then now six months ago he's back here in chiang mai and i want to say more or less he's left america forever yeah that's the way it's feeling i have no intention of uh going back anytime soon you know aside from a maybe a visit once every couple of years to see family yeah you know it's going back to the states was what i needed to kind of remind me of how just good i had it here you know life here is amazing so chris has been back here in chiang mai thailand as of six months ago and we're gonna talk to chris because you know one thing that both chris and i share is our disillusionment of living in america and i'm for sure a lot of you guys can relate you know not just america but canada australia a lot of western europe and decided to come here and settle here in time thailand permanently so today's video we're gonna you know get to know about chris have him bring us back when he first came to thailand back in 2013 yeah what he's going through running his successful travel blog and then eventually leaving and then coming back here for good back in 2011 you served four years in the us army yeah i was in the army from 2006 to 2010 2006 to 2010 some airborne infantry i was actually stationed in arlington national cemetery part of the the old guard so i did countless funerals ceremonies retirement ceremonies uh arrivals from foreign dignitaries that kind of thing i was always kind of in that washington dc military district of washington spotlight um so that's kind of the area i call home yeah and then once you got on 2010 you worked for a little bit you worked for a little bit and from working what led you to heading over to thailand okay 2013 and starting the travel blog sure so um actually i come from a military family a couple generations of military my great-grandfather was in the uh in the navy my father was in the navy grandfather air force great-grandfather my my other grandfather was a one-star in the army and so i felt like it was kind of that family tradition you know i needed to fulfill that that duty to my country and really to my family to myself so yeah i um i joined the military i got selected to go to arlington i did four years there it was great taught me a lot of lessons i felt like it was a real jumping off point for me i got out when i was 23 years old in 2010 and i went straight into uh defense contracting so i worked kind of in the beltway dc beltway area yeah for three years as a young 20-something year old i was an operations manager for a um a federal contractor and our main bread and butter was sending pashto and dari speaking linguists to afghanistan to support marines in the army and uh kind of help them you know navigate issues and conversation conversations with the local nationals in afghanistan and to to get back to your point with the disillusionment um i kind of at some point during all this i started to feel like you know my livelihood and everything that i was doing was really reliant on the war and at any point i mean we were already talking about drawing down you know in 2012 2013 obviously that didn't happen i mean it happened to some extent but um i didn't know if i was going to have a job next year or six or months or six months from now if anybody's ever been in federal contracting things change very quickly just like that just like that so yeah i kind of got this since that i didn't want to be living a life that solely relied on us being in perpetual war so i started to save a lot of money and i started to look at my options as far as where i could live because something and we talked about this yesterday something that i always wanted to do while i was in the army because i just felt like i didn't have my time you know i had no control over my life is when i got out i wanted to travel the world and since i kind of was funneled directly into defense contracting that never happened so that was always in the back of my head and having grown up overseas i lived in sicily bahrain traveled all around with my dad um i felt like you know i'm young 25 26 at the time this would be a great opportunity for me to just leave while i don't have any you know big strings attached i don't have property i don't have kids and i have money so why not go somewhere and explore and as far as a travel blog i never knew that that was going to be a thing that i really got serious about it was really i was going to start a website to talk to family about my experience here and i also had kind of this idea that maybe i'll i'll be able to connect with some veterans that are over here and lo and behold i mean here we are right so you trans transition from defense contracting into traveling to thailand yeah and then starting the blog for shits and for shits and giggles so let me not not so much i mean to lack a better term that i mean that's what it was i came here and i set up this i actually bought the domain before i got here i was sitting in my apartment and heard in virginia and i was like trying to come up with some clever play on words and so the blog is thailand to thailand and if you're not american or european some people have a hard time understanding what this is they're like tealand you know they don't get it but it's because i worked in the corporate environment for three years and um we're tied to work every day and that was me kind of shedding the tie shedding the suit jumping on airplane coming over here and it was amazing it was the most incredible feeling even though i lived overseas i'd never been to this part of the world i'd never been to asia 2013 was my first uh real trip to thailand and for the six months leading up to that departure date yeah i mean i was i was working at work but we had a lot of down time so a lot of time i was sitting there like should i move to guatemala should i move to belize should i move to vietnam should i move to i mean i'm sure you've done the whole thing like going through the the options and chiang mai kept popping up there was one or two bloggers here at the time yeah and all i kept hearing about was the you know i already had the food i had already had exposure to the really good thai food living in northern virginia but the safety the climate the ease of travel and i mean the top thing for most uh first-time expats is cost of living right yeah definitely so i mean if you have some sort of income you're if you if you know if you if you can kind of predict what your income is going to be monthly then you can kind of you know pick and choose what countries will work best for you you first came in 2013 2014 there was the travel influencer travel content creator space whether you're youtuber blogger instagram it wasn't even a thing at this point that wasn't a thing people were still trying to figure things out i guess brand deals weren't exactly influencer wasn't even a term yeah influencer wasn't even a term back then and these kinds of things still make me cringe influencers digital nomad was the hot turn hot new term at that point in time location independent um you know there's a lot of blogs based around that kind of hacking airline miles and that's something that i did to get here or not to get here but to be able to kind of facilitate me getting back and forth in the united states so you started creating content for your travel blog initially it was for just i guess lack of better term shits and giggles but you know you started creating more content about travel experiences visas uh best restaurants to eat over here in chiang mai yeah the majority of my first posts were really about kind of inspiration one of my first posts that i ever wrote i wrote over the course of six months while i was in my office and i was talking about like the box life in america you live in a box you live in your apartment you get into your box car everybody has their their their their the things that they that they try to get to improve or to impress them yeah you go to your little cubicle box you sit there you stare at your screen another box you go home watch and it's just that to me was what kind of epitomized american the american lifestyle it was literal i was literally living to work i wasn't working to live i was living to work and i wanted to get as far as way far as far away as i could from that type of lifestyle so during your five years living in chiang mai from 2013 to 2018 what was the what are some stark contrast classes that you experienced and obviously you've grown to love compared to living back in america stark contrast obviously the people the people the people the politics talk more about the people you don't know unless you know you don't know unless you've left the united states and have experienced a different part of the world different society different cultural norms how people treat one another family kind of multi-generational family aspect that you have here in thailand so more family oriented it's it's definitely more family and community oriented i wouldn't just say family but definitely more community oriented people here are tight-knit they know their neighbors and chiang mai being a very small place thailand in general being a very small place that's only the size of texas and kind of geographical size right but i know everybody here and um i mean i run into people all the time expats included and yeah so the people here and the way they make you feel welcome the way that they're always smiling these are the things that you always hear about and they're true they're no they're not they're absolutely true and it's what makes me love thailand and having gone back to the states in 2018 and experiencing just the stark contrast having been kind of conditioned to people being polite to me people saying hi people smiling and then going back to the states where everybody's looking down at the ground or down at their phones and nobody's communicating i felt like an alien i felt like a just an outsider in my own country and it was a good lesson in why i don't want to live there and why i want to you know live here so people in the states were definitely more standoffish they're more standoffish and and i've explained this i've had this conversation with a few people since i've been here people back in the states and my friends here i made a handful of friends while i was back in the states i could count them on one hand none of which i would call friends for life or very close connections maybe one yeah my neighbors um julio and rocio if you ever watch this you guys are awesome you may covet it worth you you made it worthwhile sounds like a lot of drinking did a lot of day drinking it was fun we did some bike riding too but um i'll uh i'll say that since i've been here and i told you this i've met more people in six months i have more friends in the last six months than i've had since we're in the army and you kind of have all your forced buddies and friends yeah your forced relationships in the military i i just meet people every day and the more people you meet the bigger your network grows absolutely more acquaintances you have people in lifestyle and um i value those things more than i value money money i value my time i value my relationships and i value my happiness and being in the states you probably don't have time to to think about how happy you are or always go go it's always go go go what's the next thing you have to buy what's the you know the next big expense or bill or whatever but living in a place like this if you're fortunate enough to have some sort of income um you can really focus on being happy yeah and making the most out of your time would you say in america versus thailand america is very consumer culture based versus thailand's more thailand's consumer culture based as well i mean you see the advertising here and and the tv and the shopping i mean lazada shopping it's it's consumer culture based but i've heard other people talk about this as a foreigner if you don't speak thai you don't understand the advertisements you don't understand the politics if you know you don't have the news playing in the background just kind of beating into your head yeah you're you're able to be a little bit oblivious to all of the noise ignorance is blessed ignorance is bliss you know spending five years in chiang mai thailand what eventually led you to leave in 2018 and go back to the states for a couple years so in may of 2018 after having lived here from march 2013 until may 2018 i thought it might be time for a change of scenery yeah and this was more to grow my my website and at the time i think i had i was hitting close to 90 000 subs or followers on on instagram i was like i need to get to more centralized um kind of a big city large international airport so i can have a jumping off point to go to other places for trips i felt like i could do so many more trips if i was in bangkok so i moved to bangkok and i lived there for about six months six seven months and uh i loved it i loved it but there there was just kind of this voice this nagging voice in the back of my head and i think it's because i mean at the time i was 33 years old i've been here for five or six years and you your mind kind of starts playing tricks on you and it starts telling you that well if you don't go back to the states now you're never going to be able to get a real job again oh if you don't go back to the states now you're never going to you know have this opportunity like you're young you're you're smart you you have these skills you need to get back to the states and plug back into the system or it's going to be lost forever of a break in work history yeah and so what i did is like look i'm going to try to take what i learned through travel blogging and social media and all these great experiences i've had in thailand i'm not trying to get a job in the united states and the first job that i applied for i applied to work at a foreign aid agency under the executive branch and the government in dc and i had an interview that week they pretty much hired me on the spot solely based on what i had learned here through the blog and through social media which shocked me yeah and they're like can you come in next week for a meeting with the team and i said okay and it was a trap not really but uh i i it was i made a lot of money it was a good paying job it afforded me um trial i was able to travel for work to uh i went to the republic of georgia for a really cool trip you're you have a new job yeah and then the dc were running their social media department but at the same time i was you were slowly becoming less and less happy well because you were reverting back to keep keeping with the joneses and well the whole call so this is this is why it's a trap because when you first get back to the united states everything is brand new and you're so excited and you get your call you buy it you go out you buy a car you get a new place you get all the furniture you have carpet under your feet for the first time in five years and that's just like a cozy kind of it just plugs you back into the carpet damage it's like damn it it's like this feels good you know this feels great and it's the material things that kind of get you rope you in and trap you and for six months i just go straight into the work a lot of stress involved i was drafting tweets for people in the white house at the time i was drafting tweets for members of congress and uh it was like i was like is this real life am i a movie like this is awesome like this is stuff i see on tv and then it slowly started to like that that kind of image slowly started to be chipped away at and i started to have the same feelings that i had in 2012 and uh i mean i just becoming feeling more disillusioned but also i mean well at the time i mean look at 2019 2020 and 2021 go get presidential election it was extremely polarizing and i was working yeah i was working in an executive branch at the time right so everybody had their political opinion you could not escape anybody's political opinion you couldn't say how you truly felt without fear of you know using retribution or being thrown out of a certain group and and i try to stay political in all aspects of life and and especially at work and around friends i never talk about my political opinion you've never seen me talk about it on the blog all i can tell you about myself is i value personal freedom and i value the ability to express myself without fear of the retribution and i felt like an outsider in my own country and in the country that i served and i and the neighborhood i mean i lived less than a mile away from fort myer and arlington national cemetery and i just felt like i don't belong here there's something going on there's something it's crazy because you come from a multi-generational family of uh american service members and then you know with you you feel disillusioned after coming from along it's kind of painful it's like this is this is the country that i love and i don't feel like it loves me anymore you know it's it's very it's a very strange feeling and and i don't know if that is has been exacerbated because i lived in thailand for so long and i got to experience such a shift and culture and how people treat one another and just respect and the whole concept of face you know and just being always being polite and never making somebody lose face or you know look bad in public after about six months i started to become a little bit just disillusioned and then so i switched jobs and i wouldn't work for the department of the navy doing social media and uh same thing same thing happen same thing and i mean you go to you go and work for like um the military as a you know a government employee and it's bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy and um the messaging kind of gets lost especially when you're doing pr the messaging is kind of just kind of gets lost with within all that bureaucracy and uh it wasn't fun yeah it wasn't fun so i switched back i switched jobs one more time after about six months and i went back to that same company that i worked for prior to moving to thailand and that was that was the thing that i needed to tell me okay dude you totally up like this is you're back you're right back where you started you have the tie on you went now you went from the country to thailand so you went from thailand to thailand back to thailand and uh i was working for the same people and uh i was being paid more money but i was like this is this is it and i uh this is right at kind of the peak of covid right so all and not only was the work stressful but at the time we didn't know if we were going to get contracts you know things were being delayed so a lot of people got put on part-time it was a very small federal contracting company we lost a lot of our big work over the years you know um and so yeah this i i started to sell my i started to sell my i started to uh this was near the end of 2020 this is when you had first contacted me so yeah so me and chris first uh started talking to each other through instagram social media that's one good thing about well i came across one of your videos because i at the time i was having i was having a hard time and it was with that disillusionment it was with that kind of what what is life moment and one of your videos was suggested to me and it was talking about your time in the army and how you know toxicity of it all and it was just a very good intellectual conversation you were having and it it connected with me so i was like i was like this guy is my age if i'm if i'm you know listening to what he's saying the right way he's my age we had the same job in the army infantry amateur we seem to have the same personal freedom kind of views most people not in military do very libertarian very libertarian um i said it so uh i contacted you on instagram and i was like i've got 90 000 followers maybe he'll like see this and it'll respond or something like that well i mean when he first contacted me i've it's crazy because when he first contacted me he looks very chris looked very familiar and two years ago in 2019 when i was making a visa run to penang malaysia that's when i came across he wrote a specific article on doing a visa run or a tourist visa for in penang malaysia where to stay how much it's going to cost when the visa center is going to be open so when you first contact me i was like oh yeah like i i referenced your blog back in 2019 to to get my visa stuff and that's that's so funny because that happens all the time and i always run into people like oh i knew i know who you are yeah you look familiar and especially around chiang mai but uh yeah so i reached out to you and um this is actually you've met andy my friend here one of my really good friends andy do i used to live streaming with them all the time back in the day price trips with them he came and visited me in dc and just to kind of put into perspective where i was at when he came through my front door i hadn't seen him in i think it had been a year and a half at this point when he came through the front door having somebody from my old life in thailand come through my door in dc it was the happy i think it was the happiest that i've ever been to see a human i was like man this guy knows me wow i just hugged this dude i was like holy man i'm so happy you're here you have no idea how dark it's been um and we had a very long conversation and by the end of his visit i was talking about when i was moving back to thailand and i told him i was like i'm gonna quit the job i'm gonna sell everything and i'm coming back and he was like all right so um this is near the end of 2020. end of 2020 i never do anything um spontaneously you know so even though that was a kind of a spontaneous decision it was brewing for a while and then it took me from that day in september all the way till may 2021 to actually move i had a lease to finish at the town house i was living at so eventually you got rid of all your stuff yeah and you're making the transition back to your back to the 2013-2018 the old lifestyle yeah i was selling all my stuff how did you feel about like all this entire process like where you excited it's freeing and it's the same the same thing that i experienced in 2012 when i was selling all my stuff i literally turned my apartment and herndon virginia into a garage sale i put stickers and prices on everything i had a square credit card reader at the time so people were like oh i don't have the cash i'm like i got you man just just swipe bro just swipe so i was i had all the kind of tricks up my sleeve i was i had to you know learn how to use facebook marketplace better because at the time in 2012 it was all craigslist yeah so i was facebook marketplace as much as i don't really like facebook um it made it easy to sell things to people i sold stuff to people from dc to washington state from dc to texas so that made the whole experience a lot easier a lot more streamlined but at the same time i was earning a large income so i was funneling all i was funding funneling the maximum amount that i could into my 401ks into my other investments into crypto and um just kind of bolstering that foundation that i already built a long time ago i actually doubled my net worth within two years because as you know when covet happened the stock market crashed and that just happened to be when i started to get in yeah but i thought heavily so buy the debt paid off yeah by the dip tell me about like your feeling from you know getting reacquainted back with your american lifestyle and then leaving your american style lifestyle to come back and live here in thailand permanently it was more terrifying coming back here the second time the second time um because there's a lot of if you're online if you're social media if you're a blogger there's a lot of pressure it's like i was kind of at my pinnacle when i left i was at the peak thailand to thailand travel conferences featured in news on news websites and all this crazy stuff so there's a lot of stress involved and a lot of expectations people expect you to start putting out content right away so there was a lot of anxiety around that yeah a lot of stress just on the plane like taking like writing notes like video ideas blog post ideas and six months later i haven't really done a whole lot of anything until last week and that kind of takes me to another well i mean i mean coming back to yeah yeah did you feel like you know you're back you know when you came back in may did you feel like you're back where you're supposed to be like home this is how absolutely absolutely i got it i got to thailand was in asu i had a nice asq i had a treadmill i walked as much as i possibly could try to start getting back into shape because that was another goal of mine is i stopped going to the gym because of kovid you know and the last time i went to gym before i got here was march of 2020. so i was mentally unhealthy i was physically unhealthy and i was just i just felt like i was in the poorest physical mental condition i've been in in my life yeah um so my goals were during the six months to save money start getting in shape as soon as i got to thailand and then um to kind of re-establish the presence online how's i've been working out well the health has been going great i i work out six days a week i kind of plugged into this like thai subculture of badminton i play badminton like four times a week it's amazing and if you think oh you know i played badminton in high school and it's just like you hit the birdie no if go watch some like olympic style badminton for like the thai players the ties are it's insane they're savages the fastest racket sport in the world so like me and my friends and i'm lucky enough to have a lot of expat friends and thai friends here we we play a lot of sports um i lift weights uh five to six times a week i eat extremely healthy yeah and chiang mai's got a lot of options where you can eat stream like good good quality food yeah and you know i did put out that youtube video and the day i was going to publish it my dad passed away so it kind of derailed me from you know working on my business and but there was like kind of this epiphany that i had my dad died at a young age it was that i need to focus on being healthy i need to focus on being happy i need to focus on making friends and reconnecting with old friends so for the last six months i just said i'm not going to worry about my business i'm going to worry about just being as happy as i possibly can be every single day and that has been going amazing i'm dude i'm happier than i think i've ever been in my life right now i love life and i tell my like we'll be hanging like we're at this beautiful pool can't see in the video right now but i'm sure he'll clip it but we're at this beautiful pool having beers watching the sunset and i'm just like it's a wednesday yeah and we're enjoying each other's company and it's it's amazing and i just i'm so grateful and i'm way more grateful than i was when i first moved here you know i'm so lucky to have this and uh so and funnily enough like as i started to become happier and healthier and everything i started to within the last couple months get emailed about my blog and if i want to do trips and uh can i can i promote this particular thing so it's all starting to come to fruition yeah i think everything is you know all the pieces are coming into i'm not into this but it's like it's like something it's meant to be it's the universe is trying to tell me something apparently i i mean obviously yeah if it's just the timeline is reopening that's that's the reason why right but you're coming back here before thailand's reopening yeah you're you're healthier than you were back in the states you're you're way more happier yeah uh you just recently did this cross trip you know thailand's reopening so that was incredible it sounds like everything is coming on the up and up yeah and that was that press trip was kind of like a launch pad for me so i met some really cool people i was on the press trip with it was myself a guy yan who lives on coach hong x pat of like 10 years owns one of the nicest restaurants on cochong and then the uh the account owner for at thailand on instagram so having been inactive for over two years and then being thrust into this trip it felt it felt great so so it's safe to say that you leaving in america and coming back to thailand is the best decision i've ever made and everybody's worried like oh you know things are unlocked down here you know everything's closed but it's way better to be here and this is the comment i got on all my facebook posts and my youtube videos like why would you come here right now it's third wave i don't care i would rather be locked down here in chiang mai than lockdown in america just because my i have my friends here i have my base i have my business um there is to me and i say this over and over again to anybody that asks but when you live in thailand and you're an entrepreneur i just have this kind of mindset of limitless potential i could be doing anything tomorrow anything i could get an email i could get an opportunity i could be anywhere within the country in america it's i'm going to my office job and i'm getting off at five o'clock and i'm going home and i'm watering my grass and you know doing the dish it's just yeah not to say that there's no mundane things here but there as an entrepreneur there's more freedom here to i mean create opportunities you flew up here and we're doing an interview on a thursday morning at 10 17 and we're drinking beer that's pretty awesome i'd rather do this and work at some old office shops so last week you did a press trip a week ago with the tat for thailand's reopening which is you know on on you know on the up and up for thailand uh what are more future plans for moving forward uh future plans right now are just getting my engagement back on platforms like instagram um i have two accounts on instagram at thailand and thailand and um at christopher lux and your travel black as well too a travel blog absolutely um and you know i'm on twitter i'm on i'm on youtube so it's really producing the rest of this content that i've collected like refining it and putting it out from this press strip that's going to be taking place over the next few weeks and then from there i'm already working on the the website in the back end cleaning things up updating the home page getting my my my email list uh warmed up again so thailand and thailand version two yeah yeah 2.0 so let's do it i've got a friend who's a graphic designer so there might be some kind of a new look okay to the blog but yeah it's it's really just getting everything real re-established and most importantly making sure that i still like doing it yeah because i'm not gonna i'm done chasing something for like the notoriety or for the title or whatever if this thing if it doesn't make me happy then yeah i'm gonna move on to something else yeah but uh yeah that's that's that's where i'm at right now is just getting thailand to thailand re-established and being healthy uh hanging out with my friends as much as i possibly can making the content that you want to produce making the content and so you you referred to the visas and all that that's this content that i used to put out and i know it drives traffic but i hated writing about that stuff dumb don't do it it was it was mundane and especially now things change in thailand every two weeks so yeah what visa was available and under what rules it was available under completely i mean it's always changing and it's a pain in the ass to keep up with i'd rather just do lifestyle content how i'm able to live here how i'm able to afford to live here what i do on a daily basis my routine um kind of kind of like the content you put out um to an extent it's just like it's like your life yeah it's people ask me like what my theme of my channel really is and it took me a while to think about it but i think i just enjoy doing expat lifestyle content here in bangkok you're literally documenting your life um and i think that's enough that's and that was enough for me when i when i came across your your i didn't you didn't need to do a video about a visa it was like you're sitting here talking have a conversation and you don't realize or maybe you do but you have twenty three thousand subs right now around about twenty four twenty five you're growing yeah so you're talking i mean imagine a stadium with twenty four thousand people in it you're can you you're able to have a converse intimate conversations with somebody who may like me two years ago being a very dark place i don't i don't necessarily need to look to you to tell me how to get there i just need to look to you to inspire me and kind of change my way of thinking and kind of get me to realize what's important again and that's i think why i really want to get into youtube because i feel like i have a lot to share and i have a lot of lessons learned and um so that that's why i want to shift towards that type of content i just want to share my life and my um kind of the views and opinions that i have all right so thanks for this interview uh dude i enjoyed hearing what he had to say was very just wow like there's so many things that i could relate to and i'm sure a lot of you guys can relate to this if you're feeling any type of disillusionment wherever you're living and you need to change an environment where can everyone find find you okay so yes instagram facebook i'm at thailand to thailand twitter thailand thailand and that's t-i-e-l-a-n-d and then the country and then i'm also on youtube thailand to thailand and uh obviously a travel blog same thing i'm gonna plug his youtube his instagram his travel blog everything's all the links are gonna be in the description down below yeah i i'm going to be more active again it's been a weird six month but a very good six months but i'm making that transition and i actually look forward to doing more content with you um at some point maybe i'll come down to bangkok and interview you for my channel or whatever you know yeah i've got a lot of people that i want to reconnect with kind of in that social media sphere so i'm always going to encourage that i'm always down just let me know when cool man i really appreciate it yeah so definitely check chris out i'm happy he's back you know just another guy that's former military within the same travel space now but not just travel space but what appeals more to everyone is just the lifestyle i'm ready to take i'll take a 20 cut on my paycheck absolutely to have more freedom and to live in a area like thailand that just makes you makes us much like more and more happy so cheers brother cheers health and happiness to you and to everybody else else out there
Channel: Forrest Lee
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Keywords: forrest lee, thailand, chiang mai, bangkok, tieland to thailand, leaving america for good, why i left america, living abroad as an american, why we left the us, american abroad, united states of america, living abroad, united states, leaving america, nomad capitalist, go where youre treated best, chiang mai thailand, bangkok thailand, chiang mai travel, thailand travel, thailand reopening to tourists 2021, leave america, living in thailand, southeast asia
Id: e90u-shXBW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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