Why Free Thinkers Are Anti-Establishment

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how do you feel about the people that think they know what's best for you meaning the ugly they're like you should do this because we know what's right for you we're smarter we have the fancy degrees we come with the right last names what do you think about those names what do you think about the establishment do you think they know what's best for you now you may be watching this getting irritated same Pat how could you ask me a question like that I've been following the activity for over 10 years you know I'm a free thinker you know I think for myself you know I like to be an entrepreneur entrepreneur I feel we can do it better collectively I don't like to be confined in a controlled environment perfect so you may say Pat I have no clue where you're going with this just praise for impact I'm going to explain it to you look in life we're all going to fall in one of three categories you're either part of the oblivious crop I have no clue what's going on they don't read they don't pay attention they're just kind of living their lives as it is right two you're part of the establishment you're trying to control everybody and what they're doing you join their camp or you're part of the anti-establishment saying I don't know about that I think there's a better way of doing this I kind of don't like to be controlled I want to find the other guys that are free thinkers let's see if we can do it better right so today I'm going to make a case to you no matter where you're living in the world if you're free financially if you live in a place that you get to kind of live your life the way you want I'm telling you it's because somebody part of the anti-establishment movement risked their life so you and I can have that freedom so my case will be made on what the risk is to be part of this side what the risk is to be part of this side and what the risk is to be part of the oblivious [Music] foreign from this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel but if it gets you thinking and you want to argue with other people share it with others let's get right into it so anti-establishment establishment the oblivious obviously if you're going to be part of oblivious the world dictates what your life's going to be like you pick and choose but if you're part of the anti-establishment movement you're part of the group that wants to fight for Freedom this side wants to control so think anti-establishment Freedom think establishment control Elite majority pretty heavy topic here so bear with me before we get started if your English is like mine and it's not your first language let's look at the definition of each word as well as the synonyms linked to these words so the word anti-establishment is a belief which stands in opposition to the conventional social political and economic principles of a society the term was first used in a modern sense in 1958 by the British magazine new Statesman to refer to its political and social agenda so if we look at synonyms and similar words to anti-establishment you will find alternative non-traditional unconventional underground pioneering state-of-the-art trailblazing those are some of the words that are link to anti-establishment you pick and choose which one is yours let's look at establishment definition of the establishment describes the dominant social group dle to control a polity and organization or an institution and if we look at synonyms or similar words to it you will find the authorities the system the ruling class the regime bureaucracy status quo big brother and a list goes on again you pick and choose do you relate to the anti-establishment or the establishment now let's look at the oblivious the definition of oblivious not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one and if we look at synonyms or similar words you will find unaware unconscious heedless unmindful insensible ignorant blind deaf unobservant unconcerned insensitive detached removed I can give a few more but I can get the idea you get to pick and choose again are you more anti-establishment establishment or oblivious if you are a free thinker if you are an entrepreneur if you are an entrepreneur you automatically fall under the category of anti-establishment now having said that look if you choose to be part of Oblivion crowd you already know life is a little bit more peaceful because you don't have a lot of decisions to make the pressure's not on you it's just kind of like I'm gonna live my life I don't care what they do I don't have any control over it anyways so there's actually peace in that but the matter somebody can control you but there is pros and cons in both being anti-establishment and establishment here's what they are if you are pro-establishment the pros are the Elite has your back they will under report mistakes you make they will make excuses for you they will defend you you'll automatically start off with a resume their contacts are available to you their resources are available to you and they carry a bigger stick and they're generally more feared than the anti-establishment at first and by the way the oblivious relies mainly on the establishment because the establishment controls the oblivious it's almost like it's their asset the oblivious are the most valuable asset to The Establishment so now let's look at the con on the pro-establishment you are a slave they control you you have to do what they tell you to do you give up your freedom it's an element of being a puppet deep down inside you feel like you have to compromise your values and principles now let's look at the pros of anti-establishment you win over people okay there's a real loyalty there you're fighting for your beliefs you are free you get to pick and choose which fights you want to fight and which ones you don't you get to make decisions that match your values and principles you find all the people like yourself so now let's look at the con the con is the elite will demonize you they have more power than you they were over scrutinizing in essence they'll amplify whatever you do wrong so let's just say if it's a two they'll sell it as a nine the elite expect Perfection from you the elite will spread rumors about you the elite will make it hard for you to find a job or compete in a Marketplace the risk of being part of the establishment is a hundred times bigger than being part of the establishment if you're still watching this you're a little bit crazy I want to tell you this but I said I called it this thing's not going to get a lot of use because some people are going to say this thing is crazy but I'm talking to you openly and freely because I am a guy that left Iran that lived at a refugee camp that came to America for one word and it's freedom and that's why I'm fighting for it even after I've already made my money because I know there's other people like you out there that are going to watch the same I relate to this so now our case study today John F Kennedy let's get right into it so what made John F Kennedy unique one day did not need to sell out to the establishment because they had their own money matter of fact when you look at the campaign contribution when he ran for office 50 percent of the campaign's total budget came from his father Joseph Kennedy however Joseph Kennedy was quoted saying I'll spend every dollar I have to get my son elected JFK's campaign costs somewhere around 20 to 25 million dollars in Joseph Kennedy at the time was worth 400 million dollars in 1960. if you're saying Pat why is that such a big deal because most people who run for office they don't really put any money into the campaign I don't even know if Hillary Clinton put any money into her campaign it was other people that gave money let's look at a couple other people outside of Kennedys like Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan took 6.4 million dollars out of his own money into The Campaign which was 10 the total budget let's look at Ross Perot who didn't win but he self-funded 97 of his 1992 presidential campaign he got all the way up to 21 he didn't win but he caused Bush to lose any cause Clinton to win let's look at Trump when it comes down to Trump in 2016. he funded 72 percent of his 2016 presidential campaign to kind of put that into perspective Hillary Clinton spent more money on her campaign in 2016 and she put nothing into it just to kind of tell you one got money from the institutions the other one was his own money 72 percent of it so before you get excited about this what's the risk there's a risk John F Kennedy got assassinated Ronald Reagan there was an attempt for assassination Trump character assassination Ross Perot never once so we would never know what would happen to him if he spent 97 percent of his money to go up against the establishment so you may watch us and say Pat I I feel like I relate to the anti-establishment but I wish I had a Joseph Kennedy as a father to do this you're right I'm not sitting here and telling you not to I'm telling you go make your money there's three different types of Rich the first is those that are rich but they're boring they don't know how to create a following could be Bloomberg number two those that are rich but they're willing to sell out meaning anything for me to become president because I want to get that status on my title right then there are those who have the money who are fighters who are True Believers and who are charismatic that last one that is very hard if you got somebody like that that is willing to go up against the establishment that is very problematic because that person cannot be controlled and they create tens of millions of followers which drives the establishment insane okay so let's take a look at which one of the establishment didn't like John F Kennedy first one being the CIA JFK was known to be in critical of the CIA especially after the field Bay of Pigs invasion he also reported wanted to reform the CIA which he saw as being too powerful and secretive for example after Castro led a revolution that overthrew the Cuban government in 59 the CIA wanted to conduct an operation to overthrow Castro Eisenhower did not want to make this big of a decision so close to the end of his presidency so the CI earned JFK to approve the operation month after his inauguration and it goes terribly now JFK fires CI director Alan Dulles after the Bay of Pigs invasion in 61. Dulles was the director of CIA since 1953 and JFK believed that the CIA had not been honest with him about the chances of success which led to him firing Richard bezel Jr the deputy director of the CIA and in many of JFK's biographies there's a quote that's referenced there multiple times I'm going to Splinter the CI in a thousand pieces and Scatter it to the winds and there's even a recording of JFK speaking to a group of reporters in 1961 when he says the following I think it's time we had a complete reorganization of the CIA it's become an arm of the state department instead of an arm of the President JFK eventually did order a reorganization of the CIA obviously the CIA didn't like this The Establishment didn't like this because the CI was a good way of controlling people the oblivious now the second one was a mafia some people may say Pat the mafia establishment isn't that like the ultimate anti-establishment yes but the mafia bought the establishment so they became the establishment so they had to protect the establishment so the Kennedy family comes in saying hey if you help us become presidents we're going to help you out and we're not even going to look your way and then all of a sudden they win the mafia helps them Chicago all this stuff next thing you know after they win the Kennedy family's like hey hey we kind of want to back off a little bit RFK starts going after himself what are you doing here you're making our life hard then they go to the establishment they start talking now both the establishment and the mafia team up to go up against Kennedy hence the anti-establishment family next he was not a fan of Federal Reserve and that's purely establishment here's what happened JFK was critical to Federal Reserve and wanted to reform it he believed that the Federal Reserve was too powerful and that it was not accountable to the American people executive order 11110 was issued by President Kennedy on June 4th of 1963. this was a significant impact on the Federal Reserve the order delegated to the Secretary of Treasury that the president's authority to issue silver certificates meaning that the Federal Reserve would no longer be issuer of currency in the United States so what this did is it reduced the power of federal reserve it increased the power of the Secretary of the Treasury it created uncertainty about the future of the Federal Reserve and it led to speculation about the future of the gold standard I this next one is a big one it's it's one you push around bad things happen to use the military industrial complex which Eisenhower warned against this and one of his speeches here's what he said in the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or Democratic processes we should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and Military Machinery of Defense with our peaceful methods and goals so JFK saw this and he continued the criticism of the military-industrial complex and he wanted to reduce its influence he wanted to ensure that the military was not used for economic or political gain and JFK had constant disagreements with his advisors about the Vietnam War and was reluctant to get involved in the war but he was eventually persuaded by his advisors to send military advisers to South Vietnam however he was always opposed to sending combat troops to Vietnam and he reportedly wanted to find a way to end the war without escalating through American involvement the next one was the establishment candidate Lyndon Johnson who could not stand John F Kennedy because John F Kennedy was everything Lyndon Johnson wanted to be Charming charismatic great speaker people loved him and Lyndon Johnson didn't have that but Lyndon Johnson was more ambitious he wanted to be a president so bad John F Kennedy really didn't want to be a president was his dad's Vision that eventually became his vision but Lyndon it was his vision I want to be in power one day let me give you a couple examples of why this is important handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis Kennedy and Johnson disagreed about how to respond to the Soviet Union's placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba Kennedy wanted to make a more cautious approach while Johnson wanted to take a more aggressive approach to Vietnam War Kennedy and Johnson also disagreed about the war Kennedy had authorized the sending of military advisers to Vietnam but he had not authorized the sending of combat troops Johnson on the other hand escalated the war by sending combat troops to Vietnam by the way right after John F Kennedy was assassinated you know what Lyndon Johnson did he escalated American involvement in the war immediately sending troops to Vietnam and he committed the United States to a war that lasted an entire decade the next one was the oil companies that John F Kennedy wanted to go up against and obviously they're not going to be too happy about it but remember the oil companies had a friend and Ally his name was Lyndon Johnson which he was from Texas and this John F Kennedy keeps getting in the way of these guys making money John F Kennedy was very critical of oil companies and wanted to regulate them more effectively he believed that the oil companies were too powerful full and we're not accountable to the American people RFK AG of the U.S used the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute oil companies RFK was a strong critic of the oil industry and they believed that the companies were engaged in anti-competitive practices the doj's Anti-Trust division this lawsuit led to the largest Anti-Trust settlement in the history at the time and it forced the oil companies to change their business practices and last but not least was the Cold War which it kind of links to the CIA and it kind of links to military industrial complex you want to take a completely different approach with Russia and here's what it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis the NSA wanted Kennedy to bomb Cuban harshly retaliate against the USSR but the speech President Kennedy gave at American University on June 10 1963 was a major departure from the Cold War rhetoric at the time in this speech JFK called for a re-examination of American attitudes towards the Soviet Union and a new approach to peace he also proposed several specific steps to reduce tensions between the two superpowers including a ban on nuclear testing and a joint space program this infuriated a lot of people in the intelligence agencies and Military so you're probably still asking a question Pat I this is crazy I understand it's a great episode where are you going with this is this a political message on who I should vote for I think I kind of read between the lines here's all I'm saying to you Elon Musk part of the anti-establishment Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak Apple anti-establishment political people Reagan Kennedy Trump Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders was originally part of the anti-establishment until he caved and he said I can't do this why because it's hard it's hard it sucks it's tough It's lonely before everybody shows up but you stay true to your values and principles and if that's important to you you got to do the fight and by the way yes when it comes down to political uh affiliation who you vote for you got to look for this if you don't a great country like America or whatever country you're a part of the more and more and more The Establishment controls it the more and more and more it goes away from what it was founded on let me explain it to you I'm going to give you three examples to validate my point by the way before anybody says anything there's nothing about this message that's about going and breaking the laws zero breaking the rules yes breaking the laws that's not what we're talking about three examples of what happens Vanderbilt made so much money was the richest man in the world you know how many generations the money lasted too you know why because the second generation was spoiled they didn't know what to do with the money America right now started off for what going against the establishment what was the establishment British establishment like listen leave us alone we want freedom boom we win we're free but we have to earn that freedom you and I in America we ain't fighting for that freedom the way they fought for the freedom but we still have to fight for this freedom but some of the people are just kind of like warm and fuzzy well I'm part of the establishment I'll give you another one Hollywood look what Hollywood did well Hollywood isn't at The Establishment today today it is when Hollywood first got started in the 20s and they moved from New Jersey New Jersey yes Thomas Edison had all these controls on the entertainment industry they said we're leaving Jersey we're going to Hollywood why because they were sick of the establishment guess what Hollywood is today the establishment do you know in 1920s 95 percent of movies in America were made in Hollywood you know what it is today 55 why because Hollywood has become an establishment stay alert stay alive pay very close attention to your industry to your family to your peers to your government to the economy every single thing you look at stay alert stay alive and do whatever you can to not be part of the oblivious Community graduate that I was part of that for a very very long time and find a way to be part of the untraditional free thinking anti-alite this is the way we've always done it and then Freedom will continue for the Next Generation but you and I got some fighting to do makes sense anyways got you thinking you're probably going to a completely different place right now that's fine if you got value out of this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel If it creates controversy and conversation share it with others and debate each other and if you like this video I got another video I want you to watch is how to go up against the Goliath the anti-establishment of your industry you've never seen this video click here to watch it take care everybody bye-bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 188,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, JFK, John F kennedy, kennedy president, anti establishment
Id: V1JiZprQams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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