Why Halo 3 Was AMAZING (Retrospective)

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halo 3 was a cultural phenomenon helping to catapult video games into the mainstream as the most successful american entertainment product at the time halo 3 was the reason to own an xbox 360. so my name is sametoken and today we'll be exploring the development of halo 3 and along with other youtubers in the halo community reflecting on what made it so special in a retrospective of halo 3 [Music] halo 2 had been a huge success but the immediate aftermath of its development crunch was palpable bungie's staff had been burned out and some were unsure if the team could even continue rifts in relationships had been created however mere months after its release their development woes from halo 2 were overtaken by the excitement of making a third installment master chief's story had to end somehow it was time to make up for halo 2's cliffhanger ending it was time for halo 3. starting halo 3's development was tricky jason jones bungie's co-founder was completely burned out by halo 2's development he wasn't sure if he even wanted to make games anymore and so he up and left on a sabbatical after traveling and thinking about what he wanted to do jones was convinced to come back to bungie and work on a new project a project that would become known as destiny because of this he didn't have a huge hand in creating halo 3 but he did have the unfair pressure of coming up with the next game that would be as successful as halo instead max hoberman the multiplayer lead on halo 2 was chosen by jason jones and microsoft executive pete parsons to lead halo 3. a decision that thrust hoberman into the middle of bungie's complicated business politics despite this many at bungie still felt brotherless as seemingly jones didn't communicate to the team how he was passing the buck with bungie being filled with creative and strong-minded people a struggle for control ensued many at bungie stayed out of this struggle simply wanting to just start making halo thus to avoid conflict hoberman made the decision to resign the single player portion of the game to the other person who wanted to be lead after all hoberman excelled in creating multiplayer you only need to look at his work on halo 2 for evidence of this and so with no more leadership contests halo 3 now had direction however bungie faced yet another challenge microsoft have always recognized the value in the halo ip pushing bungie to become a company that would forever churn out just halo games with activision using a similar model with treyarch and infinity ward developing call of duty this made perfect business sense after all i'm sure the fans would have enjoyed that but this wasn't what bungie wanted for itself and so in response they pushed back culturally setting up a wall against microsoft's incoming changes had always been bungie's default position in compounding this bungie felt they weren't seeing enough return for their success with halo 2. eventually these feelings came to a head and bungie ultimately decided that they wanted to become independent once again before their acquisition in 2000 bungie's culture was just a bunch of college students drinking beer and making incredible games and so it changed a lot in the last seven years now it had the maturity of journeying through microsoft and coming out the other end a powerhouse of creativity they were ready to move on and use their new talents to create something different at this point they felt done with halo it was even said they planned to finish the franchise on halo 2 but due to impending deadlines they ended up truncating the story with a cliffhanger however they felt now was the perfect time to finish the fight halo 3 was absolutely going to be their last halo game an epic conclusion to the trilogy except it wouldn't be the price of independence required a compromise before they could leave microsoft mandated that bungie must create three more halo titles with halo 3 still at the beginning of development bungie had a long road ahead in late 2005 microsoft released their new xbox 360 console to the public designed for the emergence of high definition other than those with high-end gaming pcs the 360 delivered an unparalleled graphical performance for a console that would be perched in everyone's living rooms and it offered game developers the additional tools and processing power required to produce truly next-gen experiences initially there were talks of halo 2 becoming a launch title but with its release date slipping this became an impossibility halo 3 however was planned as an xbox 360 game right from the start but this didn't stop it from still being a challenging transition according to max hoberman the xbox live team ignored bungie's requests for feature parody instead breaking all their systems so they could streamline the live experience this included introducing a matchmaking system and voice chat across the board bringing all xbox live enabled games up to the standard set by bungie last generation to figure out how to integrate halo 3 with the new xbox live max hoberman hired a user interaction architect and locked themselves in a room until they had something working at the same time the rest of bungie fought over all the new memory and processing power the 360 could deliver should it go to graphics or artificial intelligence pretty or smooth and then there was the additional challenge of working in high definition the 360 could output up to 1080p an extra 1.7 million pixels over the original xbox bungie did only have to target around 720p which the 360 would then upscale but that was still around twice the resolution of halo 2 thus the engineers had to get the game running smoothly at a relatively high resolution and the artists had to create even more detailed textures than they've done before high definition means there's nowhere to hide the player could now see everything with the engineers hard at work ensuring halo 3 would run on the new console there was now the question of finishing that fight what happens next in the master chief's story how do they end a trilogy when halo 2 opened a whole can of worms with the forerunner keyship traveling to earth joseph staton the writer and director of cinematics for halo 2 was on an extended sabbatical after having a disagreement with marcus letter bungie's creative art director so the person who knew halo 2's plot threads inside out was now gone and they still had a story to write a committee was quickly brought together to write the new campaign and they presented their outline to bungie's leads it was received relatively well but marty o'donnell thought there was no way this could work lord hood and miranda keys both prominent characters in halo 2 were nowhere to be seen and he felt as though nothing really happened throughout that story initial thoughts were with how to untangle and undo what halo 2 established but marty's comments were evidence that they couldn't simply go back and ignore what came before that's not what the fans wanted in crafting a new outline marty o'donnell decided the players had to feel everything was at risk even the master chief but all the characters in halo 2 seemed indestructible especially the chief so how do you make the player really believe in their vulnerability at the time o'donnell had just finished watching the film's serenity which truly made you feel as though none of the cast was safe and they did that by offering main characters this he thought was the issue with that halo 3 outline no one died and so he decided they must bring back miranda keys sergeant johnson and guilty spark and then kill them all only then would the player truly feel the master chief was at risk marty o'donnell shared these plot points with everyone on the story team believing that there's no sense of heroic action if there's no consequences they were all in agreement and halo 3's story was finally taking shape [Music] eventually joseph stayton returned to bungie from his leave having worked on a halo project with film director peter jackson that ended up being cancelled he was brought onto the halo 3 team to co-write the cinematics and dialogue with one of the design leads rob stokes at this point halo 3 had already been mostly outlined it was to begin right where halo 2 left off and tie up all the loose ends from its cliffhanger ending cortana would be saved and the prophet of truth would be silenced joseph staton was pleased with this as it was the story he felt they always wanted to tell all that was left was to edit and enhance the script halo 3's development was feeling very different to the previous installment at no point did they feel like they were only making the first half of the final game instead halo 3 was going to be the complete package [Music] many at bungie saw halo 3 as an opportunity to accomplish much of what they wanted to include in the first and second halos and a big part of that was reinventing the brutes in halo 2 they felt as though they'd added the brutes far too late into the game giving them little chance to flesh them out as worthy adversaries to the player gameplay design lead jaime grissimer suggested the brutes were supposed to be like the barbarians of rome but this had not been consistently reinforced with the elites having left the covenant by halo 3 this was their opportunity to further develop the narrative and mechanics of the brutes in halo 2 bungie admits the brutes were damage sponges and worse they were uninteresting to fight with them now being front and center they were adapted to become more of a derivative of the elites in gameplay terms this means giving them multiple classes from jump pack brutes to chieftains that would necessitate the player use different tactics to defeat each type they also introduced smarter and more compelling artificial intelligence such as introducing a kind of pack mentality and narratively no longer should they look like dumb apes yes they may be brutal but there should also be a sense that they are a sentient race with their own culture thus their history was communicated through the designs of their vehicles weapons and armor compared to halo 2 halo 3's development was going smoothly but the hype surrounding the game was adding a colossal amount of pressure this was the final chapter in an epic trilogy so bungie had to share something amazing for e3 2006 and so they did [Music] hail of three's announcement trailer was immense all rendered in engine bungie revealed what they could do in high definition raised questions as to what would happen in the story and shared marty o'donnell's new vision for how halo will sound e3 was once again a huge success journalists were impressed and the hype was unprecedented the king had returned and best of all unlike with halo 2 the e3 trailer had only a minimal impact on the development process so halo 3 was still going full steam ahead [Music] according to jamie griesemer the development of halo 3's gameplay went smoother than in any other bungee project bungie's team had been bulked up and the leads from the previous halos had learned to delegate more effectively all this forward momentum was producing a very smooth and clean game so clean in fact that gameplay design lead paul bertone thought it could have used a couple of rough edges however campaign missions were still being reformatted right up at the end of development for example the cortana mission was gutted and rebuilt as paul bertone felt it was half-baked existing merely to glue the story together then there were the weapons which jamie grissomer and jason jones who had returned to bungie were still rebalancing two weeks before the game went gold and this of course then broke the balancing and multiplayer because the same weapons were shared across both modes for every issue they fixed a hundred more problems would be created so while the end product was smooth and clean it was a very different story in the weeks before it went gold despite this halo 3 was charging towards its release date of september 25th 2007. the only thing left in the pipeline was audio design [Music] without its audio halo doesn't feel like halo the distinctive sound of the battle rifle the high-pitched screams of the grunts the snappy quips made by the marines as your poor decision making seals their fates and halo 3 was no exception the right sound design was essential for making it not only a halo game but the final in the master chief story at the time while the campaign was kept under wraps until release bungie were very transparent about multiplayer throughout its development journalists had been invited to play halo 3's multiplayer and even write about their experiences as early as 2006 unlike halo 2 which offered only a closed beta a public beta was released for halo 3 but there was a catch players had only three opportunities to enter the first and second opportunities were time based requiring players either sign up on a website at a particular time or be one of the first to play a match of halo 2 between two specific dates so this was tricky if you weren't paying attention however the third opportunity was far more accessible players could receive an invitation to the beta by purchasing a copy of crackdown a game made by real-time worlds released in early 2007. some fans were outraged by this option feeling they were being forced to buy a presumably subpar game to get into the beta many journalists even tweeted crackdown as really just purchasing the halo 3 public beta with a free game attached but microsoft defended their decision suggesting this was necessary to get an excellent game on people's radars that may otherwise have gone unnoticed and once crackdown was released to critical acclaim becoming a beloved game in its own right most of the concerns dissipated instead crackdown was highly successful and thus so was the halo 3 beta at one point there was a reported 75 000 people playing the beta over triple the number of people playing halo 2 at the same time players were ready for halo 3 and it was only a matter of time before they could get their hands on the final release [Music] on the lead up to halo 3's release microsoft employed an aggressive five-phase marketing campaign in phase one microsoft were seeking to reach a wider audience than with previous titles as they wanted to sell more xbox 360 consoles in this case awareness was not the issue everyone knew halo 3 was coming instead the real challenge was to change consumer perceptions while halo 2's marketing targeted their core base of adrenaline seeking gamers they wanted to reach a wider audience with halo 3 by humanizing the master chief painting him as more than just a terminator style killing machine this campaign began nine months before release with their starry night commercial which depicted master chief as remembering his childhood during the heat of battle initially airing in december 2006 7.9 million households were reached with a call to finish the fight then there was phase 2 which was the beta of which 12 million hours were played between its 820 000 participants and then shortly after the end of the beta phase 3 was enacted this was an alternate reality game known as iris unlike halo 2's i love bees iris was conducted using halo community forms written by managing editor frank o'connor a fictional character adjacent reflex posted on various forms role playing as an artificial intelligence created by the forerunners a mysterious race within the halo universe this enacted a scavenger hunt to unlock additional information about halo's backstory then phase four of halo's marketing campaign saw microsoft team up with promotional partners such as mountain g which promoted its halo 3 flavor game feel on television and finally phase 5 believe this was the big push a video campaign costing over 10 million dollars and rivaling that of huge movie franchises rather than using cgi a colossal 400 square foot diorama was constructed depicting a battle in the halo universe frozen in time built in the same studio who created the models for jurassic park emphasis was placed on making it photorealistic while also being recognizably halo themes of war duty and sacrifice were depicted along with the heroism of the master chief a video advertisement orbiting the diorama was released to great success along with a fictional how it's made video set within the halo universe with the premise that the diorama was actually created to honor those who died at the hands of the covenant additional shorts were released featuring ex-unsc marines providing testimonials about serving alongside the master chief during the battle to save earth ultimately this five-phase approach was hugely successful not only was it award-winning but it cultivated the perception that halo 3 was a significant event this of course was then perpetuated by the media e3 2007 confirmed this presenting a live-action trailer as well as real gameplay breaking the seal and fully releasing the hype along with this media frenzy microsoft's marketing campaign ended with a midnight release for halo 3. [Music] over 10 000 stores in the us alone held midnight launch events making this the biggest game release microsoft ever had to this date some stores were sponsored by microsoft offering halo themed giveaways such as a halo 3 zoom graphic novels and even weapon replicas halo 3 was quickly becoming a contagious cultural icon promoting many critics to use it as evidence that video games were finally becoming accepted in the mainstream halo 3 was huge on day one alone it generated 45 million dollars more than halo 2 for a staggering total of 170 million dollars at the time this marked halo 3 as having generated more money in a single day than any other american entertainment product ever after a smooth development cycle especially when compared to its predecessor bungie were making history [Music] halo 3 was prettier than his predecessors taking advantage of the xbox 360's improved graphical capabilities motion blur high dynamic range lighting and depth of field were utilized without affecting performance and the high texture resolution and sharp models welcomed in an era of high definition some critics were unhappy with the lack of anti-aliasing and halo 3's sub 720p resolution but realistically these were non-issues after all halo 3 focused on having a rock-solid frame rate environments could be filled to the brim with enemies and vehicles all firing in different directions and the frame rate would be unaffected bungie believed in fun before beauty and so while the graphics were not pushing the envelope when compared to games like gears of war its presentation was clearly next generation but where halo really excels is in its artistic direction once again the sky are immense convincingly portraying the sheer scale of its locations from colossal artifacts on earth to superstructures right on the edge of the milky way halo 3 tastefully adds context to its battlefields locales quickly changed from dense jungles to abandoned urban streets to alien deserts and finally snowy [Music] wastelands once again bungie's audio team excelled in their technical presentation from the unique sounds of the mongoose to the unearthing voices of the flood halo 3's foley was phenomenal charming and unmistakably halo and the same could be said of marty o'donnell and michael salvatore's soundtrack halo 3 soundtrack is sublime mixing classic halo sounds with a new style it was the perfect score for bungie's final entry to the master chief story [Music] halo 3's campaign is ultimately more halo 2. humanity is still in danger from aliens you're still a super soldier with a gruff voice and you're still fighting through hordes of the infectious flood to save the galaxy and that's a really good thing while halo 2's ending was widely criticized halo 3 makes up for it and then some it opens immediately after the previous title's cliffhanger and takes you right to the supposed end of the master chief story all the threads halo 2 left open were neatly tied through a delicate balance of cutscenes and in-game vignettes halo 3's story is a blockbuster of epic proportions and while some criticized it for being too short the story can easily recede into the background when you want it to enhancing its replayability once again bungie have the balancing of juggling two weapons melee attacks and grenades down to a fine art and now equipment has been thrown into the mix providing players with deployable items which have a variety of effects bubble shields can hold back enemy fire while allowing players to pass through drop shields can reshape the arena and trip mines can be used with some rather entertaining consequences ultimately they provide new tactical options adding yet another layer of complexity to halo's firefights halo is all about presenting sandboxes with unique challenges you're always looking for different types of weapons to turn the battle new weapons have been introduced as well spartan lasers kill almost anything in its path with a single shot mounted turrets can now be detached allowing players to lug them around and the brutes have been given a refresh of their arsenal while halo 2 introduced the brute shot and a tweaked plasma rifle halo 3 introduces the molar spiker and the gravity hammer which never fails to entertain lengthy vehicle sections make a return placing master chief back in the warthog's driver's seat except this time with even more enemy ai to fight during each encounter along with the classics there are new vehicles too the humans now have their own aircraft the hornet and the brutes have choppers which obliterates anything that comes into contact with its bonnet and then there's the scarabs which also make a return in halo 2 they were essentially just a set piece walking along our predefined path while posing no real danger to the player except now they are fearsome players are not initially told exactly how to defeat them so they must work their way onto the beast and figure it out for themselves while halo 3's vehicles aren't perfect all the time they are incredibly fun [Music] backtracking through levels has returned from previous games except this time it has been handled far more delicately every mission truly has its own atmosphere its own feeling you're not just going from room to room killing everything in your path that's just a part of it instead players are often given freedom on how to solve each encounter and that is where halo 3's enemy ai shines fighting the same enemies throughout the game would get incredibly boring if not for the unique tactics that they employ every fight this way for the first few playthroughs on heroic or legendary the enemies will prove a challenge most players are certain to die a good few times but importantly their deaths will rarely feel cheap players will know exactly what series of events caused their death giving them the opportunity to improve on the other hand friendly ai can certainly cause some cheap deaths once again never ever let them drive if you ever feel like operating the warthogs turret yourself you should jump into cooperative mode [Music] as before split screen co-op is back allowing you and a friend to kick back on the couch massacre some covenant and try not to get each other killed much unusually rather than using the entire screen space when in widescreen black bars are present at either side of the screen while this makes sense for a competitive multiplayer through ensuring everyone is using the same aspect ratio it was criticized for also being enabled during co-op campaign however halo 3 does make up for this by finally supporting co-op over xbox live along with voice chat now you don't have to share your display with anyone friends from across the world can experience the campaign together and better still online co-op supports up to four players you can accomplish things together on co-op you wouldn't dream of doing alone with the right group experiencing the campaign with others can easily trump single player and for friends who are always looking to one-up each other campaign scoring can be enabled giving points for kills and removing them for deaths this is why it's still fun the thousandth time you play halo 3 is geared towards replayability and you only need to look at matchmaking for further evidence of this [Music] halo 2 expanded on combat evolves winning formula by taking its multiplayer online allowing up to 16 players to experience its arena battles it paved the way for the new xbox live with features like skill matching halo 3 is an evolution of this and although it has some big shoes to fill it is light years ahead slayer and team slayer have made a return along with new modes like infection and oddball which add a more social aspect to the multiplayer similarly halo 3 sports map remakes of blood gulch and zanzibar as well as brand new maps like sand trap although halo 3 shipped with just 11 maps paid dlc maps were eventually released over time many of which were timeless in their own right halo 3 is a platform for people to meet and become friends spending countless hours investing in matchmaking and when a group of people decide they enjoyed playing together they could party up grouping together to find either another match or move on to custom games here players could customize and fine-tune game modes to their heart's content and then match it with a map of their choice want to give everyone power weapons and go nuts you can want to increase gravity absolutely and with halo 3 you can go even further [Music] forge was by far halo 3's most interesting game mode named after the map editor for one of bungie's older games marathon forge allows players to manipulate the basic mechanics of any map game type items such as weapons vehicles and objectives can be placed at will in addition to stationary objects like grav lifts and obstacles and then there's the best part this can all be done with other players online you can have up to eight people all editing the same map at the same time or you can goof around having one person editing the map while the rest slaughter each other while a map's terrain and textures cannot be altered the look and playability absolutely can this could range from small alterations to existing map setups perhaps moving the spawn points or flag positions all the way to completely changing the map's purpose and then once you're happy with the alterations you can save the map onto your hard drive to play on custom games or you can share it with others on your file share when other players come across you online or friends search for your profile while playing halo 3 they could access your file share and download your creations this gave rise to some of the most iconic forge maps being shared from player to player across halo each of which found completely new ways to play the game for instance there was duck hunt where a single sniper would attempt to kill all the other players as they progressed through an obstacle course or monster trucks which really was as fun as it sounds or jenga along with edited maps and modified game modes file shares can also be used to store screenshots and video clips from halo 3's other feature theater mode [Music] ever get killed for no reason in a way that totally completely couldn't have been your fault or have you ever told your friends that you killed the entire enemy team with a single grenade well with theater mode you can now prove exactly how wrong you were on both accounts one of halo 3's most anticipated features the game automatically records and saves your gameplay as interactive videos because they render in real time you can even disconnect the camera from the player and orbit around the world this was brilliant for forensically analyzing your gameplay and even better for making videos with bungie making it so easy to share content it's no wonder that youtube in 2008 was packed with all kinds of halo 3 videos immortalizing the cultural phenomenon it had become halo 3 had captured the attention of gamers worldwide catapulting video games into the mainstream although it wasn't a launch title halo 3 quickly became one of the defining games of the seventh console generation from campaign to slayer and the jenga halo 3 grabbed us all offering so many incredible memories i first played halo 3 at launch i went to the midnight release i remember being stood in queue with a load of other guys i'd never met before in my life but just because we were there because of halo meant we had an instant rapport we had memories we wanted to share with each other with with things that happened in game with halo 2 and some of our most epic moments that we've experienced in the game and got my copy of the game went home and played the entire thing in the first evening i first played halo 3 on september 25th 2007 the day that it came out i spent the entire day at school just thinking about halo 3 and nothing else and boy did it live up to expectations first time that i ever played halo 3 was way back in 2008 i needed a new game to play and then i saw 803 sitting on the shelf and i was like wow this green guy on the box looks kind of cool so let me see what this is about i got the game the day came out but i didn't own an xbox 360. so i didn't get to play it right away i had to wait to hang out with some of my friends who did have a 360 and play on their system so the first time that i played halo 3 was that my neighbor daniel's house he had the limited edition halo 3 xbox 360 the green one uh as well as the master chief helmet so i had no idea what was going on and he had to be like oh that guy that's arbiter don't worry about him he's one of the cool elites it was it was a lot of fun you'll probably already guess that my favorite part of halo my favorite mode was the campaign because of the storyline and the law that i could infer from it and i remember playing co-op campaign with a load of my buds and we were doing the vid master challenges and we were really struggling to do it now i look back on it it's just funny i just smile it's it's hilarious well i first played halo 3 sometime around the time it launched on my brother's xbox i didn't actually dive into what halo 3 had to offer until probably summer of 2009 where one of my friends from my call of duty world at war clan convinced me to finally go and buy the game so i could play something called custom games and it was really worth it i definitely recall making a ton of friends way back in the day who would just stay up late playing random custom games until there was maybe no one left in our lobby and then with whoever was left maybe we'd go into forge mode and mess around a bit or try to break out of the map or just have some fun killing each other with fusion coils i have particularly fond memories of playing custom games on forged maps that we create like um on a variant we used to call pot shop it was just utter bedlam and i remember being shot at by one of my mates who had a needler i managed to take him down but a couple of stray needle around just crept their way towards me a snail's pace and they just literally just gently touched my chest plate and killed me outright and i was absolutely and utterly furious what i do have are very fond memories of the forge mode one of them specifically involved a friend of mine named johnny so johnny came over to spend the night and that night we made a pact to stay up all night no sleep uh so we loaded up halo 3 and we loaded up sand trap we wanted to see how much stuff we could cram into the stone kind of like caves on sand trap and it got to the point where the game started to slow down and some of the explosives were just triggering it was beautiful i i wish i still have that map that's definitely one of my favorite memories of halo 3. fiesta just any type of fiesta i think halo 3's sandbox is so unbalanced that it makes every weapon in that sandbox fun to use apart from the magnum of course and fiesta just highlights that my fondest memory of fiesta was probably when bungie chose it as the double xp weekend game mode the nice combination of having your favorite game mode reward you with double xp in a game with one of the most satisfying ranking systems ever made was just it was a perfect combination it's honestly really hard to recall a single fond memory of halo 3 because honestly the entire game is just one big fond memory to me maybe the first time i unlocked the overkill achievement i remember i was playing shotty snipers on ghost town and i got a nice overkill and i got the achievement and unlocked i think it was the elite commando helmet and i'd wanted that helmet for ages and i finally got it and it was so satisfying as i said i i didn't have an xbox 360 when halo 3 came out that was due to my parents kind of being a bit of anti-video game in the house i had this game my mom felt guilty and decided to get me the 360 for christmas right before christmas i would play halo 3 by going to a friend's house or having them come over with their 360 and playing it and i actually had a friend with a 360 but no halo 3. so i lent him my copy of course i got the 360 as mentioned and i called him up immediately and said hey dude i got to come get my copy halo 3 out of 360. i'm playing all night what's really funny too is he ended up getting a copy of halo 3 for christmas you know we finished up christmas day with the family but that night that night i was up until like seven o'clock the next day my favorite game mode in all of halo 3 has got to be big team battle and just anything within that mode just because i always loved that massive battle aspect to halo having me and just all of my friends ripped together getting vehicles and all this random stuff and just getting up to absolute carnage all of my school friends would be super into playing every custom game that you could imagine i remember very very vividly there was one custom game called sky castle and we would just get on every single night have so much fun coming to school the next day talk about what we did last night on halo 3 and then we would go and do it all again to be honest the entirety of halo 3 will always be a fond memory of mine because it defined my childhood it made friends into brothers and linked people across continents and seas and i've never experienced any other game that's had that effect on people i also felt like there was something really atmospheric about halo 3 and the multiplayer maps it just felt like every time you loaded into a different map it was like being transported to a different world every time and with the different map variations it just felt like there was so much to be offered from this game especially by the standards of xbox gaming in the late 2000s halo 3 is a game and also as an era of not only the halo franchise but just gaming as a whole was so special and and unique honestly i can't pinpoint one specific fond memory the the entire era is a fond memory 803 costumes they were they were something different they were just very very special halo 3 at the drop of a hat could go from a serious shooter where you have to play objectives or an actual racing game or an infection zombie type game or a platforming game it's very special and those kind of games you don't see a lot and i wish that there would be kind of more of them just games that let the players have that level of freedom to make their own style of games halo 3 was everything not only did halo 3 offer a phenomenal gaming experience but it cultivated a strong and resilient community i've met so many friends through halo and with them i have made so many unforgettable memories bungie once again pulled off the impossible creating a deserving final entry to their critically acclaimed trilogy from a replayable campaign and improved matchmaking to the vibrant selection of custom maps and game types it's no wonder how halo 3 lasted so long and while their original halo 3's numbers are dwindling the game is far from dead with it being available on the master chief collection and now on pc halo 3 may have been released over 10 years ago but you can still feel the echoes of its cultural shock wave to this day i'd like to thank hidden xperia installation zero zero late night gaming uber nick rocket sloth and halo canon for sharing their experiences with halo 3. i'd also like to thank the vengeful vadam for giving me permission to use their halo 3 beta footage if you haven't already i'd strongly recommend checking out all of their channels which you can find linked in the description i'd like to give a shout out to all those who joined my game night to record the footage of custom games although it's difficult to recreate the feeling of classic halo 3 i think we managed to bring back that spirit [Music] a huge thanks to the staff at bungie microsoft and 343 for creating and cultivating a franchise that defined a generation of games and of course thank you so much for watching [Music] this video has been a nostalgic journey for me and i'm so glad i could share that with you i have a twitter you can check out if you're interested it's at tokentweets please be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed and subscribe and hit the bell icon for more halo content stay safe and i'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: SameToken
Views: 415,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo 3 Retrospective, retrospective of Halo 3, making of Halo 3, Halo 3 documentary, how halo 3 was made, what made Halo 3 so good, why Halo 3 is a masterpiece, Halo 3 HiddenXperia, Halo 3 Late Night Gaming, Halo 3 Halo Canon, Halo 3 Installation00, Halo 3 Elijah (Rocket Sloth), Halo 3 UberNick, Halo 3 SameToken
Id: WxOVzehtoKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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