Why Hasn't Bill Wurtz Been Posting? | The Vibe Chamber

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when we first started doing this which was I think about because February February March or something like that uh there was a big period of time where you were posting like every month yeah yeah but you haven't posted on your main Channel and I went into a uh yeah I went into I launched into uh the madness schedule during pretty much the entirety of the year 2022. yeah I remember I just saw like subscriber updates on my subscription box and I was like I don't understand I think I said this the last time how I couldn't or maybe the first time I think we did this I couldn't understand especially with this fully animated stuff and I was like I don't know how the hell you're putting this out but there's been a there's been a long period so no you can't you can't do that during the three week we'll call that the three-week schedule because it was three weeks Tuesday uh yeah it's I don't know I don't know what to say so what have you been working on for that what have you been working on for the past I'm doing it a different way now that I've done the blitz one by one thing I'm it's it's the right time now to try something that I've fantasized about for a long time which is to stay in the same Department um for a long time across multiple videos and not switch what's that because what's that department right now think of it think of it right now I'm doing some modeling stairs modeling stairs I like that I use in blender will you say uh I could say I don't know if I will but I could yeah I'll think about it I'll think about it that's a pretty I think that's an easy one because I all my stuff is blender I will say because I'm too tempted to buy the expensive ones but yeah put it this way I'm a control freak so I'm more likely to want to program my own way of doing something rather than learn a pre-established way of doing something I have no amount of patience for that I respect you for doing it I can't do that though I can't if I had to learn how to code my good buddies are really good at coding stuff I can't do that I get the free version of everything that I I can find and then I just just shove YouTube down my throat until I learn how to do it and then I get the thing I get need to get done and then I probably won't touch it for another year and a half yeah yeah so wait what's this big project that these stairs I mean I mean basically yeah think of it like think of it like you know a television Production Studio that also does song recordings and songs and whatever everything that I do pretend that's like a big Production Studio right how many different job positions do you think would be in that company way more than there should be I'll tell you that if having worked in television I'll tell you that there's okay 40 too many people whose jobs uh aren't really real okay but it's still like one probably to like properly get the work done right if that one for sure for sure more than one yeah it and and so those jobs are very different from each other very different like an entirely different mindset for example let's say I'm just singing vocals I'm a singer right how different is that from modeling stairs totally different thing right oh I mean I've I thought you were trying to say if they're like similar and I was like I don't really see them no my point is that they're very different okay my point is that when I'm when I get into doing one thing and I do the entire like one video's worth of work in that department and I get to the end it's terrible because I feel like I'm finally just now getting the hang of it at least for now I really feel like I'm getting getting getting into it and then I have to completely put on a different hat and do something completely different and it's that's the way it normally has to go when I'm doing one video at a time so I've always just like had this fantasy that I can do like 15 videos at a time and stay in the singing department for example and just sing them all or then just do drums for them all or just do songwriting for them all or just modeling or just character animation or just lip sync Department animation or you know it's like there's so many different entirely different things to do that it's really just a bummer to have to switch jobs so often so I've always wished that I could just do 15 videos at a time and just stay in the same job position across all 15 videos and then switch to the next thing and do that across all 50 videos I've been dreaming about doing that for so long and that's exactly what you're doing right now it happens to be yes it is what I'm doing now and the reason I normally don't the reason I normally don't do that is because there's everything is great about it except for the one tiny detail of like how the many years is that going to take me to actually get the stuff done so it's like that's the reason I haven't done it but the desire to do that has been growing how many videos are you working on right now oh it's a 4 15. I call it the 15 stack yeah so are you gonna do those like they're gonna before the first one comes out are they all gonna be 100 done is that the plan I would estimate the way things are going and I'm really looking forward to this day it may be a pipe dream this may be impossible what I'm doing may be completely impossible and it may you know six months from now I may have a total Rock Bottom meltdown where I realize that this is not possible and I'll have to just abandon it and do something else but mostly it seems fantastic mostly it seems fantastic so yeah I would get to the stage where they're all like in the final like uh post-production whatever color correction whatever whatever goes last and then life is great because I finished one put it out and then I can I can actually put them out as I want to rather than just being at the mercy of whichever one has done or not done it'll be actually I'll be able to have like my wits about me to be able to release them as as I want to release them and not just you know be tied up because they're not done yet I mean how do you deal financially when you're going to take a a break that's this long because now it's it's seven months you know the greater part of a year I couldn't take yeah you know seven months off of my job so how do you plan for that on a financial basis are you making enough from your channel from old content to live comfortably in that period or do you have to kind of like condense how you live for a while that's interesting yeah we should start an entire second show about about money and talk about money well let's talk about it right now let's do it on I forgot a different show we we got the time right now Phil we just started yeah I think it's a different I think that's a different uh it's a different show I don't know but on a different show I I I I will because I'm just I'm curious because you first how much money do you make I'm not I didn't ask a specific Bill okay I just said I don't I don't need you to say I make this much I just I just want to know how are you able to plan for that when you're taking that much off because even for someone as successful as you are uh for lots for lots of content creators they have to have something that they're putting out in all these stages where they take breaks otherwise they can't support yourself financially I can't support myself off of this show I work as a DJ Now bill when we met I was working in TV now I'm a DJ I couldn't take a month off so I'm just curious how do you plan for that we could we could we could we could do a whole nother show about this really do you have a secret job that we don't know about it's either it's I would say it's one of three things it's either yes to that or yes to something else or yes it has to be one has to be something right then what is you you'd think which one of those some things is it well let's see I think we're gonna have to talk about it on I just I just gotta I just got an idea I just got a brand new idea I think we start a separate show and talk about this on that show bill I could barely do this show I do I I can barely edit the videos and do the thumbnails and all that for this I don't know if I can do it yeah second fully of that [Music] thank you
Channel: The Vibe Chamber
Views: 2,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the vibe chamber, scottie madonia, vibe chamber
Id: jyLoDXqfMgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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