Why Fox News just can't quit Donald Trump

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We need to start monitoring the content of pro-Trump news organizations (Fox, Breitbart, InfoWars).

I also think we should start monitoring the facebook and social media pages of pro-Trump groups. There was a discussion in /r/IndivisibleGuide about meetings being secretly filmed and leaked to local conservative radio stations.


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rhose32 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2017 🗫︎ replies
we are witnessing one of the weirdest love stories in American history and no I'm not talking about The Bachelor for Christ's sake I'm talking about Fox News President Trump he's moving very fast to fix the country and keep his promises to you the American people thoughts his treated me very nice wherever the Fox is thank you he is like the New Testament character of Nathaniel and he's creating jobs getting promises it's like he's addicted to results and I will say Fox treated a great they said it was great he's securing our borders trying to stop crimes against Americans Sean Hannity is a great great person Fox and Friends in the morning he's not afraid of anybody he'll go into the lion's den the very honorable people he's the Fox News president it's like Romeo and Juliet if neither of them believed in climate change but like with all Perfect Couples something is off about them because it turns out that Rupert Murdoch the most powerful person in the Fox News empire doesn't actually like Donald Trump he's described Trump as an embarrassment to the country Vanity Fair called him the billionaire Donald Trump can't win over so what the hell is going on why is the man who should be Trump's most powerful critics letting his network become a 24-hour Trump Channel [Music] one thing you should know about Rupert Murdoch is that despite owning Fox News he's actually a vocal supporter of immigration reform and as an immigrant I've been an obligation to speak up for immigration so when Trump entered the GOP primary by attacking Mexican immigrants Murdoch with not a fan no less than Rupert Murdoch tweets that Donald Trump was wrong that tweet was just the beginning Murdoch grilled Trump on Twitter saying he had lost it and accusing him of embarrassing his friends and the whole country sound like my ex back on Trump on several fronts that's Gabe Sherman he literally wrote the book on the inner workings of Fox News Murdoch was alarmed at how Roger Ailes the former head of Fox News was advising and helping Trump at using the network to boost Trump so before the first GOP primary debate which Fox News was hosting Murdoch had an idea Murdoch told Ailes and put an end to it and boxes moderators Chris Wallace Bret Baier and famously megyn kelly at very tough questions of trunk and really tried to bury him that debate sparked a long nasty public fight between Trump and Fox News I don't know what games Roger Ailes is playing but what's what's wrong over there something's wrong Trump went after Fox on Twitter said Kelly had blood coming out of her wherever he even pulled out of a Fox News debate forcing the network to cancel it Pro Trump websites like bright bar went after Murdoch for his support of immigration calling him an open borders globalist it was all super surreal Trump and his supporters were taking Fox News's media bias stick and using it against Fox you did something very dishonest you didn't report it and it was working a source at Fox News told Sherman that they take a ratings hit every time they ran an anti Trump segment deluge of emails and texts and phone calls from angry viewers who were bad that night Kelly was buting with Trump Murdoch's audience is firmly in the Trump camp murdock was losing the fight he had picked the Donald Trump at the beginning of 2016 Murdoch changed his tune support Tuesday was a sweeping victory for Donald Trump after Super Tuesday Murdoch tweeted that Republicans would have to unify behind Trump Trump and Murdoch met privately and Fox News went back to being the Trump Channel Trump and Kelly had made peace and Hannity was airing hour-long Trump infomercials in primetime all I want is for a guy to look at me the way that Sean Hannity looks at Donald Trump the trumpet vacation of Fox News has only gotten worse since the election not only was he presidential not only was he being honest but he's being funny when megyn kelly announced that she was leaving for NBC Murdoch hand-picked tucker carlson to replace her meaning fox's primetime lineup is now three unbroken hours of Trump cheerleading if he let him have it and I loved every minute of it and aside from a few standouts like Chris Wallace and iconic heartthrob Shep Smith Fox News has basically become the Trump PR Channel I hear from my sources inside Fox News who are frustrated that almost every story that producers program has to be filtered through a pro Trump narrative and so we're very clearly being Murdoch heavy hand and who's gonna pay for the wall Jakub neck pickle [Music] things between Murdoch and Trump are a lot better now they visit each other's offices sit in on each other's interviews even awkwardly climb into golf cards together and here they are on their way to dinner and for Murdoch there are obvious perks to staying on Trump's good side in January Trump asked Murdoch to submit names for the new chairman of the FCC which regulates much of Murdoch's media empire Murdoch probably also wants to see restrictions put on the proposed merger between AT&T and Time Warner one of his major competitors there's a lot of regulatory issues that Murdoch will want to weigh in on and having a friendly Commissioner at the FTC but if you look past the PDA this relationship is less of a romance and more of a hostage situation for years Fox's business strategy has been appealing to conservatives while attacking all other outlets as being part of the mainstream liberal media the abandon is absolutely right the media is the opposition party and that strategy has worked for them a Pew study found that 40% of Trump voters got their election news primarily from Fox but the strategy has also backed Fox News into a corner take a look at this chart and shows the ideological makeup of the audience's for the cable news channels Fox's audience is way more homogeneous than the others if it loses Trump voters it loses everything that's fine when Trump likes them when he's giving Fox primetime interviews and telling his supporters to tune in by the way thank you very much for the shout-out you gave at your press conference but if Trump is ever unhappy with Fox's coverage again the network is extremely vulnerable Trump has the power of the relationship like someone who can't afford to move out of their crappy boyfriend's apartment Fox News is stuck defending a White House that could get harder and harder to defend you
Channel: Vox
Views: 2,621,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fox news, fox news channel, donald trump, trump, president trump, rupert murdoch, roger ailes, gabe sherman, the loudest voice in the room, megyn kelly, vox, vox.com, carlos maza, strikethrough, explain, rom com, love affair, romance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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