Why Good Programmers FAIL Coding Interviews

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That’s me 4 years ago when I was getting rejected  in every job interview I took. For the last 1 year   before that, I had dedicated every single evening  of my life trying to learn programming and preparing   for coding interviews. Even after working so hard,  it seemed like I was stuck in time and my life was   going nowhere. No matter how much I prepared  and how well I thought the interview went,   the answer was always the same. “We have decided  not to move forward at this time”. It took me   more than 100 interviews before I got my  first big job at Amazon and another 2 years   before I got into Google. Though my confidence was completely shattered by getting rejected again and again. In hindsight, there were 2  major benefits of going through this tough experience. One, I got to travel all around the US. In  those days, the companies used to fly   you in for on-site interviews and I got  to visit SF, New York, Seattle and many   other cities for free. Two, I learnt all the  ways you can fail a Coding interview. Today,   I will tell you why so many people fail coding  interviews. Towards the end of the video,   I will also tell you how you can use your  interviewer to help you solve the coding problem. The first reason why people fail coding interviews  is because they don’t practice like they are   giving an actual interview. Let me explain what I  mean by that. Most people will go to a platform   like Leetcode, pick a question randomly and  start solving it. What they don’t know is   that the problems asked in the actual interviews  follow this very famous probability distribution.   For those who are seeing it for the first time, this distribution is  called Normal Distribution or Bell curve. What   this distribution tells us is that most interview  problems lie somewhere in the medium difficulty   range and getting a very easy or a very hard  problem is relatively rare. Just to be clear,   I am saying all this from my own experience  and I have not done any Math for this. Anyway,   I have met so many people who spend their  entire time solving easy problems just to   boost their confidence. And then there are  others who spend all their time worrying about   the hard problems on Leetcode. In reality, it  is more beneficial to solve as many medium problems   as possible. If you look at the distribution  of problems that I have solved on Leetcode,   I have done roughly the same number of easy and  hard problems. And easy and hard problems combined   make 37% of the total problems I have solved.  Rest of the 63% are all medium problems. Now,   it’s true that you can not directly  start solving medium problems. That’s   why I recommended starting with easy and slowly  building towards Medium problems in my last video. Talking about practice sessions being  very different from actual interviews,   many people use the test cases to cheat  during practice. Let me show you how.   Many people write the first thing that comes to their head and then hit the submit button. And then they use   the failing test case to debug their code.  They fix their solution for this test case   and submit again. Fail again, Submit again and this keeps going. You might be able to eventually submit your solution by doing   this but remember, there will be  no multiple submits during the interview. Don’t get me   wrong. You can always write your own test cases  in the interview and debug the issues if   there are any. But most people would not have  any time left to do that. So, a Submit failure   in practice might be equal to a Rejection in the  actual interview. I know that I am being too harsh   here but the point I am trying to make is that  you should treat your submitted solution as the   final solution in the interview. Once you start  seeing it that way, you will be more diligent and   might develop the skill of picking those small  errors by yourself rather than by submission. Talking about submitting your solution, many  people give themselves hours to solve problems in   practice. As you might already know, an interview lasts somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour. And that   includes the introductions in the beginning and some time for  your questions for the end. So, giving yourself   unlimited time during practice doesn’t prepare  you well for actual interviews. As I mentioned   in my last video, it’s ok to take more time in  the beginning but once you become comfortable   with interview style questions, take a stopwatch  and start timeboxing your practice sessions. Give   yourself 45 minutes to solve medium problems at  first and try to get to 30 minutes if you can. So far, we have discussed all the things  you can do before the interview. Now,   we will move on to the things you can  do during the interview to help you   not to fail. This is where we will use the  interviewer to help us solve the problem. But before that, this video is   not sponsored. So, if you want to support us, Subscribe to the  channel. When it comes to actual interviews, the first  mistake people make is that they don’t give   themselves enough time to read the problem.  They get so distracted by the ticking of the   time clock that they miss some important details.  You might think that it can’t happen to you but   trust me, one small detail can cost you  really big in the interview. Let’s take this very   popular question on Leetcode as an example.  In the 2Sum problem, you are given an array of   numbers and a target number. You need to find 2  numbers in the array that sum up to this target   number. You can assume that all the numbers in  the array are unique and the solution exists.   You can pause the video if you want to solve it  yourself. The optimal solution of this problem   uses a Hashmap. This solution has O(n) time  complexity and takes Order(n) extra space. Now,   let me change this question a little  bit. Instead of giving you just an array,   I give you a sorted array and the rest of  the problem remains the same. What will be the   worst time and space complexity now?  The optimal solution of this problem uses two pointers and doesn't need a Hashmap. The worst case time complexity remains the   same but the solution uses no  extra space. Now, you would think that you will   never miss an important detail like the given  array is sorted. But, when you have already   seen the more popular non-sorted version  of this problem in your practice time and   the interviewer asks you the sorted version,  your brain can easily skip the sorted part   to reach the solution faster. It has happened  to me many times and it can happen to you too. Another reason why people fail coding  interviews is because they violate the   basic design principles of programming in the interview. This is how most people’s interview solution looks like.   Everything that comes in the mind just gets dumped  in this one place and that is the final solution.   In reality, if you want to make your life easier, you should break your code into helper functions if possible. This is especially   important if you are using the same code again and  again. There are 3 major advantages of doing this.   One, you don’t look like a newbie who doesn’t  really know how to write code at an actual job.   Two, If the interviewer wants you to run the  code and you need to debug the solution, having well   defined helper functions makes it very easy to debug.  That’s because you can test your helper functions   separately if needed. Lastly, when you don’t have  enough time to code the full solution, you can   just tell the interviewer that you will write this  helper function that has this particular behavior   at the end. If you have some time left in the end, you  can obviously write the helper function. But if you don’t,   the interviewer might be able to see that writing  the helper function is actually easier than the actual   code you wrote during the interview. That  way, they will be willing to let it go if you   complete the rest of the solution. This only works if helper function is not really the core part of the solution. So, make your life easier by using helper functions. Another reason people fail coding interviews  is because they don’t use the interviewer   enough. Most people think that the  interviewer is just there to judge you and   there’s some sort of adversarial relationship  between them and the interviewer. In reality,   your interviewer is just another  person who, like most people,   wants to have a good conversation. They are  there to unblock you if you get stuck. So,   you have to use them wisely. First way you  can use your interviewer is by clearly explaining   your solution to them. That’s because most humans  can not resist the urge to correct you if you are   saying something wrong. And when they correct  you, listen to them carefully because they will   drop some very useful hints. By doing this,  you can avoid the situation where you end up   coding the wrong algorithm and it’s already  too late to correct your mistake. Second way   you can use your interviewer is by paying  attention to clarifying questions they ask   you when you are coding your solution. Most  of the time, interviewers do this when they   have spotted something wrong in your code.  So, always pay attention to your interviewer. And this leaves us with the most common reason  why people fail. And that is, they focus too   much on the things that are outside their circle  of control. Let me explain. This is the circle   of concern. It contains all the things that you  can care about for your interview. These things   include whether your interviewer is a junior or a  senior engineer. Whether the name of your college   or having no degree will automatically get you  rejected. Or if your interviewer will show up on   time or not. All these things impact the outcome of your interview. And within this circle of concern is a smaller circle that is your circle of control.   This circle contains things like whether you have  good foundational knowledge of Data Structures and   Algorithms. Whether you have practiced enough  questions on Leetcode. Or whether you will show up on time for the interview. These are all the things  that you can control. So, stay inside your circle   of control and keep improving yourself. Once you  start doing that, nobody will be able to stop you. All the tips I gave you today are useless if  you don’t practice enough problems for   your coding interviews. And Leetcode is the best resource to do that. If you want to know   which exact questions to practice  on Leetcode and how to practice them,   watch this video. My name is Sahil  and I will see you in the next one.
Channel: Power Couple
Views: 323,667
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Keywords: leetcode, leetcode python, leetcode problems, data structures and algorithms in java, data structures and algorithms, coding interview, google coding interview, software engineer interview, cracking the coding interview, technical interview, how to use leetcode effectively, coding interview preparation, programming interview, faang interview preparation, data structures, algorithms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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